Shooting of the Day

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  • dbloc0

    Uh, what kind of lock was on this door? Bust the damn thing down!

    A law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said the Border Patrol agents had trouble breaching the classroom door and had to get a staff member to open the room with a key.…

  • Ramanisky24

    Murica .. A#1 at traumatizing children.

  • _niko1

    Here’s a completely idiotic idea for a completely idiotic nation, what if te New York Yankees, the Chicago cubs, Boston Red Sox the LA lakers, the Boston Celtics, the Dallas cowboys, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the patriots and other iconic sports teams refused to take the field, just quit mid way through the season until politicians got off their asses and actually passed real gun laws. It might get people’s attention.

    • Might worknb
    • The top two to four teams from each conference could probably be enoughnb
    • Or maybe the US Olympic teamnb
  • Ramanisky20

    • America is fucked threadnbq
    • Ted Cruz is a special cunt.dasohr
    • I'm usually pretty chill, but I really want to punch the motherfucker in the rot.dasohr
  • whatthefunk2

  • yuekit0

    I don't see anything changing in America...the fanatical gun culture is just too deeply rooted.

    Because guns are so widespread banning guns would be like trying to ban TV sets. It would take some serious restrictions to actually reduce mass shootings, but even minor restrictions would be treated by the pro-gun side as a declaration of war.

    Whenever you even mention the words gun control apparently Americans run out to the store and start mass stockpiling weapons. This was a widespread phenomenon during Obama's presidency even though he never implemented any actual regulations on guns...

    "Americans spent an estimated $17 billion on ammunition while Obama was president"…

    • maybe show the bloody images of the little kids, maybe that'll sink into their thick primitive skulls_niko
    • ^ 100% agree .. show pictures and video of the carnage.Ramanisky2
    • ^dunno 'bout that. We had the pics of 'Mary holding her brains' in Driver's ED but as kids (same age of the shooter) many still drive drunk / like assholesPonyBoy
    • Remember this? One guy killed 59 people and wounded 400, complete insanity.
    • It resulted in some minor restrictions on "bump stocks", but even this is being challenged and might end up at the Supreme Court.yuekit
    • @yuekit I did a post about the Vegas one, where I said that a gun fetishist definitely masturbated to that footage. 100%PhanLo
    • I think holding parents accountable for their kids who use guns would be far more effective. Charge his mother with all counts of murder.monospaced
    • Sure but is there any chance at all of that or other solutions happening? Exactly the opposite...yuekit
    • "About a month from now we likely will see a one-week or so stretch where Supreme Court (in separate cases) reverses Roe + expands the right to carry firearms"yuekit
    • The only way you're gonna change it is by electing more Dems by increasing turnout or by the GOP changing back into a more moderate party over time.yuekit
    • Americans hate to hear this because it sounds biased, they badly want to believe bOtH sIDeS have a point...but this is just the reality. The GOP is an extremistyuekit
    • party on this issue, you're not going to move any gun legislation until they reform or are marginalized.yuekit
    • Start by not selling ammo to those weapons...Nutter
    • Create a "weapon refund policy" where turning in a weapon gives you a certain amount of money back. The weapon is then disposed of.Nutter
    • Ban selling new weapons of that type to regular people.Nutter
    • Sure it will take a long time to correct things, but its pretty simple steps.Nutter
    • I’m kinda sick of every rational measure is met with a sad and tired “it won’t work” or “it won’t happen” trope. If we don’t try what is the ducking point!?monospaced
    • You don’t have to point out how inept and crippled our system is and how ignorant and confused the conservative fucktards are. Let’s focus on action.monospaced
    • Spare the captain obvious lecture please. Voting in Dems is not the only way this gets done.monospaced
  • monospaced0

    I imagine a system where anyone under 21 who wants to buy a gun would have to get the signature of a parent or guardian accepting full liability for what happens with said weapon. Let the parents know what is happening and to be fully aware they will be criminally liable if they shoot and kill people with it.

    I also imagine a level of regulation akin to getting a fishing license, or even a government id. You fill out forms, take a class, wait awhile, etc.

    • This holds gun owners, who have the right to own guns, responsible and accountable for claiming they are responsible.monospaced
    • Hunting license is probably harder to get than a gun. What more do we need to saynb
  • Bennn2


  • Ramanisky20

    So many punchable cretins in the GOP ....
    Cruz is in the top 5 for sure. He had the balls to say this just minutes ago.…

    • This make me punch something violently. The stupidity in this World my frens is infinite.Bennn
    • his idiocy aside, even the most law-abiding stable and responsible and "good" citizens can and do snap. I don't want them to have an arsenal when they do._niko
    • There were dozens of good guys with guns that didn’t stop this. So fuck anyone who makes this argument still.monospaced
    • Ted Cruz’s kids must fucking LOATHE himnb
    • You can do it Bennn! Just imagine he’s a woman in the subway.imbecile
    • i see you didnt find a life after all those years imbecile, i will send thoughts and prayers toward you my friendBennn
    • I will never accept your abuse of a woman, Bennn. If you think I can't live a happy life knowing you're a woman abuser, you're more stupid than you lead on.imbecile
    • I don't care if another 10 years go by, you admit you hit a woman in the subway. you're trash, plain and simple.imbecile
  • Ramanisky2-2

    The shooters mother
    “He had his reasons for doing what he did”
    “Please don’t judge him”


    • WTF?!?! she's just as mental as her sicko sonKrassy
    • Apple doesn't fall too fardbloc
    • Deeply weird.Fax_Benson
    • Inhuman. No humanity.nb
    • We are judging you are a POS of mother and human. The fruit never falls far from the tree.utopian
    • To be fair, she might be in the middle of a mental breakdownnb
  • PhanLo0

    I watched a small bit of CNN last night and they were interviewing a father who found out his daughter was dead when he was comforting a girl from her class.
    She was covered head to to in blood and had said that she couldn't wake her best friend up, her friend was called Amerie, his daughter.
    A horrifying traumatic event that will haunt the man forever.

    Andersen Cooper was chatting to him like it wasn't ghoulish as fuck to be speaking to a man that most probably had life altering PTSD. It was so weird.

    Made good news I suppose.

    • I've been avoiding the news because of this shit.fooler
    • I saw a piece of that interview and it brought me to tears.instrmntl
    • I can't see how it helps the people interviewing them in that state of mind.
      How could you not cry hearing him say 'my baby, my baby'. Just brutal.
    • All 24hr news media are garbage human beings. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CBC 24hr, etc. all of them. Pieces of shit people. No redeeming qualities.nb
    • News channels barely give a fuck because there will always be another disaster and another set of parents. Drop the dead donkey etc. etc.face_melter
  • nb4

    A bunch of people who were scheduled to speak at the NRA’s little bitch festival backed out in the past 24hrs.

    Ted Cruz made sure to attend. What a cunt.

    I’ll also note that the republican politicians who DID back out of speaking, WOULD NOT SAY WHY. They gave the excuse of a scheduling change.

    Think of how sick that is. You know that it’s wrong to go speak at the thing but you are too big a coward to say the words.

    Rot in hell you fucking scum

    • Scumbag Greg Abbott back out too but sent a pre recorded video message.Ramanisky2
    • Better than showing up. Shows they have some conscience.doggydoggdog
  • Ramanisky20

    @ 3:00 minute mark the Orange Mook reads the victims names ... sick.

    • I thought I was at a boxing match, it's the same bell sound effect that the WBA, WWE and MMA use. The NRA is a bunch of ass clowns.utopian
    • ( insert airhorn )
    • The ending, so dumbdoggydoggdog
    • You piece of shit lying sack of shit cunt fuck face. Where's a blood clot when you need it.BusterBoy
    • How does getting rid of guns possibly increase power?doggydoggdog
  • utopian2

  • nb7

    If gun laws don’t prevent bad people from getting guns, why did the Uvalde shooter wait until his 18th birthday to go buy one?

  • nb2

    The only time they utter the words “mental health” is in relation to gun violence. That says to me that there is some connection between mental health and guns.

    Every time a politician (or should I say gun-lobbyist) says we need to focus on mental health, the first question back at them should be, “what mental health initiatives have you spearheaded since the last time you made a similar statement, and what more are you going to do starting today?”

    Another argument you here from the gun lobbyists is that gun laws will not eliminate 100% of gun deaths and therefore should not be created or enforced. Well then, how does that apply to mental health? Are you suggesting that there is some mental healthcare strategy that would eliminate 100% of depression and maniacal behavior?

    The argument is absurd. They know it. Most them are just repeating stupid shit they’ve heard, because they never learned think for themselves. But the gun lobby is feeding them the bullshit so we need to destroy the gun lobby.

  • imbecile1

    • cowardstank02
    • Apparently, blue lives matter more than childrennb
  • imbecile1

  • Nutter6

    "Nothing can be done about it"

    1. Start by not selling ammo to those weapons.

    2. Create a "weapon refund policy" where turning in a weapon gives you a certain amount of money back. The weapon is then disposed of.

    3. Ban selling new weapons of that type to regular people.

    Sure it will take a long time to correct things, but its pretty simple steps.

    • Nothing wrong with these steps. It just feels like this is phase 2 after regulating the sale of existing sales (ID, vouchers, etc)monospaced
    • That much is obvious - buy backs are how Aus and NZ dealt with it when their time came. The problem in the How is clearly cultural, not practical.Nairn
    • There have been localized buy backs and drop offs for weapons and it has been very successful. Many cities have totally outlawed weapons. It is possible.monospaced
    • Easiest problem to solve ever.nb
    • A few people in this country think that banning these guns is unfair and a greater punishment than a parent losing their child forever. FUCK YOUnb
    • A more radical step would be make the weapon manufacturer financially responsible every time one of their weapons were used in a mass shooting.Nutter
    • Nearly every American supports background checks and limits on assault rifles. The govt allows children to be murdered in exchange for senate seatsnb
    • Since capital seems to be everything, that would change the supply of those weapons.Nutter
    • You’re not wrong about that.monospaced
    • Outlaw lobbying by gun groups/manufacturers would end a lot, too, and most would support that.formed
    • But what person would support Citizens United? The Supreme Court needs to die.formed
    • @formed, so far, no republican leadership has, despite a hundred children deadmonospaced
    • 3d printed weapons are just around the cornerdrgs
    • I’d love it if everyone had to 3D print and build their own damn guns.monospaced
  • Nairn7

    • If guns aren't the problem, then our laws definitely are.aliastime