The Healthy Thread

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  • 672 Responses
  • grafician-4

  • shapesalad0

    Eating is dangerous.

  • shapesalad-1

  • shapesalad2

    drink water, smell flavour.


    • don't consume the additives.
      inhale the additives!
  • grafician-3

    "Small targeted dietary changes can yield substantial gains for human health and the environment"


    To identify environmentally sustainable foods that promote health, we combined nutritional health-based and 18 environmental indicators to evaluate, classify and prioritize individual foods. Specifically for nutrition, we developed the Health Nutritional Index to quantify marginal health effects in minutes of healthy life gained or lost of 5,853 foods in the US diet, ranging from 74 min lost to 80 min gained per serving.

    Environmental impacts showed large variations and were found to be correlated with global warming, except those related to water use.

    Our analysis also indicated that substituting only 10% of daily caloric intake from beef and processed meat for fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and selected seafood could offer substantial health improvements of 48 min gained per person per day and a 33% reduction in dietary carbon footprint."…

  • grafician-3

  • AQUTE-2

    i hate celery but its apparently good, thinking about trying this

    • tldwinteliboy
    • She was my fav model before I learned what a gold digger she is and before her botoxed bloated face.NBQ00
  • mg3313

    Going to bare my soul here in the hopes that it’s helpful to any adults I know, or parents with children of any age, who deal with acne. My biggest frustration in life is being a grown adult in my 40’s who still deals with this. It sucks, plain and simple.

    Over the years I’ve learned that a few things are major causes of acne and have avoided them religiously: whey protein, and dairy. I still included dairy in occasional non-dairy ice cream, or cheese, but haven’t had regular milk in about 15 years. But still the problem persisted and came and went.

    Yeah, I’ve seen dermatologists, and yes, they prescribe things that help. But modern dermatology has a major problem in how their goal is to help treat people from the outside in - topical creams, face-washing regimens, etc. It works for some people, but it doesn’t work for those who have deeper causes.

    I got curious earlier this year about additional food sensitivities and started digging into gut health and microbiome factors. Took a food sensitivity test (note: not an allergy test, these exist too, but they’re meant for people with legitimate allergic reactions to foods, and regular breakouts aren’t exactly that) and the results were rather revealing. The conventional wisdom is that food sensitivities = inflammation = acne if you’re prone to those issues.

    Besides the test confirming that whey protein and all forms of dairy were high sensitivity foods for me, the results also included these foods as high sensitivity:

    - All forms of grains and bread (wheat, white bread) except oats, barely, and 100% rye bread
    - Chickpeas, garbanzo flour (goodbye hummus)
    - Brown and white rice (I ate brown rice regularly)
    - All apples and apple juice, and apple cider vinegar
    - Cider
    - Hot chocolate
    - Rice milk
    - Black beans (I ate these with every other meal)
    - Wheatgrass
    - Dried beef (I regularly ate jerky)
    - Milk chocolate
    - Sesame seeds and sesame oil
    - Cod liver oil
    - Cod, shrimp
    - All mushrooms
    - Vegan foods: falafel, Seitan

    Surprisingly, caffeine and coffee had no sensitivity, but the impact of caffeine > cortisol > acne was something I was already familiar with, and have avoided regular coffee most of the time for that reason.

    Since doing the test I’ve done an elimination diet and phased certain things in and out that were regularly consumed foods - namely wheat-related foods that were hard to avoid: hamburger buns, cookies, bakery products, cake at birthday parties, etc. By eliminating those foods and bringing them back in over the past five months, I’ve finally gotten a hold of wheat, black beans, rice and hummus as things I definitely need to avoid. They’re gone and I don’t miss them. Wheat will be the one hard thing to avoid - yes, there will be the occasional birthday party with cake that is unavoidable, because I’m still human and it’s pretty hard to turn down cake, right? Everything in moderation. I’m at a point now where I’ve 100% cut all the high-sensitivity foods, and what do you know... skin cleared up in a week.

    So, if you deal with acne as an adult, or if your children deal with it and nothing seems to work, DO A FOOD SENSITIVITY TEST. I did one by submitting hair follicles to and the report they provided revealed all the things in the list above. All this knowledge gained and if I continued to go the route of seeing a dermatologist, none of them would have suggested this or believed in it, which will always be bizarre to me. I can’t begin to imagine how great it would have been to have had this knowledge 10, 15, 20 years ago.

    Some people have absolutely no issues with foods, and for that I envy them! But for others who deal with acne and continue to be prescribed topical medications and antibiotics, that stuff is only going to go so far. Get your gut health right, figure out what triggers inflammation, and get those foods out of your diet.

    • interesting, thanks for sharingBennn
    • You're welcome :)mg33
    • uhm why is not public knowledge by now that acne is a gut problem not a dermatologic one?!grafician
    • nice! just checked this out and they are having a sale right now. $59 for 2 tests. I also found 3 codes that saved another $28!capn_ron
    • I just sent my sample! Thanks mg33 and capn_ron!Bennn
    • and they make analysis right here in MontrealBennn
    • I'd die w/out my shroomies, chickpeas and rice :(
      I need to get one of these tests going too... but I fear losing even MORE foods I love this year :(
    • Getcher FODMAPs in order son.

      I dis one and was surprised to learn i am not allergic to oysters as I previously thought, but I am allergic to apples.
    • This is a great post. I’m currently trying to deal with psoriasis and think there’s a strong link with my gut health too. Definitely going to look into a testIanbolton
  • nb1…

    I didn't know this had a name, but I did a very similar thing on my own and it worked for me. Lost like 13 lbs in two weeks. Unfortunately I gained the weight back very fast because true weight loss requires long-term behavior change.

    There are no easy shortcuts but if you want to kick start your weight loss, you might try this.

    Fair warning: I'm not a doctor and I suspect that a doctor would tell you it's a bad idea.

    • Looks good to meAQUTE
    • So, calorific restriction?

      Also, hot dogs?!
  • mg33-1

    Any of you familiar with the Lumen metabolism tracker?

    I bought one a couple weeks ago and I'm in my second week of using it. For someone like me who has diligently tracked calories, macros, fitness goals, etc. for around six years, this product revolutionizes what I thought I knew about what my body needs on a daily basis. I always stuck to specific macros day-to-day regardless of whether it was a workout day or not.

    Lumen plans your nutritional macros each morning when you first use it, and focuses on healthier fats over carbs. Not quite keto, but not the same breakdown each day.

    It's hugely motivating and it's helped me drop my sugar consumption down to almost zero added sugar each day. It's helping my energy stay more consistent throughout the day as well.

    Check it out if you're interested. I'm not using it for massive weight loss, but more to support my fitness goals and drop a bit of body fat, and mainly to support more consistent energy during the day.

  • PioneerDJ3031

    Adult Vision: 41 to 60 Years of Age

    Beginning in the early to mid-40s, many adults may start to have problems seeing clearly at close distances, especially when reading and working on the computer. This is among the most common problems adults develop between ages 41 to 60. This normal change in the eyes’ focusing ability, called presbyopia, will continue to progress over time.…

    • I started wearing "computer" glasses a few months ago and I can't believe how crisp the screen is again.fooler
    • come evenings, everything gets fuzzyGuyFawkes
    • My right eye “popped” over night at 45 and felt like my vision went from 20:20 to shit. Progressive deterioration and now I can barely read my with right eyehardhat
    • R E T I N A S I G H Tgrafician
    • Yup. Mid forties here, and I noticed my eyesight had detriorated a year or so back after jokingly putting on a pair of £1 reading glasses and .. oh fuck.Nairn
    • I now own a few pairs of £1 reading specs. Shoudl really get my eyes checked and sort it out proper. A client is a well-known Specs maker. Need to do a swap!Nairn
    • lasik?jagara
    • Take care of your damn eyes. No reason not to see an eye doc.monospaced
    • Make sure that when you look up from your computer, there is a good long distance and stuff in distance to look at. Look up often. Also get outside in sunlight.shapesalad
    • Yup, I totally feel that's a good thing to do. I always did it. Problem here is my studio windows have frosted glass, so no option for long-gaze relief.Nairn
    • true dat mono, just looking for 1 that speaks really good English in MX, I imagine translation issues could be really bad in this caseGuyFawkes
    • I goto the eye doc 2-3 times a year now for the last 5 years... right @ around 40 my vision started going blurry just as described in the article :/ ... sucks.PonyBoy
  • shapesalad0

  • shapesalad1

  • drgs14

    Stop what you're doing immediately and start doing this

    • slow twerkin?grafician
    • I can'tOBBTKN
    • doggy style is called 'cow' nowSimonFFM
    • Anytime I've ever tried that one of my children climbs on my back and demands i crawl round like a horse......dee-dubs
    • lolzpedromendez
    • lol dee, same heremonospaced
    • Try it with clothes on next time.palimpsest
    • I've been trying to do a 30 min yoga flow before work on weekday mornings. It's not much, but better than nothing and hopefully will start a habit.bulletfactory
    • Health is wealth bros!ideaist
    • What's this good for?NBQ00
    • Lengthening the colon.palimpsest
    • Good for your back / posture.garbage
    • I tried it now I can't get upKrassy
    • I tried it and now i have three phone numbersscarabin
    • lol deeGuyFawkes
    • My kneecap says no.Longcopylover
    • i've been doing this for a while. good for keeping away that lower back pain/stiffness. ok you look and feel stupid, but who gives a shithans_glib
    • Amateur to pro in two easy moves.Wordsworth
    • "t-t-t-twerkin' till i die"GuyFawkes
    • Doesn’t look stupidmonospaced
  • pinkfloyd-1

    Anyone get cramps from protein shakes? I had no problems taking it in my twenties, but now it gives me cramps.

  • pinkfloyd1

    Progress pic

  • drgs0…

    It's not science per se, but interesting take on sleep...

  • NBQ00-3


  • nb9

    Well I’ve officially gotten fat.

    Work from home plus winter laziness plus getting old.


    • I bet you got fat on top, with atrophied chicken legspinkfloyd
    • Things since I turned 40: belly expansion, eye degradation, shoulder problems, stomach issues. Can’t wait until next year when I turn 50!hardhat
    • Skip breakfast or just eat a tiny amount of peanuts after 11am. Stop eating after 7:30pm. Walk briskly for 30 mins each day. Worked 4 me.shapesalad
    • Intermittent Fasting works for alot of folk.Brabo_Brabo
    • Enrol at a jiu jitsu school. I've seen so many fatsos get fit.Brabo_Brabo
    • I currently eat no carbs to lose weight.SimonFFM
    • Cut sugar, bread and alcohol. This with a bit of exercise, and you're doneOBBTKN
    • the A Huberman podcast has best advice. Reducing the time food is in your body tube = key factor. Also don't eat processed shit.shapesalad
    • I fry my red skin peanuts in olive oil. Rather than buy store bought sunflower oil roasted one with no skin(skin = nutrition part).shapesalad
    • Skip lunch, walkprophetone
    • Skip breakfast, lunch and dinner.utopian
    • Skipmort_
    • Skippy the bush kangarooChimp
    • Eat more kangaroo. It's delicious, low fat, high protein, twice the iron of beef. And what other country eats its national icon FFS.MrT
    • I am fat in the same way, same age, same sitch. *belly bumpcannonball1978
    • eat peanuts avoid starch and self awareness "Cut sugar, bread and alcohol. This with a bit of exercise, and you're done OBBTKN"isaca
    • Two words: Bodyweight fitness.garbage
    • my winter fat from 3 years ago is still there....pango
    • accumulating around your brain, i reckon.Brabo_Brabo
    • just checked they're all on my balls. i waddle when i walk now.pango
  • nb0

    Thanks for all the health tips everyone. Last night I ended my 16-hour fast by frying up some red-skinned peanuts in sunflower oil just before heading out to my jiu-jitsu class and I thought to myself

    Man, fuck this I’m just going to go live in the metaverse.