How's this!?!?!?!!!!

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  • raf0

    "often don't have a choice whether to use recruiters or not. they're the ones that post the job ads, so you inevitably need to use them. "

    Don't look for job ads, look for companies you want to work at. If they're advertising, chances are they have loads of candidates already.
    Every time I got a job it was by sending enquiries to potential employers, regardles if they were advertising.

  • oooooo0

    Also if you see a recruiter post, you might be able to track it back to the company. Scan the job boards, go back a few weeks. Google search some keywords.

    Sure they're a business, so are we, but they are a very greedy business:…

    At the end of the day, staffing agencies are not worth the value they charge (speaking for our industry). If they all disappeared one day, companies would still need work to be done, and designers would be around to do the work.

    I was actually hoping that the internet, making it so easy to broadcast jobs, and to form connections would phase staffing agencies out. Not the case... yet.

  • zarkonite0

    register a company and have the agency hire you as a contractor until they're legally capable of hiring you... done.

    besides, you could argue for the agency by saying the recruitment company did not provide the services they said they would (you LOST a job cuz of them instead of GAINING employment and it wasn't because of you, it was them) ... a labour lawyer could get you out of this easily.