We failed

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  • instrmntl0

    NASA has a huge team devoted to keeping the human species alive in space while the Earth is uninhabitable. The goal is to come back to Earth only for supplies until it becomes habitable again. I met someone on the team 4 years ago and he went into great detail. I was and am pretty shocked. Our mass consumption and waste isn't going anywhere, and the results are fairly obvious.

  • reanimate2

    The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here

    The worst predicted impacts of climate change are starting to happen — and much faster than climate scientists expected


  • GeorgesII0

    So when will any of you commit sudoku to save the earth,
    or you'll keep complaining till the EARTH IS DED1!

    you know there's only one solution, it's not pretty but it will save the EARTH!!

    it's final though,

    do it for mother earth,

    don't be selfish

    do it,

    do it,

    do it,

  • Ben990

    "The fall of Humanity will not take place in 6 months. This is gonna be a painful, agonizing 100-500 years of torture slowly grading in a downward spiral. We're already in the spiral."

    - benfal99

    • thanks to canada.yurimon
    • Yes. Our 1.8% of the total global greenhouse gas emission contribution... fucking it all up.ETM
    • yuri, I thought you were immune to media and celebrity hyperbole, and knew only facts. No?ETM
  • nb0

    Fun hypothetical question of the day:

    How many people need to die in a single catastrophic climate-related event before we take drastic and serious global action on climate change? I'm talking about drastic changes like the UN declaring a state of emergency and enacting strict laws on emissions, pollution, etc for ALL countries, enforced by trade laws and military action, if necessary.

    This isn't scientific, I'm just curious what your estimate is.

    I'm looking for a number. 25 million? A billion?

    Keep in mind that a single climate event probably would be localized in one country/region, and that it is very difficult for people to care enough to drastically change their own ways in their own countries. The only way I see this affecting the entire world population enough to make serious change is if people saw an incident so devastating that they thought, "oh no, this could be us, next. Must act NOW."

    What do you think? I'm not too serious about this, just sort of a fun question to think about like "what would you do in a zombie apocalypse?"

    So, how many? 1/20th of the world's population? 1/5th?

    • thats going to be fun. kanukians like new laws.yurimon
    • i mean as soon as new law comes out, heard you guys get a big wet one n watch on debates while eating fries with gravy, sodomizing a moose. cause your too hotyurimon
    • from new laws and american debates.yurimon
    • Would need a step ladder to get up to a moose's assgilgamush
    • nobody has too,we just have to manage better our resources, this planet could honestly host billions moregeorgesIII
  • reanimate0

    I don't think there will be any single dramatic event that kills millions of people like in a Hollywood disaster movie.

    The biggest danger will probably be the knock on effects: sea level rising, crop failures, mass death of fish and other marine life. All of these things will have cascading economic and politics impacts that are hard to predict.

    Even something that seems minor like sea level rising a couple feet could have dramatic effects in terms of migration, political instability, etc.

    And scientists are projecting that the hardest hit part of the world will be regions that are already vulnerable such as Africa (which also happens to have the largest population growth in the next century).

    • I agree that there won't be a big event like I describe. Just a hypothetical about what it might take to organize humans to actually deal with climate change.nb
    • geo-engeneering should be the answer. they are doing it now. so, its bit convenient to have a disaster so you can round everyone up. elitist wet dream righttharyurimon
  • reanimate0

    As many as nine out of 10 of the world's seabirds likely have pieces of plastic in their guts, a new study estimates.


    • evolutionIanbolton
    • we have plastic in our blood, it acts like female hormones, explains the putangification of men i guess.yurimon
    • Also explains conspiracy theorists.ETM
    • it's bullshit. I put all my plastic in recycling so it has to be bullshitIanbolton
  • reanimate0

    A global epidemic far worse than the Ebola outbreak is a real possibility and could kill many millions if the world does not become better prepared to deal with the sudden emergence and transmission of disease, the UN has said in a hard-hitting report.

    The report has emerged in draft form, as experts rally to deal with the rapid spread of the Zika virus across Latin America, which has been linked to thousands of cases of brain damage in babies.


    • Why are those San Franciscans sleeping on a steep hill?instrmntl
    • Ahh, the disease fear for 2016. I am glad they didn't wait too long... I have been eagerly anticipating it.ETM
    • SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola etc. ...all much disappoint in wiping out swaths of humanity.ETM
    • Where's my Bird Swine Panda Flu?ETM
  • Beeswax0

    better to get a land, on high hill tops adjacent to a valley with resources. better for protection.
    try to be close to water springs. rivers might be contaminated.
    have at least 2 cattle, bunch of chickens and two separate parts of land for summer and winter crops.
    you'll collect fruits outside of your perimeter for a while. but start planting appropriate trees.
    don't go hunting. you might need that ammunition to protect your home.
    setting up traps is a better idea both for animals and humans.
    of course if you're in a peaceful community there;s no need for that.
    try to form small communities with likeminded people. you'll need each other.
    stock antibiotics and other necessary drugs. have at least 2 doctors if u are in a community.
    despite the general concern gas will be abundant but in the hands of merciless. try to keep an economical vehicle.
    best thing you can do is to generate your own energy, wind, sun whatever you have. try to install at least one wind powered generator. than you can even have an electric car. of course it's not easy to install one. instead find one that's already installed and decalre it yours.

    • Wow... I would have thought this was a benfal post... :)ETM
    • not yet :)Bennn
  • severian-1

    yurimoron says to keep building and buying.

  • Bennn0



    Paul Jorion thinks Humanity will die within 2 or 3 generations. He said “We launched the grieving process of our own species”

    Paul Jorion is an anthropologist, a social scientist, he’s been a student of Claude Levi-Strauss. He also taught artificial intelligence at Cambridge in the 1980s.

    According to the author, "there are 3 areas in which a total loss of control of the human can be seen:

    the environmental crisis
    the financial system about to implode
    and our inability to face the complexity of automation of our society (robots)

    Global Footprint Network estimates that if we maintain our rate of consumption, we would need two planets by 2030 to sustain our needs in ressources...

    Seas level could rise of 2 meters.

    Future generations will experience hurricanes in the Atlantic.

    The Capitalism system is about to reach it’s end.

    Our system is enclosed in a short-term approach vision, always looking for boundless profits.

    In 2012, the richest 1% of the United States took 120% of wealth.

    Moreover, he evokes the automation of society and its social impact, particularly on labor. "If nobody works, then wealth will return to lenders and leaders.

    We demand more and more to robots and computers to handle the problems that we ourselves have created. There is a striking example, is the Exchange. Everything is runs by computers.

    Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence are impressive, but can we deduce that robots will replace men? Whenever we say "Such activity can only be exercised by a human," a robotic system eventually makes it.

    Our world in 2100?
    "By the end of the century, we will see a massive reduction of the world population. We are now in a crisis similar to that of 1914. And I fear that our species might use traditional solutions to solve it. And if we were to create a global conflict, it seems very unlikely that no one use nuclear weapons. If a major conflict arise, nuclear weapons WILL be use."

    A nuclear war before the end of the century, then.

    Environement, Economy & Robots will kill us all.

  • sofakingback0

    Does this mean Ann-Margret is not coming?

  • Bennn0

    rainforests of Madagascar, national park in Spain and Mauritania, animals reserve in Tanzania, Belize Reef: those special places are among the 114 sites listed by UNESCO that are threatened by economic activity, according to WWF.

    "Of the 229 natural sites inscribed on World Heritage List, 114 are affected by harmful industrial activities"


  • ORAZAL-1

    In light of recent events

    • "I support mud and support the mud around here to make the events bigger and better. But if you guys don't clean up after yourselves that's your own damn fault"ORAZAL
    • "You did it to yourselves. Your events got closed down because of what you guys do there. Not because I videod it. People love the videos, worldwide."ORAZAL
    • This speaks to me on a personal level.ORAZAL
  • cherub0

    We were promised jetpacks!

  • cherub0

    Anybody got a charger?