The Russia thread.

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  • sted0

    There is a classic information war going on, but Putin can only count on the trolls

    At the private conference on the Russian-Ukrainian war in Budapest, at which the Ambassador of Ukraine in Budapest addressed the Hungarians in harsh words, the invited experts also spoke in detail about the information war that is taking place in parallel with the armed conflicts.

    “Every war is full of fake news, it has always been so. The Russians are especially adept at this. ”

    - András Rácz, security policy analyst and expert of the Strategic Defense Research Institute of the National University of Public Administration, introduced the topic. He says spammers don’t take any risks right now, it needs to be made to change that - and anyone can help.

    “Everyone can take individual action against the spread of false news and even against the spread of false news. It should be ensured that the distributors of false news also risk something. If nothing else, at least prestige. That no one will ever shake hands with them again. That no one will ever contract them again. That they are not called to civilized places, ”he said.

    Péter pKrekó, director of the Political Capital Institute, which organized the conference, spoke in detail about the changing strategy of the information war. He said that while Russia's leadership is trying in many ways to restrict the public's access to credible information, the West has also expressed an intention to reduce access to clear Russian disinformation sites. In the European Union, for example, access to Russia Today and Sputnik has been restricted, and Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are also cracking down on their ads. As a result, Russia's official disinformation infrastructure has been severely weakened.

    Moreover, Russia said that Russia had already given up on convincing the Western public that this was a just war.

    “He didn’t really find an excuse to intervene and pulled out of his hat the oldest, oldest disinformation narratives, such as those about the Nazi, genocidal Ukrainian government planning to use nuclear weapons,” Krekó said. Meanwhile, however, the Western press is traversed by a series of images of civilian casualties, a rocket crashing into Kharkiv’s main square, and the collapse of houses - Creko says it is defenseless.

    The troll army is activated

    In this situation, if the official disinformation infrastructure weakens, Russia could strengthen the troll army and inauthentic online behavior.

    “An amazing troll army has been built in Hungary as well. There are also people who copy the same opinion into 65 places in five minutes and do so in, say, 24 hours, ”said Krekó, who says their analysts’ Facebook posts also act as “troll magnets”:

    "It's a very bizarre situation for us to put out an analysis of Russian trolls covering the media, and for that, Russian trolls are covering our posts."

    However, according to Kreko, the impact of such activity is also limited and it mainly serves to confuse Western public opinion. It can be really effective if you get support from mainstream politics. "In Hungary, on the other hand, the immune system, to put it mildly, is not enough," Krekó said, adding that he said social media companies would have a greater responsibility to filter out and stop coordinated propaganda behavior.

    According to Krekó, it can be seen that anti-Western, pro-Russian narratives have an audience in Hungary, but being pro-Russian is becoming more and more unpleasant in the current situation. “Anti-Westernism, relativization remains: the West is doing the same, America is doing the same, and Ukraine was at fault. However, we also see that the majority of Western and Hungarian public opinion clearly condemns this war, ”said Krekó.

  • whatthefunk4

  • sted-5

    Putyin: Nincsenek rossz szándékaink a szomszédunkkal szemben

    Az orosz elnök az állami felügyelet alatt álló Rossiya 24 hírcsatornán tartott beszédet, ebben figyelmeztette azokat, akik ellenzik Oroszország Ukrajna elleni támadását, hogy „ne súlyosbítsák a helyzetet” azzal, hogy további korlátozásokat hoznak az ország ellen.

    „Nincsenek rossz szándékaink a szomszédunkkal szemben”

    - mondta Putyin.

    Beszélt arról is, hogy „nincs szükség” arra, hogy Ukrajna további lépéseket tegyen, ami „csak még rosszabbá teszi a kapcsolatukat”.

    „Úgy gondolom, hogy mindenkinek azon kell elgondolkoznia, hogyan normalizáljuk a kapcsolatunkat, hogy normálisan együttműködjünk és normálisan fejlesszük a kapcsolatunkat” - mondta. Az Ukrajna elleni háborút elrendelő elnök hozzátette, hogy az orosz hadsereg minden eddigi akciója „csupán válasz volt néhány, az Orosz Föderációt ért barátságtalan lépésre”.

  • Krassy2

    Russia blocks access to Facebook…

  • sted0

    crap previous article got stuck in Hungarian :D

    Putin: We have no bad intentions towards our neighbor

    The Russian president spoke on state-controlled Rossiya 24 news channel, warning those who oppose Russia's attack on Ukraine not to "aggravate the situation" by imposing further restrictions on the country.

    "We have no bad intentions towards our neighbor"

    Putin said.

    He also spoke of “no need” for Ukraine to take further steps, which “will only make their relationship worse”.

    “I think everyone needs to think about how we normalize our relationship so that we can work together normally and develop our relationship normally,” he said. The president, who ordered the war against Ukraine, added that all the actions of the Russian army so far "were merely a response to some unfriendly steps taken by the Russian Federation."

    • "merely a response to some unfriendly steps taken by the Russian Federation." ?!?!?! WTF that means?!grafician
    • lol yeah, everybody is looking for the answer to that question :Dsted
    • Confirmed. He is losing it.grafician
  • sted2

    President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Friday that could impose a prison sentence of up to 15 years on anyone who “spreads fake news” about the army, writes the Moscow Times.

    Since Russia is not in a state of war according to the official position, it is only carrying out “special operations”, it is already a sham if someone calls it war.

  • NBQ000

  • sted2

    • Belgrade is the capitol of Serbiasted
    • In January 2008, a major deal was struck between Moscow and Belgrade that by the end of the year transferred 51 percent of Serbia's oil and gas company Naftnasted
    • Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) to Russia's Gazprom Neft (a subsidiary of Gazprom) in exchange for 400 million Euros and 550 mln Euros of investmentssted
    • later Gazprom increased its stake in NIS to 56,5 percent.sted
    • Russia has backed Serbia's position regarding Kosovo. Vladimir Putin said that any support for Kosovo's unilateral declaration is immoral and illegal.sted
    • Russia has also said that the March 2008 riots in Tibet were linked with the recognition by some states of the independence of Serbia's Kosovosted
    • 2007-2008 was the first year in europe when rassa began its political influence operations.sted
    • old mans protest:
    • Pretty sure Milan is somewhere in that crowd.NBQ00
  • cherub0

    ^That is worrying. Honestly that plus the nuclear power plant being deliberately targeted I'm realizing now that the west is falling way WAY behind. Now how would you retake the power plants safety? You can't. He can just threaten to rip a hole in that part of Europe by nuking the sites on purpose.

    All of you here on QBN, and Stoltenberg, and Ursala Vandelyon and the whole west are making a huge mistake.

    We are falling far far behind. Hitler was allowed to do this because he intimidated the west... hinting at going nuclear and the west fell for it. The truth is the moment someone threatens something like that they've already decided to do it at some point. So we never had anything to lose. It's clear now.

    Stoltenberg says no to a no fly zone. The west is busy thinking of new sanctions.

    This is us right now.

    • Just surround them. Eventually they will get hungry. Using a nuclear powerplant as a giant dirty bomb is the same as launching a warhead. Nobody wins.monNom
    • cutting off supply subsequently starving people is war crime according to Geneva convention. tho i'm sure there's a loop hole.pango
    • There is. Soldiers are fair game. If they surrender, then you have to treat them well. But that's what you want anyway.monNom
    • Looks like you don't understand that this is exactly what the putler wants.
      Close the sky over UA=WW4
      Join the fight as NATO=WW4
    • This way all the countries can run their own "special operation", without any official solider stepping into the territory of Ukraine.sted
    • ^^ following that logic sted, this war was already lost before it even began due to the very existence of NATO. Just admit it he did a fist pump and we flinchedcherub
    • Because European leaders are not warmongers (thank god). But this also means they knew the danger and decided appeasement was safer. Didn't work in WWII either.cherub
  • pablo280

  • sted0

    Inditex is out.

    That's ~60% of fast fashion.

  • cherub0
    • Exactly. Ukraine can invite NATO troops if they want. It’s their country. NATO are being too weak.shapesalad
    • WHAT?sted
    • Close the sky over UA=WW4
      Join the fight as NATO=WW4
    • 3 :D:Dsted
    • Appeasement doesn't work. The only thing a bully understands is brute force. If he was already resolved to starting WWIII then it is coming no matter what.cherub
  • NBQ000

    If Russia is spending 20B $ a day for this Ukraine invasion I wonder how long they can keep it going.

    • About 15 days and they start to struggle to fund it.shapesalad
    • About 15 days and they start to struggle to fund it.shapesalad
    • About 15 days and they start to struggle to fund it.Salarrue
    • About days 15 start struggle and they to fund to it.monospaced
    • Do expect a gigantic Chinese infusion of cash to Russia.utopian
  • NBQ000

    Thousands of Russians fleeing to Finland:

    Finland's state-owned rail operator VR says it is trying to add more trains to its Helsinki-St. Petersburg connection.

    • It's just a big game of musical chairs. Instead of chairs its countries. Instead of beats its bombs.shapesalad
  • sted0

    - Whoever the fuck protects the sky over Ukraine is an enemy (NATO no fly zone...)
    - They finished destroying Military facilities (eh yeah time to kill some civilians)
    - the sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries are also "very close to a declaration of war."
    - he still wants the same shit like before.

    • Are you getting paid by the word?Brabo_Brabo
    • @Brabo_Brabo no one here is blessed with such knowledge in Russian language as you. i just tried to sum up the tons of bullshit he is saying in this video.sted
    • like when he talks about that the Ukrainian leadership is like terrorists in the Middle East...sted
    • Translations are welcome. But you posted the exact same stuff in another threadBrabo_Brabo
  • sted0

  • grafician-1

    Russia going from authoritarian to totalitarian in a week

    All youth 20-40 will want to leave the country...and word on the street, starting tomorrow Russian borders will be closed officially

    So prepare for the real humanitarian crisis soon enough

    • google searches for russia the time before the terrorist act show that people were looking to get out.shapesalad
    • u can still be pro putin and still want to leave the country 'cuz nobody wants to be poor
      Economic sanctions just prevent countries to wage war on neighbours
    • Russia will just have a big brain drain and turn into N Korea real quick
      Amazing times to be alive - still
    • that's what Putin thought about the Ukrainians.uan
  • Gnash1

    Canada has to get their shit together in the Arctic. We have maybe 6 guys sharing 3 skidoos up there, and pretty sure they’re armed with leftovers from WW1

    • Maple Syrup Blockades!utopian
    • Maple Syrup is serious businesspango
    • Did you know we have a strategic maple syrup reserve? Not only that, but somebody robbed it!monNom
    • As for an invasion from the arctic: Russia appears to have trouble going 40miles without running out of fuel and food...monNom
    • And that is on paved roads. I suspect 7,000km across barren, frozen wasteland isn’t going to go well for them.monNom
    • Maybe 4,000km. Google is confused about distance across the pole.monNom
  • grafician0

    "BREAKING: Radio Free Europe suspends operations in Russia"

    Freedom has left the chat...

    • Free Europe was banned in the USSR,
      a neighbor heard that western music was playing you were reported and police was there on the same day.
    • the radio was confiscated and you were lucky if only that happened.sted
    • In the city, but in the countryside, you could listen, no worries. But yeah, this is a strong signal everybody will cut Russia of, even the last radio stationgrafician
  • pango1