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You'd think after like 15 years and $66,000,000,000 Mark would delete FB and start a new project that would save the world from something or educate people.
- nope. he's not into the money; he's into power and control and playing GodKrassy
- "not so boring company"renderedred
- In his head, he has saved the world.PhanLo
- I love to see how people reacted globally if he just deleted Facebook. Like, fuck it, I've had enough!Ianbolton
- ********2
Does anyone actually use FB and add people anymore?
I use it because there's some professional groups I join and follow but I can't remember the last time I friended anyone.
- Bennn1
I open it once a day and scroll it for about 2 min and close it. Thats it. I really hate Facebook now. I keep it because all my family is over there and its the only link I have with some of them.
I'm using Twitter a little more lately.
- what's your twitter?Krassy
- whats yours?Bennn
- i haven't used it in 3-4 years. LOLKrassy
- maaaaaaaanBennn
- I closed my account last week. You can always use email to keep in touch you know =)zarkonite
- ^ this.
It's way better and real to keep in touch with family in a more personal way (phone, email, etc.)Krassy
- Bennn6
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Facebook admits harvesting 1.5 million people’s email contacts without consent"
- butofcourseKrassy
- forgiveness / permissionimbecile
- "a Facebook spokesperson told Business Insider that email contacts were “unintentionally uploaded” as part of the process..."mantrakid
- unintentionally created a database structure that unintentionally housed contact information that was unintentionally coded to handle the plethora of edge casesmantrakid
- moldero7
I still have my facebook accounts but i never check that shit & I uninstalled the mobile app from my phone a few months back, Facebook is garbage, I go to the beach to surf & I just see the poser generation showing up taking selfies, sitting around for about 10 minutes then leaving,
"look at me living the #beachlife"
pretty pathetic. I'll keep Facebook to manage clients FB pages and the FB dev shit for App ID, pixels and the rest of the SEO shit, but that's about it.
- Bennn3
I dont use Facebook a lot so I dont know since when they implemented this, but every 5ish post, they put a post with the mention "Similar to publications you responded to" ... SO ANNOYING! They put thing I dont give a shit of... No wonder so many people are letting Facebook go.
- I’ve never seen that before.monospaced
- i'm getting them every 5-6 posts.Bennn
FUCK ZUCK!utopian - They keep force feeding me hockey related posts... I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HOCKEY! I NEVER HAD!Bennn
- and other topics, not just hockey.Bennn
- are they similar to things you responded to? hahamonospaced
- So why are you on Facebook? Just leave it dude. I feel like this is your once-a-month post. Use email or your phone to talk to family :)lvl_13
- its just on the desktop version, on the phone app, its just ads every 5-6 posts like instagram. Desktop its ads AND unwanted content.Bennn
- yeah lvl13, i repeat myself, its a sign im getting old :)Bennn
- colin_s17
the internet has sort of mimicked the evolution of America pretty well, going from strange under-developed land of opportunity to late-capitalist nightmare in the span of 20 years instead of 200.
social media was the mall where initially kids hung out to gossip, then became overpopulated with bloated franchises and everyone realized it's only for vapid consumerism. now there's still some dorks hanging out at the food court because going home is the only thing worse than hanging around, but the air conditioning is broken and everything smells like butter and fear and half the stores have mid-level managers sweating bullets at next quarter's financial returns, posting big-ass sale signs in the window.
zuckerberg is just like the president of abercrombie and fitch, seeing the massive ascent with a few people saying "you're all morons" and eventually the rest catching on.
- Haha so true.monospaced
- *slow clap* haha yes! :DBennn
- hahaGnash
- capitalistic nightmare? Ask someone fleeing from a socialist nightmare which is worse!hotroddy
- i don't see many people fleeing this great capitalist nightmare. On the contrary.. everyone is trying to get in.hotroddy
- the point hotroddy ... you fucking missed it by a milemonospaced
- and kids who hang out in malls have shitty extra curricular activities and shitty parents.hotroddy
- i get the point. doesn't take a genius like you to get it. consumerism = bad. so deep.hotroddy
- lol, kmonospaced
- The internet is not capitalist. 99% of the website and content you digest is FREE. Speech is censored and community is valued over the individual.Hayoth
- You pay for access. The government is not censoring speech, and only would if it was hate speech, so you're really wrong on all points.monospaced
- I do see some internet sites censoring hate speech, but those are all capitalist ones. Also, individuals can do whatever the fuck they want on the internetmonospaced
- @Hayoth, if the internet was real you'd have five individuals in suits following you to every store and writing down every step you take to sell. capitalist.colin_s
- Do the brainwashed tards actually think that the internet is free? Your data, the ads, the profits...cause it is free.utopian
- Krassy5
It’s Time to Break Up Facebook
Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook: "Mark Zuckerberg cannot fix Facebook, but our government can."
- Krassy2
'Sharing forfeits your right'...
- notype6
I think Facebook has used us in a way to separate us with the facade of connection.
- Centigrade0
This is sort of insane..... but FB changed the design so now it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to write (or find where to write) a post on one of your FB Pages. I'm not talking about your personal profile page - I mean if you are an admin on a business page etc.
Anyone know how to do it??? I couldn't find it at all.
- yeah its a mess. You have to go in the Publishing Tool menu at the top I think, FB freez when I try to open the 'Create' button... wellBennn
- I noticed that too the other day. It's a mess now. On mobile, right under "Invite friends to like this page" It says, "write something..."on mine.cherub
- Also, on the opposite end of the "Home" slider menu thingy you will see "posts"cherub
- They must be testing something... because it's back now. Weird!Centigrade
- yep, its back... really weirdBennn
- imbecile2
I've wanted to comment on notype's statement from a couple weeks ago.
Facebook has created a platform that empowers the individual to share their opinions, share their lives, share their story, in essence, with those that wish to read the story as it's told.
the problem here comes from the the judgmental human nature, the more we know about someone, the more we have as ammunition to attack.
In a world where personal opinions were once made up on the spot when meeting an individual, we now know the intimate details of every strangers life simply by reading a post or scrolling some pictures.
The way you present yourself, the way you see yourself, and the way other people see you is now dramatically and fundamentally different three different things.
It used to be a rumor Billy that was a racist, but everyone gave him the benefit of the doubt. No conversation, no problem. It never really grew out of hand. But now that Billy is racist on Facebook, everyone knows about it and "Billy is a gall darn racist just like his pappy!"
People with time to judge were given a forum to complain. :(
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I used FB when it came out.
But that was before smartphones and texting and Instagram.
I was fun to connect with high school people I lost touch with and stalk girls.
But now the whole internet has more info than FB.
I see Insta staying and I know FB owns that too.
But what's the point of even having a FB profile? I still get added by people and never see the point.
- Facebook came to the place that I worked way back then to set us all up and show us how we can use it to market our artistsGnash
- I have really used it since thenGnash
- *haven'tGnash
- it's good as a scrapbook to share with distant family and friendsmonospaced
- Ianbolton2
I joined again in December, then closed my account again the other week. Great story huh? Anyway, i think we're being a bit harsh on all these tech companies. After listening to the problems they have politically and legally in regards to how WE use them and how THEY 'acquire' our personal information, i think it's a real world problem for all of us moving forward. Just look at all the hate on Twitter, how do we close something like that down while keeping it a free-speech platform? Is it up to us (as users) to adapt to these new technologies while the corporations themselves constantly tread new pathways in privacy and online lawmaking? Until we find our feet and navigate such difficult platforms, often restricting our language and even ourselves, we're beginning to realise we're actually fucking ourselves up with all this technology - but hopefully we'll find a place for it in the future. It's changing how we interact, our view on globalisation, on the governance of societies and the spread of news - fake or not. It's a crazy world out there, but unless we keep a tight check on things (which I think we are doing) it's a tightrope of the deeply polarised world of human emotions and political game playing. How do we control something globally when countries like China have such tight restrictions locally?
Anyway, just a brain dump there! :-)
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- Bennn0
at the moment, eveytime I leave the FB page to go somewhere else, for about 1,5 seconds, FB becomes white with a box blue and white saying something like "click to log out" .... FB is acting weird since a couple days
- colin_s1
A Facebook content moderator working for Cognizant in Tampa had a heart attack at his desk and died last year. Senior management initially discouraged employees from discussing the incident, for fear it would hurt productivity.