- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 3 days ago
- 351 Responses
- nb1
Holy fuckin housing bubble
- it's been a bubble for the past decade_niko
- really driven by Vancouver and Toronto, which has tons of new people coming in. and no place to put them. so I don't think it'll burst_niko
- No room for new homes in Toronto really because of the greenbelt and Vancouver is just sea and mountains so land is at a premium. plus Chinese and Iranian $$_niko
- but the bank of Canada put a pause on rate hikes and lenders use all kinds of tricks to still keep mortgages reasonable like super long terms._niko
- 20% of borrowers are paying a mortgage that doesn’t even cover the interest!!! I understand variable rates & recent rate changes. But this is still insanity.nb
- https://www.theglobe…nb
- Also, when the banks got called on it, their response wasn’t “this is fine”. Instead they refuse comment or “we’re under no obligation to disclose this”nb
- So let’s assume this 20% is all just the variable rate mortgages in the country. Another 60-70% are due to refinance within 4 or 5 years.nb
- Let’s hope all the Canadian homeowners have a ton of extra cash on hand. Oh wait, they don’t.nb
- The $1T question: of those 20%, how many are choosing to pay the maximum lump sum payment each year?nb
- Unless they want to refinance for a longer period or can afford a huge monthly increase, they’ll be forced to sell or walk away from the mortgagenb
- _niko0
Now if they can only start pressing charges against dudes for pretending to be women lol
- do women get government benefit? cuz that's what's really at issue.pango
- for real asking. anybody?pango
- ^ When men go to a women’s jail, they benefitGnash
- ya i suppose. but that requires one to go to jail and most people would avoid that. was thinking something along the side of tax break and stuffs.pango
- something that's more guaranteed. although definitely more than average of men has more physical strength than average women. but not guaranteed.pango
- You said it, cisterGnash
- yeepango
- They get the advantage of leaving a sinking ship first, also get free into clubs. And uhm free drinks?_niko
- But I do think they get more government benefits as women https://www150.statc…_niko
- Well if enough men pretend to be women, I'm pretty sure people are going to stop giving out free club and free drinks.pango
- Overall, it’s seems men are better at being womenGnash
- Yup we women better than womenpango
- Don’t get your point here Niko. This is about people faking being native to get native benefits.hydro74
- Glinner has joined the chat.face_melter
- You can get into study programs which have gender quotas, you change your gender back afterwards, of course. Like changing phone carriersdrgs
- it's that easy to change?
damn we should all be womenpango - Hydro to tell you the truth I didn’t read past the headline, I read about this story months ago when they were first outed and caused a stir, didn’t realize it_niko
- ...had to do with benefits otherwise I wouldn’t have made my snarky comment._niko
- But if men can benefit in other ways like competing as women in sports for money or prizes maybe they should be charged for fraud as well_niko
- There are virtually zero benefits for female to male transgenders, when I think about itdrgs
- Making tribal misrepresentation into a trans conversation? Talk about irrelevant.imbecile
- But I guess the point then becomes that as long as there is no benefit, direct or otherwise then it’s ok? We could all walk around in blackface and it’s ok?_niko
- long as it’s respectful and you’re not cashing in in any way. Same with 50 year old men that think they’re toddlers and wear diapers, it’s should be ok_niko
- To hang out in kiddie pools and play in ball pits and other fun things 6 year olds do as long as he doesn’t try to claim child benefit cheques..._niko
- personally none of it effects me, I can't care less what people do in their personal lives, for me it's just all part if the absurdity of life but I guess..._niko
- I just don't get why we vilify one group or groups and praise others when at the end of the day they're all the same thing._niko
- All-girl gamer league…Gnash - yes niko. black face is ok. I encourage you to do it.
drgs. you can only join army in some countries? god damn mulan taking men's job!pango - yeah all is see is girl-face in that gamer vid gnash posted, sorry pango, it's just as ridiculous._niko
- Gnash6
- https://media.tenor.…pango
- brightside is there isn't a 3 month waiting list to get treatment.!hotroddy
- Jesus that's brutal._niko
- 10,064 in 2021. 3.3% of all deaths in Canada that yearGnash
- assisted suicide or suicide?pango
- MAID assisted deathsGnash
- Like Japanese cafe maid?pango
- So funnyGnash
- I really don’t get the anti-suicide agenda. Because it goes against ‘religion’ or some made up religious dogma? Honest question.hydro74
- This is the kind of healthcare I need!imbecile
- @hydro74 Yes. Suicide is a sin in Christianity. A lot of people don't put religion in quotation marks.jagara
- In Islam and Hinduism as well.jagara
- Not judging your (possible) atheism ;)jagara
- we're all sinned already. might as well descend like a fucking champ!pango
- This is the best option if you’ve got an incurable disease and are suffering. It’s a no brainer._niko
- Plus it’s saves money!…Gnash - Win win for allGnash
- Suicide was only made a sin after christian leaders sold the idea of heaven being some amazing place. Then folk living shitty lives started killing themselves..PhanLo
- ... in multiples, so the church realised it's revenue and slave labour workforce stream would dry up quickly, made it a sin.PhanLo
- Canada has previous with the trying to get folk to kill themselves, didn't they try to convince homeless folk to euthanize themselves?PhanLo
- lol. So suicide was applauded before religion?
And yes, being poor was on the list for some maid fansGnash - It’s a long process and in extreme cases, they do everything they can to ensure that you are of sound mind and that the family has no influence in the decision_niko
- I recently went through this with my dad, very difficult for all of us but in the end it was his wish. He was fighting cancer for 9 months and got worse and wor_niko
- In the end he couldn’t talk, was breathing out of a hole in his neck, eating with a tube straight to his stomach, couldn’t walk, nurses had to change him,_niko
- And was in a lot of pain. He couldn’t wait for it to happen fast enough, he wanted out immediately but they made him wait 2weeks to go through the proper proced_niko
- Procedures. It was no life and anyone that tried to talk him out of it, he’d scribble on a pad “trade places with me then”_niko
- He fought lung and throat cancer for 9 months, had it beat but it came back, and he was in no shape to keep fighting, too weak for chemo and radiation_niko
- Similar with my dad niko, he just decided in the hospital he was sick of struggling and could have lived for a bit longer on oxygen. But came off it and got aPhanLo
- massive dose of morphine and essential suffocated. It's a horrifying thing to witness a parent go through that. :-(
Better for them though.PhanLo - @Gnash I think the suicide thing was that they wanted to go to heaven, because the life they were living was so shit. But the church made it a sin, so theyPhanLo
- could keep exploiting them. dead folk can't contribute to church fundsPhanLo
- suicide as an option for terminally ill people doesn't sound too bad. as long as they have weighted all other option and of sound mind.pango
- botched unassisted suicide is also a very painful.pango
- Jeez Phan, sorry to hear, yeah not pleasant at all which is why the alternative is much better in those situations..._niko
- Theology is not fact. It’s a belief system, nothing more. His followers would do well to remember this.imbecile
- The hate for assisted suicide goes against capitalism (American hospitals). Would assume the Hospital Lobby fought this because they lose money.hydro74
- Interesting debate.. also 'religion' has to be in quotes because is covers all. Atheist ideology isn't religion, so doesn't fall under the 'quotes'. *hugshydro74
- face_melter0
- LOLpango
- sure, he was a literal Nazi at 19 but how do we know that he didn't spend the next 80 years of his life rescuing puppies?_niko
- how do we know that he didn't spend the last 20 years bullying disabled kids online?
how do we know if he didn't throw loud parties on the weekdays?!?!pango - or cough without covering his mouth! >:(pango
- Gnash0
Canada Will Legalize Medically Assisted Dying For People Addicted to Drugs
- https://i.etsystatic…hotroddy
- Ahh the death cult is rejoicingHayoth
- Hail Satan!pango
- Gnash3
This won’t mean much to most of you, but CBC saying Buffy is a pretendian is kinda crazy news…
Buffy Sainte-Marie’s claims to Indigenous ancestry are being contradicted by members of the iconic singer-songwriter’s own family and an extensive CBC investigation.
- the vampire slayer has not aged well.pango
- Yeah was reading this too. She looks native and was raised on a reserve by a native family who adopted her from another native family_niko
- So not sure how and why they claim she’s not native and if it even matters if that’s all she’s known and it’s how she was raised._niko
- Saying she was born in went to highscool in USA. Didn’t come to Canada til her teensGnash
- She’s a cool woman. Helped her with her very first website, back when everything was still dial-up modemsGnash
- Sorry just reading the article now, I read her interview earlier where she said how hurt she was about these accusations and then I read up on her life_niko
- —-but if this article is true it’s quite the hoax she’s perpetrated over her lifetime, just wow._niko
- lol her uncle told a local newspaper in 1967 that she was full of shit and had no Indian blood in her...just incredible_niko
- Oh, wow. That's wild.Continuity
- lol She joins a long list of wannabe Indians that are actually Italian like wrestler chief jay strongbow and the crying Indian from tv_niko
- What you also have to question is that to keep up appearances she was always over-dressing up as a native and I wonder how much that influenced other_niko
- ...indigenous people to do the same since she was such an icon when in fact they would have been happy dressing more contemporary like everyone else_niko
- Man, looking back at her performances and images of her when she was younger and with the benefit of hindsight, her eye shape is a a dead giveaway she looks..._niko
- ... italian and lacks the epicanthic fold typically associated with indigenous peoples eyes_niko
- But thanks for sending me down this rabbit hole Gnash, just fascinating, what a story._niko
- I was on her Wikipedia page yesterday and not a mention of anything, today, it’s completely changed to reflect the cbc article._niko
- Her adoptive tribe doesn't care they see her as one of their own and rightly so but she continues to double down, just fess up_niko
- This is an incredible story, truly. It's a bit tough to digest, just because it was just accepted fact when I was growing up that was Canada's pre-eminent ...Continuity
- ... First Nations folk singer and, as such, a national treasure. Like niko, though, the more I read and think about it all, the more it unravels. Surreal.Continuity
- utopian-4
- _niko0
Just clicked on an ad because the branding looked interesting but had no idea what it was for.
This just feels so wrong, I get all the points it’s trying to make and the benefits as well and it’s no different than anything else we eat but it just seems a bit fucked up.
- And having said that, I’ve always wanted to try seal, muktuk too, but in a traditional setting up North, this commercialization seem unnatural_niko
- Kids get dibs on the seal eyeballsGnash
- Urumiitpalimpsest
- ^ holy crap, forgot about thatGnash
- ^ no thx
never going to try monkey poop coffee and will never try this as well.pango
- eryx1
- Salarrue0
I hope this guy becomes Canadian Prime Minister in the future :
Wab Kinew…- former rapper in dead Indians_niko
- Nice!Salarrue
- Him being elected premier on a province that can’t stand natives is saying something._niko
- milfhunter2
- Best city in Canada AND best time of the year to see it / sink it in as everyone comes out of hibernation.ideaist
- @ideaist i was also looking into June but the prices where insane for that month. Any tips?milfhunter
- well, not the best time of the year, the city is often still dirty after winter, it take a long time for the city to clean everything in Spring.HAL9001
- A lot of installations and summer stuff are not installed in May too.HAL9001
- BUT yes, the vibe is nice, everyone is happy after the long months of Winter, so the vibe is cool.HAL9001
- i could write you a list of things to do and food destination, dont have time now, but feel free to remind meHAL9001
- @HAL awesome i'll ping you in a couple of weeks. :))milfhunter
- utopian0
- but who'll do the jobs Americans don't want to do like harvesting beer and poutine?_niko
- American's don't know where Canada is, we are not on their maps:…
(Canada's primary defence = obscurity)spot13
- hotroddy3
How many of you Canadians think it would be a big deal to be referred to 'illegals' if all of a sudden there was a mass migration of canucks to the USA?
- with Trudeau at the helm it could be reality.hotroddy
- I dgafnb
- What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet.nb
- Who cares, Canadians don’t give a hoot aboot fairy tale pipe dreams... we have all the syrup, the poutine, the beer and the beavers we needprophetone
- if a bunch of trump rednecks made their way up north they'd be considered illegals?hotroddy
- ^ Yes. If they came here illegally.monNom
- I don’t get your question. Canadians moving south or Americans moving north?_niko
- Our attitude would be singing “ I am an illegal alien, a Canadian in New York” any chance we got_niko
- Either. What would offend you most?hotroddy
- Are you afraid of Ryan gosling and Ryan Reynolds? lol Canadians are indistinguishable from most yanks. Some of the US’s biggest stars are canucks_niko
- Canaricans /Ameriadian?everyangle
- Drake, weekend, beiber, the Ryans, half your hockey teams plus a handful of nba stars. Plus we’re all educated and sort of literate_niko
- Oh and we speak a version of American that we call “English”_niko
- the queens englishhotroddy
- canadians have always had a place in american cinema. Many played roles in the
'midwest'. AKA Candy in chicago. Akroid in chicagohotroddy - Cananda's relationship with 'the midwest' is what allowed the incredible canadian talent to become relatable to USAhotroddy
- canadian comedians are the watered down british comedian. their wit just as quick as their british counter part but still relatable for americans. :/hotroddy
- One thing that is a bummer about demonizing “illegals” is that immigrants (incl illegals) pay a high rate of taxes compared to services receivednb
- I would find that to be annoying. Actually I currently find that to be annoyingnb
- you pay your income taxes but don't receive the benefits?hotroddy
- the list of jewish canadians actors is just as long.hotroddy
- You get benefits like infrastructure but you don’t get benefits like unemployment insurance, Medicare, etc.nb
- I personally know illegal immigrant families that have been paying taxes for 30+ years just in case the govt ever decides to offer them a path to citizenshipnb
- They get none of the social safety net benefits and are at risk of deportation at any notice. But they keep on paying taxesnb
- yes, you would want to prevent this at the border. otherwise what is the point of a borderhotroddy
- The one benefit of USA is you see like 20-30 flavour options of those little icing covered Hostess pie things at the gas stationprophetone
- Up north we have cherry and apple... see “getting in shape” threadprophetone
- official term is irregular border crosser
https://www.irb-cisr…pango - "with Trudeau at the helm it could be reality." but he's already at the helm??
so far we have more IRB from US than going to US.pango - Is this your worst fear, hotroddy, being labeled something YOU as a white Christian,feel is just a word for brown people you don’t like because you’re a racist?monospaced
- What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet.hotroddy
- pango that's because canadians respect borders.hotroddy
- there are a few 'illegal' canadians out here in hollywood. They stick out like a sore thumb among the latinoshotroddy
- Another racist troll campaign. How pathetic.CyBrainX
- if there was a sudden influx of male fubar trump loving canadians I bet you'd have no quelms calling them illegals.hotroddy
- cut the crap or put on your helmet and take a couple dabs of that hand sanitizer by your keyboard.hotroddy
- No. It's not called illegal here because it is a legal process to claim asylum. Similar process exist in US too. But US politic prefers to dehumanize others.pango
- hotroddy's new nightmare: https://broadcastdia…_niko
- claim asylum the legal way at the port of entry. we know they aren't claiming asylum they are fleeing from destruction their socialist revolution they createdhotroddy
- lol niko. and this
https://resizing.fli…hotroddy - how do you know they're not claiming asylum? socialist revolution they created? who? someone at the border? do you have a name?pango
- "with Trudeau at the helm it could be reality." but he's already at the helm??
what do you mean?pango - hotroddy, I don’t call anyone illegals. That’s a term only right wing cucks like you throw around to show everyone how gofdamned racist you are.monospaced
- i think hotknobby ran away again.pango
- ya he does that when he can't answer.pango
- from 'illegal aliens', 'illegal immigrants', to 'undocumented migrants'. I'm sure you don't consider yourself a pedophile but a minor-attracted person. :)hotroddy
- pango, Trudeau has been a disaster for Canada. That's what happens when you put a drama teacher at the helmhotroddy
- Sure sure. But what do you mean it could happened when he's at the helm? Cuz he's already at the helm but it hasn't happened yet?pango
- You've been evading the same question. Probably going to disappear again.pango
- You think this is a gotcha moment to save face for not knowing the size of lake ontario? I was being hyperbolic. But with Trudeau at the helm you never know.hotroddy
- lol meh i still don't know the size of ontario lake. quite frankly i just care about it.
so you were being overly dramatic? he's been at the helm for almost 10pango - yrs and what you said hasn't happened yet.
when is it going to happen?
so you fell into strawman fallacy?pango - He’s a minority govt, and he is extremely unpopular. Let’s agree that he’s a terrible prime minister.hotroddy
- sure. but it has been 8 yrs. when is what you said going to happened?pango
- I didn't say it was happening. it was a joke not to be taken literally. But Canada was better off 10 years ago than it is today.hotroddy
- oh so you were bullshiting. cool.
better on what metric?pango
- nb2
Half of all Canadians say there are too many immigrants: poll…What is going on up there?
- Same thing that's happening everywhere else in the world. Influence from false narratives pushed by extreme right-wing populists. Canada isn't immune.Continuity
- That having been noted, I'd be interest to see the demographic breakdown of the people interviewed for polls like this. Exclusively WASP Canadians?Continuity
- New arrivals? 1st generation? I would imagine that immigrants from certain regions and/or religious affiliations would let their grievances with other ...Continuity
- ... groups do the talking. For example, Montréal Jews probably aren't keen on Muslims moving into the city, I expect. Et cetera.Continuity
- All of that to say: yes, I'm sure there's a increasing extreme right-wing agitation being relfected in these polls (I see you, Alberta and New Brunswick) ...Continuity
- ... but I would take it with a grain of salt, anyway.Continuity
- Yeesh. -1 for typos and shit grammar.Continuity
- Asking Canadians if they have concerns about something... Have you met one? they're just fucking virtue-signalling if they say no.kingsteven
- So you’re saying the poll is a lie? You seriously think they only surveyed white Protestants?nb
this is from the same survey but they choose to omit that immigration is fairly low on the list of worries.kingsteven - Scaremongering at its finest.Salarrue
- Feels like you’re ignoring the fact that many immigrants, even 1st gen, do not want more immigrants. This is very common human naturenb
- Settlement-sector clickbaitkingsteven
- I suppose it’s possible that this poll is a radically false narrative but you have no evidence other than your own opinion about what people thinknb
- it's not wrong. it's just research wrapped in an article that is trying to make it more seditious than it is. of course people have concerns about immigrationkingsteven
- There are people sleeping on the streets cause there is no where to live:
now = 41m people, 2022 = 38meveryangle -…everyangle
- Could be just racist wasps like continuity said but honestly, you want to see real racism go up to Woodbridge or Thorncliffe or Richmond hill, it’s everywhere..._niko
- And established immigrant communities are the worst. Quebec I’m sure skews it too since they want to protect their quebecness. So 50% isn’t bad considering..._niko
- lol "quebec and the rest of canada" they're trying to fight everybody!pango
- @nb I don't know that the poll is ultimately a lie. I suspect it's not being entirely truthful or trustworthy, however. Also: the National Post.Continuity
- Not the most balanced or trustworthy publication out there.Continuity
- @_niko We'll never know if it's WASPs or someone else. The methodologies behind these polls aren't exactly transparent.Continuity
- Also as a curiosity, if they interviewed Canadas' indigenous population and asked them if there are too many immigrants I think the result would be 100% yes lol_niko
- ^ lol you're not wrong!Continuity
- if you're at least 15% native you pay minimal taxes and receive gov't benefits. That's entitlement we can all get behind.hotroddy
- canadian gov did fuck them over pretty bad. but as a pinochet supporter, you probably don't care about that.pango
- pango, feel free to lead by example and remove yourself from the first nation's land.hotroddy
- because that's coming from you i'm not gonna do that :) i'll instead advocate for my gov to give them more assistance.pango
- how convenient for youhotroddy
- nahh more like petty. because it's your idea lolpango
- btw since you're here. you said "with Trudeau at the helm it could be reality." but he's already at the helm?? what do you mean by that?pango