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  • Beeswax2
    • it's on 4chan so must be true!sarahfailin
    • #facts, yo!AQUTE
    • posted on Tuesday so the timing is interestinginteliboy
    • china up to no goodcherub
    • I'm holding out for a mumu 'till the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast. And he's gotta be fresh from the fightkingsteven
    • Oh no, somebody warn Elongrafician
    • I gotta write this down!GuyFawkes
    • https://cdn.discorda…grafician
    • Do insiders always post on 4chan and not let’s say Reddit or QBN?NBQ00
    • I love how this starts with insider info about the PRC and then shifts to a personal thing about tanking some whale. Total bullshit.monospaced
    • All the while giving no evidence or details about either. This is likely just an American nobody playing games.monospaced
    • nbq - harder to doxx someone on 4chan.inteliboy
  • sarahfailin0

    it's selling off again

  • AQUTE0

    I am getting ready to buy again... might touch 33 again. I think that would be a steal. Time will tell.

    • Depends if you holding long term or trading.inteliboy
    • Though I do love that it "crashed" to 38k. It was 3k just last year. Yeah, tulip fever guys amirite?inteliboy
    • I'm playing long.AQUTE
  • pablo287

  • shapesalad3

    Big crypto market drop, then Wells Fargo announces buying in... hmm...

    • This guy is rapidly becoming the only logical sensible voice in the crypto sphere.shapesalad
    • yeah he's good. good side of YouTube where you can get content like this for free.inteliboy
    • ^agreed. I like him.cherub
    • So this guy read the last pages of this QBN thread then made a video about it? hmmmmgrafician
  • drgs2

  • maquito1

    So, who won?

  • grafician-5

    First, you print some fake fake money...

    Then you buy BTC with it, then BTC price is up 30% then the entire market is again up 30-40% in less than a day

    Hahaha, what a shit show

    • Are you saying the Tether (whoever is responsible there) people can just print tethers out of thin air and prop up crypto/ bitcoin like the Fed?NBQ00
    • lol very much sografician
    • it's called "market manipulation" NBQ look it up! lol

      here read this https://www.singlelu…
    • ^ that was debunked a few months back. unless I missed something?inteliboy
    • whales play the long game and don't chase lambos.uan
    • @intelliboy this whale alert is from yesterday mangrafician
    • debunked? this was from yesterday?
      read the article and the updates lol
      also Tether inc is under investigation
    • sorry to ask but how tf are peppl putting money in stuff without doing any research? this "yolo" attitude to the markets gotta stop...smhgrafician
    • huh? I aint yolo'ninteliboy
    • the tether fud, like china fud, or environmental fud - is just another teething problem that is used to steer the market one way or the other.inteliboy
    • Tether is not fud, they reach settlement paying millions and being required to disclose sources of income to back up claims and so far they got shit...grafician
  • grafician-7


    • If he bought 111k BTC at let's say lower $36K that;s what, $4B? His firm's microstategy market cap is about $4.5B
      how really did this guy bought that bitcoin?!
    • If you see his firm revenue is basically the same $0.4B for over 8 fucking years:
    • with altcoins...troves they strategically accumulated during the past 10+ years.uan
    • but yeah, he controls "Entities" that buy billions in bitcoin overnight lolgrafician
    • @uan altcoins? But altcoins are usually hit even harder when BTC is down...stablecoins maybe? or he uses loans on his older BTC to get more Tether to buy more?grafician
    • or you know, he just tweets just like Elon, who would know if he bought or not, when everything in crypto is blurrygrafician
    • altcoins meaning other crypto assets. what you perceive as a harder hit to altcoins happens because they pull back to BTC.uan
    • but how that works? You own Tezos and Tezos is down so you rush to buy BTC instead? makes no sensegrafician
    • or BTC is down so you rush to panic sell Stellar? Common man...
      also all this volatility looks like there's really very few "hodlers" actually in the markets
    • Or you spend 15 ETH to buy 1 BTC when both are down 40%? Why? Don't buy it, not one bit lolgrafician
    • I can’t stand pumpers like him. Hope he loses everything.NBQ00
    • that thing with the shiny lasers eyes is a thing right? every full on douche is doing it is my impression.neverscared
    • I wonder about laser eyes too, I think it's the guys who created the platforms, and somehow it ended up being a sign for followers or something weird.uan
    • maybe related to cypherpunk mailing list.uan
    • apparently it's a campaign to go for $100K…
  • bainbridge-1

    Dogecoin anyone?

  • jonny_quest_lives1

    I dunno maybe the simplest explanations for yesterday's events are the most accurate. via the internets...

    "The Bitcoin price is set via manipulation at the arbitrage layer and most of that is probably high frequency automated bots. When it flash crashed today and the exchanges had to go offline I think one of the arb bots malfunctioned. The reason I say this is because everything shut down and reset then the price went up huge. That wasn’t a natural market, that’s manipulation.

    Tether is used to make the fake trades back and forth at the arb layer by single actors. They’re trading with themselves with fake tether IOUs and bitcoin pools back and forth. Nothing is lost and no capital is at risk because they’re trading with themselves.

    The higher the price goes, the more USDT you need to maintain that price, and the less overall real liquidity you have in the system.

    That means when there is a big sell off, and an actual one and not just wash trades, what real liquidity there is gets pulled out quickly. Once the big desks notice the liquidity is dropping they turn off their high speed traders and the buy and sell walls evaporate, leaving only people looking to either actually buy or actually sell.

    It turns out, once you remove all the wash trading, not only are there not as many buyers and sellers as you'd think, but they don't really agree on the price. This is why we saw buy/ask spreads hit $500+ for a bit.

    What we saw today was the market correcting when it's not being maintained with artificial volume and it turns out the direction it was going to correct in was straight down."

    • I know this is English, I recognize most of the words, I've read it twice. This is what I need to know to make millions. Yet I'm completely lost._niko
    • I'm going to my garden now to plant this year's tomatoes. :)_niko
    • a bit late to plant tomatoes here unfortunately...jonny_quest_lives
    • "Coinbase fined $6.5 million over improper trading practices
      The crypto exchange was accused of ‘misleading’ data reporting and ‘wash trading’"
    • https://www.consumer…grafician
    • If Coinbase was/is doing this and it's regulated, imagine what the other 380 exchanges are doing behind the scenes lolgrafician
    • anyway, high-freq trading is a thing but wash trading is illegal, just not in crypto ofcgrafician
    • So basically this was the Bitcoin Flash Crash of 2021...grafician
    • I like how the Tether theory has been around for years now and still no one can say if it's true or not.yuekit
    • It raises the question of whether a monetary system could be based on a lie and still function, as long as the participants had no idea how it really worked.yuekit
  • jonny_quest_lives1

    "Lee’s first bot was simple: It monitored different trading platforms, looked for price differences to exploit and when the program identified an opportunity, it automatically bought Bitcoin on one platform and sold it on the other. Profits were small. Writing on a Bitcoin forum in 2012, Lee explained that “profitability on overall trading volume is a few % at best.”

    Nonetheless, Lee’s simple arbitrage earned him a six-figure profit. Today’s opportunities — and the bots that exploit them — are more sophisticated"

    Assessing the percentage of cryptocurrency trades made by bots rather than humans is difficult. Bitcoin is largely unregulated and companies don’t have to report their trading volumes. One report at the start of the year put the rate of automatically-made trades as high as 80%, helped by the arbitrage opportunities still present across exchanges, by cryptocurrency’s minimal transaction cost, by its 24-hour trading and by the ability to put trading servers right next to the exchange’s servers to minimize latency. Bot trading might be something for professionals rather than keen amateurs but there are now enough people dedicated to cryptocurrency to write the code that makes the trades.

    The most important question is what the bots are doing to the market. "…

    • been doing this just to move money between DOT main and its parachains (which have their own hype but more volatile), a lot to learn but has worked thus farkingsteven
  • grafician-4

    "Deutsche Bank Analysts: ‘Bitcoin’s Value Is Based on Wishful Thinking’

    Deutsche Bank analysts suggest that Bitcoin’s value was based on wishful thinking, soon after the cryptocurrency plummeted in price."…

    p.s. it's down again to $37K...

    • Next week.. Deutsche bank buys bitcoin. https://www.reuters.…shapesalad
    • Pretty sure these big banks are only offering tools for clients to bid on BTC, not directly buygrafician
    • also pretty sure these drops in price and very high volatility are because there's no real liquidity in the market and any large sell order disrupts the pricegrafician
    • then makes you think, where all the real money invested go? hmmmgrafician
    • real money? you need to do some research on where your money comes from: a balance sheet controlled by a private entity.uan
    • You don't know where the money goes? It goes to the people who sold for profit, obviously.monospaced
    • That's the thing about liquidity. There might be only one buyer at 50k. When they aren't buying. The price falls until someone else will buy.monNom
    • In the stock market, there are all sorts of mechanisms to guarantee liquidity. Btc, it so much.monNom
    • @mono so who ever matched Elon's $1.5B buy order withdrew all that cash from the system? We were talking about volatility = lack of liquidity hello!grafician
    • ^Tesla bought some 50k BTC, so a "whale" sold right? But how many whales have 50 fucking thousand coins in their wallet?grafician
    • ^over 90% of people holding bitcoin have less than 1 coin so who are the people selling billions in bitcoin and where the money goes?grafician
    • don't you people research all these questions? Or you just gamble hoping it will go up and that's that, not having a clue how it all works? honestly curious...grafician
    • @mono again, how do you explain the huge spreads going on these couple of days? Over 1000 spreads?! 5-10 points spreads are huge in trading, but 1000x that?!grafician
    • Again, IF there are tons of whales with thounsands of bitcoins HODLing, who the fuck sells? regular traders don't affect markets, so then who does? exchanges?grafician
    • OMFG, it doesn’t come from one wallet. It’s the damn exchange that handles. That’s their business. It always finds buyers and sellers in an active market.monospaced
    • Regular traders DO affect markets. Just on a smaller scale, but it is regular traders that obviously can do a ton when they act together.monospaced
    • They proved that recently, but it’s always been like that. For each whale there are a million regular people. It works out.monospaced
    • @mono the whole point was that there aren't a million regular people! if this was the case, the orders/spreads/volat... would be lowgrafician
    • @mono based on what you say, if millions of idiots were contributing cash to the pool daily, then the volatility would be way way lower! Obviously NOT the casegrafician
    • Anyway, the idea was you're putting cash in hoping you might get some cash out...
      Good luck hoping lol
    • it's at $36K now btw!grafician
    • Make that $35Kgrafician
  • Krassy4

    China vows to crack down on bitcoin mining, trading activities…

    • chinese playing the long game destroying the american market.neverscared
    • sly foxesneverscared
    • Getting tired of all. Hope everything crashes to 0NBQ00
    • @NBQ you just looove #lossporngrafician
    • Indeed :)NBQ00
    • @neverscared why you think that?sted
  • grafician-3

    • funny that at the time of this video it was $42K and now it's clinging to $37K and the entire crypto marketcap fell under $1.6B

      people starting to wake up...
    • natural selection is a beautiful processESKEMA
    • "$1.6B" what?fadein11
    • @fade the entire crypto market cap is at $1.597B now from $1.6B an hour ago? still going down, everything in redgrafician
    • make that $36K so it lost a few hundreds in half hour...

      Fascinating lol
    • Bitcoin market cap alone is £488 billion. Did you mean trillion?fadein11
    • Ah yes, T sorry lol not B!grafician
  • grafician-5


  • qoob5

    • I literally posted a tweet a few posts up showing $500M worth of tether entering the market to pump the price of BTC so the market can recover a bit lolgrafician
    • everything this guy chats about in this video already posted:…grafician
    • the amount of cash made by youtubers pumping videos about crypto these days...oh boygrafician
    • now if the asmr chicks can get into the action, they'd be making bennnn coin!_niko
    • Oh yeah, wondering again if Bennn is OK...
      Hope he's good
    • you are starting to sound like a prick now, wtf has benn got to do with anything? he prob put a small amount in, go for some exercise or something.fadein11
    • bro "Bennn" is the stereotype of a newbie retail trader with no clue losing money. I don't know who Bennn is irl and idcgrafician
    • so, if you're going to discuss the issues at hand, go ahead, then if not, I don't really care about your opinion of me or what I post? so you go jog it offgrafician
    • Looks like grafician was right all along :)NBQ00
    • @nbq right about what? Anyone with 5 braincells knows how volatile and risky crypto isfadein11
    • @fade mate volatility is SP 500 going down 1%
      Crypto is basically a pyramid scheme, with low liquidity, it's even worse than a casino ffsake
    • "how volatile and risky"fadein11
  • NBQ003

  • NBQ004

  • Krassy4

    Now that all stimulus checks have been "invested" in Bitcoin, but there are no more stimulus checks comin' (and no more new "investors" to keep driving the price up) now what?

    • well fargo haven't bought yet, just announced buying in.shapesalad
    • wells fargo only offering limited investment services apparently, not holding:…
    • yahoo news via bbc, it must be accurate and true lolsted
    • @sted lol dude yahoo finance news is if not the best in the market, you're a clowngrafician
    • this makes the bloomberg terminal cry, vc-s are pulling out from benzinga and murdoch is selling newscorpsted
    • because yahoo finance was called the "best in the market" by the investment guru, financial advisor, bitcoin mage graphic designer, grafician.sted
    • @sted boss, you're getting boring with your hate, how old are you again?grafician
    • also go ahead spend 2K a month for bloomberg news lol...
      If you have something useful to add to the conversation, please do, if not, fuck off