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- antimotion0
Sam Raimi's DARKMAN
This scene was nuts haha:
- nb0
- webazoot-2
Watched this again as its free on All4 in the UK atm.
- nb2
- Gardener1
- nice covermilfhunter
- never knew it was from a 2000AD story until recentlyfadein11
- rzu-rzu2
- HORSE!Ianbolton
- yup, nice little movierenderedred
- yup, love this dudes charactersGuyFawkes
- _me_0
i enjoyed " the heist " in madrid... keen to watch the london one
- ********3
- ExcellentRamanisky2
- It was just okay. Paul Raci should get an Oscar for his supporting role (but Daniel Kaluuya will get it)********
- Get out.********
- ^ Haven't seen that one********
- I told ya********
- https://media2.giphy…********
- ^ suck my nuts********
- no thank you. quite disgusting. now get out. lol********
- Make me, honey********
- Ok darling. This movie is not for your "type" ok? Lol********
- What type? You know me?********
- The type that says suck my nuts lolol********
- And calls them selves baby dick. I'm sure empathy is a concept you can't fully grasp lololol l********
- Don't judge a baby by it's dick********
- judged and dismissed********
- I understand, you're scared because it's not tiny at all...********
- Exactly the kind of low IQ response I expected.********
- You sound like a white ass cuck********
- Haha darling, savagery will get you nowhere********
- You're right, and we all know I'm a dumb-ass********
- https://media.tenor.…********
- Cool chat guyz. As someone who is partially deaf, this film is so necessaryIanbolton