The Russia thread.

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  • Danish0

    Russia's President Putin is reportedly suffering from 'terminal bowel cancer', a Pentagon source claims..…

    • how is Denmark reacting to the new refugee flow?uan
    • lol because:
      he doesn't looks happy.

      i think he doesn't sleeps well and that's it, anybody would look like shit in his position right now.
    • Denmark welcomes the many ukrainians that comes here and help to find them home, schools and work.Danish
    • No wonder he would start WW3 as he doesn't give a shit anymore.NBQ00
    • Really vague, sounds like the journalist consulted Dr. Google.tank02
    • imagine getting all your daily news updates from the Daily StarIanbolton
    • "His unsmiling expression shows he is in constant pain, US sources say."

      LOL. When has he ever had a smiling expression?
    • In Russia "Only the idiot smiles for no good reason".Nairn
    • aahah @tank02 yeah :Dsted
    • In comparison, this makes the NY Post look like an actual news source.CyBrainX
  • sted1

    8 Mar 2022 04:29
    United Russia urges nationalizing factories of Western companies that left Russia

    MOSCOW. March 8 (Interfax) - The United Russia party has proposed nationalizing the production facilities of companies that announce shutdowns in Russia during the special operation in Ukraine, secretary of the United Russia General Council Andrei Turchak said.

    "United Russia proposes nationalizing manufacturing facilities of such companies that announce their departure and closure of factories in Russia during the special operation in Ukraine," United Russia's press service quoted Turchak as saying.

    "Such actions by Western companies are nothing other than fraudulent bankruptcy," he said.

    "In all the cases, this is a purely political decision. The price of such a decision is a great number of Russian workers dismissed overnight. Not to mention that acting in this way, these companies undermine their own economy, act on the principle of "bees against honey," he said.

    "The West has started the war of sanctions against Russia, and not only governments but also private companies have joined it," he said.

    "Some of them announce pulling out of business in Russia and shutting down their factories. Finland's Valio and Paulig are the latest to announce that. Yesterday, Fazer did the same," he said.

    The proposed nationalization "is an extreme measure, but we won't tolerate stabs in the back, and we'll protect our people," Turchak said.

    In the morning of February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the start of a 'special military operation' in Ukraine. Western countries responded with largescale anti-Russian sanctions.

  • pr24

    MorganStanley predicts that Russia will go bankrupt in mid April.

  • sted0…

    China Considers Buying Stakes in Russian Energy, Commodity Firms

    Beijing’s talking with state-owned firms on opportunities
    Any deal is to bolster energy, commodity imports: sources

    China is considering buying or increasing stakes in Russian energy and commodities companies, such as gas giant Gazprom PJSC and aluminum producer United Co. Rusal International PJSC, according to people familiar with the matter.

  • sted2

    • https://en.wikipedia…sted
    • Wait...I thought that Russia was going to protect the Ukrainian people from Nazi's by invading Ukraine with the same Nazi troops?utopian
    • Fight fire with fireGnash
    • or denazification was BS from the beginning and some idiots just couldn't see it.pango
    • It always was. Wagner group is Russia's shitter version of Blackwater/Academi. Putin is good friends with the owner.garbage
    • They're good for killing civilians, but don't have a strong track record against actual military. Putin sent them in during the Syrian conflict.garbage
    • Mattis immediately lit them the fuck up. https://www.newsweek…garbage
    • He looked like a nice friendly chap tooIanbolton
  • utopian3

    Russian 'brain drain' of academic, finance, and tech workers 'might be the most important problem' for its economy, experts say.…

  • NBQ000

    McDonald’s is officially closing in Russia.

    Goodbye sweet capitalism. Hello Soviet shithole again.

  • grafician0



  • sted1

    Starbucks is out

  • sted0

    Tirana city council unanimously approved the renaming of the Russian and Ukrainian embassy streets on Monday, the Guardian writes. In the capital of the country, the Russian embassy will now be on Independent Ukraine Street instead of the former Doniki Kastriota.

    • "oh no! they're Virtual signalling. trying to rewrite history!"pango
  • sted0

    Lots of discussions about the threat of nuclear war from the Kremlin and whether Putin is rational. I share my thoughts in this thread.

    To frame:
    I do not believe Russia would use nuclear weapons and I believe Putin is a rational actor.

    To understand why the invasion was rational for Putin, we have to step into his shoes. Three beliefs came together at the same time in his calculus:
    1. Ukraine’s condition as a country
    2. Russian military’s condition
    3. The West’s geopolitical condition…

    • Fitch on Tuesday downgraded Russia's sovereign rating by six notches further into the junk territory to 'C' from 'B', saying a debt default is imminentsted
    • Rational and irrational can be interchangeable depending on the frame of reference. Using nukes or bio weapons makes you look pretty formidable...monNom
    • and someone not to be trifled with when your invasion went so poorly, and the global response has been so negative as to call in to question the continued...monNom
    • existence of your state. Russia appears as a wounded animal right now. Don't expect them to be thinking long-term when there is such short-term peril.monNom
    • IE: were it not for nukes and the resolve to employ them, russia might appear as an easy bit of prey for regional conquests.monNom
    • @monNom good analysis dudeKrassy
  • Milan-8

  • Milan-4

    • lol u reatarded fuck, has no idea what biological research means, and only can think about antrax and the shit rassans did in syria.sted
  • sted1

    How Russia worked to undermine UN bioweapons investigations

    The Ghouta attack and attribution. In the early morning hours of Aug. 21, 2013, Ghouta, a suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus, was attacked by specially designed surface-to-surface rockets with 50-liter payloads of the nerve agent sarin. The falling night temperatures meant the air was moving downwards towards the ground, maximizing the potential impact of the gas.

    As the rockets pounded houses, apartment buildings, stone-tiled terraces, and backyards in Ghouta, the heavy gas they released stayed close to the ground, penetrating into basements where people were seeking shelter.

    The first responders arriving on the scene described large numbers of people lying on the ground, many of them dead or unconscious. An officer with the rebel Free Syrian Army, Captain Alla’a al-Basha, who came with his team to help, recounted: “I saw bodies scattered in the streets. I saw whole houses – none of their residents were alive.” He described seeing victims struggling to breathe, writhing in distress. He saw a woman tearing at her clothes as she suffocated.…

  • sted2

    Airstrikes and Impunity for Chemical Weapons Use in Syria

    In the early hours of Saturday, 14 April, the United States, United Kingdom and France launched airstrikes against the armed forces of the Syrian government. The United States, United Kingdom and France have stated that their military operations were in response to a 7 April suspected chemical weapons attack by Syrian government forces on the town of Douma in eastern Ghouta. That attack killed at least 70 people, including children, with more than 500 people being treated for exposure to toxic chemicals. The Syrian and Russian governments have rejected all evidence of the horror in Douma as fabricated.

    Chemical weapons are inherently immoral, indiscriminate and illegal. Using them constitutes a war crime and their prohibition is one of the oldest norms of the international community, dating back to 1899 and reinforced by the Geneva Protocol of 1925. This prohibition was further strengthened by the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention of which 192 states, including every member of the UN Security Council, is a signatory.

    Three years ago, in a rare moment of unity, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2235 establishing the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-Joint Investigative Mechanism (OPCW-JIM) to investigate and attribute responsibility for chemical weapons attacks in Syria. Despite Syria agreeing in August 2013 to surrender all its chemical weapons, the government has continued to regularly use such weapons. For example, chlorine gas has been used against civilians in eastern Ghouta at least seven times prior to the attack on Douma last week.

    In October and November 2017 Russia vetoed three resolutions that would have enabled the OPCW-JIM to continue its crucial work. This past week it also vetoed another resolution that would have established an independent investigation of the attack in Douma. In all, twelve vetoes by Russia since 2011 (including six double vetoes with China) have shielded perpetrators of atrocities in Syria from accountability and prevented the international community from upholding its responsibility to protect.

    The UN Security Council's failure to act has helped to normalize chemical warfare in Syria. However, the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect does not condone military action outside of international law.

    Today's airstrikes represent a new and dangerous phase of the Syrian conflict. In response, the international community should formally request that the UN investigate chemical weapons attacks in Syria and determine who is responsible, utilizing the existing "Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons." The pursuit of justice via the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism to assist in the investigation of atrocities in Syria, established by the UN General Assembly, also remains essential. All those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria must be held accountable and punished in accordance with international law, regardless of their position or affiliation.

    Seven years of conflict have killed more than half a million people in Syria and delivered nothing but misery for its people. Seven years of vetoes have obstructed diplomatic efforts to end atrocities in Syria and weakened international law. Despite inevitable tensions arising from last night's events, the entire Security Council must now work to protect civilians, prevent further military escalation, and take proximate steps to end the civil war once and for all.

  • zaq6

  • sted1

    Russia suspends sale of foreign currency.

    Russia’s central bank will no longer allow its citizens to buy up foreign currency in a bid to maintain reserves within the country. These measures are set to last until at least Sept. 9.
    Customers will be able to withdraw a maximum of $10,000 foreign currency from their accounts, all other funds will now be paid in rubles.

  • sted1

  • sted0

    International Atomic Energy Agency loses contact with safeguards monitoring systems at Chornobyl.

    Systems that monitor nuclear material at the radioactive waste facilities at Chornobyl, taken over by Russian forces, have stopped transmitting data, the IAEA said on March 8.

    • preparations to falsify evidence on nuclear weapons "research"sted
    • comes after the data line disconnection of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.sted
    • Crikey. Remember folks, as your last tooth fall out that Brandon did this. 50 years in politics yet cluelessly inept (too busy taking his 10%)Brabo_Brabo
    • Everybody is going to remember that it was the Russians, and Putin. You give too much credit to US FP and you disregard the will of those who live here.sted
    • Plus your cocksucker orange turd president did everything to weaken all the alliances that protecting these countries from the russian terror.sted
    • What was OUR reality for more than 50 years.sted
    • So go back to your fucking basement you retarded bitch.sted
    • None of this happened on Trump's watch. It took 0bamma's 3rd term to fuck things upBrabo_Brabo
    • The Uniparty are elbow deep in nefarious dealings in Ukraine. The money is filtered thru theit kids. Biden, Pelosi, Romney et alBrabo_Brabo
    • "10% for the big guy" (dementia joe)Brabo_Brabo
    • All this is well documented.Brabo_Brabo
    • Thump was the puppet number one, he didn't had to watch anything just do what they tell him. You know like threaten to quit Nato.sted
    • All this is well documented.…
    • Accepted investments from Russians,
      licked their ass non-stop and allowed that Ukraine falls back on the development of democracy.
    • Not to mention the Russian entities in his own campaign.sted
    • Oh brabo...cherub
  • sted1

    Canada's Shopify to temporarily suspend Russia operations