Donald Trump

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  • utopian1

    The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony

    In it, the disgraced former attorney to President Donald Trump painted a picture of a “racist,” a “conman” and a “cheat” sitting in the Oval Office. Then, in scathing detail, Cohen listed examples of each in action.

    Here are some of the most stunning excerpts from the statement:

    “Mr. Trump is a racist”

    “He once asked me if I could name a country run by a black person that wasn’t a ‘shithole.’ This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States. “While we were once driving through a struggling neighborhood in Chicago, he commented that only black people could live that way. “And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid.”
    Trump has a very low opinion of his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

    “Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone – and certainly not without checking with his father.”
    How Trump dodged service in Vietnam

    “Mr. Trump claimed it was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery. He told me not to answer the specific questions by reporters but rather offer simply the fact that he received a medical deferment. He finished the conversation with the following comment. ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’”
    Trump is not a patriot

    “The sad fact is that I never heard Mr. Trump say anything in private that led
    me to believe he loved our nation or wanted to make it better. In fact, he didthe opposite. “When telling me in 2008 that he was cutting employees’ salaries in half ― including mine ― he showed me what he claimed was a $10 million IRS tax refund, and he said that he could not believe how stupid the government was for giving ‘someone like him’ that much money back.”
    Trump ‘reveled’ in refusing to pay his bills

    “One of my more common responsibilities was that Mr. Trump directed me to call business owners, many of whom were small businesses, that were owed money for their services and told them no payment or a reduced payment would be coming. When I advised Mr. Trump of my success, he actually reveled in it.”
    Trump knew about Roger Stone and Wikileaks

    “In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of ‘wouldn’t that be great.’”
    One of Cohen’s biggest regrets: Lying to Melania Trump

    “He asked me to pay off an adult film star with whom he had an affair, and to lie to his wife about it, which I did. Lying to the First Lady is one of my biggest regrets. She is a kind, good person. I respect her greatly – and she did not deserve that.”
    Trump repaid Stormy Daniels hush money with personal checks

    “I am providing a copy of a $35,000 check that President Trump personally signed from his personal bank 14 account on August 1, 2017 – when he was President of the United States – pursuant to the cover-up, which was the basis of my guilty plea, to reimburse me – the word used by Mr. Trump’s TV lawyer ― for the illegal hush money I paid on his behalf. This $35,000 check was one of 11 check installments that was paid throughout the year – while he was President. “The President of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws.”
    Cohen warns Trump: I’m not your ‘fixer’ anymore

    “For those who question my motives for being here today, I understand. I have lied, but I am not a liar. I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your ‘fixer,’ Mr. Trump.”
    The identity of Individual #1

    “For the record: Individual #1 is President Donald J. Trump.”

    • no suprises when it comes to his character. but poor don jr.neverscared
    • Cohen might finally end up taking that bullet for Trump. Ouch.FNP14
    • Trump is sack of shit... That fat orange cunt has got to go!necromation
    • It'sthebeginningofth... again.PhanLo
  • neverscared2

    • I wish there was a "for:________" spot on business checks.rattail
    • ..wait, there's NOT on US cheques? So if you have possession of someone else's cheque, you can cash it?Nairn
    • if your name is michael cohen you can cash ithotroddy
    • Nairn, he means the memo line, what the money was for, not who it is being paid to.…imbecile
  • rattail2

  • yuekit2

    Trump's lawyer destroying him on TV now...this is pretty entertaining if nothing else

    • yup, he already lost it with the chair before Cohen's statement!fadein11
    • And the idiots of the nation will still support Trump, regardless of this.monospaced
    • Wow this is hysterical and amazing...robotron3k
    • there's one of them nowmonospaced
    • Haha mono_niko
    • The idea that these guys can stand up there and pretend that Trump is not a liar, that it's all made up, is more ridiculous propaganda than you would find inyuekit
    • North Korea.yuekit
    • ^ totally. How do they keep a straight face?Gnash
    • the line of thinking is that since Cohen lied on behalf of Trump to hide his indiscretions, that he must be lying now ... can you believe this idiocy?monospaced
    • well to be fair, he can't say I've lied but I'm not a liar. it's like saying I've killed but I'm not a killer._niko
    • I would be surprised if anyone in Trump's orbit was not a liar to some degree. But he has documents and evidence for what he's claiming. It's goofy to claimyuekit
    • that it's all made up.yuekit
    • To claim that everything he's saying now is a lie, well that's a bit far, no?monospaced
    • I just find it so contrary to say this this man, who was his trusted lawyer for a decade+, is now 100% untruthful?monospaced
    • Seems like while he was going through years of lawbreaking for the Trump's, he could have stopped at anytime if it wasn't for the magnetic appeal of Donald Trumrobotron3k
    • Mono you ain't got a pot to piss in, Hillary lost 2 years ago, unfortunately that Hillary tramp stamp tattoo you got is permanent...robotron3k
    • Magnetic appeal? You mean money.monospaced
    • Nice “but Hillary” though. Typical deflection from a. Typical trump supporter.monospaced
    • Not having the courage to call out lying and corruption on both sides means you are morally corrupt.Hayoth
    • "but trump" is used is the same way here, monoGnash
    • Considering that Trump is the subject of the hearing today, I don’t think it’s possible, gnash.monospaced
  • ********

    • current plan: elect a retard, pass corrupt republican tax plan, appeal to nationalists, and create a nationalist paradise and fuck the poor to deathmonospaced
    • freedumb?zaq
    • Mono Ocasio Cortez strikes again. Your totalitarian plans and murdering ideology thwarted by a retarded. Best story ever.Hayoth
    • hayoth, resident snowflake, still using words he doesn't know the meaning of, and only looking like a bigger moron with each post.monospaced
  • ********

    • kids these dayspockets
    • lol. meanwhile their supreme leader has a meltdown on twitter every single day.inteliboy
    • Teenagers, in general are fucking idiots left or right.ben_
  • ********

    • What's govt funding like for supporting people with autism in the states? It's not very good here in canada.Gnash
  • Wolfboy4

    As a person outside the US looking in, here's what I'm thinking about the Republicans at the Cohen hearing: as much as they are clearly a bunch of cunts they're not all so dumb that they think what they're doing today is a good look for them.

    It's worse (from their perspective). They're political operators, they play the game for a living and they've sat in a room & decided that this is the best strategy left to them.

    This bizarre spectacle is all the have; where they're painting a man hired by their president to do his dirty work as a man of low moral character and untrustworthy. They know they can't attack the substance of his claims so all they can do is attack his character, which they must know, by proxy, damages the character of Trump (as much as that is possible at this stage) as the man who hired him to do the things he did.

    Today we're seeing the chickens come home to roost.This is where supporting Trump has gotten them.

    • I wonder why this is scheduled the same time/date as the USA North Korea summit.uan
    • What was the timeline of those two things being planned? Which was in the diary first?Wolfboy
    • Not sure if you're familiar with Brexit...robotron3k
    • oh c'mon... the fucker (cohen as presented by Lanny Fucking Davis of all people) is going to prison in 2 months... DEMS couldn't be dumber...PonyBoy
    • ... using a convicted felon as their star witness (who's breaking client / attorney privilege in the process). Pathetic move by the DEMS (but not surprising).PonyBoy
    • Just another move amongst many the last two years showing what fucking poor sports (terrible at losing) DEMS are. Pathetic. I have no party anymore.PonyBoy
    • yeah and the REPS were so well behaved whilst Obama was in power.inteliboy
    • "Losing"? You do realize that he's going to jail, right? There is no 'witch' hunt and this isn't made up. It's pathetic that people continue to support Tmanformed
    • while watching the depth of the corruption unravel. Let's all pray the fanboys don't become such suckers they support a warformed
    • as the ultimate distraction.formed
    • (as, not surprisingly, the last few Republicans managed to get elected again)formed
    • Losing... as in Poor Sports. The Dems lost the election. But you're all so brainwashed into thinking it w/Russia. One minute Trump's an idiot...PonyBoy
    • ... the next he's stealing the top seat in the land w/the help of Russia. Lol... keep making shit up and chasing shit by using a convicted felon...PonyBoy
    • ... as a star witness and we'll see who ends up winning in 2020. You might as well hand the election to Trump. Open your fucking eyes, poor sports.PonyBoy
    • It's amazing... one minute Cohen is pure shit in the eyes of the media / dems... now he's your go-to guy? The second today's 'event' strayed into...PonyBoy
    • ... the land of that fucking retarded dosier anyone not brainwashed by this BS would see the Dems once again had nothing.PonyBoy
    • *dossier
      Cohen was caught lying TODAY... he looked like a fucking tool w/all hope lost... and somehow the dems thought it would be good to use him again. Weird.
    • triggeredmonospaced
    • https://media.giphy.…dorf
    • The Trumptards are triggeredutopian
    • So in your opinion Ponyboy the Dems should just let the allegations of breaking election law, serious financial crimes and all the other stuff Cohen presentedyuekit
    • actual evidence of slide because Trump won the election? haha what are you smoking and or drinking man...turn off the Fox News.yuekit
    • ponyboy sure is fired up!BonSeff
    • What you are repeating are very weak talking points that fall apart under any minor examination. Of course prosectors get criminals to testify against otheryuekit
    • criminals all the time. Now if Cohen was alleging some crazy thing out of left field maybe you could point to the fact that he lied in the past and dismiss it.yuekit
    • ... he has no party anymore, soo sawwyBonSeff
    • But does anyone really doubt at this point that Trump bribed his porn star mistress to stay silent, in violation of election law? Cohen produced a copy of theyuekit
    • actual check with Trump's signature on it, did you miss that part? Or lying about his net worth to get loans and close deals -- that is something that couldyuekit
    • actually send him to prison after he leaves office. Or misusing charity funds, again a serious crime. You seem completely oblivious to the actual details.yuekit
    • ponyboy is basically a game of telephone from a hannity showBonSeff
    • I watched the dems look like morons today... and it has me ablaze!! put... me... out! But seriously... Russia, guyz... Russia!! Stormy Daniels up next!PonyBoy
    • So...uh...why should Congress not investigate when there are allegations and actual evidence of crimes by the President? Isn't that sort of their job?yuekit
    • Of course you investigate it but you don't 'go live' w/a shit show like they did today. If they 'had something' they'd of known before today...PonyBoy
    • ... Cohen would have been lined up w/a reduced sentence (some sort of deal) and they've of asked questions that actually proved something...PonyBoy
    • ... not merely dig up more conjecture. Nothing is provable... for 2 fucking years it's the same old shit - pure hatred for Trump simply cuz he won.PonyBoy
    • avg lib: "Gotta dig & find something so we can get rid of this guy... how dare he not only run but also win cuz he's not a politician and he's a dolt to boot!"PonyBoy
    • What do you mean by "go live"? Congress has people testify all the time, that's part of how they investigate. This just got more attention b/c of who it was.yuekit
    • And what do you mean nothing is provable? Cohen presented documents and evidence of serious crime that will now be looked into.yuekit
    • All this shit came post election... this Russia garbage is a straight-up load of crap. It came from a bunk dossier that was available for Hillz long before...PonyBoy
    • ...Trump was elected. She didn't touch it cuz my gut tells me she knew better. Two years later—she made the right decision while so many have egg on their facesPonyBoy
    • Yes... 'new shit', Yuekit... merely Cohen trying to save his ass. Something else to investigate... must impeach! gotta.. must... need to find something!PonyBoy
    • And please don't think I like the guy... (I always have to say this as you guys can't separate my shitting on dems from actual trump love)PonyBoy
    • Haha cmon it's not the Dems fault that Trump has committed multiple crimes and scandals. We should just ignore all of it?yuekit
    • You don't seem to care at all about the actual substance of the allegations. Just pissed off that Trump had a bad news day.yuekit
    • "go live"... if any of what cohen had to say was impeachable it would have been presented long before today's 'Ignore Hanoi' congressional hearing.PonyBoy
    • 'substance of the allegations'... ffs, prove something, man! Right now the dems are as bad as Alex Jones. Conjecture, allegations... no proof.PonyBoy
    • I know—I know—let's keep digging! :/
      Gotta admit though—the pubs would be doing the same w/Hillary.
      Shit just gets old—vote the orange Turd out when it's time.
    • Once again, Cohen presented actual proof and documents. The next step will most likely be to get the Trump Org. CFO to testify based on that.yuekit
    • I think you have it backwards...the fact that there are so many different allegations and investigations out there is not proof that Trump is being persecuted.yuekit
    • It's more likely because he is a lunatic who probably broke the law in multiple different ways.yuekit
    • Any one of these scandals would have been huge for another president. Trump is getting an easier, not a harder time, contrary to the conservative spin.yuekit
    • does ponyboy not realize that dems were powerless to investigate during the first two years due to being the minority party?dorf
    • You can ask me directly if you like, dorf. Your statement is inaccurate... the investigation started 2 years ago via use of Mueller and crew and is still going.PonyBoy
  • fooler7

    Trump Solemnly Lays Wreath At Site Where He Would Have Died During Vietnam War If He Weren’t Rich…

    • Finally made it to Vietnam. Those bone spurs must have cleared up finally.BusterBoy
    • hahautopian
    • Come on!, You can totally see his feet hurt in that pic.BH26
    • Rice Faddy feetBH26
    • If I'm honest, I might have done the same as Don.Fax_Benson
    • might have tried to come up with something better than bone-spurs, though.Fax_Benson
    • Wars are for poor people to die in. Don had shagging to do back home. Love the vets though, loves the vets.PhanLo
    • I would have stayed up for days on meth, not showered for a month, shit my pants and told them I was gay like that patriot Ted Nugent did.rattail
  • utopian1

  • capn_ron2

    - Anyone that shows me in a bad light = FAKE NEWS

    - Kim Jong Un / Putin / Saudi Prince = I'll take them for their word.

    Anyone see anything wrong with this, or am I brainwashed?

    • Where you been?
    • Trump = malignant narcissism = needs to be liked.
    • you nailed it freedom. i'm just baffled of who he needs to be liked by and who he instantly claims as fake and a liar.capn_ron
    • You guys act as if Trump is complexepic_rim
    • complex carbohydrateFax_Benson
    • lol fax (again)fadein11
    • Thing is, he doesn’t care who likes him! If his worst enemy agreed with him, he would be their friend instantly. The opposite is true too. Just look at Cohen.monospaced
    • ^ yes. He's turning his base on lifelong Republicans if they disagree with him at all.
    • He never had the courage to distance from the KKK.
    • because they voted for him ... all of themmonospaced
  • wagshaft3

    I thought the younger/newer members of congress (not all) did a better job at the hearing. less grandstanding and more pointed questions:

    • yah, i was watching it too, old farts were so dramatic while younger ppl asked the questines.renderedred
    • Where were the Republican questions??BH26
  • Ramanisky24

    What a disgusting display... of course he takes a thug dictator for his word. Offfffff course.

    • Guys a legendary shagger, all Americans should be proud of him.PhanLo
    • SMH - What a disgrace.mathinc
    • I'm sick and tired of all the winning!utopian
    • #toadstoolmonospaced
    • Wow just read the Otto story, Obama couldnt release him, I bet Otto have up "hope" got food poisoning and then attempted suicide via sleeping pills... Sadrobotron3k
    • ok robotron, cool story bro.dorf
    • dotard is dotarting.neverscared
  • robotron3k-5

    • he's truly invincible from any criticism from you. so loyal.inteliboy
    • I rate Presidents bsed ontheir desire to wage war. I remember watching Vietnam war on tv as a kid. My uncle's returned damaged, agent orange, PTSDrobotron3k
    • You want to talk about a bad President, Nixon was the worst. Trump is a lefty, anti-war, pro business, I prefer this type of Presidentrobotron3k
    • I think lots of people know Trump is not perfect, but for all his narcissistic tendencies, he's the fitting Prez for narcissistic millennials.robotron3k
    • #russiabot #copypaste #spreadmissinformati... #orgasmictrumpsheepl...
    • Mira no mas... ¿Qué pasa centró americano?robotron3k
    • makes sense... Let's just hope he isn't forced into a war-time situation.inteliboy
    • Funny you calling anyone "narcissistic".ben_
    • baby caging & family separation president u forgot to mention. lyin a lot too. etc. u know the drill.neverscared
    • waging war on migrants is ok for robo i guess.neverscared
    • Those bad things aren't happening to white people so he doesn't care. In his opinion Vietnam was bad because soldiers returning home were hurt, not becausezarkonite
    • they destroyed millions of lives and an entire country. Again, the only differentiation is the colour of their skin.zarkonite
  • Krassy5

  • utopian0

  • zaq8

  • utopian0

    Fordham confirms that Trump team threatened the school if his grades became public!…

    • Art of the Deal™capn_ron
    • What’s the letter grade for #stablegenius ?BH26
    • @BH26 what security clearance do you have?fadein11
    • He would have to prove damages. Impossible.monospaced
  • BonSeff2

    'I love Otto and think of him often!'

  • Ramanisky26