Your Religion
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- 113 Responses
- epic_rim0
Religion is great. there's hella money, power & women to be had.
- religious people I know think selflessness is the point********
- religious people I know think selflessness is the point
- GeorgesII0
- My medium-sized skinny non-gypsy wedding™mikotondria3
- i can totally see through the brides dressfooler
- autoflavour0
- Funny. But Christianity states that God created man/woman without original sin. They ate the forbidden fruit, falling from grace.nb
- ...grace.nb
- blah blahautoflavour
- Ramanisky20
I watched The Sunset Limited last night
- Mojo0
I am a Christian. I believe what the Bible says, and if I had to choose a flavour, I'd probably be a Pentecostal.
I've had a number of personal experiences that have solidified my belief in the existence of a God that is interested in people - which I believe to be the God of Israel, Yahweh.
However, in practice at the moment I live somewhat double-mindedly, as I have created distance in my personal faith due to letting my character weaken, becoming lazy and submitting to the influence of godless 'humanism' which I've found so saturated in modern culture.
Of course, I only blame myself for this, but at the same time can attribute some of this to the 'bubble'-like nature of the subculture of church, encourging people to not think for themselves, and implying that church culture experience = your faith. I see so many Christians in church who have forgotten what the point of it is.
I also understand that many people see Christianity as fat americans on TV, shouting at the cameras, pleading for your money. It does not compute, as far as the Bible is concerned - and I feel quite ashamed when I hear of these so-called christians in the news, abusing their influence for their own intents.
Haters gon' hate! :)
- it's not 'character weakness', mate - that's your mind growing up.mikotondria3
- pango0
but i cut the cable already so i guess i have none currently.
- identity0
my religion is guided by my principals and my principals are informed by my religion. You could say I subscribe to the church of Id - but still believe in a greater power out there.
- out 'where' ?mikotondria3
- there... (points)identity
- there's no evidence that religion preaches good morals or principles. By example, they teach very bad ones. Better off on your own.monospaced
- using your own intuition and good judgement.monospaced
- ********0
While I got no problem with religious people, I think it is a misguided philosophy. Humans should have the humility to realize they are not the point of existence. Remember when the Church insisted the Earth was the center of the universe? Religions, the current ones anyway, are similarly myopic.
Yea God created man is his image, sent his son down to die for your sins, blabla etc etc. I call BS. We humans have only been here for 200k years out of 14 billion of the universe's existence. In fact Raptor Jesus is more plausible considering the dinosaurs' 160 million year track record.
Wake me up when there's a religion that doesn't describe man as the centerpoint of existence. Until then, I go with what I guess is called "secular humanism," because it puts faith in people, which allows for progress and new ideas, rather than some hypothetical god, whose views can easily be twisted by those in power.
"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions."
- ********0
On the other hand maybe humanism is new religion...the religion of the 20th/21rst century. Does religion require God, or is it just an overall philosophy of life? I don't think it would hurt for many secular people to articulate their beliefs and morals more clearly. I think the religion vs atheist debate has clouded that to an extent.
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- dolphins.. the cause of, and solution to, all of the worlds problemsautoflavour
- moldero0
the Japanese are onto something killing all these pesky critters off.
- Ramanisky20
I worship the sun, too much of it or not enough of it, were all done!!!
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- ********0
I think I found a church that matches my beliefs, finally
The Universal Church of the Apathetic Agnostic
"We Don't Know And We Don't Care"
- ********0
i am my religion. i worship at the altar of me. i own the poetry. i hit them with my personal howitzer of creation. men are from mars, women are from venus, right? well i am the three eyed monster from alpha centauri you just couldn't even comprehend of coming around the corner. bam. and that's how you end up at the bottom of the food chain and how i dominate. that existential shit is just there to give the retail clerks something to cluck about.
- i always thought women are from Venus and men are from Krypton.epill
- i break the sound barrier daily. your words can't even catch up to me while i strafe with impunity********