America is Fucked
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- imbecile2
Political ‘mortality gap’: People living in Republican counties more likely to die early
BOSTON — Most voters probably know if they’re living in a “red” or “blue” county. For those hoping to live a long, healthy life, a new study finds the choice may come down whether Republicans or Democrats control your county. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital have discovered a growing “mortality gap” in Democratic and Republican-led counties.
- The Republicans are a death cult in so many ways. Guns, abortion, poverty, Covid, etc. And it's always the mostly likely victims that are their supporters.CyBrainX
- Wake Up White People!utopian
- horseshit research. flip states are conveniently omitted because this would throw a wrench is simpleton conclusions.pr2
- citation or source?imbecile
- neverscared0
- I can't remember last time I had KFC and I have no desire to ever return. PS. that Mount'n Dew looks like carbonated piss lolBuddhaHat
- My god. America's imploding.jagara
- keep on eating that corn syrup boyeee! to the moon!hans_glib
- skateboarders love it according to the bgneverscared
- processed food ingredients + no daylight deformed chicken fed antibiotics and soy + sugary drink with additives + processed wheat puffs with chemical flavoursshapesalad
- KFC: Diabeetos sandwich combo!futurefood
- And you'll always here someone praise this as a gourmet meal.CyBrainX
- yuekit1
- Joe Biden personally tanked the crypto market apparently and caused inflation and gas price increase that is happening everywhere in the world.yuekit
- lol. imagine how little critical thinking your brain is capable of to think a president can do this in one year...inteliboy
- lol, what an idiotscruffics
- He created a language?nb
- Yes, yuekit, inteliboy, and the rest of you libs, Biden and his admin did do all these things. Yes, it's extraordinary that a president could be this bad...MondoMorphic
- ...and it's also pretty extraordinary, the blinders worn by his remaining supporters. Do you all seriously think this is just some weird twist of fate?MondoMorphic
-'s not a twist of fate, governments spent a huge amount during the pandemic to keep economies afloat...which people demanded at the time.yuekit
- At the same time there's a shortage of goods also due to the pandemic and now the war in Ukraine. Shortages and expanded money supply lead to inflation...yuekit
- The war also increased oil prices. All of this is taking place across the world, the idea that you're going to stop it by blaming Biden is ridiculous.yuekit
- Also this is the guy you're agreeing with lol
https://www.rollings…yuekit - I see idiots blaming Biden for everything they don’t like. The ignorance is heavy.monospaced
- imbecile0
- https://www.rawstory…imbecile
- Surely not truehardhat
- Terribly written headline, even more terrible story.BuddhaHat
- I'm going back in time to have a talk with Lincoln. No war. Let the Confederacy go.CyBrainX
- you may be confusing a tweet with a headline. the headline below is quite succinct. reading comprehension, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯imbecile
- Wake Up White People!utopian
- terribly written tweet, succinctly written headline. terrible story.BuddhaHat
- ¯\(°_o)/¯BuddhaHat
- twitterly terrben writtdrgs
- MrT5
- utopian0
- I'm just glad this ends before Lindsay Graham's response.CyBrainX
- we'd all be 30% poorer from hyper inflation if this nitwit was prezhotroddy
- besides being a passionate speaker, Bernie seems to understand very little how economy or even healthcare works. no wonder he appeals to least intelligent.pr2
- for pseudo intellectuals w liberal arts degrees who believe the USA can copy the Nordic welfare state modelhotroddy
- utopian4
- lol moronsmonospaced
- Lolz. From Irish decent no less.instrmntl
- Juiced JesusNBQ00
- Cross Fit!MrT
- imbecile1
Pro-Trump Candidate Calls for Executing Parents of LGBTQ+ Kids
The Trump-endorsed Republican candidate in South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District called for the arrest and execution of those who advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and the protection of trans children.
During an appearance on The Stew Peters Show, Pastor Mark Burns was asked by host Jane Ruby to commit to voting for transphobic laws that target LGBTQ+ children and their parents and ending what she called “this war on children.” Burns went much further than committing to voting for legislation.
- There's going to blood. People won't sit back and let these thugs be in power for long. If this 'wave' happens, we'll be closer to civil war.formed
- 'LGBTQ+ people want to be hated' says local QBN dipshit.face_melter
- face_melter is that local QBN dipshit for anyone else wondering.imbecile
- yuekit1
Security fence and police presence around Supreme Court as ruling cancelling reproductive rights nears...
- whatthefunk2
- are you itching to loot more flat screens TVs?hotroddy
- Ya know the taxes that get taken out of your paycheck - the people that pay you get taxed for your employment - and unemployment tax - andtoemaas
- property tax - and sales tax - an to a certain degree based on losses and gains, corporate tax. Though I hate whats in the picture, text is ignorant as fuck.toemaas
- It is. The corporations that aren't paying taxes don't need police, they've got enough of their own resources to protect themselves.formed
- This system of police also protects my property, no?nb
- imbecile1
Republican who wants to ban kids from drag shows hosted drag parties at her home with her kids
Arizona Republican Kari Lake says drag queens are a threat to children. A local queen is calling her out and sharing the receipts (with photos!)
Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake recently insinuated that drag queens and queer people are a threat to children. But a local drag queen reminded the right-wing politicians that she once brought her own kid to a drag performance.
Last Saturday, Lake wrote via Twitter and Instagram, “They kicked God out of schools and welcomed the Drag Queens. They took down our Flag and replaced it with a rainbow. They seek to disarm Americans and militarize our Enemies. Let’s bring back the basics: God, Guns & Glory.”
- monospaced2
Supreme Court OKs use of public money for religious education
The court ruled that Maine can't exclude families in areas without public high schools from using state-provided tuition money for sectarian education.…
I wonder if they'd feel the same way if their tax dollars went directly to schools teaching other religions.
- The rise of cults is going to be terrifying. Talk about home-bred terrorists!formed
- "God, Guns & Glory"....there's gonna be a lot of "Gods" and "Glory". America is totally fucked.formed
- amicus brief filed by Council of Islamic Schools in support of ruling - so yes, scotus is quite aware that other religions will benefitGnash
- ... and are good with itGnash
- tons of Jewish private schools too. Most private schools have a religious denomination and better education than public schoolshotroddy
- If you read the articile that's why the law is in place - to not discriminate against poorer families who want their kids to have a better educationhotroddy
- “Can’t exclude families in areas without public high schools” seems pertinent herenb
- mono hasn't been able to hide his disdain for religion since he was fiddled by clergy at Sunday school.hotroddy
- I have two friends who were “fiddled” and it ruined their lives. Your clergy should be put to deathscarabin
- I agree it's a problem which is why I acknowledged it. pedo's deserve the death penalty or at least have their testicles takenhotroddy
- Religious morons always assume someone must have had a bad experience to not be a brainwashed bible thumping fucktardmonospaced
- No hotroddy, my problem with religion is that is is childish nonsense and has no place in government or politics. It’s personal at best.monospaced
- I don’t want my tax dollars supporting any church. Pretty sure the founding fathers didn’t either. Also, you’re a bigoted idiot.monospaced
- I bet if your town had no public school and all the money was pouring into only school which was strictly Muslim, you would have issues sending your kid there.monospaced
- They're not pouring only money into religious schools, mono. This ruling allows kids in rural areas to attend a religious school if they wish...PonyBoy
- ... just as all the other kids in rural Maine get Gov $ to attend a private school IF there is no public school. The ruling kept the Gov from holding money...PonyBoy
- ... back from kids wanting to attend religious private school. Why do kids w/out a public school get Gov $ to attend whatever private school they...PonyBoy
- ...wish but the kids wanting to attend a religious private school is bad? Their parents pay the same $$ taxes... why discriminate against religion here?PonyBoy
- Why are there "religious" high schools in the first place? That's a severe problem, imho, and akin to brainwashing.formed
- Want education? Go to school. Want religion? Go to your place of choice. Separate. Period. Fuck these tax breaks.formed
- People only attend a religious school if they want to... nobody is forced by the Gov to go (only their parents). Private schools are legally required to be...PonyBoy
- ...monitored and inspected to ensure standards of care and education are being met (but do not have to share the same curriculum as the public).PonyBoy
- They're NOT tax breaks, formed... ffs... it just keeps the Gov from discriminating against people who want to go a private religious school.PonyBoy
- Religious parents pay the same taxes as their neighbors attending another private school... why don't they get to pick where their kid attends?PonyBoy
- Government money to attend a private school that doesn’t have to adhere to public curriculum and standards and can teach religion.monospaced
- If they don’t want to attend public school they should pony up for private not get paid to do it. It isn’t anti discriminatory, it is promoting religious schoolmonospaced
- This isn’t about picking a school. It’s for places where public schools aren’t available. You missed that.monospaced
- I missed nothing, mono... I stated that the "no public schools available" thing up front. The only one missing the point here is you, sir. :)PonyBoy
- Nobody is PROMOTING any type of school. People WANT TO SEND their child to a religious private school using the same Gov-provided $ that other people...PonyBoy
- rural areas are given to use to send their kids to the PRIVATE SCHOOL of their choice. This IS about picking schools as Maine's GOV was discriminating...PonyBoy
- ... against people PICKING a religious school. Yes... it is discrimination to allow one family Gov $ and not the next simply over religious affiliation.PonyBoy
- To be clear - NO private has to adhere to our shitty public school curriculum and arguably most kids come out of private schools (public or religious) far...PonyBoy
- ...more prepared for the world.PonyBoy
- sorry for the caps... what a douchéPonyBoy
- The money I was referring to was for Churches and other religious buildings/businesses (that's what they are).formed
- As for private schools, show me some that AREN"T religious that get that tax money. Religion should not be part of any school.formed