America is Fucked
America is Fucked
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- yuekit5
Anti-vax activist RFK Jr. will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination against Biden
- Nairn0
We had the bigg Market in Newcastle in my day which was in equal measures rough and awful, but that was not a percentage of a patch on this.. and nor was every third nugget trying recording the happenings to stick on they socials.…
Roll on, AI take-over.
- lol @ at the original instigators legging it
also lol @ most of the comments more about the filming and camera kit pissing contests.Continuity - It is good video quality.shapesalad
- what's that lump handing under that big black girls arm pit? Boob? I mean... what?shapesalad
- I think it's commonly referred to as a 'back boob'.Nairn
- Weaves be like flyingutopian
- 'special'PhanLo
- lol @ at the original instigators legging it
- PhanLo4
- This is what republicans want. This makes them happy. Praise Jesus retards.monospaced
- She should have gotten better insurance.palimpsest
- Sorry gringos, but here, the municipalities, that is, we who pay BIG taxes, cover the expenses of those who cannot afford a funeral.OBBTKN
- evilneverscared
- hayoth and hotroddy rejoice!imbecile
- Public funds for infant funerals? That’s socialism! It’s pretty clear the mask has fallen off, the US is a country run by fundamentalist christian oligarchs.jmckinno
- zardoz0
- John Wayne loved fucking men.PhanLo
- Oh, was John Wayne a bum bandit?Continuity
- Nah, he wasn't but he did pretend to be a tough guy on telly.PhanLo
- Mm, fair point.Continuity
- John Wayne's name is being erased from society. big airport in LA shares his name and the woke trying to change it for this comments he made in playboy maghotroddy
- In a few years, he'll be as irrelevant as Colombus.hotroddy
- "Farm use"OBBTKN
- John Wayne never fought in any wars, just pretended to be a hardman.PhanLo
- Lol people idolizes movie stars way too much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pee pee poo poopango - Updated/corrected history has disproven much of what was believed about Columbus. He didn't discover America, he enslaved natives, and brought disease.BuddhaHat
- Bit of a dick, really.BuddhaHat
- Columbus, put the wheels in motion for you to end up in Australia.hotroddy
- The world was pretty much mapped out 30 years after 1492hotroddy
- lol people who go along with defunding the police @pangohotroddy
- Lol So you went from JW to Columboo to police... What's next??pango
- Pee pee poo poopango
- utopian0
- 'zat the kid who leaked the docs for forum cred? why do we not have someone like that here? WHAT SECRETS COULD HOTRODDY SPILL?Nairn
- #Prompts?Nairn
- Snowden V2shapesalad
- ^lol hardly. If you looked up his discord or the Telegram channels.. this kid is fucking vile. Imagine if 4chan was mushed into a perfect sphere of shitgarbage
- This dude gobbled it down and still has shit on his mouth while he projectile shits it into his forums. There were like 30 of them, mostly /k/ types.garbage
- utopian4
Wait for it...
- NBQ003
Ehm, wtf...
Man found guilty of spitting at police gets 70 years in prison.…
Probably wouldn't even be in jail if he was white.
- “If you’re going to live the life of crime, you’re going to do that among other criminals [in prison],”Gnash
- This country is beyond fucked!
Rapists and murders are generally out of prison within 10 years.utopian - and that's doing American society a favor? lolhotroddy
- Nope. And our tax dollars go to pay for their life in a for-profit, capitalist, unbridled prison system.monospaced
- yuekit2
- Choose your poison...yuekit
- lol +/- 4.5, so Greg Abbott is potentially -2.5%BuddhaHat
- Yass Big dick Donnie ready to finally fuck america into the ground. can't beieve Biden is still alivePhanLo
- Even if Biden was dead and they were just carrying his corpse around like in the Weekend at Bernies movies I'd still vote for him over any of these morons.yuekit
- biden will slay him againneverscared
- utopian3
- It's such a weird, quivering flex. As a mirroring white person across the pond, I just can't get my head around how fearful these people are.Nairn
- I'm sure they don't see it as fear. In fact, probably the exact-opposite, but I can't see it any other way,Nairn
- when a country becomes more divided with identity politics, and a gov' is broke and can't fund the reparations they campaigned on..hotroddy
- property rights are eroded and the
'white colonizing minority' owns all the land, that's when you'll be happy you invested in gunshotroddy - don't believe me? look no further to south africa, zimbobwe, cuba, and Venezuelahotroddy
- but it won't happen until the whites make up 20-30 percent of the population.hotroddy
- before QBN community starts insulting me, i'm proposing it as a possible answer to @nairn's questionhotroddy
- he said “the whites” omfg what a cuntmonospaced
- sorry, is 'European descendants' less triggering? next time you want to insult me go get your ear muffs and curl into your safe space instead.hotroddy
- Lol at hotrods, the white supremacist.PhanLo
- next time phanlo, instead of labeling me, tell me why it's so ridiculous bc I want to be wrong.hotroddy
- I'm not saying it's going to happen and I have hope we can live in a Star Trek future.hotroddy
- my optimism is grounded in science fiction and pessimism on experiencehotroddy
- Have you considered that maybe the non-whites won't just inevitably do that in every country when whites drop to 30%?yuekit
- Although I have to say the more you keep talking about it, the more I'm considering it.yuekit
- yuekit, that's because you've seen it w the cultural revolution. Now inject 'race' into the equation with 'class'.hotroddy
- hasn't happened in Brazil largely bc % population is mixed (white,black and indigenous). the hope is we become interracial here in USA.hotroddy
- I'm not saying it will happen, I'm answering the question why they're so gun happy. Something we don't discuss bc language is divisive.hotroddy
- Guns are necessary in Yankieland, it operates like a third world shithole.PhanLo
- Americans just like guns, there's no reason for it.yuekit
- you can't think of one reason? when you have crazies wanting to defund the police?hotroddy
- when you're teaching one demographic to be resentful of another demographic?hotroddy
- This just boils down to this retard theory that if there aren’t enough “whites” then civilization suffers. Hotroddy you are one special kind of bigoted cunt.monospaced
- again all you do is insult. it's almost like my posts are triggers that react with ur autism and you can't complete an analytical thought.hotroddy
- just callin it as I see it, nothing to analyze from your shitmonospaced
- Just because you feel morally superior doesn't give you the right to behave rudely or disrespectfullyhotroddy
- without analyzing it all it becomes is your own ignorant opinionhotroddy
- hotroddy look at the numbers...the average gun owner in USA is someone living in a rural region who likes to hunt or wants to protect their home from intruders.yuekit
- They're not people preparing for a race war. And gun owners in USA tend to own a LOT of guns (I did some work at one point for a company that make gun racks soyuekit
- learned some of this stuff). Aside from that of course the fear that the government is going to take away your guns is constantly hyped by the gun industry,yuekit
- pushing people to stockpile even more weapons. I would put it down mostly to a cultural practice dating back to frontier times that's been seized on in modernyuekit
- times to sell a lot of guns to people. Anyway if it was really true that most white people in USA were stockpiling guns to fight minorities this would be kindyuekit
- of fucked up no? :)yuekit
- @youkit » google 'counter protest to BLM' and you'll find a lot of unsettling videos of 'rednecks' with their firearms lining the side of the road.hotroddy
- yes, it's fucked up. property rights were being challenged during BLM protests and and many in gov't did nothing.hotroddy
- They aren't fighting a 'race war', they are defending their property.hotroddy
- first thing Chavez did before he expropriated land and factories was take away the right to own guns. Venezuela soon became the most violent city in the worldhotroddy
- *caracashotroddy
- According to a Duke Economist, 12 trillion is needed to right the wrongs of historical injustice. You can't print that kind of money without ruining the economyhotroddy
- land and property is the true commodity.hotroddy
- utopian3
- Not a single element of this is accurate or even the point, but I guess don't let the truth (or reality) get in the way of a good story.MondoMorphic
- What's the truth, then, as you see it?ETM
- If what way isn't this 100% factual? Are you a Republican Gun Nut Christian that is in complete denial? Please explain your POV, perhaps teach us something.utopian
- The books are tranny/peedo groomer books i'm guessing?zardoz
- The best defense against bad books are more good books.monospaced
- PhanLo1
- USA seems pretty messed up with all the gun / race issues you guys have.shapesalad
- Always remember hearing about a Scottish tourist that knocked on some nutjobs door for directions in Yankieland and got shot dead. Insane societyPhanLo
- Shooter is 80 I read. Sad all round.zardoz
- Cunt Eastwood?PhanLo
- shithole countryYakuZoku