scarabin Q&A
- Started
- Last post
- 331 Responses
- Amicus0
LRP Loan Repayment Program
LRP Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein
LRP Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein
LRP Linux Router Project
LRP Livestock Risk Protection
LRP Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
LRP Long-Range Patrol
LRP Leucine-responsive Regulatory Protein
LRP Low Density Lipoprotein Related Protein
LRP Lead Replacement Petrol
LRP Live Role Play(ing)
LRP Lazy Receiver Processing
LRP Low Rate Production
LRP Low Regulatory Priority
LRP Lighting Research Program
LRP Long-Range Prediction (algorithm)
LRP Learning Resource Program
LRP Logiciel de Rédaction des Procédures (French: Software-Writing Procedures)
LRP Long-Rod Penetrator
LRP Load and Roll Pallet (loading commercial containers)
LRP Lower Riser Package
LRP Light-Based Regional Product (economics)
LRP Logistics Resupply Point
LRP Limited Response Package
LRP Label Routing Protocol
LRP Laser Range Prediction
LRP Long-Range Plan/ning
LRP Least Restrictive Placement
LRP Launch Reference Point
LRP Least Reliable Position
LRP Logistics Requirement Plan
LRP Less Reactive Phosphate
LRP Local Restoral Plan
LRP Letter Proposal Retrofit
LRP Logistical Re-Supply Point
LRP Lending and Realty Professionals
LRP Legally Recognized Partner (legal)
LRP Local Research Plan (Canada)
LRP Laws, Regulations & Policies (various locations)
LRP Long Running Process (computing)
LRP Lexmark Return Program (printers)
LRP Landesbank Rheinland Pfalz (German bank)^^^ I'm guessing atom is referring to the Long-Rod Penetrator.
Baby Wipes?
- scarabin0
do you mean the LBRP?
only once in the last couple years, after having an unpleasant experience on mushrooms
- Llyod0
Dear scarabin, what's blacker than black?
- Llyod0
A: your soul
- scarabin0
blacker black is blacker than black
- Llyod0
good find
- sureshot0
What are your top 20 favorite Madonna songs?
- LOLmonospaced
- i liked that one james bond onescarabin
- HahaHombre_Lobo
- but ooh girl, you know it's hard to narrow it downscarabin
how did your new bird tasted?
- scarabin0
ha. i was gonna take him to a hummingbird rehabilitator but they sounded really busy and apathetic so i changed my mind. he's happily perched in a little open cage on my desk, launching projectile shits everywhere.
- utopian0
what are your birdie's chances of surviving?
- scarabin0
he's in top shape, i've done my research, keep daily logs of his weight and food intake, and monitor him at all times so i'd say pretty damn good.
the challenge will be the release process. in about a week i have to stop feeding him with the dropper and put his bug juice into flowers for him to drink from so he learns how to do it in the wild. then make sure he's in a safe area with lots of food. i have a nearby botanical garden in mind that would be perfect.
define AND Illustrate Bug Juice
- scarabin0
bug juice is what i call the solution i've been feeding him. currently it's
1 tsp white sugar
1 tsp honey
3 tsp water
4 ground crickets
3 pieces of ground kitten chowit's all ground up in a mortar and pestle and strained, made fresh every morning. the crickets and kitten chow provide necessary proteins and fats. sounds weird but it's a pretty common ingredient in bird hand-feeding formulas
please refer to post 133
- scarabin0
- whitish sticky susbtance eh?CALLES
- http://stream1.gifso…scarabin
- JG_LB0
looks like horchata
- dbloc0
Hey Scare, Check these out.…
- pango0
can you make some wicken herbal medicine for me? I'm sick and I rarely take drugs from pharmacy store... don't want to start.