Donald Trump

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  • Fax_Benson1

    if you make Trump memes all day are you classed as full-time employed? Would explain the positive job figures.

    • no because they are all govt workers on shutdown.fadein11
  • BonSeff7

    Fancy isn't playin around!

  • Boz-11

    This got me a little bit teary-eyed.

    • Social media has turned us all into a mob of judges, jury’s and executioners.hotroddy
    • the prescription. Stop watching politics, SJW-ing and focus on your own shit. I guarantee you will feel amazing.Boz
    • I fight every day to completely remove anything or anyone who talks about anything politics. It's so hard though. Regardless of the side.Boz
    • This place is pretty unhealthy with that too but I find it more humorous here. It's a huge negative energy suck though. I've been here for maybe a month and theBoz
    • negativity is overwhelming. Everyone should lighten up. So many downvotes, fuming, anger. Man I was like that before. I get it.Boz
    • "Negativity is overwhelming" said the Trump supporter ;Dyuekit
    • Let's be honest, the negativity and mega focus on politics is largely because of Trump. I spend most of my time outside the USA and still can't avoid hearingyuekit
    • about him. If you don't want to hear about this shit all the time, your main goal should be to vote the guy out of office as soon as possible.yuekit
    • The focus on Trump is because the left is shitty at losing... poor sports at best. Their focus for 2+ years is to find an impeachable offense or prove...PonyBoy
    • ... 'russian collusion' (which wouldn't be a crime anyway). Since day 1 of Trump being in office the left has shown us they don't know how to lose w/grace.PonyBoy
    • fuck me, you are pretty quick to forget how it was when Obama was the presidentscruffics
    • Who tried to impeach Obama? What media outlets instantly went into 'must find proof of a crime' mode w/him, his family and associates?PonyBoy
    • He was criticized heavily by the 'other side' like any politician is for their shit policies but folks weren't digging / hoping for a crimePonyBoy
    • The left couldn't believe they lost to someone like Trump... and lost their shit. Learn to lose w/grace and step up for the next election.PonyBoy
    • haha seriously you're blaming "the left"...?
      As if Trump would get down to the serious business of governing the country if only the mean left would leave him
    • alone. cmon Ponyboy you can't honestly believe that.yuekit
    • He's doing the things he said he would, yuekit... he may not be doing what you want but he's living up to the policy-making / removing he promised...PonyBoy
    • Your side is the one that elected a reality TV game show host who spends most of his time calling people names and getting into feuds with people.yuekit
    • ... which is exactly why he's standing his ground on 'the wall'. It was one of his top 3 promises to his constituents and so far he's nailed 2 of them.PonyBoy
    • Sometimes I think living overseas is the only thing that gives me some perspective on the situation. Trump has really warped peoples' perceptions if you haveyuekit
    • somehow convinced yourself the Democrats are to blame for the lack of civility. That is an absurd take on the situation.yuekit
    • .. so arguably he's handling that 'serious business of governing'... just not the way you want but def. in the fashion his constituents asked of himPonyBoy
    • he's not. Building a wall is not a serious policy, it's a campaign slogan. He shut down the entire government over a campaign slogan.yuekit
    • Come back to reality man...of course Trump is the source of the problem lolyuekit
    • Look at how he got into politics in the first claiming Obama was an illegal African immigrant. Which understandably upset a lot of people and (foryuekit
    • some reason) riled up a lot of people on the conservative side. How was that the left's fault?yuekit
    • It is HIS policy, yuekit... building the wall is serious to HIS constituents... like it or not. He is doing as he promised... it may not be what you want but...PonyBoy
    • ... it is what those whom voted him in want.PonyBoy
    • Dude... can't argue w/you there are 'never Trumpers' all over the place on the 'conservative' side. But Trump doesn't give a fuck about those guys...PonyBoy
    • Putting aside what I's not even a serious solution to illegal immigration. It's a vanity project based on a campaign slogan.yuekit
    • ... he cares about those who voted him in. This 'wall' thing is HUGE on the right and has been for years... oh and it has been to the left for years too.PonyBoy
    • But getting back to the main point -- you are seriously arguing that Trump is not the main one responsible for the decline in civility?yuekit
    • yuekit... I've gone on record many times here that I think the guy's a crass narcissistic tangerine twat... but I'm on record saying the same thing...PonyBoy
    • ... about many politicians and even more so -media outlets- are just as crass, full of lies and uncanny hate simply because... they lost.PonyBoy
    • I agree that the media (including the so-called "left" media) can be terrible but you're deluding yourself if you don't think Trump is the primary cause.yuekit
    • The media was this way long before Trump... He's the bi-product of the media and politicians referring to 'his' constituents as 'deplorable' and 'racist'.PonyBoy
    • The more 'the left' (whether it be the media or politicians) refer to your average white person anywhere from 'privliged' to 'racist' you will continue to...PonyBoy
    • ... have Donald J. Trump's easily get voted-n by said 'privliged' to 'racist' white people (and throw in plenty of minorities who likewise see thru the bunk).PonyBoy
    • Yeah but Trump actually is privileged and well as many of his supporters. Why else did the birth certificate thing have so much resonance?yuekit
    • Are we not allowed to call a spade a spade, simply because they make up the majority?yuekit
    • I'm not a fan of SJWs but I start to think they may have a point when people like you talk this way.yuekit
    • Imagine for a moment if a black woman was president (Michelle Obama for example). And does half the shit Trump did....fucking a porn star while her wife wasyuekit
    • There you go... you're taking the 'they're racist' route, dude. i'm not going to join in given how many minorities in media etc DO support the guy.PonyBoy
    • pregnant, calling people obscene names on think people would stand for that? Of course not...yuekit
    • Wait it's unacceptable to call Trump racist? Fuckin lol man....what was the birth certificate thing about then?yuekit
    • Questioning whether someone's birth certificate is legit or not is NOT racist. It's indeed politically petty...PonyBoy
    • ... as-is referring to white people as 'privliged' or 'racist' as if it's a part of the fucking DNA.PonyBoy
    • Or both sides have good people? etc etc. So many examples it's like shooting fish in a barrel.yuekit
    • If you can't grasp the racist subtext of the birth certificate thing not sure what to say.yuekit
    • There is no reason to even bring that up except to rile up the racist fringe. No real debate over where Obama was born.yuekit
    • Trump... Bill Clinton... same BS as far as sexual morality. I don't think any woman would be given the pass either a pub / dem man would...PonyBoy
    • ... (that was in response to your Mich. O question)... shame we gave Billy C that pass. You know Bill Clinton raped a number of women BEFORE...PonyBoy
    • ... he was president and the accusers (far worse than anything Trump's done) are still screaming about to this day. My point isn't Dems are worse than Pubs...PonyBoy
    • ... point is they're the same and our parents allowed it to happen. I have a huge problem w/Trump's morality (in case you were wondering)...PonyBoy
    • ... I never expected him to plow through the other 16 Pubs running in 2016. I think the dude's a pig in his personal life... ... but again... so was Billy.PonyBoy
    • the birther movement was clearly racially motivated, to argue otherwise is nutjob wacky.inteliboy
  • spl33nidoru4

  • Ramanisky21

    Stable Genius

    • what. the. fuck. was. that?Bluejam
    • Breaking down his repetitions and interpreting them as morse reveals a cry to help from the Thetans.Nairn
    • “... but I haven’t seen his statement...”

    • Where is chukka? He was talking about Pelosi yesterday.. where is he. I want his take on this clip.mathinc
    • Senile.
  • qoob3

    So about a million people (gov employees) have missed a month’s worth of pay by now.

    I know some of you live paycheck to paycheck, can you imagine going a month with no income at all? That means missed payments, which in the US can fuck up your credit rating, permanently altering the course of your life.

    All because Trump needed to be able to say “I built the wall” in his reelection campaign. Keep in mind, no one who has studied the immigration issue actually believes building a wall across the entire continent is a smart policy to stop illegal immigration, let alone possible to achieve. Trump himself has been quoted saying he doesn’t actually care about it. The majority of illegal immigrants don’t even come across the border.

    Hope all of you who supported Trump and for some reason continue to support him are proud of yourselves.

    • imagine they make a wall and the crimes and illegal immigration (connected or not) and drug entrance continues...
    • ...they will get an excuse and blame democrats somehow.
    • thing is all us citizens will suffer. no matter what happens. they (in the power now) just don't care.
    • There will never be a fucking wall!monospaced
    • I wouldn't be so sure honestly. besides it's in Trumps DNA so to say. he's a constructor so it fits to him. a bit crazy but...
    • honestly I'm not against illegal immigration. it happens for some reason. it is the duty of governments to understand why it happens.
    • it's a social-economic problem and reflects the way our society was build by the ruling classes.
    • it's like not wanting to understand and go to the root of the problem. society itself and capitalism but hey, it's like crime and prisons.
    • building more prisons and putting people in prison will not solve crime or help identify why it exists in first place, though most know why they refuse to admit
    • it's fucking hypocrisy and the easy way out. politicians don't want to admit their fault and present the common people with solutions that will not work
    • people are not born criminals or illegal immigrants, people do not chose were to born and in which political system.
    • there's a reason why people want to go to the states. the us exploits other folks and then don't want people to go there...hello!
    • but what to do with crimes committed by legal immigrants and us citizens? how to solve that?
    • no really there won’t ever be a wall ... it’s impossible to build and nobody will do it or even price itmonospaced
    • anyone who actually thinks there could be a 3,000 mile long wall along the southern border is either brainwashed or just a fucking retardmonospaced
    • ^ I know that but I'm not the one you have to tell that...
    • For sure. I just think it’s absolutey insane to shut down the government because of a mythical wall that COULD never exist.monospaced
  • ********

    you know who needed a wall?

    and if a wall really worked most fuckers who defend the wall now wouldn't even exist...

    build a wall, put natives in a reserve, etc...

    most of the ruling class in the states are actually descendants of illegal immigrants.

    it's so ridiculous that honestly they can all go fuck themselves.

    the US are just a big fat lie and it will fall.
    it's really a sad story...

    • your statement is not exlcusive to US and you can say that to all countries in the western hemisphere.hotroddy
    • and the irony in your statement is the Guatemalans, el salvadorians, mexicans, and hondurians (of which are 99% native) are ALL DYING to get into the USA.hotroddy
    • truth is there are two people - the naive progressives who see humans together as part of the globe, and the fearful conservatives who want to put up walls.inteliboy
    • through goggles, the left see nazis and foam at the mouth gun loving nut jobs, the right see soy boy cucks and scary brown people. either way, we're fucked.inteliboy
    • hotroddy, I was only writing about the states. because of the wall discussion. that's it. it doesn't mean that I ignore other things.
    • which irony? I think you are reading stuff I didn't write.
    • inteliboy, there's more than two people. everybody knows that or should know. you are blurring stuff.
    • But Venezuela is a concrete example of the latter. So no goggles therehotroddy
    • oey - the irony that the people migrating into USA are native to the americas.hotroddy
    • ?!?!?!?!? I was talking about white people. those people migrating to the "US" have the right to do it...they are native. there shouldn't be a wall...
    • I agree.. but why are they migrating to a place where native americans have been marginalized?hotroddy
    • could it be because life is better in POST European colonization?hotroddy
    • you know why, don't you? you are just trying to test me.
    • natives had walls, you retard. they also slaughtered and raped neighbours, had slaves, invaded lands, had class systems....Gnash
    • I can be downvoted but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. muhahahahahahahaha!
    • the noble native trope is as racist as anything else you're railing againstGnash
    • I was watching a doc on lost native tribes of the amazon. The indian was so happy when he put on a SHIRT. Not running water, plumming, electricity. a SHIRT!hotroddy
    • ^ buuuuuuuuuuuuu!...
    • isn't that too much to call me retard Gnash? I know that, I was not talking about that. I was talking about the present ruling class and people who want a wall
    • i think it's a bit unnecessary to go into personal offense you know?
    • I never said that native-americans had a perfect society and I was not even comparing. this kind of distortion...dude!
    • next someone will write that if I'm left-wing why don't I move to Venezuela as it's according to lefties a social paradise...LOL!
    • Everyone did it. It must be right.
      *dig out example where everyone admit what they did was wrong.
    • ^ exactly. defending present wrong actions cause in the past people also acted wrong. whatever...
    • it's so childish to defends one's wrong doing with other people's wrong doing.
    • like it would legitimate anything.
    • point is they are moving here for a better life.hotroddy
    • just like pango and I. But pango is an expat so he benefits without having a guilty conscious.hotroddy
    • seriously hotroddy? I thought they were moving to the US to commit crimes...cause the crime rate in the US is not big enough already.
    • they do that too. It's big business. They pay people to be 'smuggled' and they are in debt to the sicarios.hotroddy
    • If they miss a payment the sicarios go after their family in their country of origin.hotroddy
    • the border is ruled by mafiashotroddy
    • i'm not "defending" present actions. only pointing out that you're using a ridiculous fallacy in order to make your point.Gnash
    • the efficacy of trumps' wall is certainly debatable but to relegate all walls as some kind of imperialist, western bludgeon of evil is simply 'retarded.'Gnash
    • which all walls Gnash? what are you talking about? dude focus. I'm just talking about the wall. Trump's campaign promise. nothing else.
    • #notallwalls
    • #notallretardsGnash
    • #chinahasthebestwall...pango
    • haha why does this always devolve into a fight over whether walls in general work?yuekit
    • Natives had walls, you retard! They were also assholes BTW did you know thatyuekit
    • if we aren't talking about IF a wall works, then we shouldn't be talking about the wall at allmonospaced
    • because: "if walls really worked..."
      and: US bad because WALLS!
      it's a retarded mantra
    • Hopefully we can agree a wall around a small village, vs. a giant gold plated wall across an entire continent are slightly different things.yuekit
    • I quit...
    • of course, but the current rhetoric isn't that. as here, it's often presented in this hyperbolic, oh-the-humanity, histrionics. It's inane.Gnash
    • since it's widely agreed, by any party who would actually KNOW, that the wall is impossible, we must fall on the concept that the wall is a bigoted symbolmonospaced
  • Bluejam10

    • Is it Friday already?Continuity
    • “Only the best people”
    • the guy looks russian enough to me
    • Get Me Roger Stone, the sequel.ben_
    • swampyinteliboy
      fucking lol
    • ^ i wonder if she's posting anything stone related
    • if they are not russian agents then they must be really really stupid.
    • tick - tock - tick - tock...necromation
    • Waiting for Robo<s commentsnbq
    • Yum! delicious Nothing Burger...robotron3k
    • well, of course that's what you'd say with your head shoulders deep in your own anusmonospaced
    • #MAGA Proud
      #MAGA Family
      #MAGA For Life
      #MAGA Winning
  • ********
  • lowimpakt3

    for no particular reason, but this photo of roger stone and the "no wanks" proud boys is hilarious

    • the way he was arrested says a lot compared to all other people arrested so far...
    • robo, you are next!zaq
    • oey, do you mean the riot geared up FBI? i don't know that that was about. I always assumed he was a grifter doofus.lowimpakt
    • ^ LOL!
    • what does that hand signal mean again?monospaced
    • I think it's some sort of indicator of their anal dilation at rest.Nairn
    • I saw the Roger Stone clickbait this morning, they act like they just got a mass murderer... Mueller, so dramatic.robotron3k
    • a rundown on hand symbol. Mostly a far/alt right thing or joke…lowimpakt
    • lol, you think his arrest was for dramatics? wow, brainwashed much?monospaced
    • Definitely dramatic, even CNN got tipped off and helped the drama unfold. This shit sells web ads...robotron3k
    • the FBI are deep-state pizza shop basement -dwelling paedo-liberal hillary supporterslowimpakt
    • uhhh, it's a real arrest and a real crime, and it's 100% public, requiring no tipping off of any kindmonospaced
    • tipped off? I would imagine cnn has been paying someone to stake out his place for some time knowing this would happen eventually.capn_ron
    • #MAGA Familyutopian
  • zaq11

  • robotron3k-2

    • And then the FBI said....

      "We are arresting another one of your campaign advisors!"
    • #bebestnbq
    • FBI said, "We're arresting your campaign advisor, because we can't find any evidence of Russian collision so we gotta arrest someone..."robotron3k
    • and then she said "you can't use my house for your dumb speech"fooler
    • holy shit, robo... you do realize the investigation isn't just about russia, right?monospaced
  • lowimpakt0

    another reason trump's wall can fuck off

    An article published last year in the journal Bioscience, which has been signed by more than 2,900 scientists, said the administration’s plan would “threaten some of the continent’s most biologically diverse regions” by blocking free movement of many species and contributing to flooding. More than 1,500 native animal and plant species would be affected by the wall, the paper said, including 62 listed as endangered or vulnerable.…

    • this administration has zero fucks to give about any environmental worries. This wouldn't phase them one iota.capn_ron
    • this administration wouldn't be able to build a wall even if they got $5B, for this reason among many, many, many others which make it virtually impossiblemonospaced
    • the current EPA won't help. trump already loaded that deck.Gnash
    • This would be considered a bonus by Trump and most U.S. conservatives.yuekit
    • Nor his supporters.mathinc
    • Stable Geniusutopian
  • BonSeff-1

    Help out with Roger's legal bills!…

    • lol. nice branding, thoughGnash
    • I'd down vote this shit too if river rocks were on backorderBonSeff
  • monospaced2

    Mr. Stone was charged with seven counts, including obstruction of an official proceeding, making false statements and witness tampering

  • utopian2

  • monospaced0

    “I will never testify against Trump.” This statement was recently made by Roger Stone, essentially stating that he will not be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor to make up lies and stories about “President Trump.” Nice to know that some people still have “guts!”
    7:48 AM - 3 Dec 2018

    • we'll see about that ... and then trump will inevitably do a 180 on this and claim Roger is just trying to reduce his sentence or some other nonsensemonospaced
    • #Tamperingutopian
    • Roger was just a "coffee boy" tweet coming in less than one hour.capn_ron
    • So when Roger testifies against him, will those be lies?monospaced
  • Ramanisky24

  • lowimpakt4

  • PhanLo2

    • Netherlands?
    • yep, referencing the old piece from NY http://www.missrosen…PhanLo
    • History
    • USA ain't so bad, have you checked out the Brexit thread?! Jeezuz now those people...robotron3k