Climate Change
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- grafician-1
''Biggest Story in the World Right Now': Humanity Has Flipped Amazon From Carbon Sink to Source
The findings, said one expert, "show that the uncertain future is happening now."…
"From 2010 to 2018, researchers for the new study—led by Luciana Gatti of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research—conducted "vertical profiling measurements" of carbon dioxide and monoxide a few miles above the tree canopy at four sites in Amazonia.
The researchers found that "Southeastern Amazonia, in particular, acts as a net carbon source" and "total carbon emissions are greater in eastern Amazonia than in the western part." The former, they noted, has been "subjected to more deforestation, warming, and moisture stress" than the latter in recent decades."
- "No need to worry, all climate change will happen after 2100" shouted all who will die by then anyway...grafician
- Nairn9
Amazonians spent hundreds of years turning a basin with frequently low quality soils into one of the most fertile places on earth.
They burned wood to make charcoal, which they broke up and mixed with organic/faecal waste and existing earth to make what we now know as 'terra preta'.
Modern societies, particularly western ones, need to learn from this lesson.
We should be growing huge amounts of quick growth trees (or grasses, whatever - I don't care), then turning it into charocal, releasing useful heat energy, then using that 'biochar' to improve soil quality globally. If we do this, we can teeter ecosystems that are beyond the brink back into useful areas of plant growth, rebooting weather systems and increasing the scope of precipitation over dry inland areas.
Useful waste utilisation(esopecially for cities etc), atmosphereic carbon extraction, heat energy generation, carbon sequestration, environmental/topsoil improvement. i've been thinking a lot about this over the past couple of days and it strikes me now as being an incredibly obvious fix to a lot of our problems.
Not an easy fix, but a good one.
If I was independently wealthy, I'd drop everything and spend the rest of my life on this.
- Gates should do this with his farmlandmonospaced
- how did they think of this hack?
sounds like it was done on purpose.uan - It was definitely done on purpose. It's EVERYWHERE across the Amazon. As to how - well, you dump food waste and fire waste in a midden and then...Nairn
- .. in subsequent years you see plants growing liberally on it, and you take note. No smartphones = lots of time to notice otherwise mundane things! :)Nairn
- Amazon Rainforest 5.5 million km²
Sahara Desert 9.2 million km²
Let's do this!palimpsest - I remember seeing a video of a man dedicating most of his life to planting trees in the desert in Africa, and the impact that created. I'll look for it.monospaced
- Not Africa (not even close), but good stuff.…monospaced - I worked out that London generates 3600 tons of shit every day. Shit that is significantly underutilised. Shit isn't even a main constituent of soil.Nairn
- ok, this is a bit handwavy, but LDN could generate enough soil to cover 3/4 the size of Wales each year.Nairn
- That's assuming about 30cm addition to that surface, which is quite a lot.Nairn
- Obviously soil need more inputs beyond shit, so they would be the more complex aspect to get to whatever tera-factory would be required to process it allNairn
- #terraformtheearthscarabin
- Nairn, your explanation about how they acquired the knowhow makes total sense. In India they recorded this kind of knowledge in a village book, a sutra.uan
- The sad/hopeful thing is - Humans ARE The Absolute Agents of Change on this planet. We have the potential to make things wholly better, if only we choose to.Nairn
- @Scarabin - absolutely. Just, not on the scales we saw in Star Trek. But we can absolutely modify things within a century or so.Nairn
- All this info is already known for generations here also in countryside.
But you can't really scale all that worldwide.grafician - Any solution to climate change needs to be able to scale in under a decade and anywhere, worldwide. Almost impossible in the current political climate.grafician
- Gates should do this with Hoes in his stable.utopian
- Contrast this with all the hand-wringing about farmers burning the Amazon rainforest.monNom
- the problem there is they burn it down to build mines or roads or mono cultures. burning and regrowing jungle would work.uan
- monospaced0
Nairn's post reminded me of this man's dedication over the last four decades. Change can be seen in a lifetime, which is a short timeframe in the big scheme of things.
- isn't there a story of a french man who did this with oak trees? I always assumed it was apocryphal; but hoped that it wasn'thans_glib
- I've heard that story, and it's fiction.monospaced
- Maybe this works in India or whatever, but in most civ world you can't really go plant a forest - most land is private land so planting is illegal.grafician
- ^this also says a lot about our priorities too lolgrafician
- I mean planting is illegal but deforestation is welcomed. Smh...grafician
- You're assuming it has to be illegal, kinda missing the point I'm afraid. Fact is, even tiny forests on private land help.monospaced
- It works in India and also anywhere trees can grow, which includes most of the civilized world. India is part of the civilized world, last I checked.monospaced
- Planting trees starting now will only trap a decade's worth of carbon release. That's like a "first month free" for a climate change subscription on Netflix...grafician
- Not sure what you’re arguing. Why you’re arguing. Or why this is even downvoted.monospaced
- Planting trees is always good.monospaced
- Again you step in with the wrong presumptions. can't do this thing in Europe unless you own that land. Get it?
Even if it's badly needed!grafician - So bottom line, sure, it's great what this man did. But the point is we shouldn't cut the original forest in the first fucking place!grafician
- India, Brasil and other countries with large forest areas cut down trees to make space for farming or whatever at an alarming rate.grafician
- An no, many don't consider India a civilised country...grafician
- Instead of getting my point, you’re mansplaining something else. It can be done anywhere in the world. I presumed nothing wrong. You did.monospaced
- reforestation can work in a lot of places in the world, including developed nations. Private or public lands and enterprises. Don’t argue that isn’t true.monospaced
- I don’t care if someone considers India a shithole or not, it is not “uncivilized” as you said, nor is it undeveloped as a whole. Just stop.monospaced
- I own (a small parcel of) land in upstate NY. The state sells saplings native to the area for around $1 each (in bundles of 25/100) so people will reforest landhardhat
- utopian2
- One lesson from this - we need to have redundancy and alternate means in maintaining internet and communications.
We're too reliant on ..Nairn - .. consolidated systems.Nairn
- This is pretty cool, came on after I watched your video here. Should do more of this sort of thing…Nairn
- One lesson from this - we need to have redundancy and alternate means in maintaining internet and communications.
- grafician0
"Greenland suspends oil exploration because of climate change"
- Ramanisky22
MOON WOBBLE 2030 ... can’t wait.
- Ramanisky25
- RIP earthnb
- Earth will be fine.PhanLo
- RIP humanityutopian
- make a nft of it.. its so good for the climate.neverscared
- Same locations, different seasons.pablo28
- location*pablo28
- meh, looks like the glacier's retreated a km or two. Season looks the same, given the similar snow coverage on the mountains in the background.Nairn
- This is incredible levels of melt not just seasonal change.monospaced
- Took him all that time to save up for that nippy speedboat.microkorg
- https://geekologie.c…pablo28
- neverscared0
Men cause more climate emissions than women, study finds
Both spend similar amounts of money but men use cars much more, Swedish analysis shows- "Both spend similar amounts of money but men use cars much more"sted
- would be interresting to see how the proportions is in crypto... men to ladies.neverscared
- The worst case numbers posted a few days ago showed bitcoin at <.01% of co2 released in to the atmosphere annually (through electricity usage)kingsteven
- mg330
The scary thing isn't what it looks like in this photos, but what it will look like when the lakes dry up completely. Been reading a lot about what's going on with the drought in western states; this has the makings of an utter catastrophe when you consider the decreasing snowpack that typically turns into runoff to refill a lot of these lakes.
Drone photos reveal the shocking truth of California's parched landscape…https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.…
- Oh hell @ the images. Just read the article.mg33
- When folk can't ride their wee boats about, they'll get sad.PhanLo
- "Without Enough Water To Go Around, Farmers In California Are Exhausting Aquifers"grafician