America is Fucked
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- lowimpakt10
Sections of the US media say white people that burn property because their FUCKING SPORTS TEAM WON OR LOST A GAME are just blowing off steam yet when black people protest against structural racism and unchecked murdering of black people by police force they are labelled animals and thugs.
America is not yet completely fucked but Trump is certainly fucking up the US.
- lowimpakt10
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. KennedyYou try sitting quietly on the bus.
You try kneeling quietly during the anthem.
Yet still you get murdered by the police or some other white supremacist scumbag for no reason at all other than the colour of your skin.
- Gnash0
- Charming fellows beating old woman with a 2x4Gnash
- It's over America!utopian
- That's fucking horrific.PhanLo
- The guy never hits them with the golf club once, that's his wife they're attacking.PhanLo
- she felt so entitled to call them "nigg.." that she needed a lesson, she and her spineless husbandfeel
- feel, come over. let's talk. you, fuck.imbecile
- utopian-1
- monospaced4
Many years ago I chose to never post anything remotely political or politically related or similar on social media. It’s a choice to just not go there. Not to feed into that in those areas. I choose to let others do that because it’s rampant already.
And now I see all these posts about these riots and the injustice from white friends, directly aimed at other white people, shaming them for not speaking out. One post specifically was about thinking twice before posting a regular post, like a photo of a kid or even a nice dinner, because they SHOULD be posting about how bad they are for being white and privileged. This pressure and judgement to act a certain way on social media is so weird.
Thing is. My choice to not post about how outraged I am doesn’t mean I’m not outraged. It doesn’t mean I don’t care. It means I choose not to use that platform for sharing my views on the topic. That’s it. And anyway, what good does it do to say that I’m pissed off? Nobody is even listening.
- I feel this. It’s tough. There are also a lot of mixed messagesnb
- Like “white people need to speak up more” but also “white people need to stfu” sometimes.nb
- Telling me that if I don’t post about it I’m part of the problem is fucked up.monospaced
- yepPonyBoy
- lolutopian
- White silence is white violence, is the phrase I’ve been seeing aroundGnash
- Like the comments on this painting.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.PhanLo - Idiotic. Oh bless me oh great white man with your thoughts and pitty, only then can I be your equal._niko
- the revolution will not be monospacedkingsteven
- I sincerely believe that if the police departments across the country vowed to treat their own like equal criminals this would end quickly.monospaced
- The police are currently protecting the murderers house 100 deep.PhanLo
- Thing is. When you don’t use your vote you are still having a point of view, and it’s one that supports injustice.SlashPeckham
- Thing is. I’ve spent my whole life listening to middle aged white folks not saying anything. Sadly your post was no different to me.SlashPeckham
- ahaha king :Dsted
- Slash. I’ve said plenty. I just don’t post it on Facebook and guilt trip my friends. Big difference. Also, my silence isn’t the problem.monospaced
- Blaming people who aren’t publicly outraged for being the problem. That’s weird. AS IF reposting a JPEG of some words is a social media pass.monospaced
- Sadly, if I did just repost the same things It would probably be acceptable to these same people. Does it really help the cause? Honestly.monospaced
- Move the window of acceptability, make this issue comfortable to more people.SlashPeckham
- I feel this post. Fuck off to anyone trying to police how I express my politics.cannonball1978
- ^ yep.sted
- I'm not like this on Facebook either. But when progressive minded whites finally say what they're thinking.. it's a relief.SlashPeckham
- I understand that. Of course. I guess part of my issue is also that I don’t have an audience that doesn’t already preach all this. I’d be pissing in the ocean.monospaced
- Go to a family barbecue and tell the racist he’s a cunt and nobody like them... do it for me bro!SlashPeckham
- What are you talking about?monospaced
- wait is qbn not social media... i get told by mono all the time to shut the fuck up and not post in politics...********
- think some one is selectively remembering things that fit their bubble********
- No it’s not social media. Not to me it isn’t.monospaced
- You should shut the fuck up. I never tell you not to post though. You shouldn’t even be on this site you idiotic retard.monospaced
- You’re quite possibly the most reviled and hated person on this forum. Everyone considers you a lowlife idiot here. Everyone. Go away.monospaced
- sted5
- XC010
- BusterBoy3
So...the pandemic's over in the US now is it?
- There's a bigger story now so I guess so. The media doesn't care, as long as they get their ratings.MondoMorphic
- Winter isn't looking good.PhanLo
- It's like a tree falling in the forest, if the media doesn't talk about the pandemic it doesn't exist.yuekit
- What are the media supposed to do exactly here? Not report what's happening?inteliboy
- Yeah the media is irritating and full of hyperbole. But the constant demonising of them is a joke. Go live in china or Russia for a taste of non-free-press.inteliboy
- Um, it's entirely not over. Cases are spiking in places that have opened up. Just so happens that there are major riots happening in every major US city.garbage
- And the flattening that some cities have achieved will probably drop because of all of the mass gatherings.garbage
- Not that we'll be able to know in time, because most people can't afford to be tested.garbage
- it was sarcasm, garbagemonospaced
- @mono It's 2020, sarcasm doesn't work. There has been a massive effort to downplay covid-19 for.. tyrant reasons.garbage
- XC011
The fact that this even exists is sad.