Israel bombing shit..

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  • ********

    "there you go. character assassination rather than respecting due legal process"

    the liberal/left-wing/anti-authority... camp just happens to be pro-assange; exactly the corner who are pro-pal/anti-isr at the same time. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just how it is. you know that it is like that.

    now when you put together a panel, don't you think you owe it to due process to put impartial experts on there. catch my drift?

  • i_monk0

    The Israeli Internet Defence Force has arrived.

  • ********

    the really bad thing about it is, and I think we discussed it a couple of pages back, that shit like this devalues, fundamentally, every other UN enquiry into these serious, very important issues.

    *maybe* you can put an activist, someone partial, on the panel; but if you're not putting the other side, a military expert perhaps, on the panel as well, then it's just useless PR.

    making it all to easy to dismiss for Israel from the start any of its findings. like I'm doing now. what I mean is, either do it right or keep the PR war in the papers and on the internet.

    • goose motherfuckeri_monk
    • before '91 the state of Israel was subject to a racist, apatheid embargo. Only lifted when it was a condition of their participation in peace talksbabaganush
    • in peace talks. So I think if we revisit it maybe the pre-91 conclusions would be drawn. If you think Israel wants this then as lowimpakt said - you're a fanatasistbabaganush
    • as @lowimpakt said you are a fanatasistbabaganush
    • that was a UN imposed sanction...babaganush
  • lowimpakt0

    you're clearly a fantasist.

    you've been an apologist for the killing in gaza and now you're resorting to making bullshit picture stories with spurious connections to IS in order to justify these deaths. As for your nonsensical connections to assange, I never once defended assange and you have no idea what I think about the guy.

  • ukit20

    "the liberal/left-wing/anti-authority... camp"

    lol...I like it how you make this out to be something bad

    • except I didn't. but somehow you managed to do it, perhaps because it fits your prejudice.
    • You called Wikileaks clowns for publishing Iraq War videoukit2
    • Which showed U.S. troops gunning down non-combatants trying to save the wounded as well as journalists..ukit2
  • lowimpakt0

    as for the goldstone report, Israel obstructed the process and just threw a tantrum when their war crimes were laid out in back and white. hamas just shrugged their shoulders

    the report was supported by most world governments and reputable NGOs.

  • ********

    "you're clearly a fantasist."

    That's what you think, I take myself for a realist.


    "you've been an apologist for the killing in gaza"

    Not true. the killing in gaza is inexcusable. the single thing we agree about. I just don't think israel is to blame, but that the pal militants are to blame.


    "and now you're resorting to making bullshit picture stories with spurious connections to IS in order to justify these deaths."

    Not true either, I explicitly said that the hamas - ISIS connection isn't very relevant. not solid. so maybe bullshit is the right term. I just find the connection in symbology, aesthetics interesting. not an argument pro or anti anything. certainly no justification for anything.


    "As for your nonsensical connections to assange, I never once defended assange and you have no idea what I think about the guy."

    nonsensical connection my ass. you brought assanges lawyer up. his 'collateral murder' the same brand of idiocy like 'genocide in gaza', exactly what this panel is about.


    I accept your apology.

    • i brought up clooney's fiancee, you then started talking about assange, left wing etc etc.lowimpakt
  • Weyland0

    I'm so sick and tired of both sides bickering, I hate em all, nuke it into a parking lot for europe and be done with this shit allready

    • lol, because a nuke only is localized, do you know what assured mutual destruction means? no winnnna !!GeorgesII
  • pr21

    "Not true. the killing in gaza is inexcusable. the single thing we agree about. I just don't think israel is to blame, but that the pal militants are to blame."

    That's like blaming the victim for the murdered pulling the trigger on their gun.


    "Not true either, I explicitly said that the hamas - ISIS connection isn't very relevant. not solid. so maybe bullshit is the right term. I just find the connection in symbology, aesthetics interesting. not an argument pro or anti anything. certainly no justification for anything."

    That's like saying : i don't understand the basic principles of propaganda. Bush pulled the fast one on me associating Iraq with Al-Qaeda and thus willingly taking whole country into an unnecessary war and yet i somehow still have hard connecting 2 and 2.

    At least you have balls to call your own statements related to it bullshit.

    "you're clearly a fantasist."
    That's what you think, I take myself for a realist.
    "you've been an apologist for the killing in gaza"
    Not true. the killing in gaza is inexcusable. the single thing we agree about. I just don't think israel is to blame, but that the pal militants are to blame.
    "and now you're resorting to making bullshit picture stories with spurious connections to IS in order to justify these deaths."
    Not true either, I explicitly said that the hamas - ISIS connection isn't very relevant. not solid. so maybe bullshit is the right term. I just find the connection in symbology, aesthetics interesting. not an argument pro or anti anything. certainly no justification for anything.
    "As for your nonsensical connections to assange, I never once defended assange and you have no idea what I think about the guy."
    nonsensical connection my ass. you brought assanges lawyer up. his 'collateral murder' the same brand of idiocy like 'genocide in gaza', exactly what this panel is about."

    Still have hard time calling things for what they are? Still have hard time believing that in times of war decent people (like the guys from that Apache helicopter who's camera records the murder) turn into animals?

  • ********

    pr2, you don't know what you're talking about. in this case the legality is not even debatable because it's all on tape, including radio traffic. they killed a lot of innocent people and it was perfectly legal. not murder, not homicide, not negligent, not anything. no crime committed.

    perhaps you use the term not in the common, legal sense, but for dramatic effect, like morrissey or PETA. if so, good luck with that.

    • aLL the thread hour we collectively put into this conversation, could have been used to actually do something.yurimon
    • I guess I should get a life
    • Let's agree to a 72 hour ceasefireukit2
    • me too...yurimon
  • cannonball19780

    I'd like to clear this little bit here before you all go on with your arguing:

    "‘Anti-Semitism’ – it means hatred toward Semite people who are found in far greater numbers among Arab Muslims and Christians than the entire world Jewry."
    (such as zionists firing rockets at the palestinian schools and tear-gassing children in the street)


    "‘Antisemitism’... coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1870s. It was applied to European Christians who hated Jews."
    (AKA Hitler)…

    Please educate yourselves on the meaning of both words before parading it our in defense of your points.


    • yup, always said that you can't be an anti-semite if you support the palestinians._niko
    • I think the word antisemitic is antisemiticyurimon
  • pr21

    imagineallthepeople, you hide behind legal definitions just like the guys here:

    who have one set of laws for one group of people and totally different set for another.

  • Ravdyk0

    Can there be an arabic political party in Israel?

  • uan0

    And can someone explain what political parties rule Israel?
    Who is at power and since when?
    Are there any parties/leaders that are against warfare, but they are just not elected?

    • google it.ApeRobot
    • 2 extremest psychopathic controlled power structure bent on killing the other side...nuff saidyurimon
    • googled it and I don't understand it. looks like they change name quite frequently...and I don't understand the names.uan
    • understand the names. And as it looks like some ppl around here know the region, I asked.uan
  • yurimon0…

    Canada Has Sold Millions in Military-Grade Hardware to Israel

    • millions, whats that? an ashtray and a toilet seat?moldero
    • i kid, fuck you hosersmoldero
  • lowimpakt0

    the knesset is the main functional part of the Israeli government (i.e. making legislation) and it is composed of various parties on the left and right wing.

    the main party is called Likud and is right wing but the government is 'run' by a right wing coalition. Likud is lead by Netanyahu (prime minister).

    The coalition has various levels of right wing extremism. For example, the deputy speaker of the house and Likud member Moshe Feiglin is a West Bank settler who has been banned from Britain because of his hostile views. He is opposed to a two state solution, wants to ship out all non-jews (not just muslims), wants to annex the full west-Bank and Gaza, has praised Hitler as a military genius. He also said that the only innocent people in Gaza are Israeli soldiers.

    you get the picture

    Apart from the Likud there are parties in the government coalition that are far-right. For example, The Jewish Home Party . One of their politicians, Ayelet Shaked, recently made a statement saying that what israel needs to do is kill palestinian mothers so that no new children can be born.

    She is an extremist nut job but used to work as the director of the office of the Prime Minister....!

    The coalition also has secular zionist parties including one that is mainly of interest to settlers from Russia.

    In opposition there are left wing parties such as Meretz. They are Zionist but anti-occupation and pro-two state solution. They campaign for peace etc. There are also smaller Israeli Arab parties that tend to be anti-Zionist

    • to sum up psychopaths are in power. these little party dynamics are masturbatory to the simple fact.yurimon
    • Psychopaths rise to the top via their traits. have no human emotion. get aroused from destruction n suffering.yurimon
    • thanksRavdyk
    • thank you!uan
    • ur welcom heheyurimon
    • obviously I meant to thank lowimpakt.uan
  • ohhhhhsnap0

    Do they really own the Federal Reserve, or is this rumor/speculation?…

    • They've always own the Federal Reserve since 1913.
    • omg can you show a site that states this... having issues finding something reputable.ohhhhhsnap
    • do you think that joining a Credit Union could be an act of resistance? or is the $ coming from all of the same sources? thoughts?ohhhhhsnap
    • Try watching Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve and see if it answers your questions:…
    • Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve Trailer -…
    • Credit Unions still deal with a banking system, so they're connected. so it wouldn't be a resistance.
    • damnit!...
      thanks for this information too! much appreciated.
  • lowimpakt0

    "Israel has banned young people from serving with one of its most prominent human rights groups because of its opposition to the war in Gaza"…

  • dasohr0

    don't get me wrong i don't want to sound like an ignot and violence is surely never the answer but after watching that vice docu posted in the Iraq thread i'm kind of glad somebody is bombing shit over there.

    • felt sort of the same, on the one hand you can never justify how Israel is treating the Palestinians, but on the other you realise what they're surrounded by and the steps they need to take to defend themselves._niko
    • realise what they're surrounded by and the steps they need to take to defend themselves._niko
    • what is happening in Israel has been happening since 1948. The current crisis in Iraq is related to Bush's failed warlowimpakt
    • You are simplifying way too much...ISIS doesn't even like Hamasukit2
    • @ukit - sure, but what happens when ISIS spills over to jordan, or infiltrates gaza?dasohr
    • isis have "infiltrated" globally. israel's illegal blockade of gaza may only make that problem worse, but that's speculation.lowimpakt
    • I don't think Gaza will be the focus anymore. Israel will face a much more volatile and dangerous adversary.dasohr
    • you do know why they are fighting don't you?lowimpakt
  • ukit20

    A Dutch man who risked his life to save a Jew during the Holocaust gave back a medal he received for his actions in order to protest Israel’s actions in Gaza.

    Henk Zanoli, 91, returned his medal to the Israeli embassy in The Hague after a member of his family died in an Israeli strike in Gaza, the Haaretz daily reported Friday.…