America is Fucked
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- Don't Chinese Tesla workers sleep beside their machines like slaves?PhanLo
- I slept by my machine at WPP. Oh the good Ole daysAQUTE
- I've set some renders and had a couple of hours sleep on the couch at work. Done a few all-nighters too, but I enjoyed what I was doing.PhanLo
- The Trump administration, Trump aside...robotinc
- imbecile1
Every time a Republican votes, a child loses their life.
- neverscared4
I just told my 3rd grader about the shooting. She replied:
"Yeah. We had a lockdown drill today. There aren't very many hiding places in our room. The good ones all get taken in like 3 seconds."
Then she left.
- :|pango
- What the actual fuck_niko
- fuck. that's so messed up.BuddhaHat
- The levels of fucked-up-ness go deep.Morning_star
- I feel ashamed when my children have to do active shoot drills. This should not be a normalized issue. Boggles my mind.mathinc
- jfcwhatthefunk
- This is tragic. The conservatives in my town want more of this, cops, security, guns IN CLASSROOMS, instead of even the mention of gun control in the US.monospaced
- Bennn4
England is a cup of tea.
France, a wheel of ripened brie.
Greece, a short, squat olive tree.
America is a gun.Brazil is football on the sand.
Argentina, Maradona’s hand.
Germany, an oompah band.
America is a gun.Holland is a wooden shoe.
Hungary, a goulash stew.
Australia, a kangaroo.
America is a gun.Japan is a thermal spring.
Scotland is a highland fling.
Oh, better to be anything
than America as a gun.- Brian Bilston
- I appreciate the sentiment but this is as meaningless as 'thoughts and prayers'.Fax_Benson
- total guffFax_Benson
- its a poem, Fax.Bennn
- total guff poemFax_Benson
- that's a good band nameMrT
- grafician-2
"#BREAKING US files formal trade complaint against Canada over dairy"
- All jelly of our milk-bagsGnash
- Milk bags are *still* a thing in Canada??
Oh man, I remember them from when I was a kid, but I thought they'd be phased out long ago.Continuity - milk bags a’plenty, stillGnash
- God damn. I'll have to check them out at Sobeys and reminisce when I'm in CA for Christmas.Continuity
- when you get to the store, just ask where they keep the fun-bagsGnash
- only eastern canada. we're more civilized in the west :)pango
- no fun bags for pango :(Gnash
- utopian0
- Sure, as guns were readily available. But what is the number of suicides, where method is removed?ETM
- I'll bet far less people jumped and drowned to death in landlocked areas. Not pro-gun by any means, but the graph goes to some degree of a confirmation bias.ETM
- ^ You're not wrong. Engineered statistics. Good drowning analogy. But I feel having a gun to hand when feeling low definitely would increase the chances lotsHayzilla
- Total number for 2019 was around 48,000. I don't really see showing a statistic for gun deaths as any sort of confirmation bias.BuddhaHat
- There would be the potential for confirmation bias were you to infer something from the statistic.BuddhaHat
- Also that 48,000ish figure was US suicides for 2019 from CDC website.BuddhaHat
- I bet gun companies wish they could sell more to depressed people.PhanLo
- PhanLo0
Was chatting to my workmate today and I mentioned the recent shooting at the primary school.
He'd said he saw something on the news this morning but thought it was the other mass murder that happened earlier on.Mad that it's so common that it just gets a 'meh' reaction from people living outside the US.
- More like watching a horror movie - no control over the events, you can only observe in disbeliefgrafician
- 20 years ago we made Bowling for Columbine an international success. What else can you do?uan
- You can never ban guns in the US, it's part of their identity...grafician
- It's a sick society, so owning a gun makes sense there.PhanLo
- Trust me when I say that for many or most Americans owning a gun is not sensiblemonospaced
- It's probably the same as in rest of world. in big cities you can call the cops, no need for own guns. otherwise you need the guns to protect yourself.uan
- Probably cos it happens so often in USA we bored of the media coverage afterwards, the same boring debate about gun laws in USA....shapesalad
- Maybe if we never got so much US news we'd be better off.PhanLo
- colin_s2…
fuck the police
- kaiyohtee2
It was just last weekend I was wondering when the next mass shooting would happen. Until Americans start electing people that actually want to change things, I can't wait until the next mass shooting, the new American Sport! Godbless! See ya then!
- You can keep up to date here https://www.gunviole…PhanLo
- shapesalad0
The hilarious thing about gun crazy USA is you don’t have any country that could invade you guys easy, so don’t need guns to protect your country your selves. No country could attack from the east or west coast. From Canada would be super hard due to the harsh winter and landscape. From Mexico you have a dessert protecting you. How about you send all the guns to Ukraine and Poland, they need them....
- Heard about the civil war? :)inv
- Pfft. Civil War.
They're saving up guns for Red Dawn.Continuity - One thing you can say is that if there ever was a "Red Dawn" type scenario it would be a total shitshow for the invading army.yuekit
- Literally every small rural town would be like fighting a mini WW3 with farmers making their last stand like at the end of the Scarface movie.yuekit
- drgs8
The cult of guns in America is a conspiracy of corporations and oligarchs to control the population by giving them a false sense of empowerment. Sounds very convincing:…
"Because it’s now so deeply ingrained that owning guns is a form of radical subversive politics, the people who still engage in real politics have the pick of the litter. That first became really clear in the depths of the 2008-9 collapse, when a lot of people who thought of themselves as radicals and anarchists made a lot of feckless noise about how they were arming and preparing for the collapse and revolution. They could’ve gone out and organized something and maybe built a politics of people power or even a politics of what they call revolution, a politics that actually changed things. But instead, they locked themselves in their homes and apartments with their guns and fancied themselves political revolutionaries just waiting to be swept up. But no one came. No one bothered or cared. And really, why would any plutocrat or evil government agency bother with the suckers, all harmlessly atomized and isolated and thoroughly neutralized by the false sense of political empowerment that their guns gave them, while you do the real work of plundering budgets, bribing politicians and writing laws even more in your favor?So while everyone was hiding out in their homes armed and ready for Hollywood finales that never came, in the real world political power was concentrating at warp-speed with zero resistance.
From the oligarchy’s perspective, the people were thoroughly neutralized by the false sense of political empowerment that guns gave them. Guns don’t work in this country — they didn’t work for the Black Panthers or the Whiskey Rebellion, and they won’t work for you or me either."