America is Fucked
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- yuekit4
This is a weird bit of history you don't hear about much. In 1939, American fans of Hitler held a massive Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. It was billed as simply "pro American rally" and featured a giant portrait of George Washington flanked by swastikas.
A documentary made a couple years ago on this event:
- German Americans are a big percentage of people, so obviously he'd have some support. Still does with some of them.PhanLo
- If you ignore hard to define 'real Americans' (descended from Brits), Germans make up the largest single (white) heritage in the US.Nairn
- A ton of people in many countries were supportive of hitler especially in the early years of the warnb
- Few people were aware of the holocaust until the very end of it all. Historians don’t ignore this but movies do.nb
- Lot of folk in the UK thought Hitler was a ledge too.PhanLo
- It really says something about humanity that so many support war. It's sad and terrifying.formed
- The group that organized this was basically just the American wing of the Nazi party in Germany, and yeah they appealed to German ethnic solidarity.yuekit
- The video of this event is surreal -- includes Nazis reciting the pledge of allegiance, then a Jewish protester storms the stage and the Nazis beat him up withyuekit
- help of the New York police.yuekit
- face_melter8
Shithole country.
- So much concern about authoritarianism recently... which isn't wrong... but the call is coming from inside the house as saying goes.yuekit
- yuekit4
This decision was so extreme that John Roberts, the right-wing, Christian conservative justice appointed by George Bush didn't vote for it.
Now it's up to American women and anyone on the left or center...are they going to stand for this?
It could end up galvanizing turnout among Democrats in the 2022 midterms given that abortion will now be decided on state level.
- there's definitely still time for sentiment to be turned around before mid-terms, there just needs to be more action. Biden hasn't been particularly effective.BuddhaHat
- But even his inactivity has been less harmful than the actions Trump took during his tenure.BuddhaHat
- Shouldn't matter whether Biden is effective or not (which is more result of people failing to vote than Biden). State governments will now decide abortion law,yuekit
- so this November Americans can either vote for a government that preserves their rights or bans them.yuekit
- How about the Dems actually come up with a plan and strategy instead of hoping that it 'swings their way' in the midterms and telling people to vote harder.face_melter
- A fundamental piece of legislation for women's health has been demolished by Opus Dei nutjobs and all the Dems do is scold people for not voting.face_melter
- Fucking useless. Absolutely fucking useless.face_melter
- Dems have endless numbers of plans and they did pass some of them -- $1 trillion to upgrade American infrastructure for instance. But your typical American willyuekit
- vote for the Dems every decade or so, then fall asleep and forget to vote for the midterm elections. Then complain that they didn't get what they want.yuekit
- The USA isn't a dictatorship, it does require some level of actual participation by both sides. If people spent 1/1000th of the energy they spent whiningyuekit
- checking a box on a piece of paper every two years... but who knows, maybe American women secretly want to be tradwives or something.yuekit
- True, but unfortunately in reality his effectiveness is something that has been a constant talking point, and will be a decider for some voters.BuddhaHat
- I'm not trying to underplay the importance of rights and that a lot of people will come out to vote either for or against it, but in the event that the DemsBuddhaHat
- maintained control, it wouldn't change the makeup of the supreme court and the decisions the conservative judges will make.BuddhaHat
- This decision doesn't ban abortion, it delegates it to the state level (the situation before the Roe decision back in the 70s). So every one of the 50 statesyuekit
- will now have to decide to either ban reproductive rights or preserve them. In the case of ultra-conservative states like Texas, this is a foregone conclusionyuekit
- but there are many states like Wisconsin, Virginia, Georgia that can go either way. So when I say it nothing to do with Biden, I'm literally just saying it willyuekit
- be decided by turnout on local/state level.yuekit
- PonyBoy1
Dems have the Presidency... the Congress AND Senate. All they have to do is fucking act... they do not require any Republican votes to make abortion legal across the board. Why the fuck don't they move on a Nat'l Bill RIGHT NOW to fix the obvious upcoming abortion fiasco when the real court decision comes out early summer?
*giggle... cuz even though the Dems run the show right now you're never going to get many of these Fucks to go on the record as many of them are still living in faith-driven communities or they're faith-driven themselves (plenty of old religious Dems still in power... including our Catholic Old-Fuck-in-Chief).
For nearly 50 years these cowardly fucks left this decision to the court (which is fucked... the court rules on EXISTING law... they don't MAKE law). The Constitution doesn't mention 'abortion' etc and therefore you need to get this shit on the books AS LAW. That requires Nancy Pelosi etc to do something... and they could do it RIGHT NOW but so many of them are fucking cowards.
- Joe Manchin is why.robotinc
- He’s not alone... if there was just an abortion bill (take out all the other shit like the filibuster etc) it still wouldn’t pass and not just cuz of ManchinPonyBoy
- Senator Kyrsten Sinema has pledged to block Biden's agenda as well. So no the dems do not control the senate.utopian
- Democrats Manchin and Sinema have already blocked the Voting rights act, Build Back Better, spending bills, etc..utopian
- Seems it's all feedom unless it's a women's body. Even the Irish sacked that insanity off for fuck sake.PhanLo
- PhanLo... please define what a 'woman's body' is...
...*runs :PPonyBoy - Having an abortion shouldn't be against the law. It's been proven time and time again that the people who are against abortion just want the child to be born..PhanLo
- ..but after that don't give a fuck about its well being.PhanLo
- Freedom and Free Speech...unless you are a woman or live in Florida.formed
- This *giggle... and *runs :P shit is so fucking childish, and diminishes the impact of your words. And I suspect you're a grown man.BuddhaHat
- I giggle when there is no common sense in the reality I’m speaking to or questioning... We recently had a nominee for our Supreme Court who couldn’t define...PonyBoy
- ... the term “woman”... that should leave you crying or laughing in confusion... me— I just giggle (even as a grown man).PonyBoy
- Dems would need 60 votes to pass something like this... they have 50... but by all means continue with your rant...yuekit
- ...about how everyone else is stupid :)
You're not wrong there are a handful of anti-abortion Dems but overall I don't think your analysis is correct...70% ofyuekit - Americans support reproductive rights, only 30% want to ban abortion according to poll I saw today. This really is an extremist decision that will lead to ayuekit
- at what point did I challenge anyone's intelligence? (stupid?) Don't get all silly w/your response kitty when mere cloture got in the way of my point <3PonyBoy
- fiasco as you said, and the blame lies squarely with boomer Republicans and their weird obsession with overturning this one law regardless of consequences.yuekit
- It's not and never has been... a 'law'. A court ruling is not 'law'. To let something that's NOT law stew for nearly 50 years comes w/it's own "consequences".PonyBoy
- A Supreme Court ruling isn't a law but it absolutely does carry the force of law. I think nearly all conservative justices said that Roe v. Wade was settledyuekit
- and that they believed in the principle of "stare decisis" in their confirmation hearings, under oath...they all lied in other words.yuekit
- If you want to take an extremist view and start overturning everything that wasn't based strictly on the exact words of the Constitution I'm sure that soundsyuekit
- nice to some conservatives but the reality will be mass chaos...good luck with that lol.yuekit
- “Doctrinal limbs too swiftly shaped may prove unstable.” —RBG
She felt R v. W was flimsy from the outset and foresaw this.PonyBoy - Bernie's been begging for used that the ruling be codified... my point of bringing up RBG and Bernie is that a SC ruling doesn't have the weight of a law.PonyBoy
- Bernie's been begging *for yearsPonyBoy
- The Supreme Court could simply overrule any abortion rights law so when you say one has more weight than the other does that really make sense?yuekit
- So yes in theory Dems could codify abortion...but it would require 60 votes which they don't have and could be overruled by the Supreme Court anyway,.yuekit
- Defeated by cloture... SO CLOSE!
:)PonyBoy - And yeah—if the law were deemed unconstitutional the SC could overrule it. A SC ruling overturned by itself though (never being made a law by a legislature)...PonyBoy
- You gonna pretend this doesn't exist? Everything needs 60 votes except for certain budget legislation.yuekit
- So no they cannot do it RIGHT NOW...we get to witness the consequences of the batshit insane conservative legal movement.yuekit
- Based on your reasoning above, I guess gay marriage will be the next to go right?yuekit
- ... goes to show the Supreme Court should probably decline to hear such cases and 'maybe' send a memo to the other two branches to actPonyBoy
- You're making it sound like the Supreme Court is somehow obligated to overturn their own rulings... when in fact the SC is very much not supposed to do thisyuekit
- I thought conservatives were supposed to be realists...the reality is it is almost impossible to pass major legislation these days, especially on such ayuekit
- "Everything needs 60 votes except for certain budget legislation."
Hmm—It's a long shot but could there be a creative budget maneuver that could slip this in?PonyBoy - I can sense you rolling your eyes right now... :)PonyBoy
- divisive topic. Roe may not have been perfect but it worked...conservativ... states were even able to add plenty of restrictions. I suspect John Roberts wanted toyuekit
- preserve the status quo for exactly this reason. Too bad it turned out all the other conservatives on SC are insane.yuekit
- semi-topic change: Dems want the 'buster gone. Dems fucking w/it opened the door for Pubs to fuck it w/it which gave us these recent 3 conservative SP fucks...PonyBoy
- *SC fucks...PonyBoy
- I kind of feel you either kill cloture altogether OR restore the filibuster to include all judicial nominations... but yeah - always deadlocked w/it intact.PonyBoy
- lol Ponyboy you're trying so hard to find a reason to blame "the libs." Sound like people trying to blame Ukraine for the invasion of their country.yuekit
- Conservatives planned this shit for decades, groups like the Federalist Society would search out candidates with these specific extremist views andyuekit
- pressure Republicans to nominate them. Remember that none of Trump's justices were people he personally picked out, they were all pre-vetted candidates byyuekit
- these ultra-conservative legal organizations. As a result, the justices on SC are far to the right of the average Republican, much less average American.yuekit
- I'm not blaming a seem to have a mad distaste for one side and are projecting that on me(?) I'm all for solidifying the law... just via legislation.PonyBoy
- I'm questioning how to get there and— yeah—wondering who to blame (both sides fuck w/the process).PonyBoy
- "Sound like people trying to blame Ukraine for the invasion of their country."
kindly fuck yourself for that one, yuekitty... pretty douchey and low for you.PonyBoy - OK sorry you're right that was a bit over the top...but it does seem like you are reaching here in saying Dems can easily pass legislation.yuekit
- I think it will be hard to put the genie back into the bottle at this point...even by leaking the decision, whoever did that has essentially locked it in place,yuekit
- in that right-wing justices now can't back away from it without disappointing religious conservatives and Federalist Society. They had one job, and it was this.yuekit
- Realistically we're probably headed for a situation like with marijuana legalization where it gets legalized state by state over time.yuekit
- I admit my post was an emotional outburst more than anything & that cloture needs to go first... however I'm still up for some clever "budget maneuvering" :)PonyBoy
- colin_s-3
it's kinda funny that RGB's legacy will probably be this decision. it's incredibly funny this leaked during the met gala.
the democrats are a weak-ass party of people who never use power when they have it and beg for votes when they don't. obama could have codified roe day 1. coulda passed universal healthcare and covered abortion under it. now the DNC is already begging for money and saying "vote in november" as if that would help or change anything.
and the liberal blame game against anyone who didn't vote for hillary is just as funny, given her VP pick (kaine) was anti-abortion. then they all voted for biden, who is also anti-abortion.
but somehow this is all bernie's fault, or something.
- & i doubt they're gonna get rid of the filibuster to try and codify it now, because they're scared of republicans. because they're weak ass bitches.colin_s
- <<instrmntl
- reading a colin_s post is always an insight into how misinformed the public can beBuddhaHat
- ^ yupformed
- It’s kinda funny how you think this is funny when it’s really backward af and will cause more misery than anything ... fucked upmonospaced
- Biden isn’t anti abortion. Who is kaine?monospaced
- how f'in dense are you to not comprehend (idiot?) that the votes for Hillary and Biden were to avoid an actual shitbag, bigoted, out of touch, fraudster clown?monospaced
- I mean, you are doing some sort of mental acrobatics if you conclude people are voting against abortion if they voted for Biden. That's deathboy stupid.monospaced
- What's funny is that voted for Trupmp because they are too bigoted to accept a qualified woman. And he was impeached twice for good reasons.monospaced
- You are sad sack of shit, aren't you? Colin S.ack of shit.tank02
- robotinc2
biden's "anti abortion" stance
“I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned,” Biden said.
- formed3
The good that will come out of this is any moderate will now fully realize their votes truly matter. If inflation ticks down by Nov, the Dems will do well.
If they follow through with this there will first be national unrest, protests, etc., that'll wreck any peace we have. It'll also divide the nation so aggressively that there won't be any "negotiations" on anything.
Next will be companies forced to act. That's again good for Dems. The largest, most profitable companies are almost all Dems. Their employees will force them to move from states that are banning things (could gay marriage be next? Of course, on and on). We already see most tech companies offering to pay for travel and moving.
Money will (as always, but now it'll be front stage, not behind the stage via lobbying) what controls the country and economy. The right are showing that they don't give a fuck about businesses nor people's own pocketbook or taxes (look at Florida). That's clearer and clearer and start to sway the younger folk as they do more stupid things.
Companies that don't stand up to this will be killed. Sure, there will be some nut jobs that motivate them to support them, but overall that won't last long.
I feel optimistic. I probably won't tomorrow.
This is a sign of what will come:
- I need an edit button, dammit.formed
- Was thinking something similar, there could be brain drain and exodus of companies from red states depending on how far they go.yuekit
- The ruling is insane on any rational level, makes the USA look terrible, creates a major domestic crisis during a war, probably hurts red states.yuekit
- yuekit2
The outrage over the ruling being leaked is funny on some level...are conservative Supreme Court justices saying they have a "right to privacy"?
Only problem, this right is nowhere to be found in the law itself.
- It wouldn't surprise me if they leaked it to water down the reaction to the actual ruling.formed
- Or even to 'test the waters' and see how strong the backlash would be.formed
- Some speculation that the leak is the result of conflict within SC over what the ruling should actually be. Leaking helps locks a more extreme ruling in place.yuekit
- Ramanisky22
- She needs to be sanctioned, not given a half hearted request. WTF is government for anyway?jmckinno
- utopian3
- make no excuses for the terror - just drag these people from their offices, into the streets, and shoot them. you have the guns.face_melter
- Keep em dumb.PhanLo
- drgs1
- colin_s-2
"With an anti-abortion president, Ronald Reagan, in power and Republicans controlling the Senate for the first time in decades, social conservatives pushed for a constitutional amendment to allow individual states to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that had made abortion legal nationwide several years earlier.
The amendment — which the National Abortion Rights Action League called “the most devastating attack yet on abortion rights” — cleared a key hurdle in the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 1982. Support came not only from Republicans but from a 39-year-old, second-term Democrat: Joseph R. Biden Jr."
y'all are wild for downvoting me this much on abortion stuff and claiming i'm uninformed. the democratic party has used the threat of roe being overturned for fundraising and keeping people voting for their otherwise useless platforms.
i think it's abhorrent to overturn roe, but even codifying it isn't enough to me. i say universal healthcare is a 100% necessity and have it cover all abortions regardless of reason, and i think the half-cocked "just enough" mentalities of the clinton and biden and obama campaigns were a fucking joke when it comes to the bodily autonomy of women.
so like whatever, downvote my opinions because i think liberals are basically republicans but without an actual ideology, but i find humor in this because the democratic party is at fault for all of this happening, and them crying and bitching about it is absolutely insane to me. there have been ample opportunities - and fuck there STILL ARE if they'd just ditch the filibuster - for them to put this shit through into codification. but there's so few actual differences between the DNC and GOP, roe is one of the only things they have to keep that "right vs left" lie going on.
even obama could have passed universal healthcare and didn't - they are not a party that knows how to wield power, which is why they always lose it in the most embarrassing ways.
- i guess its the first time politician change stancepango
- Why are these just horrible truths always a screenshot, at a low res no less. Where's the link? I just see blah blah blah, conspiracy, blah blah blah.formed
- even more hilarious is your meme on the bottom. Apparently, you don't talk to many actual humans.formed
- uh one is a tweet from biden himself, one is a documented record of obama, and then there's an entire NYT article about biden's anti-abortion stance.colin_s
- the meme on the bottom is there to explain why americans think somehow bernie is "extreme" when he's just a democratic socialist. this is a right wing country.colin_s
- lol...we're downvoting because you're uninformed colin_s, not because people can't stand any criticism of Democrats.yuekit
- No it was not possible to pass a bill codifying abortion under either Obama or Biden. They just didn't have enough votes when you factor in conservative,yuekit
- anti-abortion Southern Democrats like Manchin. There were even more conservative-leaning Dems when Obama was president.yuekit
- That's all there really is to it. Is your mind really blown away by the fact that Biden says he hopes to pass something before the election, then is unable toyuekit
- once the actual votes are in and he only has a very thin majority? This is like every presidential administration ever.yuekit
- At no point in the past decades did Dems have a solid majority that was made up entirely of left-wingers. It was always a coalition of left, center left andyuekit
- conservative Dems. And the funny thing is, you say America is a right-wing country, but somehow you expected left-wing legislation to be passed easily.yuekit
- Bernie’s a loser tho. Can’t argue against that simple factnb
- I still like Bernie Sanders, supported him over Biden. But the idea that he's in the center of American politics is a bit of a stretch isn't it?youngdesigner
- I think what that graphic is trying to say is that in a normal country, like in Europe, Sanders' views are normal, everyone else is extreme right.yuekit
- Which is...sort of true, but Sanders was still pretty left-wing. He wanted to spend $16 TRILLION on climate change. What European social democrat is proposingyuekit
- that? Main problem is that Americans never set up a system of universal health care like most Europeans did. On some issues, such as gay rights and drugyuekit
- legalization, Americans are actually to the left of many European countries, as much as we like to make fun of them.yuekit
- maybe biden is really anti abortion and just going with the wind. not unbelievablepango
- Biden is catholic and so he's supposed to be personally anti-abortion. But shockingly politicians change their view to adapt to where their party is.yuekit
- this is the largest pile of hot garbage colin has yet produced.BuddhaHat
- I think the image about being so far out that you fall off the cliff is relevant to this post.palimpsest
- If you’re anti abortion you’re the fucking problem and deserve a lot worse than downvotes. You deserve to live a sad life ugly af and alone, and never breed.monospaced
- That “opinion” aside your entire shitpost trying to portray democratic leaders as not serious about this is so ignorant of the big picture it’s not even funny.monospaced
- Part of the reason it wasn’t codified was because vile deplorable conservatives always threw a hissy fit. Also nobody thought anyone was ugly enough to actuallymonospaced
- take anti abortion this far. We figured this country had grown up but I guess we were wrong. Conservative, morally fucked ignorant assholes strike again.monospaced
- yuekit-4
This guy Curtis Yarvin is supposedly very popular these days among Silicon Valley billionaires and tech CEOs like Peter Thiel...which is funny when you realize his "philosophy" basically consists of telling them they deserve to be totalitarian dictators.