America is Fucked
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- 3,801 Responses
- elahon1
- why are they antagonizing the aggressive animals?********
- yeah honestly looks like they want to be shot.inteliboy
- Fuck the police. Let god sort them outnb
- of course they want to be shot at. Imagine all the likes on socialGnash
- if you gonna go down don't go down like a bitch. take some lessons here:…hotroddy
- why are they antagonizing the aggressive animals?
- Projectile4
- So that's robo on twitter.NBQ00
- lol @ Pink********
- Yeah, the 'and Pink' bit makes me think this is troll bait. But it's genuinely hard to tell with the good ole party types.monoboy
- "Take the Power Back is actually about recharging batteries."fooler
- "Bulls on parade' is actually about a nice family day out to a Country Fair then a trip to the seaside... "...pocket full of shells".Morning_star
- I thought "Bulls on Parade" was about the Chicago Bulls championship celebrations.fooler
- Of course. Silly me. Probably my English romanticism for rolling green hills, buxom milk maids and fish and chips by the sea.Morning_star
- You are all wrong. “Bulls on Parade” is about Bull market on Wall Streetzaq
- nb6
Trump is promoting the theory that the 75 year old man who got pushed over by the cops and bled from his ears and is hospitalized may have been a setup.
You are a terrible person if you support Trump in any way beyond this point. Sorry, you are. You’re one of the bad ones. You just are. No way around it.
- ^ this will be recorded as US history. For shame.nb
- Frail 75 year-old peace activist vs 50+ cops in riot gear.nb
- Antifa is training their elderly spies for the revolution. The time has come to take down the patriarchy and replace it with something resembling Venezuela********
- I hope you’re joking. For your sake.nb
- Trump finds time to tweet this but remains silent on the KKK leader who drove a truck into a crowd.nb
- who knows anymore?? heheh********
- Again, if you support Trump at all you’re simply a bad person. This is it.nb
- i'm positive people realized a while back that Trump is nuts. Especially his tweets.********
- Agreed nb, but this was also true years ago to anyone who was paying attention.yuekit
- ...and you're a saint if you support the other option, the demented rapist?MondoMorphic
- Mondo, you're presenting what is known as a False Dilemma.
https://www.softscho…nb - The lack of presidential options seems to me to be a true, real dilemma.MondoMorphic
- Also @Mondo: If you are equating allegation with guilt, then Trump had sex with a minor.nb
- Trump actually WANTS soldiers storming around the country pushing old people to the ground and putting them into a hospital.nb
- He is literally defending the behavior of these cops with a conspiracy theory. That's the level he wants. No one is safe.nb
- I thought we were to believe all women, but I guess that's just while it's convenient.MondoMorphic
- Let's assume Trump did have sex with a minor. He's awful. My point is if voting for an awful person makes you evil, then we'll all be evil come Nov.MondoMorphic
- Hmm. When you've got two flavours of shit to choose from. I'd go with the lesser evil.monoboy
- MondoMorphic The lesser of two evils line gets thrown out every election but have you not noticed that Trump is uniquely bad?yuekit
- Every single day another ridiculous headline, another stupid drama. At least if Biden ends up being a mediocre president he will do it quietly.yuekit
- You would have to be a masochist to want another four years of Trump at this point.yuekit
- the old guy was using his phone for a purpose. His motions weren't random. But denying it is up there with opinion like how much pressure really applied on a********
- neck. it ends up being a matter for the courts not mob opinion.********
- Maybe he was trying to show the sergeant his high score on Snake?monoboy
- You have no idea. So sharing baseless hypotheses does nothing to further your argument.monoboy
- What is fact, is that 75 year old man approached a group of police officers and they shoved him to the ground. Resulting in serious injury.monoboy
- I saw nothing threatening. Maybe he said "Fuck the Police", or he could've just been asking for directions.monoboy
- Either way, I'm not sure that response was entirely necessary.monoboy
- If you take the view that he 'had it coming' then that says more about you as person.monoboy
- It certainly revealed what we all already know about Herr Dumpf. Weak. Hateful. Angry.monoboy
- I'd like to say Impotent, but some idiots saw fit to gave this asshole the highest office in the Western Word.
Fucking clowns.monoboy - Here endeth todays sermon.monoboy
- ha mononboy as u said you said i have no idea means you have no idea. however wihtotu a doubt there was a purpose. to what ends********
- snopes bbc all ran pieces about trumpa blackout... and neglected the dudes actions. rfid scanning is legit. but to ehat ends. did they get his phone?********
- im calling bullshit all over this once********
- and mono your lil brain see a 75 yr old man approach officrs ignore his actions and everything outside the video********
- i think you just looking for narratives that feel emotional vacums********
- grafician5
Petitions to abolish KKK, declare it a terrorist organization gain steam
By Ben FeuerherdJune 9, 2020 | 4:27pm | Updated
"Several online petitions that seek to designate the Ku Klux Klan a terrorist organization have spread like wildfire — picking up hundreds of thousands of signatures in the wake of nationwide protests against racism and police brutality."
- Next up: Police Unions. Please.nb
- < That's the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming 'LALALALALA". On the face of it, it seems a good thing to do. However, those...Morning_star
- ...KKKunts will still hold those same rancid opinions but now will be plotting behind closed doors with an added sense of being oppressed. Bad move.Morning_star
- Lol. There’s like 3000 guys total in the kkk. They are a nothing burgerGnash
- All Lives Matterdeadsperm
- I do enjoy how "Petitions to abolish KKK" is filed under "America is Fucked" on QBN.deadsperm
- @dead America is so confusing these days...didn't know where to postgrafician
- Yep, Police Unions : gangs of gangs********
- anyone have there website im curious of their mission statement?********
- NBQ003
All these virtue signaling SJWs parroting "Defund the police!" as if that's gonna do shit and actually be any better.
- All these keyboard policy experts parroting "as if that's gonna do shit" as if that's gonna do shit.nb
- Defund America!grafician
- Well everyone is saying that, but the idea is that the funds will go elsewhere and will help people with mental health better.********
- Schools and social programs are defunded all the time and that causes more crime.********
- As a slogan goes it’s still stupidyuekit
- There is a dynamic among leftie activists where one person starts shouting something and no one can say no to them.yuekit
- "partly divert US police funding to various other crime-preventing measures, read full list on our website".jagara
- @yuekit: yup. Right now, if you disagree with Black Lives Matter it's like... hey guys I disagr-RRRRRRACIST...cherub
- grafician-1
Public Citizen
The NYPD's $6,000,000,000 budget would make it the 33rd largest military spender on the planet.
- ********-4
- grafician2
"Amazon implements a 'one-year moratorium' on the police use of facial recognition technology"
The e-commerce conglomerate announced it will stop supplying US police officers with its facial recognition technology for one-year. The move comes amid calls for police reforms following the death of George Floyd who died in Minneapolis.
- Nutter3
- "now is not the time for your... flowers..."********
- chick of the dayDoris_McSquirter
- "now is not the time for your... flowers..."
- ********-1
- hotroddy0
This is how you riotNot the way you do it by burning and looting for personal gain. With Instagram likes and soccer flops.
- here is another gem:…hotroddy
- soccer flops?pango
- soccer flops?dopepope
- A Third World Country Like Americautopian
- ask your self why you think America is third world? Is your conclusion capitalism? Because venezuela's was socialism.hotroddy
- most of people rioting in venezuela are middle class. they're not burning businesses down. they are taking it to who's responsible.hotroddy
- soccer flops?pango
- yuekit2
Seattle protesters create 'temporary autonomous zone' with no police or government
- lol @ this whole situation....who would have thought things could escalate so quicklyyuekit
- EMP pulse, then napalm. Go full 'Tianenmen' please.Doris_McSquirter
- CCP killed roughly 10,000 of their own citizen at Tiananmen square. you want to kill 10,000 americans. that's what you're saying.pango
- lol, seems this female name gives robo nu heights of idiocy, i´am not suprised he always had a thing with hillary.neverscared
- Nip it in the bud. In the long run it will save more lives. 10K is a bit much (I doubt there are that many antifags nationwide)Doris_McSquirter
- 500 kriusties getting turned into pink mist is no loss.Doris_McSquirter
- Lol, this is sooo stupidGnash
- Flashing gang signs. I hope these guys get a smack down by the local girl guidesGnash
- Self-sustaining separatism that begins at this level of society is very dangerous. Creates the appearance of a trapped communitysted
- Damn, you can tell that Doris_McSquiter/Bust... would have just LOVED being a nazi in the 40s.nb
- while it generates constant need for an external enemy to survive. therefore its primary objective isn't consensus but conflict.sted
- lol well let's be realistic, it's really just some street kids who took over a couple blocks.yuekit
- But if Trump is reelected and things continue to deteriorate, you could imagine this taking off across the country.yuekit
- in europe we have that kind of autonomous spaces in towns. normally end up being cultural hubs. it’s a possibility.uan
- Everything on their bodies, and inside it(vaccines, nutrition from food) even their own births, is a direct result of governance and policing of society.shapesalad
- and of course, sometimes they get destroyed by force or they destroy themselfs by crime. but some function and are tolerated and also frequented by population.uan
- Lol @ ‘just kids’Gnash
- W/e. Without resources it’s not sustainable.cannonball1978
- @yuekit If Trump were to be reelected, this would be less than nothing in comparison to everything else conceivable at this point.CyBrainX
- This is the America I love********
- BTW. Not a gang sign. That's the sign for "Washington". Specifically for University of Washingtonwagshaft
- Doris_McSquirter-10
- Play stoopid games, Win stoopid prises.Doris_McSquirter
- https://thedonald.wi…Doris_McSquirter
- bwhahaha…Doris_McSquirter
- You are such a fucking troll.tank02
- don't feed it.fadein11
- Just reporting the news ma'amDoris_McSquirter
- @fade i know, but its such a sad lil troll.tank02
- And now they face the same charges as Chavin. Life comes at you hard.Doris_McSquirter
- BoboTroll®utopian
- yuekit3
Rise of the zombies: the share of U.S. companies that have debt servicing costs that are higher than profits has continued to increase
- A 2nd Great Depression. Only war with China will save us.Doris_McSquirter
- China would win big timenbq
- R_Kercz1
Marshall Project: "The Short, Fraught History of the ‘Thin Blue Line’ American Flag"
- I'm no patriot, but either you hold up the flag of your country, unaltered or you do not. Flags like this, or past revisions of a flag speak to one being at oddben_
- with the current government. Which is totally fair, but don't call yourself a patriot.ben_
- Essentially the "thin blue line" comes down to "not snitching" on your fellow officers.utopian
- "No snitching" and "Just following orders"R_Kercz
- NBQ00-2
Another racist Karen in a park:…
- Karen's a cunt...but the girl is also a cunt for videoing herself doing exercises.BusterBoy
- Reminds me of the trumpet hating midget guy. Absolute explosion over nothing, always fun to watchProjectile
- utopian-1
Detained migrants say they were forced to clean COVID-infected ICE facility.
"This is a life or death situation," said a translation of the message from 70 migrants at the La Palma ICE facility in Arizona, obtained by NBC News.
The detainees also described unsanitary conditions, like lockdowns that lasted for three days with no access to showers. The migrants say they were given two "disposable masks of very poor quality in the month of April" and received "2 cloth masks" in May. They also say they did not receive basic hygiene supplies, like toilet paper, on weekends.
CoreCivic said the lockdowns detainees describe are being confused with measures put in place to stop the spread of infection. The company disputed the claims that detainees have gone three days without access to showers or do not receive toilet paper on weekends. The spokesman also said detainees can replace their face masks at any time upon request.
The migrants say that after the kitchen closed due to COVID concerns in mid-May, they were served sandwich boxes that included two slices of "rotted" ham with bread.
CoreCivic said it has "received no complaints or notifications that there has been any issue with the freshness of the food being served." CoreCivic said detainees are provided three meals a day, two of which include a hot entrée.
- Disgusting.Doris_McSquirter
- They should be sent back to their own country. Borders matter.Doris_McSquirter