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  • Projectile2
    • It's the most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational
      This - is - what - we - call - the - Muppet - Show!!!!!
  • jagara8

    People who think any kind of small utterance of optimism about the climate crisis (or any hot-button topic) is a problem.

    I expressed a slight excitement about wind and solar energy. China is making huge investments, and leading the field, making solar cells cheaper than ever, and building gigantic parks of solar arrays all over the country. Britain just closed its last coal power plant. And so on. Good news, right? A cause for optimism?

    WRONG (points finger angrily)!!! That is TECH OPTIMISM, GREEN WASHING and GOVERNMENTAL AGENDA designed to LULL YOU TO SLEEP and not ACT! SILENCE IS VIOLENCE and (gets punched)

    Living in constant anxiety about the future, seeing nothing but doom and gloom, and never have any cause for optimism, is the answer to our problems. Optimism is weakness. Optimism is what they want. You're walking right into their trap.

    • <- and that is exactly why your life sucks.sted
    • There are people who cannot assimilate good news or a positive vision of this world we live in. I don't know what they take with their coffee after waking up...OBBTKN
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯OBBTKN
    • @sted uh, what? :)jagara
    • who are 'they'?face_melter
    • or are you just making people up again?face_melter
    • I can't relate with this. I don't give my opinion lightly, and usually only to close friends. My close friends would never react with pointed fingers...dmay
    • Well, sometimes you're at a thing with new people, you have a conversation, you express an opinion?jagara
    • @face_melter the corporations, maaan!jagara
    • @face_melter "making up people again"? What are you talking about?jagara
    • Cynicism will kill you. It's a proven fact. Let people think what they want, they pay their own price.Ianbolton
    • A thing with new people that quickly jumps to angrily pointed fingers about climate crisis? Sounds like a perfect spot to meet new peopledmay
    • But yeah, punch awaydmay
  • mort_1

    Pierce Morgan DESTROYS woke culture
    Donald Trump DESTROYS democrats
    Dairy farmer DESTROYS vegan activist

    So much alleged destruction in YouTube titles.

    • mort_ DESTROYS clickbait YouTube titlesimbecile
    • same on YouPorn too Mort. So much destruction everywhere!!Ianbolton
  • utopian2

  • sausages2

    Motorsport Engineer in Australia claims to have been assaulted by 3 attackers but CCTV shows him punching himself in the face.

  • canoe5

    More of a wake-up-slap...

    The people on QBN who sound trailer trash when they say Americans are stupid.

    • ..like..canoe
    • Does their name rhyme with Ben?YakuZoku
    • or HAL9001?imbecile
    • Immigrants are rapists, Americans are stupid, white people smell like cheesecanoe
    • Don’t forget asians know king fu_niko
    • we do!pango
    • wait... my bad. that was impulse...pango
    • Muscle memoryYakuZoku
    • Trump having that much support is the only proof you need to understand there's a lot of stupid people in the USA. Seriously.HAL9001
    • ^cherub
    • Do I smell like cheese? I love chesse!!

      And relax gringos, there're stupid people everywhere ;)
    • ^BATAKUSAI!!pango
    • I don't smell like cheese, but their is a bit of a garlicky aroma around me.
      Okay, maybe I smell like cheese, too.
    • *thereContinuity
    • It's true, but Canadians like to remind you the most often. It's a deep-seated insecurity about being in the shadow of the USA.hotroddy
    • uuu Americans are stupid. The general population at least.milfhunter
    • Every 'merican on QBN is bright as a button!palimpsest
    • Bennn, you come across stupider than US Trump voters who shop at Walmart. Just for the recordimbecile
    • Americans aren’t stupid, though. We also have some of the most educated as well. It’s a huge nation.monospaced
    • Americans are just the best at everything even being the worst :)_niko
    • As a 'merican I have to say that a 'merican education is not the same as an education elsewhere. It's a very technical education. But that's not the topic.palimpsest
    • Hotroddy, yeah we like to talk shit and poke fun but that’s just our nature, but we can parade America the great from America the Jerry springer show_niko
    • We can make fun of the Trumps and the MTG’s and the Pdiddys and the Kanye’s and then televangelists and the Musks and the Tiger Kings and the rednecks and_niko
    • ...every other fringe whack job group but the truth of the matter is that personally I’ve been to the US probbably 1500 or so times and not once has it been_niko
    • ...anything short of wonderful, every interaction, every person I’ve met, every place I’ve stayed, everywhere I’ve eaten, every museum I’ve been to..._niko
    • I spent a lot of time in the US too. I have family there. Same here, I always had fun, met interesting and smart people. Maybe I was just lucky. Too bad what'srenderedred
    • happening now.renderedred
    • ...just everything. From. The grandeur of Chicago to the “it”ness of New York to the coolness of Pittsburg and the beautiful decay of Detroit, to the small towns_niko
    • ...of middle America and Appalachia to historical New England to the sweetness of the south, hell, I even had a great time in Florida and shit even Buffalo has it_niko
    • ..its charms. Haven’t see a single shooting, an act of violence, or any other bat hit crazy shit we see on YouTube daily. 99% of the US is amazing 99% of the ti_niko
    • ...time. Unfortunately it’s the 1% that gets magnified and goes viral. But it’s fine to make fun of that 1% don’t take it as a knock on the US as a whole._niko
    • What makes you think our boy Ben hasn't lived in the USofA?palimpsest
    • I don't think Ben has ever left Quebec tbh lol_niko
    • Never left the shire as our boy yurimon?palimpsest
    • This would be a good opportunity for our boy Ben to tell us about his experience on Livin' in America...palimpsest
    • https://youtu.be/c5B…pango
    • I feel like trumps America was kept hidden and silent for decades, and the rest of America never wanted to be associated themselves with them.monospaced
    • In recent years this “silent majority” has been making us all look bad. It’s disgusting and it’s foreign to a vast majority of us who aren’t like that.monospaced
    • So when someone trashes all of us because of these assholes, it’s naive AT BEST. we’re so big we might as well be different countries. Think of it like that.monospaced
    • When you have a population this big you have more idiots too. It’s a bell curve. We’ve got it all here.monospaced
    • having said what I said about my personal experiences, it's all an a micro level. on a macro level Americans can not only be stupid but extremely dangerous._niko
    • When it comes t war, when it comes to capitalist greed, when it comes to the environment. It's the unquenchable thirst for power, for resources, for profit._niko
    • And damn anyone who gets in their way._niko
    • What are we even talking about at this point?palimpsest
    • Generalizing what it is to be “American” I guess.monospaced
    • My brother in Jesus, do you accept me as a fellow American?palimpsest
    • so what are you saying mono? is there a civil war looming perhaps?renderedred
    • No just on social media_niko
  • grafician0

    People who think everything must be generated by AI these days...

    • It was the Ochi trailer btw

    • And no AI I guess, just beautifully shot scenes from Romaniagrafician
    • On IMDb it says the script was written by chatgptYakuZoku
    • But seriously that urks me tooYakuZoku
    • hang in there, its barely the beggining of all this AI thingHAL9001
    • Probably not AI...just really bad CGIutopian
    • Prompt?mort_
    • Sad thing is, most average people can't tell the difference legit.kalkal
    • tbf, there are a few shots in there that do have that sort of dreamy ethereal aesthetic so oft seen in AI-generated images.
      Flick looks GORGEOUS tho!
    • Ai imitating art imitating ai?_niko
    • or is it art imitating ai imitating art?_niko
  • canoe6

    Do I have to say it twice?

    QBNers who aren't up for the critical thinking game.

    For example, "...Trump is popular means A LOT of Americans are stupid..."

    SMH. That's some confirmation bias bullshit with an absurd amount of oversimplifcation. You lack to understand the complexities of why people vote and that makes you look like the trailer trash dumbfucks you think you're above.

    And it makes me question whether you even know anything about your profession! Everything we do has an audience, a target market that we distinctly develop communication for to get them to act. If your beef is with MAGA, or the Republican party, or the Florida education system, or whatever then make your argument otherwise, the headline, "America is stupid" is hyperbolic, falls on deaf ears, and has the reverse effect if you're going for that smart-cool-talented-designer-thi...

    • You had me at critical thinking.palimpsest
    • "America is stupid" is hyperbolic.
      "Trump supporters are stupid." is the truth. What would you say about flat earthers? Stupid is in our language for a reason.
    • @CBX, "Trump supporters are stupid'" is just as hyperbolic. I'm interested to know what you think a US citizen should do if the fundamentally disagree with...Morning_star
    • ...Kamala/Dems. Should they not vote?Morning_star
    • *theyMorning_star
    • not hyperbole. it is quantifiably "stupid" to vote for trump... as a woman, an educator, a doctor, you are actively voting against your interests / healthimbecile
    • Thank god all US citizens are either women, educators or doctors.Morning_star
    • well at least 74 million people are stupid :)_niko
    • That's less than a third of us. Another third doesn't vote and that's an act of stupidity to begin with.CyBrainX
    • Wait a minute...palimpsest
    • @canoe Would you agree with the statement "people who vote for Trump do not see that he doesn't even remotely have their best interests at heart"?.mort_
    • Also @canoe, do you think some voters know this but are voting for some kind of strategic reasons?mort_
    • I agree that calling them stupid and demonising them is not the way.mort_
    • "I love the poorly educated."
      -Donald Trump
    • I agree that demonizing them and calling them stupid is not a good strategy if you're a politician but I'm not and those people won't be persuaded anyway.CyBrainX
    • Historically Americans vote by party.canoe
    • Would you agree that voting blindly by red / blue party allegiance shows a complete lack of critical thinking?mort_
    • "those people" < there's your problem, right there.Morning_star
    • No, it doesn't. You choose one side or the other.palimpsest
    • Thinking it's the same thing shows a lack of the "critical thinking" you so much value.palimpsest
    • https://upload.wikim…maquito
    • Was that directed at me @palimpsest?mort_
    • I'm talking about voting red because my family always votes red, regardless of changes in policy or leadership that may be damaging to that voter.mort_
    • Yes, @mort
      "Would you agree that voting blindly by red / blue party allegiance shows a complete lack of critical thinking?"
    • Right - see prev replymort_
    • I think there is a certain level of critical thinking but even more there is an emotional part that shouldn't be overlooked. Ultimately, they r not the same.palimpsest
    • Yes, different parts of the brain. The tribal need is very powerful.mort_
    • Drink structured water, that should solve it.palimpsest
    • I think we are not saying different things. Emotional needs can be irrational and interfere with critical thinking.mort_
    • Florida is again ranked #1 in the nation for education. So much money going into Florida schools right now since all the money is moving into florida.hotroddy
    • Florida schools don't waste time teaching you what pronoun you want to be when you get older.hotroddy
    • pretty stupid suppositions in this thread. when shown not hyperbole, argument changes, vote blindly? in the US? impossible. trump is shit no matter the party.imbecile
    • Hotroddy to the rescue.palimpsest
    • @Canoe, I hope the irony isn’t lost on you. You criticize making broad generalizations, yet you then generalize Florida and MAGA supporters as 'stupid.'hotroddy
    • There are individuals on your side of the debate who oppose merit-based policies, which is a key reason we're facing this challenge in the first place.hotroddy
    • @hotroddy What school "teaches you what pronoun to use when you grow up"?
      I know what states ban books, even math books, probably because of Jeebus somehow.
    • Thinking beyond political tribalism...

    • “The biggest single, best predictor of how someone’s going to vote in American politics now is education level.”yuekit
    • https://edition.cnn.…yuekit
    • We didn’t make it up, less educated people really are voting for Trump in droves. Less educated doesn’t automatically mean stupid of course but Trump really isyuekit
    • the candidate of the poorly educated as he once said.yuekit
    • "less educated" is a proxy for working class, which the democrats abandoned long ago. This is why Dick Cheney and Goldman Sachs support the Dems.monNom
    • and why Trump's commitment to reshore manufacturing, and reduce illegal immigration are appealing to the working class.monNom
    • Still doesn't mean "Americans are stupid" nor does it mean that "Republicans are stupid"... shit is Dennis Quaid stupid?canoe
    • because they are not stupid. They know that low-cost labour (overseas or at home), undercuts their ability to bargain for fair paymonNom
    • Trump's economic plan would be terrible for working class people actually.yuekit
    • https://www.forbes.c…yuekit
    • https://www.cbsnews.…yuekit
    • https://www.piie.com…yuekit
    • Conservative and liberal economists disagree on a lot of things but they are all seem to agree on this. The kinds of things you're talking about sound goodyuekit
    • as a campaign slogan, that's why it's called populism.yuekit
    • More terrible than exporting all the jobs they can, and importing migrant workers to fill the ones they can't? Not sure I buy that.monNom
    • One perspective is that a flood of new workers helps to suppress a wage-price spiral, which it probably does.monNom
    • but that doesn't say anything about whether workers might actually be better off in an environment of rising wages, even with fewer cheap imported goods.monNom
    • The unemployment rate is currently only 4%. The USA is doing quite well compared to the rest of the world.yuekit
    • Just because less educated people are voting for Trump doesn't mean they are doing it because they're poor or because their job was outsourced.yuekit
    • I think in the past, workers tended to retain more of their productivity as wages. A return to domestic manufacturing would likely tip the scales back.monNom
    • You keep mentioning things that more like campaign slogans... Trump's gonna magically bring back jobs and we all live happily ever after.yuekit
    • There is a resurgence in domestic manufacturing but it's not only Trump that is responsible for this. And his specific concrete plans like the tariffs,yuekit
    • supply and demand isn't a magical concept. You reduce supply of imported goods through higher prices, you incentivize the domestic production of those goods.monNom
    • more tax cuts for the rich and mass deportation of immigrants are terrible.yuekit
    • There is a lag as you build capacity, and prices rise briefly as a market signal, but in a short time replacement goods become available from local sourcesmonNom
    • It's also not magical that if you aren't producing those goods domestically or if it costs more to produce domestically, then prices will go up!yuekit
    • and competition leads to stable and declining prices.monNom
    • Look at what happened with Brexit...there were similarly simplistic feelgood arguments being made about how it would be a good thing to leave the EU.yuekit
    • Now a majority of the public thinks it was a mistake and the UK is projected to decline in terms of GDP until at least the mid 2030s.yuekit
    • These are neither simplistic nor feelgood arguments. They are economic policies that tend to distribute more wealth to the working class instead of wallstreetmonNom
    • Trump is proposing huge tax cuts for the rich along with massive tariffs. The tariffs are like a consumption tax...they end up falling on the poor and middleyuekit
    • class. You should look at the details and not just this vague impression of what Trump will do.yuekit
    • Something left out of your scenario is that those same poor and middle class are seeing their own market value rise along with rising prices.monNom
    • Without tarriffs or other equalization, goods are cheap, but labour demand is slack. You end up in a place where a whole generation can't afford a house.monNom
    • I haven't seen a single economist suggesting tariffs are a good solution. It really does seem to be a personal fixation of Trump's.yuekit
    • The point being, there's a rational explanation for Trump's appeal. It's not all stupidity and racism on the part of the people most harmed by current policies.monNom
    • That's silly. Biden put a 100% tariff on electric vehicles from China. It's one of the common tools to manage trade, discourage dumping, and protect industries.monNom
    • But didn't we just talk about how these policies might not actually be rational? One poll I saw the other day said people's #1 concern was high prices...yuekit
    • And in the same poll they also support Trump's plan for a 20% tariff on all imports. So literally supporting the thing that's going to do what you don't want.yuekit
    • And the difference is Trump is proposing a 20% tariff on everything, not targeted at specific industries.yuekit
    • Are rising prices still the top concern if their take-home pay is rising faster? Import goods might be up, but food, houses, and energy are made domestically.monNom
    • Even the policy itself sounds pretty stupid doesn't it?yuekit
    • Not if you are incentivizing domestic production, which creates a lot of jobs and prosperity for the working class.monNom
    • Why do you think so many economists are saying it's a terrible idea?yuekit
    • Why does the lawyer say his client is clearly not guilty?monNom
    • The problem is there doesn't seem to be any deeper thinking behind this at all...Trump is just obsessed with this idea and he's the person GOP hasyuekit
    • decided they'll follow on everything.yuekit
    • Are seriously suggesting economists are all biased?yuekit
    • https://leaders.com/…yuekit
    • The cost of making an iPhone in Americayuekit
    • "Are seriously suggesting economists are all biased?"
    • are you seriously suggesting Santa Claus does not exist!?!monNom
    • I work with economists from time to time. They have wildly different opinions, and biases, just like everyone else. They even have different philosophies that..monNom
    • are often incompatible. Economics is more art than science in many ways. And you will get a very different opinion from a Keynsian than you will an AustrianmonNom
    • Sure they have different views but can you find a single serious analysis that says 20% tariffs on everything will lead to prosperity?yuekit
    • And yes, sometimes those biases which tend to support a certain viewpoint will be supported by others with that same viewpoint.monNom
    • Austrian economics is very fringe...this isn't one of the major types of economic thinking.yuekit
    • I suspect the economists quoted in the Wall Street Journal are very seldom opposed to the Wall Street zeitgeist.monNom
    • Trump's spending plans will also dramatically increase the deficit, about twice as much as Kamala Harris.yuekit
    • https://www.crfb.org…yuekit
    • These aren't well thought-out policies, it's just him promising everything to everyone to get elected and assuming tariffs = economic prosperity.yuekit
    • I think the current thinking on tarriffs is more nuanced. They used to be vilified, with the smoot Harley tariff act blamed for the Great Depression.monNom
    • The modern view is different. That old theory may have been self serving of an expansionist empire that wanted to remove tariffs elsewhere to ease dumping.monNom
    • Now that china is the one dumping, the arithmetic looks a bit different and tariffs are no longer to boogie man they once were.monNom
    • The Biden/Harris administration is certainly no stranger to tariffs. Regardless, a "20% sales tax" is a good slogan to scare the herd.monNom
    • This wouldn't just be on China, it would be on Canada too.yuekit
    • It says you live in Vancouver...you gonna cheer on economic penalties against yourself? :)yuekit
    • I wanna see average Americans doing well. The 'economic penalties' if they exist are pretty are minor compared to the US coming apart at the seams.monNom
  • HAL9001-5

    (As of 2020, about 62% of American adults (ages 25 and older) do not hold a bachelor’s degree)

    2016 Election:

    In the 2016 election, non-college-educated voters played a critical role in Trump’s victory, especially in key battleground states. Here are some numbers:

    Men: Trump won about 71% of white non-college-educated men
    Women: He also won about 61% of white non-college-educated women.

    2020 Election:

    White Non-college-educated Voters:

    Men: Trump maintained high support, winning approximately 67% of white non-college-educated men, according to exit polls.
    Women: He again performed well with white non-college-educated women, securing around 60% of their vote.

    Obviously, people without a college degree are not 'stupid' per say, but it seems they are very attracted by stupidity, lets put it this way.

    • Let's keep on generalising a bit, and say that any university graduate worth their salt would know it's 'per se' (Latin) and not 'per say'.Continuity
    • PS: I'm white, male, and have only a high school diploma.Continuity
    • Yah I don't think HAL made it much further along his pursuit of higher learning than 12th grade, or grade 13 ;)canoe
    • if it make you laugh saying i only have 12th grade, cool, have fun with that :))HAL9001
    • Well when you say it like that big boy, I'd say 2nd grade. lols. A foreigner that hates America, funny, never heard that one on QBN for like a few years runningcanoe
    • i dont hate America. And like it or not, but USA is on the #1 superpower and is on the top of the list, the whole World is watching you everyday.HAL9001
    • get a life worldYakuZoku
    • We’re just sick of you pointing out all this stuff as if you either just found out and can’t believe it, or as if we all don’t know he has supporters.monospaced
    • Your constant state of disbelief and need to broadcast it is something we are way past. WE aren’t those people. We also can’t be responsible for them.monospaced
    • noted i will try post less stuff in that threadHAL9001
    • agree, more posts in painting of the day please, I love that one :)_niko
  • canoe0

    ...for people who post in Punches For without a Punchee.

    And for selective critics who love to loathe America.

    • If trump wins again, this won't matter anymoregrafician