- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 5 days ago
- 351 Responses
- i_monk1…
Wendell Potter spent decades scaring Americans. About Canada. He worked for the health insurance industry, and he knew that if Americans understood Canadian-style health care, they might.... like it. So he helped deploy an industry playbook for protecting the health insurance agency.
- i_monk0
Microsoft Canada class action:…
If you bought Microsoft products between 1998 and 2010, you're owed some of the $409 million settlement.
- CyBrainX-2
Dear Canada,
I know it's not your style, but please annex the Northeast of the United States. Please take my friends along the west coast too. You can leave Jersey behind.Thanks!
- Hmmm, the question is do we have enough maple syrup for thisprophetone
- yes! take our inner city rif raf to see if it finally collapses your healthcare system.hotroddy
- We can ask politely, but that's about it.zarkonite
- eryx0
Snowing here today. Pretty cold too @ -16 but feels like -25 with the wind.
- grafician-4
"Mysterious monolith appears seemingly overnight along Toronto’s shoreline"
- i_monk0
Everyone ready for the coup going on downstairs?
- zarkonite0…
"MPs agree to call on feds to declare Proud Boys a terrorist entity
The motion called on the government to “use all available tools to address the proliferation of white supremacists and hate groups,” starting with the immediate designation of the Proud Boys as a terrorist group."
- This a really stupid idea and is likely to turn those in the PB with more extreme tendencies in actual terrorists. Have they learned nothing from Isis...Morning_star
- ...Boko Haram, AlQueda?Morning_star
- *into actualMorning_star
- MehGnash
- They're not white supremacists, they're a christian fascist militia. I mean some of them are white supremacists but not all of them.PhanLo
- This gives law enforcement the means to investigate and monitor them, in what way is this going to push them into terrorist activites? They won't even know theyzarkonite
- are being watched. It's not like they mandated a twitter mob of bullies to make fun of them, this is good policy.zarkonite
- i_monk0
^ Without the designation there's nobody closely monitoring them to see if they're planning the things you think monitoring will provoke them to do.
If the Toronto 18 had been left off watch lists out of fear that being on a watch list might inspire them to violence, they'd have gone ahead and blown things up and we'd wonder why they weren't on a watch list.
- er, ^ Morning_stari_monk
- There is more than enough legislation in place to allow monitoring anyone suspected of planning a crime. It’s an over-reaction and whilst the PB are irksome...Morning_star
- ...pretenders their ethos is unpopular and blatantly misguided. Keep them above ground and under the public eye and they’ll destroy themselvesMorning_star
- The core the motion was to make dealing with this sort of group a priority, making the tools available etc; designating them a terror group was only one part.i_monk
- zarkonite2
It's currently -40 outside. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put a country up here?!?!?!
- zarkonite0
I'm loving this story: this guy gets falsely accused of killing a cop, spends 6 days in jail before being released. What do we do? Let's apologize and give this guy a permanent residency!…
Camara, who is from Guinea, is a PhD student and lab supervisor at Polytechnique Montréal who was falsely accused Jan. 28 of having assaulted a police officer in Parc-Extension. He was freed and charges against him were dropped after he spent six days in jail.
Canada’s House of Commons and Quebec’s National Assembly both unanimously adopted motions on Tuesday calling for Mamadi Fara Camara to be given permanent residency.
- i_monk1
Love the thrashing Ford is getting.
Sent from my Blackberry
- you might enjoy, https://www.canadala…jpgjpg
- lol. didnt know about itVectorMasked
- colin_s0
What the hell is happening with Covid there?
- eryx2
Blasting heat records up here in oil county!
- nb1
Canadians used to imagine that climate change would benefit them, that the warming of the earth would make Canada a pleasant paradise with warm winters.
Science was like, "no, you fools. It will be extreme temperatures. Unbearable summers and even colder winters."
Some Canadians still imagine this future. Despite the usually most beautiful part of the country being a hellscape at the moment.
- In the area where my brother in law lives a few folk have died with the heat. He's currently working in his garage built into a hill, so it's a bit cooler.PhanLo
- It's actually the same in other parts of the world were we're used to having gradual climate changes
It it will only get worse from now on...grafician - Canadians don’t think thatGnash