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  • utopian1

    • this is fine.renderedred
    • read today that about 300k ppl in RO scheduled to get the AZ vaccine, backed down...grafician
    • yay as my arm is full of that shit, with more to come.hans_glib
  • robotinc4

    “It’s like a bad flu” —pr2

    One in three Covid-19 survivors has suffered a neurological or psychiatric disorder within six months of infection with the virus, an observational study of more than 230,000 patient health records has estimated.…

    • is there a reason why you link to grossly watered down news piece instead of the actual study?pr2
    • in the paper it says "13% receiving their first such diagnosis." can you get your head out of news headlines ass and start talking reality?pr2
    • 17% were or anxiety disorder.pr2
    • ofpr2
    • “ Among 236 379 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, the estimated incidence of a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis in the following 6 months was 33·62%”robotinc
    • From the study itself. I’m not sure why you’re against a summary of a study, it doesn’t make the results different.robotinc
    • Lastly, rather than attack me, why not address my point, that surviving covid isn’t just “getting the flu” as you’ve repeatedly statedrobotinc
    • I’m also happy to talk about the negative aspect of the lockdown, which I think we would have some agreements.robotinc
    • But that doesn’t mean that we should just ignore a highly contagious virus, which as far as I can tell seems to be your pointrobotinc
    • 1. by cutting off the sentence mid-point you become a propagandist rather that seeker of "truth." There is a HUGE difference between 34% and 13%.pr2
    • 2. If you dig deeper you discover that 17% of those are "anxiety disorder" - this could have been due to prolonged fear headlines like yours introduce.pr2
    • 3. Flu too has serious complications in some patients: "Other possible serious complications triggered by flu can include inflammation of the heart...pr2
    • brain (encephalitis) or muscle (myositis, rhabdomyolysis) tissues, and multi-organ failure (for example, respiratory and kidney failure)."pr2
    • Every time "I" used "bad flu" statement was in quotation marks to indicate that it is NOT just a bad flu, but that flu stats can be used as relative comparison.pr2
    • For instance, flu kills 6% of those who get hospitalized with it. Covid kills 17%. Should you be afraid of covid if you are NOT (i presume) afraid of flu?pr2
    • What percentage of people develop neurological or psychiatric disorders from the flu?nb
    • (asking for 31 million Americans)nb
    • re point 1 and 2. if you remove anxiety and mood disorder (which can be attributed to prevailing covid fear mongering), then you end up with just 3%.pr2
    • so if you want to have an honest conversation lets talk about the 3% of people who will develop some sort of neurological problems.pr2
    • NOT 34% - which is a headline clickbait.pr2
    • Where in the study did it attribute anxiety and mood disorder to covid fear mongering?nb
    • this is an "observational" study so they are not attributing anything to anything - this would be anti-science.pr2
    • "overall a 44% greater risk of neurological and mental health diagnoses after Covid than after flu"
      Flu causes neurological disorders?
    • the author of the article banks that people are too stupid to see through a big number. 44% increase of tiny is STILL tiny.pr2
    • Does it mean that 1 in 4 suffer from neurological disorders from flu?
      (approx 0.33/0.25 ?)
    • i didn't look into neurological consequences of flu too deeply, though finding out that 6% of hospitalizations end in death was shocking to me.pr2
    • Yes. It’s like 5x less deadly than covid. Also you’re a fucking cunt if your reason for not taking this seriously is because of anxiety. Fucking asshole.monospaced
    • You continue to disrespect the deaths with your total horse cock conclusions based entirely on your dumbshit misunderstanding and skewing of reports. Idiot.monospaced
    • There’s a reason everyone here is calling your knuckle dragging moronic ass out post after post. And it isn’t because you’re right. It’s because you’re a clown.monospaced
    • mono, there is a reason why everyone here calls you moronic, cretin, imbecile, dummy dimwit and it isn't because you have anything to say.pr2
    • you can't even divide 17 by 6. fuck, let me try it on my 5 year old and lets see how much smarter he is than you.pr2
    • you thick-minded troll.pr2
    • Popcorn gifTOMMYxGUNN
    • hmm no, we like mono. dont really see people calling him those things.inteliboy
    • Mono doesn't come across well in these side notes.TOMMYxGUNN
  • nb1

    Global death toll passes 3 million people.

    • but...but..but...%00... chance of deathutopian
    • 0.7% chance of death according to the London fear mongers who got us into this.pr2
    • still a way to go to grab top spot - global cancer deaths for 2020 over 10 millionhans_glib
    • *prepares for imminent qbn mob slapdown*hans_glib
    • everybody knows gardening deaths tops 100M/year and we don't ban flowers/manure/plant food. outrageous!!dorf
    • London what did what??monospaced
  • dbloc6

  • omahadesigns0

    Got Moderna'd.

  • SimonFFM1

    Does anyone know how long vaccination lasts? With the flu it needs annual renewal. Is there any information on this yet?

    • According to the CDC, most of the current vaccines are supposed to provide protection for at least 6 months. So plan on at least two vaccines per year.utopian
    • I read 6 months as well. Wife and I got Moderna, so that's what I read about.lemmy_k
    • 6-12 months. the percentage of people asking your question is tiny and the vaccine foremost is about calming peoples nerves.pr2
    • I was curious about this too, my first priority was getting the vaccine. I'll be watching to see how often the first wave gets boostersnb
    • likely it will be 12+ months considering testing at 6mo shows very high effectiveness. Unless it sharply declines after 6mo, i think 12+slinky
  • sausages1

    Announcement in Australia today about AstraZeneca vaccine potentially* being dodgy for people under 50 causing a rethink in the vaccine roll-out here (which relies very heavily on AstraZeneca) due to the bloodclot issue.

    Probably a welcome distraction for our scandal plagued, sex pest government who have done a shit job at organising the vaccine effort. Their already terrible delivery is now in a shambles and there's now no best guess as to when the majority of Australians who want a vaccine will get one.

    Our illustrious leader got (both) Pfizer jabs rather than AstraZeneca despite many front line healthworkers still waiting for a vaccine of any sort against Covid.

    *Advice remains that benefit of AstraZeneca outweighs risk but it's mathematically quite close when the low incidence of infections in Australia are taken into account.

    • i love how the benefits outweigh the risks. this is fine :)renderedred
    • I'd be a bit pissed if i wasn't allowed it due to age - feel so bad for young folks going through this shit.kingsteven
  • grafician-1

    "Israel may have achieved herd immunity against Covid-19

    With 56% of citizens vaccinated and another 15% recovered, Israel may be the first country where people who are immune protect those who aren’t."…

    • technically achieved in England today, tbh if we don't see strong indicators of herd immunity soon we're fucked.kingsteven
  • Beeswax4

    Things are not getting better in Turkey.
    This new "UK variant" is spreading super fast, last 2 weeks several people that I closely know got sick and hospitalized.
    Two of them came back to their homes and had to go back to ICU couple of days later. One is in critical condition. These are youngish 35 to 45 year old people.
    Their families are devastated, not much information is given at the hospital. I lived through that fear last year with my father.
    I hope they get better.
    This shit is awful.

    • That's terrible, stay safe._niko
    • by official count, less than 10% of you guys had it, so you have a long way to recovery...pr2
    • And yet we've heard quite a few horrid tales from people on here, either affecting them directly or their family and friends.
      Keep up the good work, pr2.
  • kingsteven5

    We have been engaged in this contract of pandemic prevention for over a year and most of us us justify the adverse effects of lockdown etc. on our own health because we know it will save the lives of many more elderly and at-risk people. So, when governments remind us how "an ICU stay from Covid is SO statistically unlikely for under 50s', that the risk from death from the vaccine isn't worth it." That only makes me want the vaccine more... I can only imagine that's amplified for young adults who are the most adversely affected by lockdown measures, have experienced it as a relatively longer proportion of their life and know they will pay for it the longest.

    It would seem in the US if you get public transport on your way to and from getting the AZ vaccine, you are more likely to die in an accident than to have a serious adverse reaction to it.

    AZ is presumably (from the trials) less risky for young people but the logic used to ban it for age groups is essentially "You would expect to see many more deaths < 50 y/o because there are many more people in that age group". Its a bit like suggesting to someone in their 80s to go skydiving because death is statistically unlikely while telling someone in their 20s not to. The risk of the person in their 80s dying would be many thousands times higher than the younger person - but very few elderly people go skydiving.

    I would hate to be young right now, I've got friends going though terrible shit with their kids atm. I'd also hate to be a woman... Its thought 3 - 10 women per million die from taking the birth control pill ALONE yet we entirely accept that as a valid risk?? Most of these CVST cases with AZ were found to be related to women in their 50s on birth control (this as far as I can tell is the only confirmed factor which makes it more statistically risky for under 65s).

    There are definitely some people that should not be getting AZ, if you remove what are now preventable interactions with other medications from the figures it may not be an issue at all. As I see it all adults should be able to evaluate their own circumstances in what is an equal risk to all adults - that does not seem to be a public health issue.

    I'd imagine there will be more of these age bans but unless more serious side-effects are found - many of the age bans on AZ will be lifted before it becomes an issue for the supply and it's just another reminder of the massive fuck up that is the reality we've built for ourselves.

  • fadein110

    Be interesting to know across our wide, diverse community regarding vax uptake.

    Answer in comments:

    Yes, 1 dose.
    Yes 2 dose.
    No, waiting to be offered.
    No, I won't have it.

    Oh and country.

    I will start:

    Yes ,1 dose
    (mild asthmatic so got it soon after the 50+ year olds).

    • oh and AZfadein11
    • next week AZ hopefully, waiting for a call.kingsteven
    • Yes, 1 dose, U! S! A!nb
    • No, waiting to be offered. CA, USAcapn_ron
    • 1 dosemonospaced
    • (moderna) 3+ days feeling fatigued & achymonospaced
    • "Wide, diverse" ??? QBN is almost entirely male, aged 36 to 49nb
    • "diversely wide" thenkingsteven
    • First of two this week. Its from a FEMA site that opened to the general public 2 weeks early as they have too much wasterobotinc
    • I'm curious about this because not gonna lie, I'm nervous as hell.FawnDog
    • Not anti-vax but this one makes me nervous for some reasonFawnDog
    • 2x pfizer, USscarabin
    • 1x Moderna, fatigue for a few days.Noggin
    • 2x Pfizer, USakiersky
    • @nb, yeah I know, there's a wide range of opinions on everything here though.fadein11
    • re: AZ, I felt rank for around 36 hours, pretty much Morningstars experience. But then normal again. It wouldn't change my opinion of having it.fadein11
    • i can get mine whenever but i'm just lazy. i will get the first dose soon.colin_s
    • Yes 1 dose (Moderna)
      Sore shoulder still 2 days later
      General tiredness the day after
      USA, Colorado
    • Waiting to be offered, UK.
      Thinking of going past the local vax shop at the end of the day and getting a left-over.
      It'll be AZ if I do.
    • No, waiting to be offered. CA, USfuturefood
    • Otherwise I'll take what I'm given in May or whenever.Fax_Benson
    • No, waiting to be offered. Germany. But already applied.oey_oey
    • No, waiting to be offered (mid July)drgs
    • No, waiting to be offered.PhanLo
    • 2x Pfizer (2nd one yesterday) Achy until about 2pm today. Fun fact, being a smoker in the US (they didn't specify what) counts as an underlying condition.zombiewoof
    • Waiting for the call, North LondonBluejam
    • No, waiting to be offered. UKshapesalad
    • No, waiting to be offered, Basque Country. Asthmatic, but seeing the chaos, graceful to be vaccinated in 2025. Anybody vaxed in family, from 76 to 10 year oldOBBTKN
    • Type 1 diabetic. Waiting to be offered. Up soon I reckon.mort_
    • No, awaiting dose.Nairn
    • just thinking out loud here, but of any vax I have ever had, the side effects were quite extreme, like proper flu, tried to carry on as normal but by lunchtimefadein11
    • day after I was incapable of doing anything, went to sleep for 4 hours on sofa and felt just as shit after. But it wasn't terrible. But I am interested infadein11
    • knowing why the AZ vax seems to have such strong side effects in my age group, have many close people who felt the same, partner, brother and friends. But notfadein11
    • my Mum who's 82, zero side effects. I have read if you have had the virus effects may be worse. Just interested why this vax is more extreme than any other vaxfadein11
    • I have had. Friends who have had the other ones have been fine. I am not remotely antivax but I do start thinking about it now and again.fadein11
    • yes 1 dose (az) londonhans_glib
    • I think all vax's have a potential for side effects. My partner was laid out for 36 hours after her AZ job, and she's a stubborn cunt who doesn't admit defeatNairn
    • Most flu vaccines in my life have fucked me up a bit. Took Dose 1 of Pfizer, nothing but maaaybe a bit tired. Curious about Dose 2nb
    • same nairn, I fought it, but by lunchtime I was struggling... and hard to do with a young family. Just seems common amongst people of my age group.fadein11
    • I mean it's not like I won;t happily have the 2nd one, but was surprised it wiped me out so much.fadein11
    • @nb, I have never had a flu vaccine so perhaps I am comparing to the incomparable. never had a side effect off any other. Which admittedly I haven't had many offadein11
    • Wife and I are getting the J&J single shot in an hour... will let you know how it goesPonyBoy
    • Canada, still waiting for my turn. I’ll take whatever comes up first - AZ, Pfizer, or Moderna - is what we have availableGnash
    • Canada waiting, would prefer to get natural antibodies because I don’t like jabs but will get the safest option when the time comes_niko
    • USA-just got stabbed and am being forced to sit for a half hour of observation cuz of my artificial heart valve. Feel fine so far—when do I go crazy?PonyBoy
    • No, waiting to be offered-US. BUT Next Tuesday at 1 pm CST.bezoar
    • 2 hours later I feel nothing different / out of the norm... Mrs PB is the same.PonyBoy
    • Since I'm the least vulnerable group, waiting to be offered.
      BC Canada
    • 1 dose and waiting for the secondayport
    • No, waiting to be offered (sigh), Germany, expect to get first dose in 2022SimonFFM
    • Yes. 1st dose. Second dose on Aor. 13. Moderna. If something happens, you guys can have my stuff, and delete my browser history.Akagiyama
    • 1x pfizer. USA. 5 Days of mild but annoying side effects. Upside, I quit smoking. :Psea_sea
    • No, waiting to be offered (Germany)Continuity
    • Win win sea, good for you for quitting smoking!OBBTKN
    • No, waiting to be offered.
    • No, waiting to be offered. Aus.MrT
    • No, waiting.
      Hopefully 1st in June, could be in August.
    • 1 dose, AZ. Diet flu for 2 days. Next dose is booked for 3 months time.Morning_star
    • No, waiting to be offered. Portugaldmay
    • No, waiting to be offered.
      age 41
    • waiting to be offered 45. scotlandmicrokorg
    • No, I won't have it. (i'm not an antivaxxer)ApeRobot
    • 1 Dose, Pfizer, Canada (because my wife is Métis)bogue
    • waiting for more vaccine options, not only one. when there's a choice will consider.renderedred
    • waiting in austria, probably around june ...fucking loser government didn´t order the full amount they could have ordered.neverscared
    • *and i'm lucky i'm in israel where we have herd immunity so they say, so everybody around me mostly vaccinated.renderedred
    • btw our pm made a "deal" with pfizer to be the exclusive option here and that i don't like.renderedred
    • No, waiting to be offered. UK, 33 years old

      My wife has had her first - 35 and with a reduced immune system. She had AstraZeneca and is panicking about it.
    • No, waiting to be offered. 40 Canadaspot13
    • UK, 1 dose (AZ) yesterday and now got the man fluNonEntity
    • @non, it passes as quickly as it comes on, but it wasn't pleasant. Must admit I got pissed on the eve after which helped, it had gone the day after that.fadein11
    • No, waiting. PortugalProjectile
    • 1x Pfizer, UShardhat
    • 2, Pfizer, US, didn't want it but did it 'cause my friend had a code and I want to sit on a beach for my Bday.mapleT
    • No, waiting to be offered that Chinese anal one.GuyFawkes
    • Johnson & Johnson single-dose 12 hours ago. Maine, USA, 44 y/o. I feel like I fell down some stairs, sore muscles all over, that's about it. Not terrible.elahon
    • M. that chinese anal one is only a test, not a vacine.pango
    • He's still waiting for it though.Nairn
    • Booked in for Tuesday next week for Pfizer 1st shot, then 4 weeks from then for 2nd shot. (Ireland, pre-existing condition cohort - Type 1 diabetes)mort_
  • _niko3

    curious to know what all the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists out there think of Israel and Jews in general having the highest vaccination rate in the world?

    I mean if it was them that implanted all those chips and probably created the virus in the first place right?

    Maybe that's what they want us to think, that they got jabbed first but in reality, it's a trick to get us to take it and all they got was a shot of life-giving baby blood.

    we're on to you!

    • https://media.tenor.…dbloc
    • Throw the jew down the well!GuyFawkes
    • there will be countless zombie films coming out inspired not by the virus but by the vaccine roll out.pr2
    • We already have the Jackass films for flids like you, so you can clap along and not feel left out.face_melter
    • George Sorospalimpsest
    • They got the "controller" version

      We'll be getting the "slave" version
  • Gardener3

    “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”…

  • drgs2

    (Long covid)

    "The condition, which mainly affects women, is a complication of covid-19. Symptoms include fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, fever and neurological disorders. Aftonbladet has previously written about several patients affected by the syndrome and studies have indicated that as many as 1 in 20 may have long-term problems.

    But now the diagnosis is being questioned.

    - We have used the term far too carelessly. Everything that can go wrong is attributed to covid-19, says Anders Ekbom, professor of epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet."…

    The new chronic fatigue syndrome -- which has a long history of controversy.
    Also mostly women who feel tired, and no one knows the cause.…

    • Women are generally lazybabydick
    • women disproportionaly experienced psychological damage due to covid - guys can sit in their caves all year long but women need human contact.pr2
    • lol pr2, you just get better and better, you need your own thread.fadein11
    • "but women need human contact" lololololololonb
    • what a moronmonospaced
    • They don't?drgs
    • some of you, it seems, never had a girlfriend.pr2
    • who, pr2?monospaced
  • utopian0

    • and why aren't the marines REQUIRING these assholes be vaccinated?CyBrainX
    • Imagine asking them to fight...grafician
    • cybrain, because real men ain't afraid of flu (even on steroids).pr2
  • CyBrainX1

    I got the J&J shot yesterday. It's 5pm and I haven't stopped sleeping for any longer than it takes to go to the bathroom and eat.

  • scarabin1

    Burning man is requiring vaccinations in order to attend. Here’s a stupid video about it

    • burning man was great in the beginning then it became a festivalrenderedred
    • the one place where people are supposed to be 'free' and 'free thinkers' LOL what hypocrisy!Krassy
    • ^it's a fyre festival that actually happens :)renderedred
    • i think you need to have been there to really understand it but yeah, last year at burning man was always betterscarabin
    • this is a smart move i think; burning man has the potential to be one of the biggest international superspreader events man has ever seenscarabin
    • ^ to say nothing of being the biggest international veneral disease superspreader event, I'm sure.Continuity
    • This idea that spreading death is an act of freedom really has to end unless we're just too stupid to live.CyBrainX
    • experts still don't know if the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus, so. that's thatKrassy
  • Nairn0

    First covid passports, next the mark of the beast.

    "Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated"


    I mean, it's a logical and not entrirely terrible idea - but do these researchers never consider the optics of their endeavours?

    • i love how all those evil schemes always pretends to have a patina of goodness to helps some poor of the 3rd world.pr2
    • would anyone give a single shit if that crap wasn't in the bible? it never shows up without the bible being mentioned... even here on QBNscarabin
    • even our resident conspiracy nut here brings up the religious term "evil" to describe an innocuous procedurescarabin
    • i like the necklace idea, or even having something scannable on your phone by a doctor would be coolscarabin
    • I thought the 5g activated coronavirus was already the mark of the beast, then it was the microchips inside the vaccines, and now it' the invisible ink passport_niko
    • which one is it yuri?_niko
  • NBQ000

    • Except AZ is highly effective.
      If it were Sputnik5 or Sinovac, that might make a bit more sense, but still unfunny af tho
    • <rusky nonsensehans_glib
  • Krassy2

    South African variant able to ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine…

    • this is fine. get vaccinated!renderedred
    • I’m afraid all the vaccinations may be for nothing at the end. We will be told this Coronashit will go on forever.NBQ00
    • but, but 30 years of research...renderedred
    • you were part of an experiment my vaccinated friends :)renderedred
    • most of what we do to ourselves and the environment is an experiment. I'd guess, generally, with far less testing and oversight.Fax_Benson
    • Today I ate pork, pumped full of drugs from a factory farmnb
    • ^well that is your choice my friendrenderedred
    • @fax if you want to view a state sanctioned mandatory vaccination with an untested vaccine as something that's fine ok, your choice.renderedred
    • i see it as a huge experiment, forced onto people with no choicerenderedred
    • you are one of the subjects in big pharma testing their technology on people long term with the help of the governmentsrenderedred
    • if it's a matter of choice and freedom why did our pm (israel) make a deal with pfizer to be an exclusive option?renderedred
    • it's a highly transmissible, pan-global virus. Who other than govmnts + big pharma would you have in charge? Craft vaccines? We each make our own?Fax_Benson
    • no. all i want is a properly tested vaccine that actually works.renderedred
    • and i don't want to be a subject in a long-term side effect testing, didn't sign up for that.renderedred
    • Problem is that you don’t know what a properly tested vaccine is. You have no frame of reference or experience.monospaced
    • well mono i did read the protocols from a few countries on how vaccines are tested and approved. it takes at least 5-10 years not 6 months.renderedred
    • but i've been told to give it rest so i will, get vaccinated! that's it :)renderedred
    • sorry, was a little bit blunt.Fax_Benson
    • 5-10 years with different types of vaccines, because it takes forever to culture them. For COVID it was totally different, and we could grow them fastermonospaced
    • So, if you want to compare the development of mRNA vaccines in 2021 to how we did things 90 years ago, that's your moronic, ignorant AF choice.monospaced
    • Fact is, this is the FIRST vaccine developed by the entire planet, at once, at the height of medical technology. You can't ignore this if you want to be relevanmonospaced
    • Once you see what ACTUALLY went into this, you'll see it WAS properly tested relative to any other vaccine.monospaced