- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 3 days ago
- 351 Responses
- everyangle4
Real-time population clock:…
We're not against immigrants, we are all immigrants here. The rate of population growth is irresponsible and unsustainable.
- 6 weeks away from 41 million. Wowza!nb
- In Toronto, high end hotels have been converted into homeless shelters all over the city. Over 1.5 billion / year is being spent on hotels for the homeless!!!everyangle
- https://www.toronto.…everyangle
- Only 41 Million? That's not even half of Germany. And I think Canada would have some more space left.Longcopylover
- Yes Canada has tons of space, most of which is beautiful wilderness. So as long as you don’t mind campingnb
- But seriously, 41 million isn’t too many people. I think people are more shocked at the rate of population growth...nb
- Any Canadian I ever chatted to longer than a half hour would try to convince me to move there. I'd never say to someone to move to Scotland, LOLPhanLo
- Canadians thing VERY highly of themselves lolnb
- *thinknb
- Canada can easily intake 300,00 - 500,000 people annual. Germany takes in less than 300,000. Currently we are on track to intake 2m this year alone.everyangle
- Housing and rent have soared due to high demand and low supply. You need to built the infrastructure first, not just dump people on the streets.everyangle
- Just today, 4000 - 5000 people will arrive looking for somewhere to stay. They need transit services, housing support, so Toronto and Vancouver primarily.everyangle
- it's disgusting to see humans being treated like cattle, completely irresponsible.everyangle
- @nb, not six weeks away, one week away from 41m - check next weekeveryangle
- Canada has room, just not in the 3 cities all newcomers go toGnash
- @gnash - 100% agree. it's the short term impact that leaves people homeless and desperateeveryangle
- It’s not easy to get to the other cities in Canada, either. Hop on a 5-day Greyhound from Toronto to Calgary? Don’t lose your headnb
- Greyhound ended operations in Canada not long ago.everyangle
- Oh shit!nb
- i_monk-2
The number of immigrants isn't the problem. The problem is we've gone all in on a fundamentally flawed economic model that has made us reliant on an ever-growing population willing to work for less. The problem is we're adding half a million people a year without adding the corresponding infrastructure and social services and housing, because all of that is being privatized piece by piece. The problem is we'd rather import people than change anything that would make having and raising kids an affordable option for the average person.
- It’s probably the least bad solution. Housing is unaffordable, services are tapped out, but the debt is getting paid (mostly).monNom
- Boomers moving into retirement means the tax-base is drying up. Canada has to stop the bleeding, and immigration is helping over the long term.monNom
- There’s short-term pain, but in 10-15 years boomers are gonna start dropping like flies, and the housing shortage will be a thing of the past.monNom
- ^ When boomers drop, their house will be shared btw their 15 kidsProjectile
- It's a population trap we saw coming 40 years ago and decided to make worse.i_monk
- Wasn’t Canada just paying everyone to stay home during the pandemic. Sheesh! I’m sure that helped the housing price crisisnb
- I wish we were adding half a million people - it will be two million in 2024 easy.everyangle
- Low IQ and primitive culture is the problem.********
- The housing crisis started nearly 20 years ago, under Harper. The pm who wanted to dereg banks and bring subprime loans over the border.i_monk
- nb3
Canadian Standard of Living Plummets Lower, Approaching Lost Decade: NBF…
“The country received a number of warnings from prominent agencies, that building an economy focused on credit creation and housing isn’t sustainable. Rather than acknowledging these issues, the country doubled down on trying to stimulate housing demand. In the process, it’s also managed to send global investment fleeing for greener pastures in record volumes.
The OECD previously forecast real GDP growth that indicated quality of life would stagnate. Canada would occupy the growth spot that Greece did during the financial crisis, but for decades. That forecast is looking generous these days.”
Doom n gloom eh
- The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money.everyangle
- The problem with you is you have no idea what socialism is.i_monk
- loleveryangle
- the problem with that quote is that you got it wrong and anyone who uses it is a twat.face_melter
- nb5
As a former Canadian, what I see from my outsider perspective is this:
The country is falling behind rapidly due to a few simultaneous things going on.
1. Weak leadership. Trudeau’s government appears to make some big decisions based on idealism rather than pragmatism. Political correctness occasionally wins over what is actually good for Canadians.
2. Weak monetary policy leadership. Historically Canada has done well by following in the footsteps US Fed, staying 1-2 years behind and using the US economy as a bellweather. However, the lack of a similar real estate collapse in ‘09 and then entering the pandemic under very different conditions than the US has meant that the Bank of Canada now needs to act alone, without a clear model to guide them. BoC clearly has not risen to this challenge.
3. All levels of government and regular Canadians turning a blind eye to the corruption, money laundering and bubble in real estate. For nearly 30 years; the length of a mortgage! The RE industry convinced homeowners that market corrections aren’t necessary and that rapidly rising prices is like winning the lottery. This isn’t true if you only own your primary residence. Eventually you get to be about 60 and your adult children are priced out of their own cities. Then you hit 75 and can’t retire because your property tax is almost as much as your mortgage payment was. The government did nothing to intervene. Canadian homeowners stayed willfully ignorant and the next generation is fucked. Young people can’t afford to have kids because they can’t afford to get them a home. Simple as that. That leads to population collapse and a new desperation for immigrants.
4. Lack of investment in emerging industries. Canada focused on service sector and resource extraction instead of green energy, technology sector, etcl. It’s amazing that in the blackberry years, most Canadians didn’t even know Blackberry was Canadian. How about Shopify? Shopify is an extremely successful tech company and it’s known as having some of the lowest salaries in tech. Big tech pays about 30% less to Canadian employees than US employees. Canada missed a massive opportunity to grow the tech sector by leveraging the cheaper dollar and encouraging US tech workers to immigrate to Canada. This would’ve changed the entire economic outlook of Canada. Instead, there’s a massive brain drain as anyone who can be successful can do even better in the States. US immigration policy dictates Canada’s ability to retain doctors, software engineers, business consultants, etc. Canada doesn’t appear to even be trying to solve this problem.
5. Lack of diversity in immigration policy. Canada is putting all its eggs in one basket: population growth. However, in order to use new immigrants to lift the country, you need immigrants that can generate productivity at and above the level of the current population. In simple terms, you need to attract doctors, engineers, businesspeople and you need to make sure they can get certified to do their profession in Canada. What you want is a highly competitive immigration process that has all the strongest candidates trying to get in. The US is pretty great at this and you can see the results after many decades of competitive immigration policy. Also, in order to stabilize your country, you need diverse immigrants. Otherwise your culture will soon be overtaken by a new culture. You want immigrants to bring their cultures and ADD to Canadian culture, to improve it via diversity, not replace it. This means limiting immigrants from the highest population countries (India and China). Trudeau would never do this because it would be perceived as racist (*one can argue that it IS racist but one can also argue that it’s about respecting diversity.) anyway, strong economies are built on diverse populations. Especially in a country that REQUIRES immigration for economic growth.
6. I left long before weed was legal, but I think legalizing weed was bad for the country. I know many people enjoy weed and it can be a life saver for some but it does suck the motivation from a lot of people. For others it’s a daily escape from their problems. That can be good for an individual but bad in the long run.
- Thanks for coming to my Massey Lecture ;)nb
- well written summary, cheerseveryangle
- the biggest issue with Canada and Canadiens is that we're too polite and we don't stand up or protest anything. Redneck trucker convoy aside_niko
- Probably because we realize that we still have it better than 99% of the planet, especially better than whatever shithole country we emigrated from._niko
- So we weather the storm, grin and bear it with great resolve in typical Canadian fashion._niko
- Our banking is stable, probably one of the best in the world, we've got tons on natural resources and a highly skilled and educated our general_niko
- mindset is ...what me worry? lol_niko
- and yeah agree with the weed thing though I don't think it's changed since it was illegal, the same people that smoked before smoke now_niko
- I stopped smoking when it was legalized. Didn't feel as cool anymore.garbage
- We have a D-list celebrity clown that has just now triggered his base by talking about the need for a "bloodbath" if he doesn't win the election.garbage
- Sorry about your problems Canada, but we're too busy forging a shithole down here. (Can I move in please?)garbage
- unlike the shit hole of country called the USAutopian
- @garbage can't stop you. also wouldn't recommend.pango
- 6. any study to show which way it's going?pango
- So we all go to Mexico then. Gonna have to learn how to surf.garbage
- we're all staying at moldy's placepango
- Lol. Shhh, don't tell him. He'll lock the doors.garbage
- Gnash2
Stop complaining. Canada has more important things to worry about
- Canada can be so ridiculous, like a woke keyboard warrior with powernb
- A similar bit of nonsense from the Canadian government is directly responsible for the rise of Jordan Petersonnb
- I do love that the Supreme Court dresses like Santa Clausnb
- lol, ya the outfits are awesomeGnash
- Well as long as she wasn’t raped by a man but by a “person with a schlong” then it’s ok!_niko
- They’re called sperm injectors, I thinkGnash
- seems things are pretty rough in Canada - you only have one joke to share between everyone.face_melter
- hey leave us alone, we don't have a treasure trove of never-ending jokes that Brexit brought along..._niko
- Far from being just one joke. It’s on a spectrum, so the hilarity is infinite.Gnash
- i_monk-2
The country is falling behind, but it's hardly (just) Trudeau's fault:
1. Unopposed leadership. Our parliamentary system is deeply flawed, designed for a past age, and reliant on customs only some of the parties even both paying lip service to anymore. Under FPTP if you cross that minimum seat count, you can do whatever you want until the next election. The Opposition parties may as well go on vacation. Nearly every vote is whipped, so as long as you're even somewhat careful not to spark a rebellion among your own MPs, you will get 100% support for your agenda.
2. and 4. The BoC only has one level to pull and that's the interest rate. They have no other tools in their tool box. But more relevant is the over-dependence on and entanglement in the US economy, with the EU and China as distant considerations. Too many of our political and economic decision-makers put Wall Street's interests ahead of Bay Street's and certainly Main Street's.
3. True. Housing has become a retirement plan, most of our politicians are landlords, in the pocket of developers, or both, all creating a crippling fear of doing anything that might lower property values even slightly. If given a choice between paying a fine and building affordable housing, developers will pay the fine—see Montreal. But why are developers even given a choice? The notion of regulating industry for the common good has nearly evaporated here.
5. We do attract doctors and such, from a diverse number of cultures, then prevent them from working in those fields. If you want to be a doctor here you're required to re-certify and redo your residency in a Canadian hospital, which is expensive and the number of residency programs bottlenecks the entire thing. We've got immigrants coming from all over, but doubling down on a service-based economy means we're mainly going to get whover the most upwardly mobile are around the world – China for a while, then India, now I think it's Nigeria. We're also absolute shit at promoting our own culture because it competes with American imports.
6. I haven't noticed any change in pot use among anyone I know, but we already had lack of ambition nailed down before it was legalized.
- loleveryangle
- 3. Developers just won’t build if they’re forced to do ‘affordable housing’ — what ever that term meansGnash
- They will find other ways to make moneyGnash
- Gnash7
- *these aren't qbn threadssted
- but the statement is truepango
- Oh, this is bullshit.
Everyone knows Canada only has two seasons: winter and July.Continuity - whatever july is.pango
- That's Colorado. We got 1.5' ft of snow last Thursday. It was mid 60s yesterday.formed
- it was 27 overight. it will be 72 this afternoonimbecile
- i have seen these seasons listed for every place in the americas.sarahfailin
- prophetone-1
Home ownership to destabilize Canada warns horse hat guys…- Things can only get woooooorsePhanLo
- i'd double check all news on tiktok. especially ones read from epoch time.pango
- pango we don’t need to check anything, look around us, a million dollar home is either a project house needing a $600k reno or a tear downprophetone
- an entire generation, a couple actually, under 30 are simply not remotely buying a detached, even in the sticks nowprophetone
- rent is increasingly wild so... just look at situation from 30kft, the ease of buying condo, townhouse, detached is gone, now reach is a mediumish condo at bestprophetone
- and for every 10,000 people who are looking and couple new builds are thrown up and still priced out of reach... something’s gotta giveprophetone
- Real maple syrup’s still cheap so there’s thatprophetone
- then why post the video? just talk from your experience?
misinformation are usually hidden between actual truths.pango - the video just a guy pointing out the obvious. making pointing gestures. reading new titles. and epoch time. he even quoted he's own tweet(x). o_Opango
- who quotes their own words?! couldn't he just say it?pango
- fair enough but it doesn’t have to be sharp on details, point is we can all see it’s coming to a head at some point, so does RCMP I guessprophetone
- access to affordable housing in Canada is getting stretched thin vs USA as not as many cities, areas, options esp near major CDN citiesprophetone
- this will flare up problems across the board... right now it’s a young families prob but all ages are stressed, moving around, living in rvs, etcprophetone
- not good unless they start cranking out smaller, affordable townhouse and condo communities faster than even to stem this tideprophetone
- it’s basic supply vs demandprophetone
- in BC instead of doing that and incentivizing things for developers they’re putting it on smaller one lot/house ownersprophetone
- passing the buck to an extent, of course! Bill-44 basically stating that one lot can be split into 6 units even tho infrastructure and local bylaws resist itprophetone
- I do hope it does work of course paired with actual large scale projects getting fast tracked to simply flood market w affordable homes, we’ll seeprophetone
- he's sourcing an RCMP government report but keep arguing pango.hotroddy
- misinformation funded by Trudeau himself according to pango.hotroddy
- ya doesn't help when we only have few major cities. detached house will become more scarce. unless people has opportunities to move away from existing big citipango
- lol what source. which report? the argument was never the accuracy of the report. if it was a report at all.pango
- it was a regurgitation of news titles. lazy way to create contents. are you still following knobby? lolpango
- is that how you get your news knobby? just a dude pointing at flash card in less than a minute?pango
- would you rather get it straight from the source? Ok p…hotroddy
- oh thanks! see that's better than dude pointing at flash card.pango
- thanks for all your hard work! :)pango
- Pango obviously does read the newsGnash
- Doesn’t* it’s been in the news since the report came outGnash
- ^ see he gets it! never get news from tiktok.pango
- oh you got typo. and like hotknobby you're not following as well. i was not arguing the accuracy of the new but rather the way it's presented.pango
- you get your news from a worse source - the CBC - AKA gov't propaganda machine.hotroddy
- lol the gov't propaganda machine that the gov't actively defunding. the right call it left and the left calls it right.pango
- are you saying you prefer news delivered to you with varies headlines and some dude quoting him self?pango
- hotroddy0
What do the QBN Canucks think
- idiotic._niko
- he didn't mention our low gun deaths, university education icosts 1/10 of America's, no mass homeless crisis and best of all no magatards!_niko
- and yes we wait 3 days to see a doctor but we also don't need a crane to get us out of our house to see said doctor._niko
- and those solution stats are BS, they were from the first fires last summer, and the one lone US dot on that map was Bill Maher blowing hot air out of his ass_niko
- I mean he’s not incorrect as abrasive as he can be. I’m in a small town (Amy hometown), paid a lot for my home and haven’t had a family doctor...ideaist
- ...since we got here almost 3 years ago. We’ve been too progressive on the wrong things, we’ve lost balance in housing, immigration, etc. AND are prime...ideaist
- ...for the pendulum to swing back conservative at a time where we need logical, progressive thinking.
Frustrating.ideaist - “Amy hometown” = “ MY hometown”.ideaist
- Wrong about pollution, the rest is pretty much accurate. Still rather be here thoughGnash
- Poorly-written. But he’s right that if you go too far in one political direction, the pendulum eventually swings back.nb
- And that the US is much better standard of living and outlook for the future than the Canada of the past decadenb
- prophetone-3
- Why the downvotes? This is probably an accurate guess as to what is happeningnb
- prophetone0
- grafician2
- ya voices for him to resign has been loud for the last few months. he might. he might not.
only time will tell.
i think your cap key is stuck.pango - Canada is fucked ehnb
- shaky politically, but i wouldn't say fucked.pango
- losing liberal left policieshotroddy
- is there liberal right?pango
- there is only the losing liberal left. It's time for Canadians to be prosperous again.hotroddy
- saying liberal left is just redundant. as if you're trying to jam as many labels as possible. like a political pundit. try talk like normal people for once.pango
- "prosperous again" mehh i wouldn't hold my breath.pango
- It was copy paste with capsgrafician
- The Liberals aren't left and never have been. Being left of the Cons doesn't make you the left. The NDP are barely left at this point.i_monk
- Canada isn't even a real place.PhanLo
- The village has spoken.utopian
- ya voices for him to resign has been loud for the last few months. he might. he might not.
- i_monk-1
He wishes he could have got electoral reform through? Fuck off, there was nothing stopping him. PM PP is going to be Justin's legacy.
- He’ll be remembered as a bad PMnb
- Totally agree about electoral reform. He had every fucking opportunity. This guy is so full of shit.nb
- ugh...I hope not, I think Canadians distaste of Trudeau is greater than PP but not by much, if the liberals elect a competent replacement, he or she can beat PP_niko
- We need a counter-balance to Trump, not another Trump lap-dog. Anyone would be better than that useless POS PP, shit I'd even vote for Drake instead lol._niko
- The Libs are not getting re-elected unless PP's numbers absolutely plummet.i_monk
- Historically, the Cons win when liberals vote for them.i_monk
- Just took a trip to Canada. Did not talk to a single person defending Trudeau. Libs are cooked.nb
- you didn't talk to me, he's got great hair, is a habs fan and will beat the shit out of anyone in the ring lol_niko
- grafician2
- Delusional rapist.i_monk
- Lolz and you’d have the best health care nobody could afford other than me and my cronies. Oh and poutine will be known as Putin after my bff_niko
- What a clueless ding dong, his ridiculous facts are ridiculous, other than like 10 people no syrup-loving cdns dream of us being the 51st state, what a laughprophetone
- His fear mongering rhetoric doesn’t resonate with 99% of cdns because we are not dumb like he’s hoping I guessprophetone
- And unless I’m reading incorrectly, is he not waving clingy flag of desperate suffering here like a deranged, stalker ex-boyfriend who knows best what cdns needprophetone
- Also how do spooky scary Russian and Chinese ships ‘surround’ Canada when like 80% of Canada is connected to land or the harsh Arctic waters/iceprophetone
- Total hoser lolprophetone
- A True Ass Clown®utopian
- I’d love him to come drop the puck at a leafs game and we’ll give him a proper Canadian welcome_niko
- @niko: I would stay up all night to be able to watch this live.Longcopylover
- ok doomerneverscared
- Not even sure Trump can visit Canada “51st state”
as he’s a convicted felon.BH26 - He can’t, hence my suspicion that dissolving border is a ploy to get to our Elsinor 12 packs and free maple syrupprophetone
- "We are living in a golden age of stupidity."grafician
- Queue the stupid, faux dramatic, faux informative, condescending social media videos…prophetone
- nb3
Make America The 11th Province!
- Let’s do this!prophetone
- We can re-designate WA, OR, CA as ‘South Vancouver’prophetone
- I’m down, they can have Alberta but we get Washington, Oregon, California, Minnesota, Michigan and New England_niko
- Oh and Colorado_niko
- 300 OSFAi_monk
- Let's not get carried away. Take the west coast and north east. (not Jersey). You don't want anything else.CyBrainX
- I'd settle for Maine, Alaska, and Washington. California would throw everything out of whack.i_monk
- What do you want Alaska for? It's just more uninhabitable land with a few scattered MAGAs.CyBrainX