- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 4 days ago
- 351 Responses
- eryx2
A little slice of Canada for ya.
- zarkonite0
This fucking guy can't help being on the wrong side of EVERY issue.
- i_monk0…
Most think Wexit is a terrible idea, but the concept could divide Conservatives.
Another Con schism would be great!
- ideaist0
Elementary students will be in class full time come September, Ontario says…...
: )
- Bold move(s) from Ontario, where I (and a few others on here) reside.ideaist
- all fun and games till "Multiple cases of Covis19 emerged from SteMarie's Elementary school"Bennn
- will the parents let their kids go? thats the questionBennn
- I will; "hover parents" not so much. We shall see @Bennn.ideaist
- I don't know a single parent that doesn't want to get rid of their kids asap.zarkonite
- hehheBennn
- @zarkonite this is the truth. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that jazz.
; )ideaist - Same here in AB ... will see how it plays out!Static_Line
- Our kids are eager to go to school for the first time, they can’t wait, they miss it so much_niko
- i_monk13
- Dig it_niko
- I’m assuming that’s the back? The other side will state value and country?_niko
- Finally some love for Haida!ideaist
- these are niceGnash
- Flip side will be the a profile pic of the Queen of England + a few other currency related details AFAIKStatic_Line
- The loonie looks great, I might start using cash again just to get one ;)zarkonite
- WANT.Nairn
- those pogs are dope!nudes
- I love the solid loonie, but it bothers me that the design in the middle of the toonies don't continue out on the silver. It feels kinda messy to me.Melanie
- double colour serves a purspose to easily differentiate from the looniehotroddy
- WOTDimbecile
- zarkonite1…
"4 Canadians with terminal cancer win the right to try magic mushrooms. B.C.'s Laurie Brooks says just one psilocybin trip has led to lasting improvements in her mental health."
I say legalize everything.
- bogue14
Moving back to Ontario from Oregon at the end of this month. We're packing up a uhaul, towing a vehicle and my wife is driving our second vehicle with our two children. Our daughter is immune compromised and i'm terrified to make this journey across the US back home... but not as terrified as I am to stay in this crazy shit storm.
It will take about 6 days to drive home. We have to quarantine for 2 weeks once we get back. And i've been advised to remove the US plates from our vehicles so they aren't vandalized.
I moved away from Ontario over 20 years ago to pursue life in the mountains of BC. Somewhere along the way i got seduced by interesting design gigs at Apple and Nike. But i could not be happier to return home, help out my mom, live a simpler life, and shovel my goddamn driveway 3 times a day for 7 months of the year.
See you soon my Canadian friends.
- Welcome back home bogue!
Bienvenue à la maison!Bennn - Merci Beaucoup Benn. Ca fais tros longtemps... as you can probably tell by how terrible my french is nowbogue
- ;-) you just missed a 'p' at 'trop' and it would have been 10/10Bennn
- Tabernaclebogue
- Safe travels. Planning on making any stops on the way, or just burning through the miles / kms?garbage
- We’re gonna try and average about 500 miles a day. There’s only so much that a 4 and 7 year old can takebogue
- Nice! Will you be in Toronto, or countryside? Have a safe trip Monsieuromer
- Safe drive, and welcome back.ben_
- Oof, yeah, good luck.garbage
- have a good trip :)neverscared
- Welcome home :)Gnash
- Thanks All! We'll be a couple of hours north in Penetanguishene.bogue
- Safe trip bud. Cases are low here in Ontario.Raybandana
- Have a safe trip. I’ve been in Portland for 20 years. Worked for most the usuals in town. Have a family about your ages and we’re thinking about moving back to.fooler
- ..the Midwest. Same reasons. Simpler life. Cheaper houses. Closer to the in laws. Less riots.fooler
- I was up in midland visiting a friend last week. I like it up there :) safe tripGnash
- Hosernb
- Welcome back home bogue!
- i_monk0
Anyone else worry that as the US ship sinks we're going to let ourselves get dragged down too instead of cutting the ropes?
- No worries, our fearless captain has already abandoned ship.utopian
- From what I know about Canada, it's on my top 5 countries to move to in case of emergency. The other 4 are New Zealand...grafician
- i_monk, I kind of agree. But we are so intertwined it'll be like trying to untangle a thousand lines while we're going under.ben_
- May not even be able to cut them all in time.ben_
- fuck it, just build a wall alreadygrafician
- except the Great Lakes, just throw some great whites in there, just to be safegrafician
- I think about this often, I think if a civil war breaks out again, we’ll be dragged in as well_niko
- In the event of a 2nd civil war I think we'd be a refuge not a target. Which side is going to expose their flank to the other by attacking us instead?i_monk
- Canadians have a long history of realizing you never count our US cousins out, never write them off. The US is very resilient and has had many comebacks.********
- i_monk1
By Canadian standards, Kamala Harris could run for the Conservatives…
(Would Bernie even be NDP?)
- pango1
- Amen!pango
- explain pleaseutopian
- "no owner of a bitch shall suffer or permit such bitch to be upon the street or in any public place while the bitch is in heat."pango
- bogue9
First of all Thanks to all you QBN canucks that posted nice things about our journey home on my last message.
The journey is done. We arrived yesterday after 6 days of driving through Oregon > Idaho > Montana > North Dakota > Minnesota > Wisconsin > Michigan > Ontario.
To say that was intense would be an understatement. I was driving in a 26 Haul towing a vehicle while my wife drove our two children in our other vehicle. We ate all of our meals on the side of the road, we didn't enter a single public washroom, i disinfected our hotel rooms before my wife and kids entered them. It was probably all over kill, although the amount of people not wearing masks in public spaces made me feel like it was probably worth while.
Highlights included a seeing a sweet old man with a big white beard and an SS Tattoo on side of this neck and swastika on the other. And also cooking cheeseburgers for my family at 9:30 at night in the parking lot of the mariott hotel in Duluth Minnesota.
We crossed the border yesterday and made it back to my home town and are now in quarantine until the 14th of september. Now i will just sit here and check all of our temperatures every 5 minutes until that day.
Feels good to be back in the great white north. Can't wait to go dip my toes in Georgian Bay.
- Welcome back! I was just at Killbear, my first time seeing Georgian Bay.i_monk
- Welcome back :) reach out if you need anything. Sounds like you guys can have a well deserved rest nowGnash
- Care for some LiChess?grafician
- Not overkill. This is how we stay alive!nb
- Drop a line; we’re in Dunedin/Creemore/Col...
Perhaps a QBN meetup.ideaist - @ideast I remember spending time over your way camping and hiking the caves and bluffs near Singhampton. What a beautiful spot. Would love to get together.bogue
- I put an offer on a building in singhampton 2 years ago :) They didn’t accept my bid :(Gnash
- That's a hell of adventure, glad you made it safe.garbage
- Gnash7
- They were great all the way through, what a series and what a career for these two_niko
- never seen a episode...
good for them tho.pango - I watched the first episode and bailed.CyBrainX
- I loved it. those sctv kids can do no wrong by meGnash
- < I had the biggest crush on her sister. I used to go to her brother’s speakeasy all the time on the off chance she’d show upGnash
- wait... emmy happened?pango
- I only watched one episode, didn’t notice any jokes or humorous bits. Was confused. And I’m a huge fan of these two!nb
- great show... worth it for the 'moira-isms' alone. real family show. even the kids' romantic storylines were done so well they didn't annoy the shit out of me.kingsteven
- i think the emmy was for most gratuitous use of monochromatic color by the wardrobe deptimbecile
- The first season is a bit of a slog, put me off for years, but worth getting through.i_monk
- The real miracle here is a show getting legs in Canada and beyond (Internationally) and for that alone, the Levy family should be VERY proud.ideaist
- I tried this show 3x, never getting past the 1st episode. Then a year later I stuck with it, about to wrap it up actually, and I can say it deserves Emmys.monospaced
- Point is, if you just watch the first episode, I don't blame you for not getting into it. It isn't enough, and it takes the first handful of episodes to catchmonospaced
- I fell asleep just looking at the photo.utopian
- I'm in the same boat as everyone else. Didn't get into it for years. Now i'm cranking through it and can't get enough. Catherine O'Hara is absolutely insane.bogue
- I love that "David" is used to punctuate so many jokes in this show. Well-deserved.garbage
- Awesome show! Great cast!Krassy
- The entire O’Hara family is pretty awesomeGnash
- i_monk1
What are you doing for Thanksgiving, Qbnada?
- Headed from Creemore/Dunedin, ON to Chatham, ON to see mom & dad. Fully controlled BUT I know it's taboo...
You @i_monk?ideaist - Gov asked us to stay homeBennn
- We can't see the family this year but we're having 3 friends over (all were in our bubble already).i_monk
- Drink a gallon of maple syrup + rhum.zarkonite
- Going to gallop in to a wooded glen and punch dance out my rage.... that, plus beer of courseStatic_Line
- https://media.giphy.…prophetone
- Make fun of Michiganders?canoe
- Headed from Creemore/Dunedin, ON to Chatham, ON to see mom & dad. Fully controlled BUT I know it's taboo...
- i_monk1
Cornish hens, roasted sprouts with tahini and lemon dressing, lemongrass mashed potatoes, roasted carrots, beets, sweet potatoes and turnip in garlic and rosemary, stuffing and soft white rolls. Not bad for a pandemic year. Preserved lemons, where have you been all this time?