Freelance Rate

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  • brains0

    $50 production / $120 creative direction

  • jbasnight0

    I look at this way: theres probably people with more talent than me charging less and people less talented than me charging more. The fact that people want to pay me at all keeps me quite happy.

    • your future self will want to choke you for these words when you realize you've settle for far too little.M_C_P
    • that came off as a bit shitty. your statement sounds like you're willing to settle. don't.M_C_P
    • youre worried that you might be asking too much if you charge more. well you said it yourself. less talented people getting paid more. so why not you?ephix
    • getting paid more. so why not you?ephix
  • icu0

    set fee or $80AU per hour (whatever the client prefers) / $45AU inhouse

  • Meeklo0

    "I look at this way: theres probably people with more talent than me charging less and people less talented than me charging more"


    well, I think you just discovered that hourly rate has NOTHING to do with talent or experience but with ABILITY TO NEGOTIATE.

    If you can convince the client that your worth what you think you are worth, then you just earned 90% of the payment right then and there

    • so true. i am working on becoming a better salesman and placing more value on my time.capn_ron
    • I meant more that more along the lines of being comfortable with what you charge and know your worthjbasnight
    • totally agree with this. It is what the client is prepared to pay at the end of the day.gingerbreadlady
  • gramme0

    I guess for me it just keeps things easier if I try to over-estimate the time built into a flat rate. It usually comes pretty close to actual time spent in the end, at least with identity projects which I've pretty much gotten wired down to a science.

    Just build something into your contracts/proposals which states the number of revisions you're willing to give for the rate you're charging, and have a rate card in the back with your terms & conditions that lists your "best-case scenario" hourly rates, i.e. preferably more than what your estimate is probably built on. So people don't need to know the number of hours it will take; they simply know how many phases there are, and how many rounds of revisions you're building in. They want a lower rate, take out a round or two of tweaks.

    If people see that design revisions are going to cost them well over $100 per hour, they'll be encouraged to make better use of your time.

  • scarabin0

    mine is $75 an hour, but the only two times i've charged that the client gave the invoice back and told me to make it out for a higher amount

    (today and last week)

    i therefore suspect i could go higher, but not sure by how much

  • joelski0

    okay here is my thing...
    I just got to NY...meeting with a couple of agencies..and I personally think it depends on the caliber of the agency and the client and how much work they are offering you...if its long term gig say 3-4 weeks or months maybe come down in your price...when they ask me what my rate is I ask them how long is the contract or how big is the job..never answer on the spot...if they demand a answer I tell them a crazy figure...but let them know that depending on how much work and what the work i am doing I am fully flexible...but if its per hour or day by day..i tell them something crazy so they don't go for that....also for direct to client never give them your hourly rate on your invoice...they will try figure out how long it took you to do a logo that you charge 5k don't want to start educating them about that...but you do need to give the some sort of hourly rate for adhock work...but you tell them its based of additional work that is too small to be sectioned off as a stage....

    All i can say is charge as much as you can...but be confident that you can justify what your charging...also blow the client out of the water if you don't want work with them if you think they are going to be painful....if they say yes then you will take the pain for the money:)

  • hektor9110

    $85 wow a lot of us charge $85.
    Agency around $100