Intellectual Dark Web
Intellectual Dark Web
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- 204 Responses
- palimpsest0
- When Musk is the voice of reason.palimpsest
- Benzos for breakfastPhanLo
- Haha. Has anyone ever tried the JP meat-only diet? Sounds fucking stupid. Even if it did miraculously save his demented familyIanbolton
- I wouldn't be surprised if some here did try it out.palimpsest
- Just don't mix it with cider! Mind when he drank some and stayed awake for 25 days? LOLPhanLo
- And now his wife can do the full hitler saluteSlashPeckham
- ^ L O L !
Throwing meat at eat other all the way too.PhanLo - Yeah great for weight loss and diabetes but also great for clogging arteries and exploding your heart and as a bonus scurvy!_niko
- “My wife had a pain in her shoulder for years and then she started eating just meat and the pain went away” is she still eating just meat? “No she’s dead”_niko
- you'll never shit again!sarahfailin