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- 3,725 Responses
- Nutter2
3d face from a single image, don't know if it will fool the iPhone face recognition though.
- ********4
- https://www.androidc…********
- i prefer the lg v30 http://www.techradar…trooperbill
- Yep - far better (Essential).fadein11
- ^ nice********
- Aye, I think it looks great - i'm anticipating its European release - will probably jump from my 7.face_melter
- Why? Bottom chin and a weird nub at the top.inteliboy
- Because, incredibly, people like different things for different reasons. Crazy, I know.face_melter
- sprint is the worst provider to partner with, their network is terribleimbecile
- fuck sprint - if its good it will be everywhere.fadein11
- next pixel will put it all to bed anyway. iPhone is a sheeple phone - thats how it got big and will continue until the sheeple get woke.fadein11
- previous was slightly trolly but also true. try android guys. one login, none of the utter shit issues you get with apple cloud / ID / itunes etc. Google madefadein11
- 1 account work perfectly across all it's platforms. never ever had an issue.fadein11
- Apple has become Microsoft.fadein11
- I have used iPhones and Android. I'm not an Apple hater. I was the guy who argued with Windows users 15-20 years ago about Mac's superiority. Times have changedfadein11
- Jobs died and the company has lost direction as a few of us predicted. Its a sheeple brand sustained on a get noticed logo. House of cards.fadein11
- buy direct or buy from sprint.
this phone will flopimbecile - cool well why are you constantly posting in apple threads if your android life is so woke?inteliboy
- as face said - people like things for different reasons. what is annoying isn't the different things, it's fanboys constantly parroting that the other sucks.inteliboy
- sorry I meant no offense. when an object becomes more about what people think about you than what it does for you it may be time to look at other options...fadein11
- Sorry if I offended you.fadein11
- "fanboys parroting..." - Apple invented fanboys lol. I'm not a fanboy, just not a sheep.fadein11
- PIXEL II announcement October 4th, mark your calendar set! :) Could be my next phoneBennn
- and mine when I can afford it and payed off PIXEL I lolfadein11
- Yea I've not had a new phone in two years, my Sony X was great but smashed it. Was going to buy a p10 the other day but will wait to see the pixel 2********
- I like that it's ceramic. Glass is stupid. Can't wait to see the P2, N8 and this in the wild.formed
- The thing that draws me to the Essential is that it looks like a slab of technology. I've been looking for a really nice Android phone for a while now.face_melter
- Tried many - Moto, Sony, Samsung - all have pros and cons be it software or hardware but I think this could be the right combo for me.face_melter
- Stock android on this too********
- yeah - it's really lightweight, no SD card but has 128GB as standard which is cool for me - I only use storage for my music and Google Drive image library.face_melter
- 128GB is nice, I hope stores carry these new phones (P2, etc.)formed
- Will be interesting to see how it'll be available here in the UK. I want one...********
- https://www.androidc…
- zaq1
- drgs5
- lol really?monospaced
- Always innovatingutopian
- Bennn2
- how long?hotroddy
- Six months, a year at most.
Just get a new one after that. :-)PhanLo - I think bennn misses apple. keeps posting about it.inteliboy
- Direct competitor phones are $800+ and also last the same amount of time.monospaced
- no, androids last foreverGnash
- Oh right of course.monospaced
- i've had my 4s for over 5 years. the only thing a little wonky with it is the charging portGnash
- I'm still rocking a 5 and a 6. Except for a cracked corner one one and a bad external speaker on the other. also perfectly fine.monospaced
- Gnash, I assume you haven't been updating... ?********
- ^ i maxed out my OS - 9.3.5 - can't go any higher.Gnash
- and i turn off all the fancy stuff, like parallaxGnash
- imbecile1
Every Major Advertising Group Is Blasting Apple for Blocking Cookies in the Safari Browser
"Digital ad spending in the U.S. is expected to reach $83 billion in 2017"
- Misleading headline. The new feature only blocks "cookies and other data used for this cross-site tracking", but no other cookies.evilpeacock
- you can disable it if you're not interested in your own user privacy.evilpeacock
- ^ yupGnash
- Using an adblocker is a mandatory procedure now, on any device. Fuck your insidious tracking shit.face_melter
- good on 'emscruffics
- “Apple’s unilateral and heavy-handed approach is bad for consumer choice and bad for the ad-supported online content and services consumers love"section_014
- ^^^ lol @ these people. You mean the never ending ads of the some pair of shoes you just bought until the end of time? Yeah, we love that.section_014
- section_014: Do you want that or to actually pay for your content? that's all they're saying really. All this internet stuff isn't actually free...zarkonite
- Every major advertising group can cry me a fucking river..slappy
- detritus1
Android users needn't feel left out - experience the notch!
- autoflavour0
- No, that's Alan Feiss.BusterBoy
- punches for... "my beibur"cannonball1978
- pablo284
- Jesus fucking christ. Kill us all.
Kill us all now.detritus - COBALT BOMB FROM ORBIT.detritus
- this is so lamedesmo
- Boss: Ok guys! We will do a little dance today! Yahy!
Me: Fuck that shit, i'm out.Bennn - For the prices they charge I would want a dance number, dinner, and a gobble.face_melter
- They should deliver it on your desk at work, with a dinner.Bennn
- There is nothing more bile inducing that witnessing 1st hand the poor staff of an Apple store humiliating themselves like thisfadein11
- than*fadein11
- I imagine Steve Jobs' arse cheeks would curl up inside his anus too if he saw this********
- Nuke entire Asia as punishmentOBBTKN
- Is this old? do they seriously still do that shit? I thought lines for apple products were a thing of the past...zarkonite
- isn't this from many years ago, when the iPhone launched in china for the first time?monospaced
- ^ looks like two different size, very modern looking iphones on the table in the background. Definite not original iphone launch********
- Did apple even have stores like that before the iphone?********
- This is super old, but still just as cringe worthy.instrmntl
- ^ 2016pablo28
- Apple had their own stores like that for years before the iPhone. We had one in SF I think in 2002.monospaced
-… 1:05pablo28
- so many geniusesKrassy
- lol krassy********
- Apple staff are wankers. Always unhelpful and usually creepy smug fuckers too.PhanLo
- I didn't know Kim Jong Un once worked at the Genius Bar...dedlaast
- F%% imbeciles, is this in China ?********
- they do still do this.fadein11
- Jesus fucking christ. Kill us all.
- utopian0
- It's because the iphones camera didn't recognize him in his non lizard form.kona
- I saw that... His reaction was subtle but priceless.nbq
- turns out it disabled because of too many prior failed attempts (many people using the phone) before he brought it on stagemonospaced
- says the PR department post incident....pretty sure you'd check your most important presentation device prior...formed
- you know, all that 'attention to detail' and all...whooooops!!formed
- okay, so your opinion is that this one incident locks in that the feature is a failure and this is going to be the norm?monospaced
- granted, I agree this was a failure to pay attention to the details, including a phone that was ready to unlock for this guymonospaced
- It's amusing...and perhaps telling, no? The most important part of the show they f' up, then blame the interns...hmmmmformed
- The way people are acting it’s like he had to fuck a dead animal to unlock the thing. No-one outside of reddit gives a shit.face_melter
- Lol that instant sweat.pango
- mono why do take any form of criticism towards apple personally? And why do you feel the need to defend it as if you created the iphone? Pretty funny********
- It's not personal. I don't know why. I don't even like their shit that much. I certainly am not their biggest fan.monospaced
- Maybe I just don't know why people like to rip on them so much when they really aren't that different from anyone else.monospaced
- They pretend they are different - that's the issue.fadein11
- I guess I just used to have such high hopes from Apple so when I do it it's disappointment more than anything********
- Also it's quite funny. They went from absolute industry leaders. Design leaders. But now everything they do is literally laughable it seems.********
- It's testament to how integral to Apple Jobs was********
- It's been said a million times but post-Jobs it hasn't been great or anything "different" yet they still present themselves rather arrogantly as above the restfadein11
- which sadly isn't true anymore. But most of us here aren't the average user - 99% of their customer base by the product for the status/logo.fadein11
- buy*fadein11
- I agree with both of you, but perhaps differently, I never expected them to keep "changing the game" like so many people did.monospaced
- My biggest problem with Apple is their ignorance of and indifference toward the pro creative market in the last decade. We kept them afloat in the '90s!monospaced
- I think facial recognition is dumb AF. What this clip shows is that when strangers, children, or friends look at your phone, they're logging failed unlocks!monospaced
- While Apple's 3D facial thing might be the best yet, the whole concept in general is flawed, fundamentally, regardless of how perfect it is.monospaced
- If I get a notification, and I look at the lock screen to see it, I don't want it to unlock just because I looked. The ways to fuck it up are countless.monospaced
- yep - agree with all of that monofadein11
- especially the part about keeping them afloat in the 90's!fadein11
- I can't in my right mind buy a Mac. I know our work team will roll out new MBPs at some point, and then I'll have a stupid touch bar. Great ... JUST what I needmonospaced
- My 2012 iMac is fucking rad. Gorgeous 27" screen, 4-core i7, and it still does its thing well. The new one is a fortune, and honestly, isn't much better.monospaced
- I HAVE to build a PC (Hackintosh) unless Apple makes something useful.monospaced
- I'm not ready to ditch iOS though. It's great for me and my family and the tiny ecosystem we use in the home (AppleTV, etc). so, the 7 or 8 it is for me.monospaced
- Computer wise I really don't want to go back to Windows however better it is now. I hated leaving Mac's when they went really shitty before.fadein11
- utopian-3
iOS 11's Control Center buttons don't fully turn off Bluetooth or WiFi…
Innovation never sleeps...literally!
- ha!instrmntl
- trusted computing.sted
- lolfadein11
- Still obsessed by that tagline last used 13yr ago huh?Hayzilla
- Why don't you try and "think different" with your witty commentary.Hayzilla
- Hayzilla - please tell me you don't take Utop's amusing piss-taking of Apple seriously?fadein11
- It's just fucking boring man! Every single time for YEARS. The same line. I feel robbed of my life everytime I have to read it. It's not funny or cutting.Hayzilla
- ha - I enjoy his commitment thoughfadein11
- ios11 is actually rather joyful and i can't see many, if any reason why i'd ever want to shut off wifi or bluetoothkona
- maybe if we ran out of tin foil and i could no longer make hats for me and the fam i would shut it all off, but i have cases of it so i'm goodkona
- In my bedroom I find it quicker to switch off WiFi and use 4G because the signal is so weak up there.Hayzilla
- And if you do, that would be the exact result.monospaced
- ^ More like how to spot someone easily triggered by uncreative repetitive dullards.Hayzilla
- I wonder what dopey Apple fanboys downvoted this post?utopian
- zarkonite0…
"In a review of the Apple Watch Series 3 with cellular, which promises the ability to connect to LTE networks independently from a user’s iPhone, The Verge’s Lauren Goode wrote that the device repeatedly struggled to join a cellular network and would instead remain hung up on “random” Wi-Fi signals. The issue persisted across two separate test units, the review said.
The hangup was significant enough for an Apple spokesperson to provide Goode with a statement acknowledging the issue, in which the company says it is “investigating a fix” for the connectivity problem."
- Innovation...utopian
- And they didn't know about this issue in testing. hmmmETM
- does anyone on qbn even have an Apple Watch? or care for one? doubt it. But it's Apple. Bring on the headlines!inteliboy
- I bet utopian does.monospaced
- pablo283
- Breakfast with my Samsung Toaster™, milk from my Samsung Fridge©, fresh shirt from my Samsung Washing Machine™ and Samsung Iron©, news on my Samsung Phone©inteliboy
- etc etc etc in the Samsung and Google world we live in. Yet somehow Apple is the problem and what nerds love to hate on.inteliboy
- ^bingo
- sent from my Samsung Fridgekona - people hate the big guyGnash
- people hate the big guyhotroddy
- noone who commented watched the vid hahafadein11
- zaq0
Harvard Study Proves Apple Slows Down old iPhones to Sell Millions of New Models…- wow, no way. I can't believe companies do thisGnash
- maybe that's why my new washing machine and dish-washer only lasted 3 yearsGnash
- hmmm, and they were samsung...Gnash
- innovation never...utopian
- I'm convinced Apple trashed our iPhone6s a few days before 7 came out. They worked brilliantly then out of no where both ours stopped workingkona
- with the same issues. touch sensitivity seemed to be off and out of sync with the buttons. random and frequent crashing and freezing.kona
- i kept both phones so the boys could use them and guess what, a few months later they work perfectly again. can't wait for the iphone 8!!! :)kona
- FUCK YOU APPLE!utopian
- why would they trash your iPhone 6 last year but leave literally millions unfazed?monospaced
- Once a new model comes out, don't update kids********
- Not just Apple though. Same thing has happened with my Sony********
- The key is to stick with the os that comes with the phone and to never upgrade. I've had my iphone5 running os7 for years without any issue.hans_glib
- Of course the payoff is incompatibility with new apps and web pages displaying horribly but I can live with that. This phone does all I need, tho I'm hopinghans_glib
- ...the se will take a price hit soonhans_glib
- God I love how mono never fails to jump to defend every Apple critique...waiting for the Ive hair photo to have a comment too...soon!formed
- Error 404!
The page you requested does not exist or has moved.pablo28 - I'm not defending Apple. Just saying that I also have an iPhone 6, and it didn't suddenly slow down. It's actual experience, dick.monospaced
- The dick experience********
- lolmonospaced
- I'm not one for conspiracy theories but god damn if you fuckers aren't totally right. Never had an issue until this week now it's slow unresponsive and crashes_niko
- Far harder to believe that they wouldn't do this, in my opinion.********
- Fake news:…
although I was also victim of phone being turned to shit on iOS update years agodee-dubs - ...monospaced
- I wonder what dopey Apple fanboys downvoted this post?utopian
- maybe just the ones who know it's a fake storyGnash
- Take story or not, in my personal experience this is very much a reality********
- I was just pointing this out to my husband the other day. At least now I don't feel like a crazy conspiracy lady rocking a tin foil hat.mapleT
- imbecile0
- well at least they askedfadein11
- Go in there and shout 'fuck you apple, yeah use this you cunts'hans_glib
- lol hansfadein11
- https://img00.devian…trooperbill
- I wonder what dopey Apple fanboys downvoted this post?utopian
- ********0
The model I use still has the battery removal and replacement possibility.
My question is:
If anyone have the experience of replacing a MacBook Pro battery which battery brand do you recommend?
- I've used batteries from these guys: https://eshop.macsal…evilpeacock
- I bought an official one from a seller in Germany. Replaced it myself - you need a Torx screwdriver for the internals - took me 15 minutes. Very easy.face_melter
- thanks for the link evil********
- in germany? like gravis?********
- Fuck knows - I needed one and Amazon had one from Germany which delivered to Sweden.face_melter
- ah!********
- Bluejam2
iPhone 8: glass back 'very difficult' to repair and costs more than screen to replace…
- ********0
Strongest glass everrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- I wonder what dopey Apple fanboys downvoted this post?utopian
- Yet to meet anyone that doesn't use some sort of case anyway.Hayzilla
- I don't get the point of glass, it's just gonna break and make it slippery, so you drop it and it breaks. But perhaps that's the point.fyoucher1
- I don't use a case! Never have, don't plan to.zarkonite
- zarkonite, i was always that way too. then when the new phones got heavier and more slippery i was kind of forced to use one.kona
- caseology has the thinest, nicest cases i've ever used.kona