- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 4 days ago
- 351 Responses
- i_monk0
That was a huge waste of money.
- Gnash0
New analysis of wooden artifacts shows Viking voyagers were living in Newfoundland as far back as 1021…
We’re gonna start doing our land acknowledgements in Norwegian now
- it's interesting that they weren't wiped out by native diseases - or viceversa - like what happened in south america with spaniards and aztecs, etc.grafician
- Perhaps they were wiped outGnash
- Their living conditions and knowledge of medicine is as much, if not more, to blame than the bringing of new viruses from the west. Many other ppl than whitezarkonite
- europeans were regular visitors and brought their viruses too.zarkonite
- _niko-1
You thought it as funny, kicking our ass all those years in the sweltering heat and humidity or the Azteca Stadium? with 100,000 fans raining down boos and bags of piss?
You though the bus breakdowns, non-working elevators in the hotels and 3am fire alarms were hilarious?
well, how do you like these apples:
The coldest FIFA match of all time.
-16c tonight fuckos, hope you brought your thermal sombreros!
- _niko2
You thought it as funny, kicking our ass all those years in the sweltering heat and humidity or the Azteca Stadium? with 100,000 fans raining down boos and bags of piss?
You though the bus breakdowns, non-working elevators in the hotels and 3am fire alarms were hilarious?
well, how do you like these apples:
The coldest FIFA match of all time.
-16c tonight fuckos, hope you brought your thermal sombreros!
- el-link-o es el-busted-oGuyFawkes
- https://semfgnqp2z.e…_niko
- https://media.gettyi…_niko
- HahaGnash
- It would suck if we losepango
- I laughed hard at thermal sombreros. (Where can I buy one?)Longcopylover
- you can try the J Peterman Catalogue :)_niko
- i_monk2
Canada must prepare for America’s rapid decline
- i_monk2
Prepare for Right-Wing U.S. Dictatorship Before 2030, Scholar Urges Canada
- nb0…
Canada ranked 6th-most miserable country by think tank.
(*out of 35 countries, but still.)On Tuesday, the Fraser Institute revealed where 35 countries rank on its Misery Index, an economic measure based on inflation and unemployment rates.
With its Misery Index score of 10.88, Canada was the sixth-most miserable country, thanks to its 3.15 per cent inflation rate and 7.7 per cent unemployment rate in 2021.
Spain was the most miserable, with a score of 17.61, followed by Greece with 15.73, Italy with 11.96, and Iceland with a score of 11.26.
Japan and Switzerland were the least miserable countries, with scores of 2.61 and 3.57, respectively.
France, the U.S., Australia, and the U.K. were all deemed less miserable than Canada.
- "Misery Index" is my next post-hardcore band btwnb
- do all these metrics actually constitute misery? what if Canadians just quit their jobs, collected Cerb and spent the day pickling shit and smoking weed?_niko
- ...sounds like happiness to me lol_niko
- Fraser Inst. is known to suck, full of d-bags who have no clue what happiness isnb
- Just look: Italy, Greece, Spain and Iceland are more miserable than Canada? Lol but I guess happiness is low unemployment.nb
- agree nd, idiotic_niko
- 3.15% inflation is based on old data. We now stand at 4.7% annual inflation (mid Jan). USA at 6.8 as of now. 12 months ago it was 1.0% and 1.4% respectivelymonNom
- It's going to get worse.monNom
- The Fraser Institute is a bunch of neocon shits.i_monk
- I am pretty happy. Inflation is a bitch though.eryx
- "Misery Index" is my next post-hardcore band btw
thats the phrase my 15 yr old son uses...exador1
- sted1
- It’s the first time Albertans have ever seen the capital._niko
- All I see is white bread folk here, Canada is almost 50% immigrants and in trucking it’s like 75% Sikh. This is just hosers blowing steam._niko
- some numbers from trucker association (whatever they're called)
roughly 90% of truckers are vaccinated.
less than 10% are anti vax
even less went for the protepango - they're main reason for protest is for CA/US to take down the cross border vax mandate.
and canadian gov's like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you want us to make US do what?pango - tho their frustration is not unfounded. the Vax mandate was announced 2 day (roughly) before it was enforced.pango
- even if they tried to get Vax asap, they still need to book appointment to get vax. it may take 1 week to 2 month.pango
- and then wait 2 weeks to be fully vaxed. that's a long time to be out of work.
so this is actually the direct result of US gov's action.pango - id say right now the biggest threat for the protest is the far right groups are slowly mixing them self into the protest.pango
- Truckers had it so good for so long, at the height of lockdowns they were able to cross the border no problem, no checks, no quarantine, nothing_niko
- It’s like 1939 PolandGnash
- I hear they were doing a lot of honking and walking aroundGnash
- and drivingpango
- And parking! Their parking was particularly aggressiveGnash
- yup. just like 1939 Poland :)pango
- pango-1
tho largely peaceful
few decided to be dicks"Ottawa homeless shelter staff harassed by convoy protesters demanding food"
- pango-1
largely peaceful
few decided to be dicks"Top Canadian defence officials condemn protesters dancing on Tomb of the Unknown Soldier"
- Gnash0
- Parking like nazisGnash
- LOLpalimpsest
- Parallel parking is male privilege.palimpsest
- pango0
what's with the confederate flag?
- It's heritage.palimpsest
- Dukes of hazard fansGnash
- what does duke of hazard fans gotta do with this?pango
- Rosco P Coltrane here_niko
- @pango As someone growing in Canada, it's highly associate to Duke of Hazard because the show was pretty much the only place I had seen this flag as kid.sephil
- But what does the protest have to do with it?pango
- it was seeded, its all bullshit to make the truckers look bad.Raybandana
- It was Antifa.palimpsest
- must be. they're god damn everywhere!pango
- pango-1
- Salarrue0
- monNom1
Thinking this is limited to those people in Ottawa right now misses how much support this movement has nationally. Out for a drive yesterday I saw a couple dozen vehicles parading in my very small rural B.C. town (that skews left by a large margin). Many of those that didn’t have stickers or flags were honking their support.
I think this must have pretty broad-based support all across Canada, despite how it’s being characterized in the media.
- small business and workers in general are fed up with mandates and restrictions, but this movement has been hijacked by some nasty groups.Salarrue
- have you read up what it is they want?pango
- I am talking about the overall support in all provinces by gullible peopleSalarrue
- I gather it’s a charter of rights issue. Something between ‘security of person’ and ‘mobility rights’monNom
- Mobility right to cross into US boarder? Cuz that's what sparked this protest.pango