Breaking Bad

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  • twooh0

    Also, this may be a possible spoiler, and I'm just guessing here, but Jesse has always remained the equalizer, and the threshold for Walt as well. Jesse has always managed to forgive Walt for what he's done, not out of fear or out of being duped, but because Walt needed his voice, and because this journey started with each other.

    I think Jesse's going to die off. I think it's the only way to progress Walt's story now.

  • BonSeff0

    i hope jesse and hank join forces on a common enemy.

  • ukit20

    I predict that a totally new, unforeseen character emerges in the last several episodes, and everyone's predictions turn out to be wrong.

    Vince Gilligan who is the show's main writer sort of hinted at this.

  • OP310

    Walt kills Jesse right before he has a chance to light the house on fire.

    • or Walt Jr walks out and Jesse stops his attempt.OP31
    • the two sons of Walt meet!OP31
    • wwu wwwwwaaaa wuuuu waaa at arr are you doooo ooing?BonSeff
    • lolMHDC
    • lol that's just mean.pango
    • lol bonseffsine

    I don't remember signs of fire but I didn't go double check it. Maybe there was but at least not a significant one.
    OP31 guess at Walt jr appearing seams quite possible. His fuckin angry that's for sure, and that anger will explode big time, in some way or another

    • the episode opened with a close up of matt damon lighting a cig.see_bee
  • MrT0

    I'm thinking Ted the veg is going to feature. There appears to be an obsessive tying up of loose ends in the episodes so far, and he's definitely one who could drop Walt in it.

  • Miguex0

    Can anyone explain to me what led Jesse to think Walt was behind killing Brock? I'm not sure I understood completely...

    • he didnt have the cigs in his pkt, he had the weed in his pkt.. Buell switched them out.e-pill
    • so he realized that the pqaack with the ricin was also switched out the same way same Buelle-pill
    • oh didnt see Ram's post with photos.. but i still say his name is Buell not Huel.. :Pe-pill
  • Ramanisky20

    Huel bumped into him the same way in season 4 when he took the cigarette with Ricin ... he did the same thing last night when he swiped his bag of weed

    • oh, I don't remember that.
      He took his cigarrete, the one they couldn't find, and then walt 'found' at jesse's house?
    • yesRamanisky2
    • Huel is a master pick pocketRamanisky2
  • mg330

    It's kind of confusing if all the details are't fresh in your mind. Here's a good breakdown.…

    One of Breaking Bad's most impressive qualities is how well it plays with information disparity: Sometimes the audience knows more than the characters; sometimes the characters know more than the audience. In any given scene, no two people are operating with the same knowledge — not Hank and Marie, not Jesse and Skinny Pete, not Walt and, well, anyone. [Spoilers from last night's episode from here on out.] Last night's "Confession" took the show's who-knows-what storytelling to its extreme: Hank knows Walt paid for his medical treatments. He knows Walt's powers of manipulation are greater than Hank had previously imagined.

    And Jesse knows about the ricin cigarette.

    That's the biggie from "Confessions," Jesse's sudden a-ha moment. But even as it all clicked together for poor Pinkman, it was perhaps less crystal clear to the audience. Here's what we know:
    About the ricin in general: Recall that back in season two, Walt cooked up a batch of ricin with the plan to use it to kill Tuco. (Plan thwarted.) Then he made another batch in season four, this time with the plan to take out Gus Fring. Walt stored this ricin in a tiny vial that looks like a perfume sample and fits neatly in an emptied-out cigarette — though one would have to take the vial out of the cigarette and stealthily pour the poison into someone's food or drink or somehow get a target to inhale the particles. (Or one could dissolve the ricin in a liquid and inject someone with it, though that seems very hard to pull off.) Anyway, Walt never used the ricin on Gus either. In the first half of season five, he thought about using it against Lydia, but also decided against that, too. Walt stashed the ricin vial behind the plate of an electrical outlet, and in this season's "Blood Money" flash-forward opening sequence, we saw him retrieve it. So: The ricin still has not been used. But ... someone better get poisoned soon, or BB's going to owe us and Chekhov* a big explanation.

    What Jesse put together: Last night, Jesse realized Huell pick-pocketed his weed, and that might as well have turned on a cartoon lightbulb over his head. In season four's penultimate episode, "End Times," the one where Jesse's girlfriend's son Brock gets rushed to the hospital, Jesse also thought Huell had pick-pocketed him, that time lifting the pack of smokes that contained the ricin cigarette and replacing it with a non-ricin pack. This is exactly what happened, but Walt convinced Jesse that he was wrong, that the ricin-pack must have been stolen out of his locker in Gus's lab, and that Gus was therefore behind Brock's poisoning. Walt was very convincing, and if there's anything we know about the Walt-Jesse dynamic, it's that Jesse is virtually powerless against Walt's manipulations. Just ask Gale! Jesse did what Jesse does and substituted Walt's ideas and judgement for his own ideas and judgement, and thus assured himself that Gus must be behind the missing ricin.

    After Jesse learns that Brock was not in fact exposed to ricin, he panics. That means Gus didn't steal the poison — that perhaps Jesse just lost it, meaning an innocent person could theoretically be exposed to it. The ever-sensitive Jesse is beside himself, and he calls Walt for help. (Oy, always a mistake.) Walt, who in fact has the real ricin vial, creates a fake ricin cigarette that he then plants and "finds" in Jesse's house. This gives Jesse peace of mind but also continues the gas-lighting process by which Walt teaches Jesse that Jesse's own ideas are bad, wrong, dangerous, stupid, and short-sighted and that Walt's are smart and for the common good. It's part of how Walt has conditioned Jesse, the way lots of abusers condition their victims. At the end of the search for the ricin cigarette, a sobbing Jesse apologizes to Walt. That's how much Walt can control Jesse! So, so much!

    Which brings us back to "Confession." Jesse had finally confronted Walt, finally accused him of lying, finally said that Walt killed Mike, finally tried again to stand up for himself. And Walt went in for a hug. (World's most manipulative embrace.) Walt tells Jesse he should disappear, start a new life, let Saul wipe his slate clean and call the vacuum repairman. And as Jesse stands at the side of the road waiting for his escape hatch, he sees that his baggie of weed is missing, and he realizes that Huell took it out of his pocket on orders from Saul. Saul had yelled at him, Huell had patted him down — it made complete sense.

    So what we have so far in the episode is (1) Jesse allowing himself to recognize how much Walt has lied to him, and (2) Jesse realizing that Huell is a good pickpocket. That's when, in a moment of clarity, Jesse knows he's been right all along: Huell did lift the ricin-pack back in season four, and the big guy was not working for Gus. Huell did that at Walt's behest. That means Walt was behind Brock's poisoning, and Jesse had been manipulated yet again.

    What we still don't know: So what exactly did happen to little Brock Castillo? In the season-four finale, "Face-Off," we learn that Brock was not suffering from ricin toxicity but rather from Lily of the Valley poisoning. We also see that the Whites have a large potted Lily of the Valley plant in their backyard. We know Walt needed Jesse to be on his side against Gus, and that telling Jesse Gus had attempted to kill Brock was a great way to get there. But what we don't know is how Walt actually poisoned Brock.

    At Comic-Con earlier this summer, BB creator Vince Gilligan explained it thusly: " I think probably what [Walt] did was crush some of the [Lilly of the Valley berries] up and put it in a juice box or something, and being a teacher, he probably knew his way around a school and he probably got into Brock's nursery school. That's our inter-story for how it would have happened. It would have been tricky."

    That is not that satisfying! This is a show that pulled off a train heist, for crying out loud. There's got to be a better way to make a kid eat a berry. This also still provides Walt with way too much deniability when Jesse confronts him: Yes, I took the ricin back from you, but I didn't do anything to Brock, and you certainly can't prove that I did.
    We also don't know whom the ricin is now meant for. We saw future-Walt go and get it from the abandoned White home, but he also has a machine gun in his trunk. Under what circumstances is ricin poisoning preferable to shooting? Let's see: When discretion is important. When immediacy is not essential (since death from ricin poisoning happens 36–72 hours after exposure). When one wants their victim to suffer both physically (ricin causes multiple organ failure) and psychologically (even if a doctor identified ricin poisoning correctly, there's no treatment for it).

    Five episodes left. And this is only a very small part of what's left to be resolved.

    • Looks like I'm not the only one confused:) It's hard to remember all the details.GRAC
    • yeah i thought the same, it wasn't ricin that poisoned brock, so it all comes back to trust. Still a but of a leap._niko
  • colin_s0

    the amount of gas jesse spilled makes me think he won't light the match (that and the theories that walt jr is still in the house) ... the house DID look a little burned out in the flash forward, but that much gas would make the house go up in flames incredibly fast. but who knows.

    but after todd spoke of the heist he was never supposed to speak about, i'd imagine a possibility would be that the neo-nazis give up walt with that info if they ever get busted for anything. but i'm still imagining they kill at least one of walt's family.

    i wouldn't really be surprised if the show ends with basically everyone dead or in ruin. but as ukit said - it's not out of the question a new character shows up next episode and completely changes everything. (i doubt he'd introduce a character in the last episodes that he couldn't illustrate their motivations / backstory, so it'd have to be soon.)

  • sine0

    re: jesse figuring out it was walt/ricin/brock...
    earlier in the episode when they're out in the dessert for the first time jesse stands up for himself and sees through walt's manipulation and bullshit. same with the fact that walt killed mike. he always knew/suspected but never accepted it... he accepts it, allowing him to put everything together, instead of just doubting himself.

    ^ horrible writing by me, but you get the idea...

  • ********

  • Xopher0

  • BonSeff0
  • Gardener0

  • bored2death0

    Todd wearing the military style jacket that Walt is wearing in the flash forward. Walt going to kill Todd? or Jesse? or Both?

    Todd and his uncle meeting in the diner getting interrupted by the waitress. Same thing happens when Walt and Hank are meeting in the mall. Some kind of connection there.

    Todd telling the complete story of the train heist to his uncle. A confession? Is someone a snitch?

    When they're in the bathroom, the one guy talks about the ashtrays in planes. Jesse's cigarettes? Guy flushes the bloody paper towel down the toilet... toilet backed up when Skyler flushed her cigarettes. Planes crashing over Walt's house? Walt and the neo-nazis are going to cross paths again and it won't be good.

    Walt's videotaped "confession". Shows he has completely changed from the first episode when he was actually taping a confession.

    A gun on ice? If you show a gun in the first act, it needs to be shot in the second.

    • Jesse wanted to go to ice cold alaska... maybe walt is going to send him there.bored2death
    • very good hypothesis... tell me moreAmbushstudio
  • ernexbcn0

  • cbass990

  • BaskerviIle0

    Just a thought that occurred to me:

    So Walt is Heisenberg and he's competing with Hank Schrader.

    Heisenberg was obviously chosen by Walt because of Werner Heisenberg, uncertainty. But is Schrader a reference to Erwin Schrodinger? Sounds kind of similar.

    • eh heisenberg wasn't developed as a character until further along the plot... not saying it's impossible thocolin_s
    • And Hank wasn't going to last long in the series originally.shaft
    • Walt chose his alias though. What you talking about??bainbridge
    • Everything is a reference.bainbridge
    • https://fbcdn-sphoto…pango
    • they'd only be competing if Hank was running a meth businessmonospaced
  • bainbridge0