- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 4 days ago
- 351 Responses
- Krassy4
- Replace Québec with Canada and Canada with the UK.i_monk
- i like yours better, i_monkmantrakid
- france takes no ownership over quebec.hotroddy
- montel williams will decide.hotroddy
- Quebec is our Ozarks, and some of their worst make their way to the west coast********
- stop producing the worst and send them away to other places.pango
- You guys talking about the worst sound like rank amateurs compared to the US.CyBrainX
- i_monk1
Welcome aboard, John Irving.
- pango-1
- pango0
- BC freaks out at what the rest of Canada calls normal winter weather.i_monk
- https://www.narcity.…Gnash
- https://static01.nyt…pango
- i_monk8
- :Dsted
- Denim on denim? Even Canadians don’t do thatGnash
- @Gnash. Tuxedo.DRIFTMONKEY
- where is the maple syrup?utopian
- Holy fuck, Drift, I stand corrected. I had no idea
https://en.wiktionar…Gnash - Lol @ “prairies-dwelling”Gnash
- @Gnash: they do in New Brunswick. Ugh.Continuity
- I see it in Toronto all the time. Usually different tones/colours, but all denim.i_monk
- Live and learnGnash
- Lol I was just going to comment on the representation of the 3 quintessential Canadian looks esp the Canadian tuxedo_niko
- The only thing missing is one of them should be carrying a Scarborough suitcase lol_niko
- Omg. How have I missed all these? Please tell me a Scarbourough suitcase refers to a case of beerGnash
- Lol yup_niko
- Oh man, I know nothingGnash
- lolpango
- I hadn't heard of that one before.i_monk
- not enough beermonospaced
- Naw it's always been the Texan Tuxedo, there is zero alliteration in Canadian Tuxedo...robotron3k
- I'm from Scarborough, can confirm!spot13
- Here’s a classic reference…_niko
- Smh robo. Canadian TuxedoBH26
- Could use a double double in there though.BH26
- ^ Lol
They can't of everything, cut these hosers some slack.Continuity
- Morning_star2
Dearest Canadians,
Thanks for Letterkenny, your weed laws and Fat Burger.
I wonder if i could trouble you for a bit of insight, I'm currently working on a Spring campaign for a large company that operates across Canada. Are there any images that signify 'Spring' to Canadians? Here in the UK Chicks (baby chickens), Daffodils, Snowdrops, Bluebells are all common images associated with it but i'm unaware if these would translate to Canadians. Any insight would be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
- Maple syrup flowing starts in early spring. Pretty much very small town has a Maple syrup festival In March/AprilGnash
- the same symbols that you’ve listed already would be relevant here as wellGnash
- Icicles dripping, piles of cigarette butts and dog turds where snowbanks once stood, snow tires (or chains) coming off...i_monk
- Haha, that tooGnash
- i_monk has it right. You also know spring is around the corner when it’s too cold out for them, but the odd dipshit is wearing shorts anyway.ben_
- Gnash1
@ morning star
- i_monk0
Wish Back Market would ship here. We have shit choices for refurbished phones, afaict.
- _niko13
Canada Bans assault rifles. There, see how easy that was?…
now of course we're in danger of being invaded by the Michigan cosplay militia, which we could most certainly outrun.
- ohhh noose not the cosplay militiapango
- lol @ cosplay militia!nb
- About time. Such a no-brainerGnash
- Although, I don’t really know what an ‘assault-style’ weapon isGnash
- They'll continue to be smuggled across the border as are the majority of guns here.i_monk
- Build that wall between CA and USpango
- We don’t need a wall, we just have to lock-up the chain-link fenceGnash
- we never had 'assault style' weapons. rifles are limited to 5 round magazines. no automatic fire. we mean looking have hunting rifles at best.monNom
- easy talking point win thoughmonNom
- then why are people getting mad? "omg something we don't have is getting banned! Outrageous!!!!"pango
- The legal magazine capacity limit is 10 rounds in Canada, and I own a Robinson Armament XCR... if that's not an assault style weapon I don't know what is.zarkonite
- LOL, it litterally says it's an assault rifle in the wiki: https://en.wikipedia…zarkonite
- I remember when my neighbor to the north quit shooting. I kept my guns though.imbecile
- commies they all commies...flippin losers ;) meheh just kiddin... fuck the nra!neverscared
- We all know that this isn’t going to stop mass shooting, nor access to those weapons for those who want themGnash
- But it’s still a good thing and sends the right message.Gnash
- utopian2
- ?pango
- pajama partyMilan
- how does this image downloads in B&W first?sted
- ^https://cloudinary...whatthefunk
- https://cloudinary.c…whatthefunk
- wow thanks :)
i saved a few progressive jpegs in my life but its the first time i see it load like thissted - Just because they look like idiots doesn’t make them Canadian !Gnash
- Savages********
- Canada Softrobotron3k
- They’re Brazilians!Gnash
- Are high waisted pants ‘in’ down in Brazil?Gnash
- very annoying looking people...shapesalad
- still dont get this photopango
- Me neither, but 2nd guy from right killing it with the tip toe pose. Tennis. High waist. Team. Normal people hate them.maquito
- so this has nothing to do with canada?pango
- ^ Aside from the name of their firm being, Polar, nope.Gnash
- ok then.pango
- i'd love to have some insufferable beers with these guys!_niko
- i_monk1
Americans trust Canadians more than themselves: survey…
According to the survey, 72.5 per cent of Americans trust Canadians, compared to 70 per cent who trust other Americans.
On the flip side, 88 per cent of Canadians trust their countrymen but only 34 per cent trust Americans.
Twenty-one per cent of Canadians don't trust Americans at all while only 7.2 per cent of Americans feel that way about their northern neighbours.
According to Jack Jedwab, President and CEO of ACS, the U.S. and Canadian governments’ approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic greatly influenced respondents’ trust in the countries.
“There was a big slide in trust when you compare the answers from April to the pre-pandemic ones from November,” Jedwab told CTV News.
- Who are the 12% of Canadians that don’t trust Canadians? Damn separatistsGnash
- lol Northern Mexico...robotron3k
- I trust them to be self-righteous hosers, that's fer sure, eh?nb
- no doubt aboot it_niko
- lol if we're mexico you're clearly some banana republic to the south_niko
- that goes for the whole planet.neverscared
- _niko4
Hey We're getting into the action too!
has got of be one of the most Canadian things ever lol- Screwdrivers? That’s a new one to meGnash
- what is the screwdriver shirt?Milan
- lol actually I was hoping you'd shed some light on them, must be super obscure_niko
- It's a neo-nazi band. Fuck arguing with nazis, should've laid him out.Milan
- it would be funny if he was just an otherwise innocent DIY fan and bought the t-shirt from a second hand store.
"Yeah! I fucking love screwedrivers!"Nairn -…nb
- Don't you dudes got the internet?! https://en.wikipedia…ideaist
- I didn’t want to google and then have lederhosen ads spamming my feeds for weeksGnash
- FUN FACT: Mark Radcliffe (BBC Radio DJ) played drums in Screwdriver before they went all nazi.Morning_star
- nb1
I endorse some – but not all – of the lyrics of this song.
But I do heartily endorse how much it rips!
- horton0
Trudeau pauses for 21 seconds before answering question about Trump's response to U.S. protests.
... that hair tho.
- I wish that more leaders like Trudeau would think before they quickly spout out their thoughts especially with all of the chaos ananger going on at this moment.utopian
- It's possible he was waiting for the question to be repeated in French and the French audio has been cutnb
- nah, he was trying to balance out his far left base's needs vs not pissing off our sugar daddy.zarkonite
- If you think the far left supports Trudeau you don't know anyone on the far left.i_monk
- They're the ones that brought him into power to begin with. He's taken the Libs and made them into a left leaning party.zarkonite
- You're confusing the left with far left, as conservatives tend to do. The far left votes NDP, the Libs are too right for them.i_monk
- How do you explain to the NDP lost 50%+ of their votes under Mulcair while the Libs surged?zarkonite
- nb0…
Canadian Civil Liberties Union report on "arrests" surrounding social distancing in Canada.
Sorrrry there's no Canada is Fucked thread, eh!
- lol it doesn't need one. canada is synonymous with the word fucked.pango
- Ya, Canada’s the worst. When are you moving pango?Gnash
- im the worst as well. we belong together.…pango - In 2016, many promised publicly that if Trump was elected, they'd move to Canada. Then he was, and they didn't.********