Scary Cool Tech Thread
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Scary Uncool Tech.
At the moment, facial recognition technology is used mostly for security. But its developers are selling it to retail stores, which would be able to recognize customers, not just shoplifters.
Pierre Racz, CEO of Montreal's Genetec, attends a Las Vegas trade show to demonstrate his company's facial recognition software. At the Genetec booth, his colleague takes my picture and enters my name into the database.When I walk past the camera, the computer instantly flags me and displays my name.
Racz says companies use this technology to analyze shoppers' behaviour: where they go, what grabs their attention.
"It lets them understand the demographics of the shopper, the dwell time of the shopper," Racz says. "So is the shopper interested in a given display, and is this shopper a male or a female?"
Racz says you don't have to worry about your privacy, because the computer will be able to recognize you, but no one else will.
- Yeah,"just the computer", nothing to fear here...Maaku
- i think when i am shopping i'm mostly attracted to perverse, idiotic and gaudy ridiculousness that i never buy. i just spend more time looking at it.sarahfailin
- IRNlun62
Carbon nanotubes in a dish assemble themselves into a nanowire in seconds under the influence of a custom-built Tesla coil created by scientists at Rice University.
- detritus0
Nothing specific, but I'm getting a little knot in my stomach seeing how much activity there appears to be around 'deep learning' development.
With nVidia GPUs/CoProcessors offering ridiculous amounts of processing capability to users and off-site processing in 'the cloud' potentially offering almost infinite capacity to mere mortals, I'm kind of a boggled by potential.
Granted, we're going to see some seriously cool shit over the next 5 years. After that is what worries me. What when we take this, and its descendents, for granted?
AIFacebook2025 is going to have me moving to The Falklands.
- tl;dr - Benn and me think the sky is fallingdetritus
- You can tell how old i am by my need to stick 'the cloud' in single quotes.
*grumble*detritus - When I say 'activity' I mean by dopes like us - schlubs on the ground, not just corporations. Smarter schlubs than I, granted, but schlubs nonetheless.detritus
- We are on the verge of Kondratieff's 6th cycle
https://mappalicious…drgs - like industrial revolution, AI will displace a large number of service/office jobs, but its nothing to be afraid of, gross world product will stay the samedrgs
- we will be producing more with less human input, 30 working hours per week etc, humanity will enter a golden age
driverless cars are already predicted by 2020drgs - Let's hope, eh? Elsewise the 1% could become the 0.1%, could become the 0.01% and then we're in a technomedieval serf nightmare.detritus
- What I mean </^ Here is the low level shipping of quite powerful tech to all and everyone — in the digital realm and, increasingly, the physical, with robotics.detritus
- Example, with your example in mind:…detritus - Thanks for 'Kondratieff Cycle'. hadn't come across that.detritus
- wouldn't it be crazy if our purpose here is to assemble the universe's most powerful brainscarabin
- i want it to happen. 80% of things I do at my job are stupid anywaydrgs
- the other 20% are qbndrgs
- hahaha drgsdetritus
- well, 'chuckles earnestly', not 'hahaha'.detritus
- sted0
Huawei Prepares for Robot Overlords and Communication with the Dead…
Isn't this how cylons came alive in the bsg story? :)
- drgs0
Press play
- detritus0
We're entering a weird and unsettling age - I can imagine our Western Sisters taking up Niqab-a-likes and going all New Romantic with CV Dazzle before the next decade's out, if this sort of thing becomes common place (and I find it hard to see how it could not).
- sarahfailin0
- mind = blown!!!!robotron3k
- Is it using GoogleTranslate? If so it's a big fail in countries like China where you cannot access google.microkorg
- poet dies ien my ear ?? no in your nose .. jeezsrhadden
- excusez moi madamme...can you stick this dirty thing in your ear so that I may ask you a question?hotroddy
- http://cdn.slashgear…********
- sted4
- sted0
Dallas residents might be surprised to learn there were hundreds of natural gas leaks — many of them previously unknown — under their feet. (EDF and Google Earth Outreach teamed up to build a faster, cheaper way to find and assess leaks under our streets and sidewalks.
- dbloc0
- "skylight eliminates passengers' sense of depression when enter" < that's a good skylight.sarahfailin
- Invisible air pollution? The air is fucking yellow in China!utopian
- IRNlun60
A pocket breathalyzer could help figure out the foods that make you sick
- Hayoth-2
Not scary but interesting.
- welcome to six months ago…imbecile - Well excuse me, Mr. On Top Of It.Hayoth
- ™imbecile
- hahahaha love you guys.zenmasterfoo
- bhahahaha hayothMiguex
- welcome to six months ago
- sted2
- err0
It’s happening: A robot escaped a lab
- uan0