BNP is cool :)

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  • 37 Responses
  • GeorgesII

    I wish I could vote them 5 times,

  • Horp0

    "In 50 years time, there wont be any indigenous white people" hahahahah

  • stem0

    I can't believe that idiot canvassed the black woman...

    lol - pure class

  • Horp0

    On the one hand we've got the appalling BNP, and on the other, the sanctimonious fey middle class cod-journalist agitator-lite LOOK AT US WE'RE REALLY RIGHT ON Don't Panic treehouse Nu-Urban Blytoneers Don’t Panic, who have no qualms about crowdsourcing below budget creative solutions to the problem of selling chem-laced water to retards.

    I'm just sayin'

    • delete one 'Don't Panic' from this and its good to go.Horp
    • Actually, trim it down to "Agitator-lite Nu-Urban Blytoneers" and we're cooking.Horp
    • hahaharoundabout
  • eating_tv0

    I'm so sick and tired of (extreme)-right wing idiots. They're all biggotry riddled idiots. Like stuck records.

    I am so gonna vote tomorrow - for everything but right.

  • drgss0

    There will be white people, all kinds of races will be there for that matter.
    There will be an economically prosperous state, a chaotic conglomeration of individuals from all over the world coming and leaving all the time, sort of like a pirate wharf, people with no homeland, no ethnicity, no religion, no culture, and who are not managed or limited in any way by these things.

    People will be free from the ontological fog of all racial, socio-political, religious and traditional norms, from the society itself and even from social relationships

    But at the same time the history of the british people will end, because its subject -- the britons themselves and everything which is typically british, their roast beef, tea, red double decker buses etc -- will disappear

    Is it good , or is it bad, dear reader?

    • At what point in the coming racial maelstrom do you foresee roast beef being taken permanently off the menu?Horp
    • double-decker buses?? National symbols?? Typically British?? Buses that were introduced in 1956???Khurram
    • With plans to phase them out in the 2000s??? Your positing a mode a transport that held for 50 years in Britain's 1000+year historyKhurram
    • history as emblematic of its culture??? As emblematic of the history of the British people??? Which will end??Khurram
    • Fucking hell its Khurram.Horp
    • End with the demise of these material artefacts???Khurram
    • Drgss just perfectly illustrated the mentality Kuzz, don't put him off posting again.Horp
    • What is alarming is that you're dumb enough to take the position that you're not a "racist"/"white supremacist/seperati...Khurram
    • supremacist/seperati... because you're fighting for somer sort of indigenous "culture" and not skin colourKhurram
    • Hi Horp, and why? He's a slightly distrubed individual whose overriding political concern is the preservationKhurram
    • of some idealised European identity. And he acts likes... well wotevaKhurram
    • But its good to let him illustrate the problem so effortlessly, if only as a ...Horp
    • warning against blood territorialism. He's like the captive zombie in all good zombie flicks. We can study him.Horp
    • i'm gonna offer him a fight again. C'mon drggs, show some balls!Khurram
    • him, dissect him, find a solution.Horp
    • and fucking team is chinese anyway, wank stainKhurram
    • tea i mean. Tea is chinese. As is chickent tikka massala.Khurram
    • no wait that's indian. i shold know that. Tho technically its British.Khurram
    • One day "going for an English" will be a rare treat...
      mmm 'bread rolls'!
  • Bluejam0

  • chossy0

    Albert einstein wrote or said something like 'nationalism is a sickness like the measels of a nation' in addition to that samuel johnson said that patriotism was the last refuge of the scoundrel.....

    Both of these people more intelligent than I and I imagine most if not all of the BNP.

  • Horp0

    Racial fear is irrational and deep rooted. The problem with inciting racial division is that it does drag some valid problems down and infects them with ignorance.

    The problem is not genetics based, the problem is a lack of an over-arching moral structure to human co-existence.

    • eh?... Do you mean BNP are total vaginers aye?.chossy
    • Steady on, I like a nice vagina I do, I don't mind admitting it.Horp
    • how do you feel about vaginers though!!!chossy
    • Are they the engineers who make the vaginas? If so, they're alright by me.Horp
    • Indeed they are sir they mine for vagine. then make it into vaginars.chossy
    • Proud Vagina Miner. Glorious engineer of miraculous tunnels. Stand tall and show your helmet to the world!Horp
    • he he. gross.chossy
  • stem0

    I've often wondered how being a BNP member works in real everyday terms...

    Imagine the take-away scenario...
    Can you only have fish 'n' chips?

    A drink...
    No coke ('cos that's American), dandelion & burdock?

    Buying a car...
    ...that's a tricky one, but TVR are back in business aren't they?

    ...well, no cheap clobber from Primark mate, get to Saville Row if you are to wear something British...

    Consumer goods...
    ...No Panasonic Patrick Viera, it will have to be a Robert's Radio

    Why is it British National Party anyway, surely they should take the prejudice a step further and hate the Scots, Welsh and Irish?

    • TVR = Russian.Horp
    • That's shit that then...
      Looks like the BNP are walking
    • No Fela Kuti? Fuck you.
      No Indian milk reduction sweets? FUCK YOU
  • stem0

    See, it's just so restrictive.

    Pretty much everything I like isn't British and like you say Horp, even what you presume to be British is probably owned by a non-British company.

    HP Sauce, made in The Netherlands and owned by American H.J. Heinz

    How do BNP values get around this little conundrum?

  • moth0

    Why does everyone always say that racism is a product of fear? Like it should make us feel better about the situation.

  • Horp0

    As Khurram pointed out, tea is in fact from the indian continent and to enjoy a cup of tea is to be reminded of the many lives lost and the many tortures and disfigurements, cultural and personal shocks that were inflicted on the people of India in the course of its subjugation at the hands of an empire that was not dissimilar to the Third Reich in its ambitions and self-serving global views.

    I do like a rich tea biscuit with mine though. Guilty pleasures eh?

    • I pray to god our biscuits are safe from these dark skinned interlopers.Horp
  • byname0
  • Horp0

    I think the one thing we can all be thankful for is that the BNP are headed up by an inarticulate buffoon who only has the capability and charisma to convince the kind of people who were already on board the raceboat to begin with. Say what you like about Adolf Hitler, but the man had chutzpah. He could lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

    • agreedBlue_Balls
    • MrBNP would struggle to even recognise a horse in a field of cows I think.Horp
  • GeorgesII0

    I never understood racist, those people are truly globalist in mind but do not want to share the wealth.
    there isn't a single culture, language, product that is local anymore, everything comes from everywhere. but these tardies believe they can put all the (mental) problems they are facing unto others.

    - listen to his tactic, the dude is obviously a moron

    • Sylvester Stallone got drunk and fucked Paul McCartney, Nick Griffin is the unloved child of that unholy union.Horp
  • drgss0

    >he's a slightly distrubed individual whose overriding political concern
    > is the preservation of some idealised European identity. And he acts
    > likes... well woteva

    I will shortly explain all of my views here:

    Generalized, my view is the same for each ethnicity: that each people and culture have their own right to evolve according to their own logics. There is no universal patterns of development (models which the West is trying to force on "backward" nations -- US being its foremost vanguard), no universal religion (some islamic groups, which you have noticed I am against), no universal doctrines of freedom etc etc

    The humanity as a whole has been living in very heterogeneous traditional societies for thousands of years, ie. tribes, nations, which all are diverse in character. The problem with traditional societies is that they tend to be docile or even totalitarian, they treat people as obedient human cattle which the society fills with ideas, cults, religion etc when they are growing up. Such is the nature of man.

    Modern liberal societies teach that a person should be left alone, that nothing can be demanded from him, and you, btw, should mind your own business. "Freedom from" is liberation from all interferences; all socio-political, traditional and religious norms. And so, modern liberal societies do not provide spiritual completion to young people, because, ideally, in a liberal society there is no standard national content, but pluralism of contents, and they leave people alone with their emptiness, making them seek a sense of belonging elsewhere -- they become emos, goths, wiggers, nazis, associate themselves with sport teams etc -- which becomes esp. acute in young age around 20 y.

    (Normal human beings are collective creatures, and by default are characterized by a complete absence of their own opinion. 90% of people are lemmings. Only a handful of people can be truly individuals. Artists and scientists for example can be non-conformist, because the elitist aspect of being alone is part of the creative process, but in their case this is a nietzschean burden, ie. more like a special curse or a function which you have to carry, and not necessarily something you want. Artists and scientists experience the world as maximally open, inharmonic and terrifying, with all its injustice and contradictions, and because of this they are unhappy. While lemmings on the other hand experience the world as maximally dull, living by routines etc, and this is in fact a better and much easier way to live. Being normal, ie. being a shiteating lemming is a blessing.)

    The problem with liberalism is that it relies on the humanistic and benevolent concept that people are noble, well-meaning and caring beings, who will only do good things, and that they will live happily together like a big family no matter what.

    What I'm trying to say it that people are fucking stupid. Our anthropology hasn't changed along with the politics and 90% of all people still do not fit into this description. Modern liberal societies have existed for no more than some 100 years, it is still only an experiment. When right-wing movement is rising all across Europe, reaching 29% in Austria recently, anti-immigration oriented party Frp in Norway gaining record votes, and I start grinding my hands is not necessarily because I am right-winged myself, but because I get a certain satisfaction from the fact that I was right. That the world after all is not all about drooling weak-minded humanism and vegetarism you expect it to be

    • fuck off to stormfront you nazi cuntlowimpakt
    • ..because his view doesn't fit the mix-em-all liberal box? He's actually pro-diversity. And he's right 90% of people are idiotsraf
    • (ok, lemmings) and democracy is the art of manipulating them while preserving the myth of people powerraf
  • GeorgesII0

    there's a GOD
    "BNP leader Nick Griffin has been pelted with eggs and forced to abandon a press conference outside Parliament."…

  • mikotondria30

    Yeh, that was awesome to see griffin and his associated bunch-of-cunts (tm) get chased off.
    Fuck you, Nick Griffin, and fuck you, you shit-headed bunch of cunts that hang around, know, or vote for him, or any cunt like him. Fuck you.
    Seriously - fuck you - please please visit my town or home, and I'll swing a big fucking sharpened rusty spike in your face before chucking boiling bleach in your piggy red faces. Fuck you.

  • Nairn0

    I'm torn with the BNP. I don't chime with them, but they are a component of the democratic process and their supporters have a right to their views.

    Why is it necessarily 'Right' for a nation to let in immigrants? 'Right' for who and what exactly? If I don't care about economic expansion, hold conservative views and want my country to remain as it was - who can say I am wrong?

    I'd rather have an accountable, public voice to extreme views, than a quiet undercurrents of mounting anger.

    • because they are scum playing on the most basic human sentiment.
    • Or am I just being naive in not seeing the thin end of a wedge?Nairn
    • conservatism = fear and it's the prevalent philosophy across the planet, so don't be so quick to judge it in the West.Nairn
    • BNP voter spottedfiesta
    • *slow clap*Nairn
    • conservatism=fear?
      common sense perhaps?
  • Nairn0

    I think people forget we're human sometimes.

    • Well, human very rarely.

      I coulda phrased that better.
    • I say this as a human, and as someone who hates humans.Nairn
    • no matter what one's actions may be & traits you attribute to them, they will always be of the "human nature"version3