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  • 1,399 Responses
  • colin_s1

    tbh i saw this was at 200 posts and wanted to make sure the top post of the next page was a reminder that capitalism is organized crime

    • what is more efficient than organized crime?hotroddy
    • ^ Is it German Organised Crime?Morning_star
    • to say a banana is an apple is a easy thing. to prove it is a whole nuther story.
  • sofas0

    "capitalism survives anarchist bike collectives brutal zine campaign"…...

  • sofas0

    "In this short video, Peter Fleming, author of 'The Death of Homo Economicus' (Pluto, 2017), answers the questions 'who was homo economicus?' and 'how does its ghost continue to haunt us today?'

    The book is available now from


    In today's workplaces we work harder and longer, labouring under the illusion that this will bring us more wealth. As this myth becomes increasingly preposterous, it's time to understand why we believe in it, and where it came from.

    The Death of Homo Economicus explores the origin of this oppressive myth, in order to destroy it. The story begins with the creation of a fake persona labelled the 'dollar-hunting man', invented by economists Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek. Today, this persona, driven by competition and ego, is used by politicians and managers to draw a veil over the terrible reality of work under capitalism.

    Creeping into all aspects of life, the desire to constantly compete and accumulate must be resisted if we are to create a better way of life for all."

    • Or you could create a population of unskilled workers who are useless who sit around and wait for gov't handouts.hotroddy
    • is this russian fake news? Hard to see any relevance at all in this video. Basically a dude talking about nothing. i think u got trolled sofas
    • unless you are the troll.... trolling... either way check yourself for fake news cancer usually found under the left testicle
    • @hotroddy - do we need more graphic designers advancing society with their awesome commercials?sofas
    • @deathboy ad hominem = trollingsofas
    • Any way, I don't know if I agree with Mr. Fleming, just found it interesting.sofas
    • Homo Economicus is a simplification of the darwinistic principles that underpin capitalistic economics... i'm not sure about this book either but there has beenkingsteven
    • a ton of discussion recently about how theories debunking it as an adequate model for human behaviour could affect economic systems.kingsteven
    • i don't see a direct connection between adopting more altruistic models for business and serfdom. if anything the proof lies in entities adopting such a modelkingsteven
    • and being more successful and economically stable than their peers.kingsteven
    • @sofas I see your point. But I provide a service and I get paid to be creative. The more businesses and entrepreneurs the more my services are in demand.hotroddy
    • what other system is going to want my services? Will the gov't need my services? Should I do propaganda posters or design state park maps and flyers?hotroddy
    • hotroddy, homo economicus refers to the persona that operates on competition and ego alone. it's not accurate as it doesn't reflect the actual makeup of thekingsteven
    • workforce because businesses that promote a mix of egotistic and altruistic personas have proven to be more successful.kingsteven
    • so the economic systems need to evolve to take this in to consideration. it's the death of a concept framed as the death of a person... you are not dying.kingsteven
    • sofas how do you not know if you agree or disagree? are you waiting for someone to decide for you? step up and decide
    • and ad hominem doesn't make much sense since im not throwing shade on you or the author for the argument. Im simply saying I found 0 relevance in the vid
    • what motivates someone to post something they dont know how to think/feel about? Base your thinking on popular average? haha u funny
  • sofas0

    paraphrasing... "In a way, the USA is the most communist state, since as an individualist society everyone has seized the means to manufacture".

    "What is human capital?
    Human capital theory was invented as an ideological weapon in the Cold War. Now it is helping to Uberise the world of work"…

  • hotroddy1

  • i_monk0

    This man invented the digital camera in 1975 – and his bosses at Kodak never let it see the light of day…

    (See also: the centennial bulb, a lightbulb still working after 115+ years of nearly continuous use – it was never mass produced for some reason...)

  • ********

    anti capitalism…

    anything to keep the fremont money burn. sickening

    • This is actually really good! Energy costs in California are astronomical. My parents installed solar 20 years ago and they’ve paid for themselves many times.monospaced
    • Off the grid electricity ... no bills, no cost to heat water or hot tub. It’s great.monospaced
    • Even better for public sector, like schools and government buildings.monospaced
    • Problem i see with this is that no all places in California are best suited for Solar. We just got solar installed, our house is in the High desert....BabySnakes
    • which is cloud free 95% of the year and even a fairly see through cloud affected energy collection by half. Places by the beach or forest will suck.BabySnakes
    • Not what I’ve heard but okay.monospaced
  • i_monk1

    • when you have a guy who thinks its more important to build a colony on the moon than pay his staff enough to live on earth, revolution cant be far away.sothere
    • Doesn't stop lower-classes from having children. That is your bigger problem. Children should be seen as investment to you and to society.hotroddy
    • Starts with video games, ends with D&D.

      Much like civilisation.
    • Who are you referring to sothere?monospaced
    • Elon Musk, certainly.i_monk
    • Oh I didn’t realize he failed to pay his employees fair wages. As for his goals as a private entrepreneur, nobody really has a right to complain.monospaced
    • Should be Jeff Bezos, given his $, infamous poor wages at AMZN and hios focus on near Earth and Moon for heavy industry. Musk is Mars and low CEO $ ratiodetritus
    • Not that either would be correct because it's a vapid fallacy to collate high tech investment with poor wages in unrelated fieldsdetritus
    • https://launiusr.wor…detritus
  • PhanLo2

  • sofas-3…

    "The Science of the Job Search, Part V: Getting Fired (or Laid Off) Costs You ~5 Years of Experience"

  • PhanLo0

  • utopian2

    Big Banks Are Once Again
    Taking Risks With Complex Financial Trades

    Big banks are skirting the rules on the sale of the complex financial instruments that helped bring about the 2008 financial crisis, by exploiting a loophole in federal banking regulations, a new report says.……

    • #MAGAutopian
    • ***airhorn blast***monospaced
    • Their pensions are also being traded like a commodity. Stupid fucks.monospaced
    • Don't worry, the GOP is going to de-regulate, that should help.formed
  • shapesalad0

  • i_monk3

    This Is Just the Beginning…

  • caterpus0

  • shapesalad2

    Interesting concept:

    • $13365 in sales.shapesalad
    • Considering how many people churn out logo examples for portfolios in the hope of getting commissioned, logo pizza is a brilliant idea.shapesalad
    • i think it's brilliant, as well. this was posted before so there was some discussion on it.Gnash
    • All these template things are smart. I've seen some Wordpress, AF, etc., for $20 that look like they should cost $20k...then I see the sales and some of theseformed
    • kids are making a killing! I've seen logo things like this a ton cheaper, too, but it is super smart and still better than most logos out there anyway.formed
  • shapesalad0

    • is this vid anything to do with https://www.nytimes.… ?detritus
    • Someone makes a convincing argument a thousand times a year. The trick is trying to brace for it whenever it shows up.formed
    • Home prices here are insane, too, everything sells in days with offers nicely above asking.formed
    • Problem is population here is growing faster than there is supply, hence the skyrocketing prices. Rents, which have outpaced homes, though, need to correct.formed
    • I've seen two of my neighbors sell and have to say I am quite tempted.formed
  • HijoDMaite-11

    Lovers of this thread, congratulations. You're millennial Bernie Bro did it.

    At least she isn't hiding her true ideology. She is 28 and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

    So basically my University TA, in love with Karl Marx, that has never held a real job just won a seat in congress. Socialists make me fucking sick!

    • nice poster design tho.HijoDMaite
    • ya, posters are nice. socialist have always had better design sense.Gnash
    • (aside from one obvious exception, of course)Gnash
    • Seems like a lot of people in the U.S. are adopting this label of being socialist but then when you ask what they believe it's just a slightly more left-wingyuekit
    • version of the Democrats (who they disparagingly refer to as "liberals").yuekit
    • This woman would bankrupt the country. I wonder how many Dem votes she would actually get if she ran for a major political office.HijoDMaite
    • she'd do well in venezuela
    • +1 yuekit, it's like when people on here describe US MSM as left-wing. Fucking lol. it really isn't.fadein11
    • Aside from calling herself that, what does she advocate for that's so extreme though?yuekit
    • nothing extreme at all, but it looks that way when things have swung so far to the right. similar in UK.fadein11
    • looks that way to some I should say.fadein11
    • Seeing as how there's a 3x remarried, 6x filed for bankruptcy, real estate con man and tv celeb in office whom has never held a real 'job' as potuskona
    • we can obviously do far, far worse than her. taking a page from trumptards... 'give her a chance'kona
    • :)fadein11
    • "an economy run by the workers or the state." what could go wrong?Gnash
    • Your country thought Obama was a Marxist.i_monk
    • Her commercial was, hands down, the best political ad I've ever seen... seriously. she trounced a Democrat.robotron3k
    • woodMaaku
    • Why do you have such an emotional response to socialists? Have you ever lived is a country governed by a left-wing democratic party?dmay
    • This is good news, the left is finally fighting back.zarkonite
    • ^ true that. better that a republican winningGnash
    • ^ yep, with a core focus on people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellnesswhatthefunk
    • @dmay I assume what you are baiting me to debate why the Nordic model can’t work in the US correct?HijoDMaite
    • No, I want to understand why does it makes you sickdmay
    • I live in a country with a left-wing minority government, supported by a communist party and a hard left partydmay
    • You aren’t actually talking about the long lists of countries that have tried Socialism and failed right?HijoDMaite
    • And it's not a ditactorship...dmay
    • No, it's Portugal, a country in Europe, much poorer than the US, but with a much better healthcare systemdmay
    • And we had a Dictator, supported by the US, and it was anti-communismdmay
    • And after that we had right-wing, left-wing, coalition governments.dmay
    • "Socialists make me fucking sick!"
      lol this place is full of petty, reactionary, cunts.
    • Bad ass.sea_sea
    • Well I’m at work so won’t write a book. But for starters I believe in individual rights not rights of the community.HijoDMaite
    • Well I’m at work so won’t write a book. But for starters I believe in individual rights not rights of the community.HijoDMaite
    • I believe in freedom of expression towards anything including the govt. freedom of commerce, open markets,HijoDMaite
    • Basically if you remove racism and greed, I don’t see how anyone doesn’t welcome Capitalism.HijoDMaite
    • I think critics of Capitalism will try to convince you that racism and greed are basic human traits and we need more government to deter that. I disagree.HijoDMaite
    • If you study basic comparative politics you will learn that more government = more corruption.HijoDMaite
    • (racism and greed also exist in socialism)Gnash
    • Charity is what I believe in, not forced redistribution of capital.HijoDMaite
    • those big corps and CEO's all so charitable aren't they?fadein11
    • Yes fadein the US still #1 in individual charity and philanthropy around the world last time I checked.HijoDMaite
    • yet still cannot provide a decent healthcare system for it's citizens and poverty at an all time high. Some provisions shouldn't be about charitable donationsfadein11
    • "around the world" I get your concerns though, but a base level of care for a nations citizens (especially the richest nation on Earth) should surely be a givenfadein11
    • The current system isn't working so perhaps try something new? But worry not your image of socialism would never happen in the US.fadein11
    • I’ve always thought there is a healthy debate for universal healthcare. I never understood the right’s adamant opposition to it. I assume it’s a fear of..HijoDMaite
    • Becoming “more socialist”. I know that the level of healthcare, while it is the best in this nation it isn’t available to all.HijoDMaite
    • "poverty at an all time high" - clearly jibberish before my QBN nemesisseses get on my case. But at ridiculously high rates. Trying to find a good piece i readfadein11
    • the other day.fadein11
    • I don’t know what the AMA and individual doctor’s views are on this topic. But I can bet what the Insurance companies view is.HijoDMaite
    • While poverty may be an issue in this country, the safety net is the best model in existence. Other countries poverty vs. American poverty.HijoDMaite
    • I prefer the mix of 2 systems. With out socialist, There wouldn't be a safety net, 40 hours limit, 5 days work week.pango
    • While the capitalism promotes progress, socialist protects people. Why not both? It doesn't have to be one or the other.pango
    • the mix of 2 systems can work v.well for sure, and does now.fadein11
    • elsewhere*fadein11
    • I don't think anyone would argue with fairer distribution of wealth and the reversal of neo-liberal Reagonomics. That is the root cause of why people like Trumpfadein11
    • get elected. The relentless destruction of the Middle Class etc.fadein11
    • Name a country where socialism failed that wasn't overthrown by or embargoed by the US.i_monk
    • And let's see some data supporting your claims about the American safety net vs that of Canada or Scandinavia or elsewhere.i_monk
    • Ok I’ll get back to youHijoDMaite
    • "Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production"Gnash
    • Incorporating social services does not make a country socialist.Gnash
    • there's good and bad ideas in all the "isms". small minds seems to think you have to pick only one and fight to the death.inteliboy
    • Didn't a version of Socialism already happen under Roosevelt? One that actually improved peoples living standards.PhanLo
    • the problem in debating the merits of one ism over another is in agreeing with what that ism is in the first place.Gnash
    • every argument is countered with either, 'that wasn't "true" xxxism, or some outside forces wouldn't let it happen.Gnash
    • any 'ism' that survives needs to do it in the real world, else it's just a good story to read.Gnash
    • The No True Scotsman Fallacyi_monk
    • How about the “what-about-ism” arguments?HijoDMaite
    • Perhaps it'd be easier to start with naming a socialist country that has thrived.Gnash
    • China? That country has its (many) issues but definitely an economic power house. Thrived in what way?pango
    • Also it's not entirely a socialist country. Sticking to any particular ism without any practical reason, can get toxic. Like nationalism.pango
    • "what about ism" is mainly to distract and de-rail. Just gotta ask your self or the person who brought up the example. Is that example relevant?pango
    • Boo
    • She hot tho.pango
    • yass, she is.Gnash
    • Better looking than Hugo Chavez.hotroddy
    • Better looking than trump as wellpango
  • dmay4

    ^ Is this a lie?

    You said that she never held a real job.

    "As the financial reality caught up to her family, Alexandria found herself working two jobs and 18 hour shifts in restaurants to help her family keep their home."

    • ok bartender is a real job. I concede.HijoDMaite
    • It's a great story. here this a year ago:…
    • a year later she defeats the guy who would likely be the next speaker of the houseGnash
    • doesn't get much more 'american' than thatGnash
    • I agree she won fair and square and should be very proud of her accomplishment. I think her politics suck though.HijoDMaite
    • We gathered thatfadein11
  • i_monk5

    • I was thinking. I never said we should compare the safety net if the United States to that of Scandanavian or Canadian system. I said it’s the best..HijoDMaite
    • compared to other nations. Orher nation’s poverty and suffering is at a level not seen in this country since the Great Depression.HijoDMaite
    • I think this is pretty obv don’t you agree?HijoDMaite
    • Yes, the wealth re-distribution to the .1% has been pure insanity. So if that continues, we will plummet and eventually citizens will revolt.formed
    • as to bankrupting the country, just look at them tax cuts, increased spending and jeopardizing the entire economy with games.formed
    • Oh, and cutting everything that actually benefits citizens. Can't wait for those pre-existing conditions to take effect, that should help my business! Fuck.formed
    • Yes, now that you've had time to see how much better it is in Canada, Japan, most of Europe, etc, you realize you meant better than Syria and Haiti.i_monk
    • That's also the platform of every 2nd year university student, until reality happens.
    • So countries that have those things are somehow disconnected from reality?i_monk
    • Dude come on. I know a lot of things sound great but they are not rights. The constitution says “...and the PERSUIT of happiness” not the RIGHT.HijoDMaite
    • 1. Pursuit. 2. Life and liberty precede the pursuit of happiness, and arguments can be made that most of those bullet points serve one or the other.i_monk
    • 3. You enjoy lots of things that aren't specifically enshrined as "rights" but would freak out about if they were removed.i_monk
    • Citizens will revolt. You got that right.