
  • Started
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  • 1,399 Responses
  • monoboy3

    I hear prices for medical goods are rising tenfold as different states try to outbid each other for limited supplier contracts. What the actual fuck.…

    • Disaster capitalism in its purest form.monoboy
    • I love when America pulls together as a nation in a crisis.PhanLo
    • Murica that's why.utopian
    • If u dont raise prices with demand u get super hoarders unless u limit and ration. Limit and ration doesn't encourage more suppliers to come into the market
    • Place though so u will have limited production. A higher price premium drives competition and new production into the sector though. U might not like the price
    • Increase but don't neglect what it's does to provide. Think ying to telecoms price gateways that spurred invention, competition and drove costs down.
    • The alternative is forcing firms and haggling on price. For sure they will come in over budget and slow to produce when no one wants to make them
    • Since their is no incentive. Capitalism 101
    • Not to mention Price discovery. Markets without that are not markets. A question of product viability and scale may rest on fda approved equipment vs peer revie
    • I'd look at removing gov bottlenecks that hinder production and encourage diligence on doctors and hospitals and how desperate they are. Why let someone die
    • Waiting on lack of something vs trying what is on hand and sharing wether a success or not
    • If all of that sounds crazy vs what is being done than I guess I'm crazy
    • Traditionally it’s lowering prices that causes competition. NOT the other way around which is the basis for your entire nonsense theorymonospaced
    • Also, what government bottleneck is stopping production? That’s right. None. You’re making it up.monospaced
    • Mono. When there is a high price premium for so etching in demand u create Incentive for competition
    • People want that capital and see ways of undercutting. It's innovation and competition that created lower prices
    • U can't force lower prices by gov decree to create competition. U create less competition. Ie when Obamacare set it's standards competition in nv for disaster
    • Healthcare shrank from 16 to 3. One major medical with such terrible price points and a ever changing fly by night scam versions
    • Again shows how little understanding of markets forces u know. But it's not like u ever got any study on it either. Just a simp repeating what u are told
    • Think about it your idea lowering price's creates competition. What are u a designer or some shit. Let's lower your pay to grow economy and competition
    • How u can even think that works is beyo d me even with logical fallacies. It's absurd
    • Side-notes boy to the rescue, what a loon.utopian
    • Yea yea. Make comment in disdain in hopes creates similar sentiment outside objective reason. only real weapon u have
    • When u can't debate or argue a point the parlor games are quite trite
    • you are a walking fallacy, and the delusion that you are the sole human with the answers why EVERYONE ALIVE ON THE PLANET is wrong is insanity (or stupidity)monospaced
    • See, the thing is, I work in a world where market fluctuations are part of my job. You live in your mom's basement and have no education. Do the math.monospaced
    • So, when I say that lowering prices causes competition, it's true. Look at the history of market competition. It's always the case. Always.monospaced
    • Another 20-30 dumbfuck, rambling, incorherent notes about how stupid your idea is is expected. Go on, dumbfuck. Show me your stupid. Please.monospaced
    • Your argument of fake authority. Is not reason. You are simply a fool that wears it proudly. I say it so it is so! Release the kraken! Haha
    • U can't provide substance on an intellectual level but u do provide comedy
  • sted2

    Money printer goes brrr

  • utopian1

    The everyday price for for can of Lysol spray is about $5- each.

    eBay sellers are selling the same can between $45 to $75 per can plus $8- for delivery.…

    #Murica that why

    • Who cares. Let price discovery work. I think there target is like a 10k purse. So fools with plenty of money and no brains
    • Don't u remember PS4 ni tendo switch and every type of thing sold in demand. Stocks Bitcoin etc. Tell u what I bet price discovery shows its real price
    • And price discovery has little to do with country... Can have to do with rules though. U see price discovery on every country
    • Think of the Norwegian butter crisis. Shit was smuggled like gold and sold to who could afford it. A gov failing
    • The thing is bitching and moaning without understanding reasons or cause and effects does nothing. Well except get group think amongst other lazy emo ppl
    • And maybe that is the point. It's human to be a part of something for most or that same group think. It's comfort and security
    • But u should, not that u will, tigers do t change stripes. Exactly the consequences of what u are chasing and its real effects
    • #realfathertalk
    • shitpostboymonospaced
    • it is quite amazing how deathboy continually assumes that folks don't understand capitalismkingsteven
    • and that anyone cares to read his incoherent, poorly written meanderings.Nairn
    • i have the problem of reading side notes without caring to check who posted them (until i'm too deep).kingsteven
    • Likewise, but deathboy's notes tend to leap out fairly prominently as his, given their lack of focus, pace, brevity, consideration (for itself and for others)Nairn
    • The last time I checked, price gouging during a pandemic was illegal. But capitalism is the Murican way. Greed is Good!utopian
    • And not one post directly related to anything about my posts. Maybye price gouging is illegal but it's a subjective law based on the unwarranted fear of the pos
    • Conclusion is still with lack of any argument quit bitching about prices u dont understand. Copy paste g emo social media shit like u are woke
    • To demonstrate an argument you could say well the means of production are better left to gov than the free market
    • And try to state why u believe such a thi g looking at how well our state can do such a thing and how it can balance liberty as well
    • Your posts are nothing but musings of a retard. They aren't even discussion worthy, nor relevant to reality. That's why people think you're a moron, deathboy.monospaced
    • You actually don't even pose a real argument. Nothing that can't be torn about by anyone with a grasp on capitalism or reality in mere seconds.monospaced
    • The reason peop,e care is they NEED this and capitalist cunts are gouging. Arguing there's no issue here is just one more CUNT's opinion.monospaced
    • Need is one facet of a economy. It's doesn't set rules nor drive it. I gave u your option. Which is about distribution.
    • Now need can play a part in politics. And distribution by force vs free markets. But I don't think u understand any of that. U see need and think u deserve
    • Take that logic to any third world country and see how it pans out. Seriously start to accept u know far less than Trump on economics
    • Maybe you can focus how higher prices increase competition. Lower prices not so much... IE oil at the lower prices today.
    • Or do u think lower prices is outside
      profit margins? U think people will lower prices far enough into negative territory just out of good will?
    • Self harm out of altruist beliefs I think is definition mental illness
  • NBQ000

    Hedge funder Bill Ackman: I made $2.6 billion off coronavirus market crash:…

  • Beeswax0

    Socialism is reloading. teeheee

    There's no way out of this economic turmoil other than the governments stepping in and start nationalizations and giving paychecks to the masses.
    Free market rules will still reign for a while for certain sectors like internet companies but mass production can't continue under private ownerships. They are all fucked.

    • Now it's time to introduce universal income and get robots off their asses to do the work for usNBQ00
    • the robots are already doing it nbq. we need to start clawing back the profits made from automation... where do you think bezos and gates made their billions?kingsteven
    • Because rolling back profits creates productivity how?.... This is perfect example why I don't think u understand shit about capitalism or economics
    • Or u do. It prefer the equality that only death is the true master of
    • Stepping in and start nationalizing? You want trump to assign bureaucratic tool to run a company that he has no experience in?hotroddy
  • whatthefunk21

    • < thissted
    • yupmoldero
    • This dude, albeit little is fantastic.ideaist
    • The current system died in 2008. Control of the media kept the zombie going. 2020 may have just crushed the brain stem.monoboy
    • Close the tax havens and start again.monoboy
    • Bring back socially democracy and responsible capitalism.monoboy
    • Nepotistic neo-liberal corporatism needs to go.monoboy
    • Or summit...monoboy
    • Another thing that's got to go:
      'Corporations are citizens, too!'
      They fucking are not.
    • man this site is getting nutty, no wonder everyone is leavingjaylarson
    • Free hugs needs to go!sted
    • but Capitalism...right deathboyutopian
    • Bailouts for corporations get payed back (in theory). Bailouts for humans don't.inteliboy
    • Well said corps are so over leveraged they will fail because no lending can save them. But enter Central banks and gov interests. Can't let China pboc by boeing
    • In firesale. Fundamentally bailouts are wrong. But everything today shows how little real capitalism is involved utopian. Actually looks quite like socialism
    • Or call it corporate socialism or gov employee socialism with pensions and what not. How can free trade be real when Central banks and leverage contril it all
    • And the big failure in the post is what's is the difference between people and a Corp... Corp isnt a thing. But it's shareholders who are "people " are a thing
    • So what we have here is a argument of what ppl I think should be bailed out. Which I'd love to see the criteria for. But whatthefunk likes prop pieces
    • He has never been on the habit of being anything more than the level of a unkranian click farm troll
    • Even curious where he thinks capital would come from since it's a mad rush to liquid capital. Be no e if Central banks didn't bail out
    • And let's not ignore his cards. What is his Investment? Did he short it all and scared of a bailout?
    • makes toaly sense.neverscared
    • Jesus fucking Christ, reading these side notes gives me a headache.Continuity
    • 'Busty House Floozie Acquires Banged from Able 50-Pounder in Her Anal' makes more structural sense than what I've been reading.Continuity
    • A heads he because u can't follow? Even typos someone with some sense of it gets it. Or is it above your pay grade
  • utopian3

    • But Jeff Bezos wants the public to bail out Amazon employees.NBQ00
    • Imagine how much is sitting in offshore bank accounts, trust funds and shell companies.monoboy
    • But no. 'That's my money, that I made on your labour, nurtured by the state system, that I don't pay a penny towards.'monoboy
    • So what you say. Well, if they want those advantages to stick around, they should consider emptying those deep pockets.monoboy
    • But they won't, because their 'competitors' will jump on the opportunity to fuck them over.monoboy
    • Sharks.monoboy
    • Just like Goldman Sachs did in 2008.monoboy
    • I am anti monster business, but this idea that they don't pay anything is so miscontrued. I own a business and just like myself, amazon pays payroll taxes fortoemaas
    • Every employee, plus 6%+ toward social security and another 1 or 2% towards Medicare. They just don't pay corporate taxes based of of their profits and losses.toemaas
    • They've notoriously operated at a loss for years, reinvesting ant profits back into the business or slashing profits in order to hook customerstoemaas
    • Monkey games played by monkey men, not human beings. This won’t change until people riot in the streets, lynch a few of them . Like Mussolini_niko
    • Or quit buying everything online.toemaas
    • You're right Toemaas. But our current system is dominated by money that makes money without producing anything.monoboy
    • Tax wealth a bit more, labour a bit less. And things might be a little bit fairer. Old money monopolies aren't helping.monoboy
    • Amazon is a good test case. It's taken decades of re-investment and hard work to get where they are now.monoboy
    • But they are exploitative and are hoarding cash while warehouse workers are living in tents. Not great.monoboy
    • Fix labour laws and a crackdown on shady banking is all I'm advocating.monoboy
    • Especially hedge funds, disaster capitalists and offshore tax havens.monoboy
    • I'm sure we can find a better way to raise tons of cash for investment without shafting others.monoboy
  • utopian0

  • PhanLo3

  • whatthefunk3

    • Ask deathboy, he is our very own special kind of Rhodes Scholar.utopian
    • Sure I'll take it. First the question is a false premise. Whole go is to push false narratives. Why do I know?
    • Capitalism defined by free trading value for value has never nor would it need a bail out by it's nature
    • If something is unnecessary for public spending than it largely is. Not capitalism that says bail something out. That is socialism
    • Something that can only be enacted by a gov official. Gov can't control free markets at all. They can only impose controls
    • So yea love logically u can see the post is emo trigger bait for your own leanings for social fame
    • Hope u learned something utopian. Don't want me to start charging for your lessons
    • Take a break son, you sound like you need it.monoboy
    • (or maybe spend less time on here replying to everyone you disagree with and put that shoulder to the wheel of capitalism).monoboy
    • Btw. Does anybody know if you can delete your account on here?monoboy
    • @monoboy: well, most cunts — when they want their account deleted — make a big scene about it in the threads, and eventually it happens.Continuity
    • Why, you want to be deleted?Continuity
    • I'm spending too much time on it and my urge to argue is like a thirst. ;)monoboy
    • You're under lockdown. Where else would you spend your time? :PContinuity
    • "Gov can't control free markets... gov can only impose controls" – this guy is a word salad markov bot.i_monk
    • Capitalism isn't 'free trading value for value' and that's proven by the collapse of the stock market the second the labour force has to stay home.i_monk
    • You pay me x/hour to do my job, but the value of that job to you is worth more than x, perhaps an order of magnitude more, when you sell it.i_monk
    • Then you make money on how reliable I am at doing that job, how sure you are I'll show up and keep doing it, and on the promise you'll keep paying me xi_monk
    • indefinitely, regardless of cost of living changes or other external factors (new subsidies, a competitor folding giving you greater market share, etc)i_monk
    • Then you get me to pay for the public infrastructure you benefit the most from, justied by being an employer when in fact you make use of thati_monk
    • infrastructure disproportionately more than I do. You take these subsidies and tax exemptions and sit on the cash or improve your value by paying out to thei_monk
    • non-workers who invested in my labour and claim credit and ownership of it.i_monk
    • The sentiment in the posted tweet is how terrible outcomes get started.nb
    • Simplifying our current system as "capitalism" and then applying all our failures to it is insane.nb
    • Two people agreeing on a price and exchanging goods happens in socialism too; capitalism is the ownership of labour by having more money than the labourer.i_monk
    • But ultimately being entirely reliant on the labourer for that money and all value derived from the labour.i_monk
    • Nothing deathboy writes can’t be dismissed or debunked by layman in mere seconds dedicated to rational thought. It’s ridiculously hilarious.monospaced
    • < this ignorance is at the core of why society will fail and the same guys who fucked it up will rebuild it as a global order and you'll beg for it.bliznutty
    • please understand finance and what the federal reserve is, where it comes from, and where its going. we were sold to them by our politicians long time agobliznutty
    • Imonk since u seemed to have tried. You
      are incorrect. Value exchanged for value doesn't mean perceived value. Ie spot price vs physical on precious metals
    • At the end of the day if ppl are free to decide they choose their value. U might not like certain pay for a certain job thinking it's worth more. But u also don
    • T quit it. No other place is offering pay for same skillsets. U may argue businesses need workers to create profits. But no businesses no wages. And many ppl in
    • Positions who recognize value they provide can take experience and set off competitively. But truth is majority see the value they provide but would be lost on
    • Mono: Nothing deathboy says can't be debunked easily with reason... Mono: I say it's wrong that's reason!
    • Grow up mono. U seem like a kid carrying a chip on his shoulder after getting bullied most of his life. The over compensation is smelly
    • “it’s wrong that’s reason”
      Explain the meaning in this incoherent response. Until then you are a moronic clown with idiotic ideas.
    • I’m also a father. And you live with your mother. Looks like it’s you who should grow up.monospaced
    • "You're free to choose between homelessness and starvation, and working for a fraction of the actual value of your labour. See, it's fair!"i_monk
    • imonk is your new niche like the fake quote guy?
    • monospaced you refuse to give any explanation except insults on anything you disagree with and think those insults or fake crowd majority deems it true.
    • what is this like the 20th time ive said it to you. and still not getting it.the term willful ignorance comes to mind
    • our special commenter guyutopian
    • You said people get to decide their value, pretending the owners don't hold the purse strings. It's not a balanced or symmetrical exchange and you know it.i_monk
    • again i_monk. ppl choose value. there is no pretending or owners of anything. a value choice is dependent upon owners or anything. value is what you get from an
    • exchange. not sure i understand what you are saying but if its a greater profit for owners to provide a service than value of user. well... both benefit
    • this idea all should benefit equally is just well dumb. equality in rights is smart equality in everything else not so good. why you see ppl claiming things as
    • "rights". regardless of any logical foundation. those ppl u should be wary of
    • And imonk many owners need less smart laborers. As well as those laborers need jobs. Both benefit better together
    • Your rebuttal is "I don't understand" and "the idea of equality is dumb" and seem to hold the labour class shouldn't be educated.i_monk
    • looks like retardboy here still can't write a coherent sentencemonospaced
    • Looks like I'm wasting my time. Gave u plenty of reason and u cherry pick inaccurate out of context crap to support your reality
    • Just grow the fuck up.
  • i_monk-1

    The Coronavirus Pandemic Demonstrates the Failures of Capitalism…

    • lol Teen Voguenb
    • what's wrong with teen Vogue?utopian
    • nb doesn't know about Teen Voguei_monk
    • the coronavirus demonstrates failure of the Chinese communist party to provide food for their people:…hotroddy
    • WTF Hotroddy does a "VOX video" have to do with TeenVogue? Get a grip pal...Has your sense of teen fashion evaporated? Is your soul dead? Are you ginger?utopian
    • I'm sorry Utopian, I'll renew my teen vogue subscription to reignite my teen passion..:)hotroddy
    • I was as surpised as you to see a news source here that doesn't have tin hat/cryptocurrency/r... wing origins.webazoot
    • "Are you ginger?" LOLMaaku
  • Morning_star-3

    It seems to be the prevailing opinion that capitalism is evil and should be eradicated like smallpox? Including those humans that have a personal wealth greater than... (make up your own arbitrary value here)...hung from the nearest lamp post.

    Does anyone at all have any workable solutions that excludes a capitalist solution in some form or other? (Note the word 'workable')

    • yeah, give up identities.uan
    • Capitalism, Socialism and Communism all have their strengths and weaknesses. It's funny how most people do not realize how intermingled they really are.utopian
    • It's the prevailing opinion of loudmouths, maybe. But not the general prevailing opinion.nb
    • I hear you @Utopian and @NB, loud and clear.
      @Bluejam: Bueller!
    • it worked for france. Liberté, égalité, fraternité!Gnash
    • it's simple. Complete free market, unless it's about affordable healthcare, affordable education & support of low income to eradicate inequality.Beeswax
    • Maybe we could nationalise healthcare, utilities, domestic travel and let the free market take care of everything else.monoboy
    • Much like the Scandinavian social democratic model.monoboy
    • Its about understanding value rather than just cost. Takes smart leadership.monoboy
    • Winner takes all isn't sustainable.monoboy
    • you can't impose a model that people will take advantage of. scandinavian model speaks more about the people than the model.hotroddy
    • True.monoboy
    • Start with education?monoboy
    • Socialism = Venezuela for example.monoboy
    • Although, some already will worry that education = re-education in the communism sense.monoboy
    • Although the current US/UK model is doing a brilliant job of eating itself.monoboy
    • Que sais-je?monoboy
    • @monoboy, do you see parity in the US/UK model even though healthcare is Free at source in the UK. And those that regulate industry and markets are very...Morning_star
    • ...and the political system in the US is essentially 'the most money wins'.Morning_star
    • ...are very (different)....Morning_star
    • It is, but that's where we're headed.monoboy
    • The UK establishment sees the kind of social democracy offered the EU as a threat to them. Hence the campaign.monoboy
    • *bymonoboy
    • I doubt anything will change, we'll go back to exactly where we were before. People will start winning bigly again.PhanLo
    • The advantage they want is an unfair one.monoboy
    • You are probably right PhanLo, but if this pandemic gets out of control in the US, it'll be curtains for the alt-fact brigade.monoboy
    • The conspiracy theory fuckers will just double down and say it's Hillary controlling it all from a satellite orbiting the flat earth with George Soros in her...PhanLo
    • ...belly like Krang out the Teenage Turtles. Inventing more stupid layers of an already stupid onion.PhanLo
    • Could happen.Morning_star
    • To answer the original question... umn, Taxes?kingsteven
  • utopian0

    Displaced homeless seek shelter at Cashman Field in Las Vegas. Homeless people self isolating in a Vegas car park. Isn't Vegas full of hotels? With nobody in them?…

    • Do u have a couch or empty space for a homeless? Be the change u preach brother!
    • U preach and I'll go hang with the family u miss so much while trying to avoid the news... Maybe share some saliva as well
    • https://media.tenor.…
    • How many times did your mom drop you on your head as a child?utopian
    • Remember kids, you can't want a better future if you're whiter than white and don't participate in the corporatist system.monoboy
    • Only those that live in self-sufficient eco communes can pass judgement on such things.monoboy
    • *not (first post)monoboy
    • Until then, you can keep paying your tax for big corporate bailouts whilst the system crumbles underneath your feet.monoboy
    • (I sound like a trot but I'm really not).monoboy
    • Just having fun.monoboy
    • This is some third world shit.PhanLo
    • utopian my mom dropped me about .00001% times your mother swallowed my seed and kissed you goodnight.
    • Uhoh, we got a motherfucker over here.PhanLo
    • what's a displaced homeless? Isn't that oxymoronic? Aren't they placeless by definition?
    • phanlo i never said i fucked his mom... little detail big difference.
    • this is a great idea. anyone who goes to vegas deserves bed bug bites!hotroddy
    • Little willie Deathboy, little willie.PhanLo
    • Hmm don't really get the lil Willie thing. Is that some new verbiage like flossin or something related to fortnite?
    • Am I like little willieingly on someone's head like teabagging?
    • Or maybe get with the word play and context and just quit saying lame shit
    • Little willie = a tiny penis since the beginning of time.PhanLo
    • Yea but it's out of context and boring. Like me saying shut the fuck up you u er fat piece of shit.
    • I don't know if u are fat or a piece of poop with Internet. It wasn't referenced or a play on words. So it's just a childish unfounded Insult. Just ehhh you kno
    • Maybe your thing but my ego is as big as my Willie and kiddie schoolyard insults don't do much for me. You can try to humor me with cleverness and wordplay thou
  • shapesalad0

    • sorry... just discovered this Al Murray chap.shapesalad
    • He’s good.MrT
  • doggydoggdog3

    • Don’t worry. Those sorry Republican cunts will all send their checks back, because they don’t accept handouts.monospaced
    • Yeah but, no incentive not to be poor, starving helps people climb the ladder, etc.PhanLo
    • IF I received a check, I would donate it immediately. I said this before it was even a reality. I don’t qualify but I also don’t need it.monospaced
    • I see a bunch of people online talking about the check like it’s a bonus, picking out TVs and stuff. It’s sickening.monospaced
    • If you make more than $99,000, you don't get anything.doggydoggdog
    • ^ which makes no sense, income is relative to your cost of living. $99k in SF is not the same $99k in Biluxy. They should modulate that shit.zarkonite
    • ^ that's true but if you make more than $99,000 anywhere, you're fine. And if you need $1200 more, you need to adjust your lifestyledoggydoggdog
  • utopian4

    A Capitalism Classic Story

  • whatthefunk4

  • colin_s3

    on twitter it seems there are some long-standing bank of america clients who are small business owners getting rejected for federal loans because they don't have a bank of america business credit card (required for getting the emergency funding).


    • Capitalism Fuck Yeah!utopian
    • ^ more like hastily implemented government program fuck yeah!zarkonite
    • See utopian another example of why I think u are a troll account
  • NBQ000

    Look at this gringo

  • PhanLo0

    • And if u love them all set a time to huddle together and starve
    • Curious how u think stocks,capital and commerce have nothing to do with what u take for granted
    • Perhaps u want to be lucky to eat meat protein once a week and a good day is one u didn't Rob someone
    • You'll be able to get Soylent Green on your wee island man, don't worry about it.PhanLo
    • I wonder if the suicide rate will be higher than the 45k.year than it normally is.toemaas