Donald Trump

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    Latinos should go back to Latin, there's where they belong.

    • or Lithuania or whatever it's called
    • How about those pesky Hispanics??robotron3k
    • I prefer her panics
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  • utopian0

    #MAGA For Life!

  • utopian-2

    Trump Touts Border Wall In San Antonio,
    Which Has No Wall And Isn't On The Border…


  • Gardener3

  • robotron3k-10

  • NBQ000

    On eve of MLK Day, Pence says Trump is like Martin Luther King Jr. for ‘inspiring us’ with a border wall…

    • wow! how far can this go? is trump going to be like jesus next?renderedred
  • robotron3k-11

    • why you choose to focus on losers, in that case, is beyond mescruffics
    • That explains why Trumpy Dumpty is so obsessed with Obama!nbq
    • Why so much focus McCain?utopian
    • Hehehe so tired of #winningSalarrue
    • He looks Russian to me.ghandolf
    • how's that san Antonio border wall going?inteliboy
    • Everyone there knows SA is pretty much the start of Mexico border pendejo... Now you made me hungry for tacos.robotron3k
    • Nobody in SA knows that, robo.monospaced
  • zaq-2

    A British doctor says: "In Britain, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's liver, put it in another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for a job."...

    ...The German doctor says: "That's nothing, in Germany we took part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for a job."

    The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we took half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for a job."

    The American doctor laughs: "You are all behind us. A few months ago, we took a man with no brain, no heart, and no liver and made him President.

    Now, the whole country is looking for a job!"

    • USA unemployment rate was at it lowest % in Dec 2018 in 49 years...PonyBoy
    • We now have more jobs than workers to fill them, first time in 20 years.robotron3k
    • Including, if you haven't noticed, the most anti-war President since practically never...robotron3k
    • #winning #nocollusion #mushroomdick #stablegenius #dentureSalarrue
    • Because of the incompetency of your anti-war president many people will die in the future as the consequences of global warmingzaq
    • lol... way to switch gears from 'unemployment' to fucking 'global warming'... ... stay on topic, zaq.PonyBoy
    • PonyBoy, first it was in reference to robo's anti-war remarks. Second it was a joke, same as you are with your presidentzaq
    • he's your president too, zaq... ;)PonyBoy
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    • insecure narcisist.inteliboy
    • The perfect President to take millennials into middle age, wouldn't you say..?robotron3k
    • stooped to their level? odd way to lead.inteliboy
    • he is right.. the economy is ridiculously good, he got back manufacturing in a lot of places, stopped the ass raping of US economy by China,Boz
    • negotiated new NAFTA economically beneficial for the US, created lowest unemployment in 50 years especially with blacks and hispanics and will reformBoz
    • border security and immigration. All of the things he has campaigned on he delivered within 2 years with exception of the wall. i’m pretty sure he will get itBoz
    • there won't be a wallmonospaced
    • it most likely will.. he will probably get 100 miles of it or something and will give some amnesty stuff to dems. They are already talking about itBoz
    • That won’t be the wall though.monospaced
    • that would be 3% of his wall, and a failure of a promise that was the racist, idiotic cornerstone of his campaignmonospaced
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    • "...which can only be gotten with.." what kind of english is this?renderedred
    • ^ the most Presidential and smartest.
    • of course :)renderedred
    • + "hispanics know the border issue" is not racist at all LOLrenderedred
    • he has the best words
    • ¡Construir el muro!robotron3k
    • In Trump's world, all hispanics people trekked across the border on foot to come to America.zarkonite
    • "...which can only be gotten with..." - Can you copy edit this?robthelad
  • ********

    • it doesn't matter for Trump supporters what he said in the past. what matters is now.
    • same could be said for just about any Democrat regarding the border wall, oey... Obama, Hillary, Chuck... Nancy... all sounded JUST like Trump back in the dayPonyBoy
    • ...nearly word for word... it's scary. I'll share if you like... and don't mistake my comments as being a Trump supporter... I just choose to live in reality <3PonyBoy
    • Hero of the stupid!
      #MAGA Lifers
    • #denture #stablegeniusSalarrue
    • it's so funny Kev, I don't like the guy either hahah, but I give respect where it's due and choose reality. He's crass and narcissistic but he did deliver onBoz
    • a lot of the things he said he would and I'm glad that US is doing so well. Fuck, everyone can feel the positive economy now.Boz
    • What has he delivered on? He had the house and the senate for two years and couldn't pass much.BonSeff
    • hearty tax cuts & deregulation (kill 2 regulations to every 1 made) renegotiating NAFTA... boosted local oil / gas production...PonyBoy
    • check these articles, bon:…
    • As Boz mentioned elsewhere... Trump's a narcissistic / arrogant twat... but you can't deny he's bumped the economy dramaticallyPonyBoy
    • My personal business gains are through the fucking roof compared to any given year Obama was in power... it's directly due to tax cuts and deregulation...PonyBoy
    • ... so I have to give credit where it's due... again... I prefer to live in reality.PonyBoy
    • And you'll note both those articles come from media sources that are arguably left-driven.PonyBoy
    • And just because you didn't get a huge personal tax cut doesn't mean the tax cuts didn't help out. Businesses are investing again.PonyBoy
    • Unemployment is at a 49 fucking year low, ffs... minority unemployment at an ALL-time low...
      ... believe it or not I can go on.
    • My gains aren't due to PERSONAL tax cuts but are because businesses are investing in mine and many other services now that they have money to spend again.PonyBoy
    • If you make it easy for businesses to invest in themselves (by deregulating / lowering taxes... aka- fill the biz's coffers)... they WILL spend money...PonyBoy
    • ... else they WON'T make money.PonyBoy
    • Tax cuts gave the markets a sugar high, nothing more, and now we are stuck with trillions in debt. That, and the vast majority went to the wealthiest.formed
    • They hoard the money and buy stocks, no help for the middle class, education, infrastructure or healthcare. Nothing.formed
    • So yeah, he delivered handouts to the tippy top, bloated debt further, eliminated protection for America in favor of corporations, on and on.formed
    • Oh, yeah, and the billions his ego war is costing the economy.formed
    • Businesses invested in themselves by buying back their shares. it didn't trickle down as they say. It was a cash grab gift to the wealthy.BonSeff
    • Yupformed
    • That's just not true. Stop fucking listening to fake news and bullshit. Small businesses are thriving and hiring the most and that's why economy is booming.Boz
    • and we are trillions in debt because Obama racked up an insane amount of debt over 8 years.Boz
    • 'They hoard the money'... lol. I don't need to discuss this further if that's all you argue with. It's THEIR money... just like the money in your back pocket...PonyBoy
    • ... is YOUR money, formed. Businesses are 'in business' to provide goods / services... no provide education, infrastructure or healthcare (unless that's theirPonyBoy
    • ... 'service' they provide). They're in it to make $$. Do you go to your job for free hugs and food or to make money for yourself?PonyBoy
    • You obviously want more socialism vs. capitalism (it's evident in your comments). You're in the wrong country for that, dudes. <3PonyBoy
    • And the tax cuts DID trickle down to you—in the form of jobs—so you can have some pride and earn for yourself just like those businesses you're shitting on.PonyBoy
    • git yer pride!

    • "you're in the wrong country for that"
      well done
    • You live in a capitalist country... not socialist country... so, thank you... I gladly accept your 'well done'.PonyBoy
    • wow. just
      some folks will just never see Trump for what he is. a straight up con artist.
    • The economy is good here, ex... there is no con there. Many of us are reaping the benefits as many small businesses are alive w/funds and options.PonyBoy
  • Gardener2

  • ********

    So people say Trump is great because the economy is booming and unemployment is at all time low.

    And that is true.

    But is this all Trump's doing? Is anything just leftover from Obama?

    Is the deregulation hurting the environment in any way? Is there anything like pensions that are hurting as a result?

    Or is Trump a genius negotiator that just got companies to invest with some tax break money?

    • For first time politician, he’s doing very well, it pains people to give him credit for anything. He beefs up the military butrobotron3k
    • Keeps us out of wars(!) World leaders like him but they didn’t like O. There may be some truth that a businessman makes a good Prez.robotron3k
    • He’s done a lot in 2 yrs we don’t know about, like tackling #3 crime, human trafficking and crimes against children.robotron3k
    • I have a feeling if he’s successful with the wall, which he will be, he will attempt to kill the Fed Reserve in his 2nd termrobotron3k
    • The government shortfall caused by the tax breaks is not compensated by the increase in business activity. The trick is that they're borrowing tons more, that'szarkonite
    • what's causing all this boosted economic activity. Our little fair haired prime minister is using the same dirty trick up here.zarkonite
    • And all that tax break and deregulation stuff is Paul Ryan's doing, he's been shopping that plan around for over a decade.zarkonite
    • Beefed up the military? We already have the largest army in the world.
    • And look at the economic indicators for 2018, they're showing a massive halt in momentum. The next few months will be crucial in determining if the economy willzarkonite
    • keep being hot. I wonder if they'll accept having the failure pinned on them or do they only want the praise? hmmmmzarkonite
    • The last senate budget had a sharp increase in army spending, totally irresponsible.zarkonite
    • but he didn't really do all that robo, because if he did, he wouldn't shut the fuck up about itmonospaced
    • and a lot of that isn't even attibutable to a president at all, but okaymonospaced
    • LOLpango
    • Well he has not messed up the economic improvement. China is down 50%, France at a stalemate, the UK about to crack, now Ireland, the USA is doing greatrobotron3k
    • Obama inherited war and a collapsing economy. Or do trump fanboys already forget about history?inteliboy
    • Stop referencing fact!!
      Facts are inconvenient! Focus on feelings!
    • China is down 50% what? He has not messed up economic improvement? What does that mean? Is that even an acheivement? I didn't shit my pants today either.monospaced
    • oh please spare me that Obama shit how he inherited horrible economy. The guy beefed up debt unlike any president in US history and the GDP after 8 fuckingBoz
    • years are pathetic. You could have defended him on his first term with that nonsense not, after 8 years. He set US back like 20 years in almost every aspect.Boz
    • Not to mention that Gallup poll showed that before him racial divide in the country was at the lowest level, as he took office and shitting and race baitingBoz
    • The country's racial tensions have increased. And all from lefties side. He was a pussy and completely clueless. But hey, he sure did have good speeches.Boz
    • He draws a line, and then everyone was laughing at US behind closed doors when they do whatever the fuck they want and he was a pussy. At least Trump has ballsBoz
    • and that's why everyone can whine in the world but they are back to respecting the US and no more fucking around.Boz
    • China, North Korea even Russia are all suddenly making deals and all nice. That's what real life is. You can't be a pussy.Boz
    • Right to Try just took effect first time!!! #fuckcancermaga https://www.bloomber…robotron3k
    • https://www.bloomber…robotron3k
    • Respecting the US? LOLpango
    • Boz, did you forget that Obama was the drone president? That guy's authorized kill list is fucking massive. He pussied out of a lot of conflicts but you can'tzarkonite
    • say the world was laughing then.zarkonite
    • Do you think that the racial tension thing is because prior to Obama there was no hope, and therefor minorities didn't even fight back? You think the policezarkonite
    • just started blasting people in the ghetto in 2008? Have you seen the wire?! ;)zarkonite
  • ********

    • Lol wwe. Perfect demographicpango
    • Fox News was literally built as a mouthpiece for the right wing. A deliberately biased news network. Yet somehow CNN are the problem.inteliboy
    • you need look no further than disgusting race-baiting, lies and hate that cause actual physical violence against innocent kids and people. Fox is not even closeBoz
    • Fox is actually far more honest and objective. Sure they have opinion folks and political pundits but they 200% do not do what CNN does.Boz
    • CNN is despicable and they really need to start investigating and punishing this race baiting and calls to violence. That's not press anymore.Boz
    • "More honest and objective"
    • At a minimum 8 days to go folks, you gonna see some more ass kicking by Trump...robotron3k
    • "More honest and objective"
    • Fox News is more like a right-wing talk radio show than a cable newsfooler
    • fucking lol.inteliboy
  • ********

    • he should try to explain that to all the people coming from California to Arizona and Texas. And he makes a great point. Take a minute for that to sink in...Boz
    • Government / federal workers live paycheck to paycheck. And they want more government? LOL. This didn't start with Trump.Boz
    • For most people else the wages have been going up not down. It's nice for him to be so compassionate in a state that has one of the highest economic inequalityBoz
    • in the country, while he makes millions selling his drivel to people who watch him. He should be an activist to solve homeless people in California and all butBoz
    • gone middle class. It's very telling where liberal policies and "social" government take the middle class. To non-existence. Every 3rd car in Arizona isBoz
    • with California plates. It's sad to see it. Middle class people are running in droves from that liberal utopia.Boz
    • cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.Boz
    • and this is the guy who says that America should go intro depression and people could take it if that should take down Trump. What a patriot and human being!Boz
    • too much coffee boz?inteliboy
    • "Every 3rd car in Arizona..." No it isn't you stupid fucktard. I live in AZ. Have for 35 years.severian
    • I live in AZ too fucktard and have been for 20 years.Boz
    • and it's absolutely true, every 3rd car has CA license platesBoz
    • and yes intelliboy.. I am grumpy as I got up at 5:30am and doing some tedious presentation in keynote :)Boz
    • would you like for me to look up the # of registered cars with that of the % of people that moved here? You are wrong.severian
    • would you like for me to look up the # of registered cars with that of the % of people that moved here? You are wrong.severian
    • I have also watch AZ slowly morph into Texas West. It's scary. It's whiter out at night.severian
    • i don’t know where you are but i am glendale/westgate. I would completely disagree. My community all middle class families really and even upper middle classBoz
    • and in the past 15 years i have seen most of the phoenix neighborhoods become more diverse. My community is split between whites, hispanics and blacks. All goodBoz
    • good folks. Same in most communities where my friends are. I’m dating a black chick so maybe i don’t see it.Boz
    • and as far CA license plates, i don’t need to look at the stats, i can see them on the road. In the past 10 years numbers of cars has been on the rise.Boz
    • Everyone i talk to sees it as well. People from Cali are coming and buying homes a lot as well since i have friends in real estate. Every 3rd car was a hyperbolBoz
    • a little but there is definitely a lot Cali people coming here. Stats are actually showing that middle class folks are leaving Cali i saw it last year.Boz
    • AZ fucking sucksmonospaced
    • except for the natural landscapes and parks, which the standing president doesn't give two shits aboutmonospaced
    • we agree on that for the most part. I like the freedom and the cheap stuff so you can live really nice but once you see all landscape stuff, it's pretty boring.Boz
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    • He's like a saddlebag with eyes.fooler
    • so handsomeBoz
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  • Gardener0

    the new coins are out