Jussie Smollett

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  • 34 Responses
  • Gnash4

    • Hadn't seen Lemon that quiet in a whileGnash
    • very accurate analysisrenderedred
    • Very articulate but he calls him a good actor.
    • ^ is he not a good actor? i've never watched the showGnash
    • I like that guy. Great analysis and opinion.noRGB
    • Hey... I think we should at least give Jussie some props for hiring black actors for traditionally white roles... yes?PonyBoy
    • lol pony_niko
  • PonyBoy-3

    Jussie Smollett Case: Grand Jury Returns 16 Counts Against ‘Empire’ Actor


    • Hope that he gets serious timeutopian
    • Really? That's your hope?notype
    • I don't think you fully understand what he could have caused in this country. He should be harshly punished.Boz
    • I hope he gets mental help. Prison is not the answer for everything.notype
    • Sort of crazy, 16 felony counts to none.BH26
  • notype0

    Sure he lied. Although...

    the thing that I am "concerned" about is his mental state.
    this hasn't been spoken about much.

    When we think about racism and its impact (ie. living in MAGA country), I wonder how it shows up in this story.

    Yeah we CAN say he's stupid, and yes... his plan was "dumb"... but it's also an obvious outcry about something slightly deeper that it's likely a great deal of the population is dealing with on some level. Perhaps it came out in this way.

    • ... imagine the self hatred.notype
    • would this apply to MJ, as well?Gnash
    • that being said SNL's skit was pretty good. It's how I got the story hehhehnotype
    • i think he's only narcissist who was just smart enough to understand how it works in 'the current year" but was not smart enough to exploit it wellGnash
    • Good question Gnash, I've no idea. Self hate can show up in so many ways. I by no means am an expert or psychologist.notype
    • I do think how we treat people in the aftermath of this kind of thing is crucial. Giving him time isn't the answer.notype
    • most of the charges are actually related to lying to/misleading the police, not for executing a fake hate crime.Gnash
    • it's not illegal to be an idiot, but wasting the time of the police is.Gnash
    • he wouldn't have been charged with anything if he just stuck to yammering about it to the media. deciding to involve the cops was where the charges come fromGnash
    • Ah, I get what you're saying Gnash, yeah he did talk a little too much, and for what?notype
  • Boz-5


    I'm sorry, I thought about what you wrote first. About his mental state. But with everything I think it's very clear what the case was here.

    Imagine the scenario where he succeeded. He would be trumpeted by all media as martyr, he would get engagements on books, he would get movie deals, he would be the ultimate victim the left wants him to be, he would be on all morning shows and interviews, due to this he would become one of the most valuable people on the Empire show and his contract with Fox would go through the roof if anything simply because of the spotlight and his status at that point.

    This has nothing to do with his mental state. He knew exactly what he was doing and it was all driven by greed and fame. The way things are right now in the States, the left making it out to be that we live in Hitler era and slavery, MAGA people running "crusades" against gay people, he thought it would have been a slam dunk and nobody would really even really question his words. They would just interview him, believe him and that would be it and he would get all of the things I mentioned.

    That's all there is to it. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see it. Left or right leaning.

    So I'm sorry if I don't have any compassion to his "mental" state now. He tried to make a lynch mob scenario where he painted half of the country as racist, anti-gay lynch mob that could have led to serious consequences and physical violence on the streets. All it would have taken is that some people started rioting, attacked a person or physically attacked someone wearing MAGA, that person could have tried to defend themselves and shoot someone or they could have killed that person and then I assure you the rest of the country would wake up. The consequences of his actions could have been terrible.

    That's why he deserves to go to jail for a long time. As an example to anyone who tries to play this card, wasted police time and influenced other investigations and crime that might have been investigated.

    I couldn't give 2 shits about his "mental" state at this point. The smirk he had on the ABC interview and outrage because people don't believe him seemed very planned and he had no mental issues doing that. He enjoyed and loved the spotlight you could have seen it on his face.

    If he came out right away when he was busted and said I'm sorry, I made a huge issue and I wasn't thinking and was just straightforward, I would have said I guess he should be punished but I would be fine with community service or some kind of lower punishment. But this dude kept on doubling down on his lies and scenario deliberately.

    For that, he has lost my compassion. People make mistakes, they do stupid stupid shit, and I'm willing to forgive, but this guy, man.. I really hope he gets it.

  • plash2

    i don't think about him at all.

  • notype0
  • Boz-9

    The prosecutors drop all charges.

    Welcome to the new America. Chicago must be proud.

    Faking hate crimes and inciting race baiting is now legitimized. Just keep doing it, not a big deal.

    Piece of shit walks like nothing happened. Brilliant.

    • I think you meant to post this in the Trump thread?mathinc
    • Wow. I dont know what to even say about that.lemmy_k
    • that's what real corruption looks like where actual illegal thing is done and plenty of evidence.Boz
    • Not saying Smollett shouldn't go to jail. He should. But that doesn't change the fact that you're a hypocrite when it comes to your orange boyfriend.mathinc
    • I'm not a hypocrite at all. There is no evidence with Trump. Your blind hatred makes you simply ridiculous. This guy, plenty of evidence. Simple as that.Boz
    • Your hypocrisy is actually pretty evident considering you give a pass to everyone agrees to you no matter how big of a lying piece of shit they are.Boz
    • Stop and think about that for one second.Boz
    • Not giving anyone a pass. Here's what I can do: ANYONE WHO BREAKS THE LAW SHOULD GO TO JAIL.mathinc
    • Hillary, Smollett, Trump, Trump Jr. -- anyone. You can't do that.mathinc
    • https://www.qbn.com/…mathinc
    • For the record, Smollett is a POS. What he did seems criminal as fuck. But your dick is hard about race baiting and the danger that causes.. FUCK YOU.mathinc
    • Smollett is a lame ass actor. DJT is the president of the US. You see the difference there?mathinc
    • dumbass.. Trump didn't do ANYTHING.. FBI confirmed it after You've been sucking on democrat lies and horseshit for 2 years because you don't like the guy.Boz
    • Reality check would do you good.Boz
    • But I do agree with you. I am absolutely for anyone going to jail who breaks the law with evidence.Boz
    • Plenty of that with Hillary, Clinton foundation, spying on Trump and Russia money that went to them. Not to mention blatant obstruction of justice & conspiracyBoz
    • by wiping all evidence of emails and servers that everyone knows about. Not to mention Obama's spying and other criminal behaviors and I actually supported himBoz
    • When he was first elected but I am not ashamed to say it and see who the real criminals are.Boz
    • Trump didn't do anything? Are you hiding under a fucking rock? Smollett lied to the Chicago police. Trump lies to America daily. Daily. But it's cool.mathinc
    • I never voted for Obama. Not once. If you're legitimately concerned with race baiting then you'd have problems with DJT. You're not really concerned.mathinc
    • whatever dude. I don't have energy for this.Boz
    • ^ Low energy voter.mathinc
    • To be honest, if this were a hate crime against a white guy, the charges would of stuck.utopian
    • Smollett needs his ankles snapped. Then fired out a cannon into a lake of custard.PhanLo
  • ********


    • Oh stop your faux disgust wincing, it's not like it's not abundantly clear she wears you up to her elbow every saturday night.Nairn
    • lolGnash
  • Ramanisky24

    • but the difference as far as I understand it is that Smollett walks. Trump is far from exonerated.CyBrainX
  • ********

    "... I think the confusion for people who don't understand the intricacies of the justice system, who don't understand alternative prosecution or diversion or alternate outcomes outside of prison or lengthy probation, it's a hard thing for people to process.

    I think it has opened an opportunity for us to have conversations around what does justice look like.

    Because I think what I've noticed in the last 24 hours is that concept of justice that we grapple with every day—there is no consistency even among the public of what that looks like.


    But, right now, there's a lot of emotion. And I wholeheartedly believe that in our work we cannot be driven by emotions. We have to be driven by facts."

    - Kimberly M. Foxx | Cook County State's Attorney


    • is alternative justice sorta like alternative facts?Gnash
    • appallingKrassy
    • If he use the federal mail to send himself a letter with powder that's an easy felony and that's really kind of an FBI issuerobotron3k
  • ********

    The National District Attorneys Association does not seem to agree a hundred percent with the prosecutors explanation (basically painting opposition to her decision as confused and/or ignorant and/or emotional points of view):

    "... First, when a chief prosecutor recuses him or herself, the recusal must apply to the entire office, not just the elected or appointed prosecutor. This is consistent with best practices for prosecutors’ offices around the country.

    Second, prosecutors should not take advice from politically connected friends of the accused. Each case should be approached with the goal of justice for victims while protecting the rights of the defendant.

    Third, when a prosecutor seeks to resolve a case through diversion or some other alternative to prosecution, it should be done so with an acknowledgement of culpability on the part of the defendant. A case with the consequential effects of Mr. Smollett’s should not be resolved without a finding of guilt or innocence.

    Fourth, expunging Mr. Smollett’s record at this immediate stage is counter to transparency. Law enforcement will now not be able to acknowledge that Mr. Smollett was indicted and charged with these horrible crimes and the full record of what occurred will be forever hidden from public view.

    Finally, we believe strongly that hate crimes should be prosecuted vigorously but the burden of proof should not be artificially increased due to the misguided decisions of others.

    NDAA believes strongly in seeking alternatives to incarceration, and in fact, prosecutors around the country offer these alternatives to thousands of defendants every single day. However, as stated above, these alternatives, such as drug treatment, mental health treatment, counseling and/or
    community service come with an acknowledgement of responsibility from the defendant. These alternatives also offer the ability for the defendant to preserve their criminal record, again, in exchange for admission of responsibility. However, the case in Chicago illustrates a point that must be discussed in an effort to ensure fairness in our criminal justice system: the rich are treated differently, the politically connected receive favorable treatment, and Lady Justice sometimes peeks under her blindfold to see who stands before her.

    NDAA rejects these inequities as they are antithetical to our founding principles of justice: that no one is above the law."


    • feds need to investigate this organized crime scheme and jail everyone involved no matter how high it goes. This is pure corruption for everyone to see.Boz
    • now THIS is collusion.Boz
  • Gnash4

  • maquito0

    "Jussie Smollett" who invented his name?

    • hint: He has three brothers and two sisters: Jake, Jocqui, Jojo, Jurnee, and Jazz...Gnash
    • Could have been Jessie.
  • pockets2

    Chicago filing suit after Jussie Smollett refuses to pay $130K for investigation costs.

    CHICAGO — The City of Chicago will be filing a civil lawsuit against Jussie Smollett after he refused to reimburse the city for investigative costs into what authorities said was a staged racist, anti-gay attack.


    • He should go to jail. It's such a weird thing he did. I'm unsure how he can even leave his house, must be embarrassing as fuck.PhanLo
    • the nerveKrassy
    • they wouldn't be doing this if he didn't insist he was innocent.Gnash
    • this isn't jail-worthy. the shame for someone with his level narcissism cuts deep enoughGnash
    • Still think he should get fired out a cannon.PhanLo
    • def jail! you kidding?Krassy
    • its a probation / community service / fine thing. jail is overboard, but understandable because he's a dick.Gnash