Israel bombing shit..

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    "A 4-year-old boy was killed in a mortar attack a short while ago on Sha’ar Hanegev near the Gaza Strip. According to initial reports, the mortar made a direct hit on a car, critically injuring the boy, who later died of his wounds."…


    "Hamas has killed 18 Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel, a day after Israel killed three of the group's top military commanders in an airstrike on a house in southern Gaza Strip, witnesses and a Hamas website said.

    A Gaza security official said the first batch involved 11 people who were killed early on Friday at the Gaza City police headquarters.

    Six more were killed later in the day in a public execution in a central Gaza square, according to a Hamas website and witnesses cited by Reuters news agency. Three suspected collaborators were also killed on Thursday.

    The victims, their heads covered and hands tied, were shot dead by masked gunmen dressed in black in front of a crowd of worshippers outside a mosque after prayers, witnesses and al-Majd, a pro-Hamas website, said.

    The Gaza security official said the 11 men had previously been sentenced by Gaza courts, reported the Associated Press news agency."…


    close to 400 rockets fired at Israel since hamas broke the cease fire tuesday.

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    maybe interesting to some:

    • 5 hour documentary.. no one got time for thatautoflavour
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    from earlier in the week

    "The Israeli exposure of a vast Hamas terror network in the West Bank Monday revealed — for those still requiring proof — the deep rift separating Hamas and Fatah, two movements joined together in a unity government in early June and again in a trans-factional negotiation team dispatched to Cairo earlier this month.

    According to the Israeli Shin Bet security service, the dozens of Hamas operatives arrested in the West Bank over May and June were not only tasked with igniting a third popular uprising in the territory controlled by the Palestinian Authority, but also with toppling its leader, Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian president, official news agency Wafa reported, promptly instructed his men to investigate the Israeli allegations. But, giving credence to the information, Abbas said that its “implications for the Palestinian and regional situation will be extremely dangerous.”"…

  • i_monk0

    I've noticed the ticker on CP24 (local cable news) only mentions Hama by name when they kill people, but refers to "militants" when Israel kills them.

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    "Four Israelis were injured Sunday, two of them seriously, when a large rocket and mortar barrage hit the Erez crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip. The victims were Israeli-Arab taxi drivers, who were at the crossing to pick up wounded Gazans and bring them into Israel for medical treatment. The wounded were evacuated to Ashkelon’s Barzilai hospital.

    An outraged Israeli-Arab Erez crossing official, who spoke to Army Radio from a secured area at the crossing during a subsequent rocket attack, lambasted Hamas for not caring about the well-being of the Palestinians in Gaza. “This is an organization that cares about the [Palestinian] people? They’re shooting at the Palestinian terminal,” said the staffer. He stressed that, despite the rocket barrages, the crossing had not closed for emergency medical cases, and that two Gaza females were evacuated “20 minutes ago” via the crossing for life-saving surgery in Israel, and that other taxi-drivers were on hand, “as always,” to transport emergency patients.

    Some 50 people were scheduled to use the Erez crossing Sunday, but Kamil Abu Rokan, the Director of the Crossings Point Authority of the Defense Ministry, and General Yoav Mordehai, the Coordinator of the Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), closed the crossing to all traffic except for life-saving cases after the barrage, the Defense Ministry said.

    Hussein Abu-Einam, an eyewitness on the scene, told Army Radio: “The [drivers] sat in a shed and waited for the passengers and their relatives who were leaving Gaza for Israeli hospitals Ichilov and Tel Hashomer. Then seven shells fell — just one after the other. We didn’t have time to flee; it was a matter of a second.”

    Eli Bean, head of Magen David Adom, said the paramedics who were dispatched to the crossing were forced to treat the victims under fire. “During treatment, we were forced to deal with a number of sirens and mortar explosions fired at us. The mortar shells fell very close to those who were injured,” he said."

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    "As Hamas carried out a string of public executions against 18 Palestinians in Gaza – the first of its kind since the 1990s – members of the Palestinian Authority voiced concern over the practice.

    Tayeb Abdel Rahim, the secretary-general of the Palestinian Authority presidency, condemned the Hamas-ordered "random executions" of suspected collaborators with Israel on Saturday. He called the militant group's tactics unlawful and offensive "to our people and our families," adding that they were not within the scope of the law. The suspects, many of whom were serving long prison sentences, did not undergo a fair judiciary process, he said.

    The Palestinian official slammed Hamas's claims that Friday's public killings were done "in accordance with the law" as "absolutely not true," and said that gunning down 18 people, including women, in broad daylight as onlookers passed by, was "cold-blooded."

    The Palestinian people reject and condemn these killings, he said, as he urged human rights organizations, specifically those based in Gaza, to condemn these acts.

    Abdel Rahim also called out Hamas for its targeting of other Palestinians – namely those who were placed under house arrest and shot in the legs – for urging Hamas to accept a cease-fire agreement."

  • GeorgesIV2…

    Hundreds of Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors have signed a letter, published as an advertisement in Saturday's New York Times, condemning "the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza" and calling for a complete boycott of Israel.

    According to the letter, the condemnation was prompted by an advertisement written by Elie Wiesel and published in major news outlets worldwide, accusing Hamas of "child sacrifice" and comparing the group to the Nazis.

    The letter, signed by 327 Jewish Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors and sponsored by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, accuses Wiesel of "abuse of history" in order to justify Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip:

    "...we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history in these pages to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water."

    The letter also blames the United States of aiding Israel in its Gaza operation, and the West in general of protecting Israel from condemnation.

    "Genocide begins with the silence of the world," the letter reads.

    The letter ends with a call to bring the blockade of Gaza to an immediate end, and for a full boycott of Israel. "Never again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!," the letter concludes.

    • and that is why 30% of survivors live in poverty and sub human conditions here in israel.renderedred
    • the government took their reparations and is waiting for them to die one by one.renderedred
    • but, if you utter a word against israel, first thing you're gone get is a reminder of the holocaust... :)renderedred
    • 327 people signed this letter. Only 15% of these people were actual survivors of a concentration camp.
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  • added_valium0

    It is all very depressing and sad from my point of view. I am an Israeli, born and raised. I live in Tel Aviv and raise my two daughters here. It seems like the situation here keeps getting worse from year to year.

    I have a lot of criticism towards Israel's policy and think it is the main reason we are currently in this mess. Last week me and my family protested against this policy along with 15000 people here in Tel Aviv. I can understand the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and settlement policy, as well as the Gazan struggle against the Israeli blockage. I also think that the Israeli aggression only breeds more hate and deepens the hate.

    On the other hand there is Hamas. Hamas thrives on hate and misery. They know how to manipulate and use Israel's power so that they come out the victims in the eyes of the world. They are not victims. They are actively pulling Israel to act brutally against them and know the destruction they bring on their people.

    I don't know what (if anything) can solve this mess, but really hope the current round of aggression will lead to talks and negotiations that may bring some quiet to this area. I wish this could happen without all the bloodshed and misery on both sides.

    There's so much more to say but I'll stop here for now.

    • i believe there will be peace. people thought there couldn't be peace in Ireland and there almost is.lowimpakt
    • respect to you and your familylowimpakt
    • "Hamas thrives on hate and misery"
    • I guess the killing of thousands of Palestinians was Israel's way of showing love and affection.
    • @omg - i can not respect your opinion after seeing the hate you freely spew around hereadded_valium
    • @added_valium. i never uttered hate nor opinion. just truth. i'm sorry it doesn't fit your business model
    • i just feel bad for the many dead women and children in Palestine.
    • if only their homes were not stolen, i bet they would feel more than hate and misery.
    • you don't respect me because I am a Goyum. I can live with that.
    • your last comment just proves how skewed your 'truth' is. i feel bad for palestinian casualties tooadded_valium
    • and if i had no respect for 'goyim' i wouldn't bother posting here now would i?added_valium
    • the irish gave upyurimon
  • i_monk0

    Demolishing an apartment complex and making hundreds of people homeless to get at an unknown (and unproven?) number of Hamas people is a good way to inculcate the next generation of Palestinians to hate Israel. At this point I think it's intentional. Keep them as marginalized and radicalized as possible for as long as possible to justify pretty much any action Israel wants to take.

    • you're right for the most part. but the situation keeps escalating and so aggression escalates tooadded_valium
  • autoflavour0

    So they have reached a open ended truce..…

  • lowimpakt0

    Israel are back stealing and illegally occupying lands. This time almost 1000 acres of palestinian land in the West Bank.

    and so the machine keeps rolling.…

    • this is the biggest land grab in 30 years.lowimpakt
    • The sheer arrogance of this is astounding.babaganush
  • GeorgesIV3

  • yurimon0

    ^ I raise your mission accomplish with peace prize speech.

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    abbas threatens to end unity deal if hamas doesn't get their shit together…


    "Mr Abbas said on arriving for talks in the Egyptian capital, Cairo: "We cannot continue working with Hamas this way. There are 27 undersecretaries of ministries who are running the Gaza Strip, and the national unity government cannot do anything on the ground."…

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  • detritus0
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    "JERUSALEM — Israeli forces early Tuesday shot and killed two Hamas operatives suspected of kidnapping and killing three Israeli teenagers this summer.


    As the army broke through the concrete, the two men came out shooting, and one of the fugitives was killed on the spot, he said. The second man ran back inside the building, apparently wounded, and the special forces threw in grenades.

    Brig. Gen. Avi Yedai, the head of the Israeli military in the West Bank, told Israel Radio that the kidnappers had been given a chance to surrender.

    A Hamas spokesman in Qatar confirmed the deaths of their members after “a journey of self sacrifice.”

    Salah Bardawil, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said the group “mourns the two martyrs . . . who were murdered by the Zionists this morning.”

    The spokesman said the deaths of the two Palestinian suspects would not have taken place without the security coordination between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank."…

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