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- 448 Responses
- ********0
- identity0
Everything is cyclical - you (in the general sense of you) are no Nostradamus for predicting the end of facebook (or social networking). Like most things, it will evolve into a multitude of different offerings, more specific to target user-bases and will stop trying to be everything to everyone. Human kind will end, apple will fall, flash will die (so will the ipad and iOS) and everyone you know will die. When they carve this onto a rock sometime centuries from now, I want them to use Gotham so that people can look back on typography with a nostalgic sneer.
- slappy0
I'm not under any illusions that google provide their services for the good of mankind out of the kindness of their heart but I'd trust them with my info more than I trust facebook.
I also hate the interface of facebook and the mountains of info I didn't ask for or give a shit about. I really only care about what my mates are up to because they all live so far away.
- that x button in the upper right corner of posts in the timeline is a nice feature********
- that x button in the upper right corner of posts in the timeline is a nice feature
- ********0
- you should have pre-paid your designer and hired a copywriter********
- Haha - thank youidentity
- you should have pre-paid your designer and hired a copywriter
- mediacircus0
Hit me up if anyone still needs an invite
- sentcolin_s
- Right back atchamediacircus
- Email also sent!slappy
- <sent as wellalicetheblue
- zarkonite0
At least with google you know that when you need to overthrow your government, they have your back.
- mediacircus0
Sorry seems they've halted the invites for a little while - just
got an "Invites have been disabled, please try again soon" message. Will keep ya'll posted.
- raf0
A mass advertising company positioning itself as a tech company wants to know more about me, who I am friends with, where I've been, what events I plan to attend and what I like, so they could sell me as a part of a precisely targeted piece of the market.
Sure let's give them that info, let's also put some free work hours into it!
- ApeRobot0
fuck being social.
- says man on public forum********
- "Public" does'nt mean "social"ApeRobot
- public is society, you have a social responsibility, our conversation is called socializing. welcome to reality********
- Ok so i'm gonna get a facebook account,so i can be a virtual responsible civilian.ApeRobot
- you both have valid points shutup now********
- says man on public forum
- flashbender0
I would love to see a google- spin off
- animatedgif0
Re: Why they haven't beaten Flickr yet.
Google is ran by a bunch of anti-social asperges sufferers, they don't understand people they only understand machines.… < Google article detailing how insane some people are at Google.
- I've read this before & feel they're just poor at interpreting user need from their data.********
- I've read this before & feel they're just poor at interpreting user need from their data.
- ********0
Google opens up, then closes Google+ invites due to “insane demand”…
- domacle0
That Marissa Mayer sounds like a boring, self absorbed bitch.
- mekk0
anyone got an invite?
- ********0
A clothes shopping is definitely one of the most popular ways of how people like to spend their free time. But these days traditional shopping as we know it is being pushed into background by online shopping. It's difficult to say which one of those two ways of shopping is better or more preferable, as both of them have their pros and cons. If you like to socialize with other people you would definitely prefer traditional way of shopping. Especially these days when we built increasingly bigger shopping malls where clothes shopping can be connected with other activities. For example you can meet your friends for lunch or you can go to the cinema.But if you don't like overfilled shops with stressed sales assistants and even more stressed customers waiting in long queues or you just prefer to shop from the comfort of your home, you should definitely try online shopping. Presumably the biggest advantage of online shopping is that you don't have to leave your home, you don't even have to move a lot. You don't have to get ready, as you can do it in your pyjamas and slippers. And I think mainly men would appreciate that because when they decide to go clothes shopping with their better halves they won't have to wait for them to find that perfect outfit for shopping. And let's be honest – sometimes it can take ages. Another advantage of online shopping is that it can safe you money. First of all you safe money on petrol or bus ticket as you don't have to travel anywhere. Then you can safe even more money as things are often cheaper online, as sellers don't have to pay rent or wages to sales people. And it's also easier to compare those prices as you don't have to walk from store to store to do that. Then it can safe some of your precious time as you won't have to look for parking spaces. And face it especially at the weekends it can be a real life saver, as sometimes you just want to kill yourselves after looking for your car for hours, as you forgot where you parked it. When you decide to give an online shopping a chance you would definitely appreciate the fact that it offers a better selection than traditional shopping, as these days you can choose from hundreds of clothes shops online. And what makes clothes shopping online even more exciting is that you can finally buy clothes you always wanted to buy and you won't be stopped by the fact that you don't have a certain shop in your town, as with the help of the Internet you can shop from the stores that are not in your town or even in your country. But it's important to realize that online shopping has also its disadvantages. With online shopping you undergo a certain risk, as you won't be able to see, feel or try the product before your purchase, while in the store you can touch it, feel the material and try it. But that shouldn't turn you off, as most websites have a really good refund and return policy. But that means that you would have to rely barely on photos and descriptions provided by sellers. And as we all know not everyone these days is trustworthy. So it's always better and safer to check your online retailer before purchasing and also make sure that the site is secure before placing an order and handing over your credit card details, as you don't want people to steal your information. And that leads us to other disadvantage of clothes shopping online and that is that you can only pay by credit card, while when you decide to buy your clothes in stores, you can pay by cash or credit card. And you can also have your product now and don't have to wait for it to be delivered. So mainly impatient people might appreciate that side of traditional shopping. But we should also discuss the question of safety of both ways of clothes shopping in this time of growing crime. So is online shopping safe? Well, you can risk to have your card details stolen, but in my opinion online shopping is as safe as shopping in stores, where you can be mugged. So whether you decide to buy your clothes online or in stores, choose what best suits you, have fun and keep your information and wallets safe. About Author Sue Clark prefers shopping online, as she doesn't like long queues, overfilled stores and unpleasant sales assistants. If you want to do some <A href="">True Religion Womens Cameron Industrial</A> make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, visit <A href="">True Religion Mens Ricky Black Grey Big QT Inglorious</A> and have fun. This article is free for republishing Published at <A href="">True Religion Womens Lizzy Classics Jean Short Fuse Medium No Rips</A> <A href=""></A> <A href="">True Religion Mens Jackson Rusty Barrel Dark</A>
- ********0
- jfletcher0
"Mayer has notable public involvement with Google Search and Gmail, and can be considered significantly responsible for the success of these UIs"
from her wiki.... yes, those amazing UI's! That's why we use Google...