Jussie Smollett

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  • 34 Responses
  • Boz

    in a few photos:

    What a piece of shit. Now you'll have plenty of oppressive guys wrecking your ass in prison you bitch.

    This is America in 2019.

  • Krassy13

    "Punches For" thread

    • </thread>Krassy
    • At least he can rest easy at night knowing that his attacker has been arrestedpockets
    • @pockets LOL!Krassy
  • BonSeff3

    Now do Christopher Hasson.

  • ********

    How did they find the people who he paid to stage the attack with him?

  • ********

    I haven't followed this.

    Was there anything in the interviews he gave after that made it suspicious? Obviously he wasn't that hurt.

    Is he a good actor?

    • people were suspicious of him from the get go_niko
    • ^ why besides a somewhat crazy story.
  • shellie6

    This is rediculous. Smh. I wish hed spend some time in jail for real but he wont.

    • hopefully so, what an absolute idiot.fadein11
    • Isn't that nice of Shellie to say.
  • Boz-2

    he was incredibly stupid.

    The two guys worked with him on Empire.

    Everybody saw something was off when he claimed that he went to Subway at 2am during the insane cold in Chicago recently. A bunch of his statements didn't make sense and he was saying they were calling him fagg*t and this is MAGA country in Chicago LOL where there is like 95% liberal population voting for Hillary. He said that they were pouring bleach on him etc which is pretty hilarious. What racist white supremacists pours bleach on a black dude to make him white LOL. Completely idiotic. Not to mention shitting on half of the country.

    He paid them with a check he signed.

    He talked to them on the phone before, and shortly after the attack. Then when police asked him for phone records he redacted the calls he made to the brothers so police didn't really have to work too hard but subpoenaed the cell phone company to just reveal the numbers he redacted.

    They saw them on camera leaving the place where they met him and the brothers said they practiced everything and they wanted to use gasoline but ended up with bleach.

    They have brothers on tape buying bleach, red hats and noose.

    Brothers basically told everything and backed it up with receipts

    He previously sent to himself a letter with white powder and drawings about a gun to his head while he was hanging from the tree on a noose. Thus the Feds are involved now too because they can charge him with domestic terrorism using postal office.

    He's an idiot and a piece of shit.

    • He also kept the noose on till the cops came.BH26
    • I knew it was faked the he said they said "This is MAGA country". Do the rightest winged people even actually say "MAGA"?rattail
    • ^ they do, sadly.
    • But his attackers weren't even white. they were African?shellie
    • the chicago police dude summed it all up, he's a disgrace.fadein11
    • but of course, people of a certain ilk will weaponise it.fadein11
    • Lol. smhGnash
    • What's more fascinating are the radical leftists that continue to support his narrative even though they know it was a lie.Hayoth
    • the whole leftist narrative is 'victimization'. it's how they identifyhotroddy
    • #MAGA For Life!utopian
    • Is this real life? What an absolute anus.PhanLo
    • they should charge him with self inflicted hate crimeshotroddy
    • ^ ha, this is goodGnash
    • Haha its Boz
  • Boz-2

    If you missed it, press conference by the Chicago Police Department on his arrest.

  • _niko7

    self-loathing and victimization culture at its worst.

    Never saw entourage but thought the dude was pretty cool when I saw him on desus and mero.

    what a fucking idiot.

  • ********

    And now someone will use this to try to cast doubt and delegitimize actual cases in the future with metoo or things like Roy Moore.

  • monNom3

    ^ and that's what makes it so disgusting. This guy lights a spark in a powder keg because he's not happy with his million dollar plus salary. He casts doubt on all legitimate assaults in the future, and this stunt could easily have precipitate some real violence in retribution for the staged attack.

    It's the most self-indulgent narcissistic and nihilistic thing you could possibly do, and to do it for money, and to continually double down on the story over and over again as questions emerged. Watch him again on good morning America knowing he lied. It's gross. It actually feels like a hate crime since it was concocted to smear (presumably white) trump supporters.

    I really hope this was just a case of it being a not very well thought it plan, vs. a casual disregard for the damage he might have done to civil society in general. Hard to believe someone could be so crass and careless on purpose.

  • utopian5

    But he is still a really QB...

  • Boz-9

    What's even worse though is that he could have actually gotten out of the legal problems most likely probably easily. With a slap on the wrist and some community service or something like that.

    All he had to do, and the cops even said it, to come out, when he saw that the jig was up, and simply apologize, be honest, say that he was afraid he would be out of work or some shit and he did an idiotic thing that probably caused damage and that it will never cross his mind again, maybe pay some fine or do something similar and to apologize to cops and the guys he hired publicly and while conservatives would still remember it, the MSM and the cops and everyone would let it go.

    But no, he went and continues to deny and lie in light of all the evidence and him being completely busted. That happens when you are drilled that you can't be wrong, and you are a narcissistic personality and you keep denying everything all the way up until they put cuffs on you and drag you to jail.

    Now police, feds etc EVERYONE is pissed and now they will do everything to put him away as an example. I think he deserves it, but so dumb. He could have actually gotten away with a slap on the wrist despite the awful thing he did and planned! and the whole race baiting.

    And while, the hate crimes are real but really not an "epidemic" nor widespread as some would actually like it to be so they can get political and victim points (the rise of hate crimes in US to a couple of hundred a year on a population of 300 million are actually mostly anti-semitic for the past 3 years and not so much race based), this narcissistic fuck made sure now that anyone who actually experiences this and needs help in the US will now be checked and double checked and doubted to make sure they are not lying and treated differently. Racism exists, as this is human nature and we can never exterminate it, and even though it's mostly individuals these days and there will always be nutjobs, when these people do treat someone or attack them as a hate crime and get caught, they'll use this as a way out always casting a doubt.

    And for that, he deserves to go to jail and get maximum sentence.

  • pockets12

  • BonSeff2

    "They have brothers on tape buying bleach, red hats and noose."

    Were they at the prepper depot?

    • Who the fuck sells nooses?BonSeff
    • A-yo cleetus, we fresh out of nooses. run down to the piggly wiggly and get four, and funions.BonSeff
    • oh, bozBonSeff
    • The noose store is right next to the old rickety stool store.DRIFTMONKEY
  • PonyBoy-6

    Dude still says he's innocent... this is about 2 hours old:

    Jussie Smollett “Feels Betrayed” After $100K Bail Hearing; Says He’s Innocent


    “Mr. Smollet is a young man of impeccable character and integrity who fiercely and solemnly maintains his innocence and feels betrayed by a system that apparently wants to skip due process and proceed directly to sentencing,” read a statement sent out late Thursday on behalf of the Empire actor.

    “Today we witnessed an organized law enforcement spectacle that has no place in the American legal system,” the hyperbolic statement added. “The presumption of innocence, a bedrock in the search for justice, was trampled upon at the expense of Mr. Smollett and notably, on the eve of a Mayoral election,” it also noted, tossing more political edge into an already sharply political affair.

    • #MAGA Culpautopian
    • To be fair, he sort of has to now that he's been charged with a felony.monNom
    • Does he not get a trial? Even if the people he hired did confess?
    • of course he does, but he wants to win in trial to avoid jail time, and you don't do that by admitting you did it!monNom
    • oh, so now due process is important? lol. nothing is more dispensable in this orgy of victim glorificationGnash
  • ********

    • Mental.PhanLo
    • This is one of the most bizarre things I've read about in ages. What a fucking clown this Jussie guy is.PhanLo
    • it's not about what you say, but what team you're on.Gnash
  • PhanLo3

  • dopepope1

    How does any of this relate to his paycheck for his TV job?
    If he was trying to create a racial angle, why did he hire black people to beat him up?
    If he really was attacked, why wouldn't he have taken the noose off his neck immediately?

    • When things don't make sense, add drugs.shellie
    • oh, nuff said.dopepope
    • it is really odd.Fax_Benson
    • Cocaine?PhanLo
    • idiocy?Krassy
    • obviously he wasn't intending on anyone finding out he hired anybody for this, regardless of colour.Gnash
    • lol, y'just can't stay away, can you docpoz?Nairn
    • So you're a different Star Wars-obsessing Luke from NY than the one docpoz implied in his YouTube channel? What a strange and curious coincidence!Nairn
    • More of a sulphurous guff than a mark, and if a mark at all, a smeared brown one on a skirting board in a corner somewhere.Nairn
    • oh he’s robo?monospaced
    • Then why hire anyone @Gnash? If they were never to be seen anyway, and they say he inflicted his own wounds.dopepope
  • Krassy2

    now he claims that drugs made him do it

    what a tool!


    • dude needs to just admit what happened and let the crazy news everyday let this fade away. such a stupid idea he thought would work.capn_ron
  • ********

    He's already gotten too much press. Let's focus on important things.

    • what he did IS important!Krassy
    • today's society is plagued with identity politics and fake news/everything and manipulating the collective social psyche is at stakeKrassy
    • I meant to say, that getting caught and exposed for it IS importantKrassy
    • It is important to show people are held accountable for their actions but the drama is too much.