America is Fucked
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i don't know where to post this.
This seems fine.
- yuekit3
70 year old man survives coronavirus, then recieves $1.1. million hospital bill…
The elderly man was hospitalised at the Swedish Medical Center in Issaquah with Covid-19 for 62 days, so he knew the bill would be a lot. He was unconscious for much of his stay there, but once near the beginning of his illness, his wife Elisa Del Rosario remembers him waking up and saying, “You gotta get me out of here, we can’t afford this.” Just the charge for his room in the intensive care unit was billed at $9,736 per day.
- The bill is technically an explanation of charges, and because Flor has insurance he won’t have to pay the majority of it. In fact, because he had Covid-19...PonyBoy
- ...and not a different disease, he might not have to pay anything at all.PonyBoy
- Yeah that's good news for him. Still completely ridiculous thoughyuekit
- Does insurance actually pay that?********
- Depends what kind of plan he has I guess. And what does "the majority" mean out of $1.1 million?yuekit
- I'm curious what the cost would be if one added up the amount of people / training / energy / medical supplies etc etc that are involved.PonyBoy
- (minus all the markup on everything... I'm talking actual cost... wholesale)PonyBoy
- Good question... maybe I'm missing something but $400k seems like a lot to stay in a sealed off room for 5 weeks (this was the single biggest cost)yuekit
- Why not just buy a house and move him there? :)yuekit
- Of course EVERYONE pays for it in ridiculously high insurance premiums. What a joke the US health system is.BusterBoy
- Wonder how long it will take for the debt stress to kill him?PhanLo
- he has no / next-to-no debt (from this event)... according to the articlePonyBoy
- Lucky him. Such a weird system.PhanLo
- Yeah the US healthcare system is a farce, it works better almost everywhere else on the planet.ben_
- Even if insurance covers half of these cases the resulting premiums that will be charged will prove it.ben_
- It’s a pyramid scheme. The system is a fucking jokeGnash
- Healthcare is pathetic in the US. No one should have to worry about surviving debt after they beat a deadly disease. Shameful that people defend this system.formed
- Pull up your bootstraps and get to work. While you're at it, tell the next 4 generations of your family to prepare for the interest payments.ben_
- sad how pony always explains this shit away. A Million dollars is not normal. My mom was in heavy hospice care for 5 months about 10 years ago. I seen the bill.tank02
- before insurances. A fucking fraction of this shit.tank02
- It is only a matter of time before the American healthcare collapses because of the Coronavirus. But like a miracle, its all going to go away.utopian
- At what point did I say 'this is normal', tank?PonyBoy
- Had it been an actual Swedish medical center (in Sweden) the patient bill would be about $650.lnu
- PhanLo0
Remember all those interviews before Corona with people working two jobs and living in their cars? Eating at restaurants and showering at the swimming baths, being part of a overnight car park community.
What are they up to now?
Also are those homeless folk still sleeping in the car park in Vegas or is that just back to normal now?
- neverscared-1
- "The Confederacy is a failed nation-state that lasting a total of five years. The Transformers toy franchise started in 1984 and is going 30+ years later."Bluejam
- "There's more legit history in the Autobot insignia than Confederate paraphernalia."…Bluejam - yes, but give it 4 more years and the racist renaissance under trump will be blossoming tipy top.neverscared
- it's just the wind blowing the 2 flagsKrassy
- bluejam the confederacy is quite important to remember. showed what can happen to any society with large changes to labor laws********
- and property rights. once a foundation slowing begins no nice way of rolling it back except through utter destruction.********
- NBQ001
Your favorite boy PJW
- propaganda war... this identity bs will not end well. hope it‘s just media hype!uan
- how does this guy have a following?Gnash
- I think he is the first person i have heard with a brit accent that didn't sound smarter for itGnash
- PJW is a strange lad, shit scared of black people and rarely seems to leave his house. His following seems to be the same.PhanLo
- This is so dumb, I used to live a couple blocks from the "autonomous zone." The idea that this is some kind of dangerous area is laughable.yuekit
- From what I can tell, it really is mostly just a bunch of hippies and leftie activists setting up food stands.yuekit
- But if you watch Tucker or this guy you would walk away with the impression this is some sort of grave danger to the country. Fucking lol.yuekit
- neverscared0
- odd dnaGnash
- Children Of The Porntank02
- Don’t get it, who are they deep faked with?
Max headroom?_niko - deepfaked with centipedes and turds.neverscared
- PhanLo2
- shithole :)renderedred
- ^ Great thread. Thanks for sharing.nb
- I think it needs more reading, will keep it tabbed for later. Good insight.PhanLo
- Wasn't USA violent crime and police caused deaths at an all time low in 2019?inteliboy
- _niko3
Mental illness, plus substance abuse, plus no access to needed healthcare, plus armed to the teeth nation, plus trigger happy cops =
(warning they kill the dude)- Fuck this is insane.nb
- Speechless.CuriousGeorge
- trigger happy with a license to killMilan
- I had to watch this twice to make sure it wasn't a training video or cg or some shit, but nope it's what passes for reality in America._niko
- at least they didnt discriminate. equal opportunity killingshotroddy
- This happens all the time, don't want to watch it. Signs of a sick society murdering mentally ill people.PhanLo
- hero cops doing what they do best.utopian
- Jesus of the free my ass. What a shit hole.BusterBoy
- Quick send 4 heavily armed cops to the bus stop, we have a homeless guy in there. SMH. sad shitBH26
- At least it wasn’t racistGnash
- phanlo is right. the easiest solution is killing them off. no one is going to miss themhotroddy
- What kinf od cops is that??? They are equiped like soldier at the battle front with automatic weapons, wtf??Bennn
- fucking cowards, no need to attack that man!Salarrue
- This could have been handled better by any random passerby.Gnash
- What a fucked up country you guys live in!
#tremendousshitholec...nbq - ACABmaquito
- Land of the free my ass, wake up america, your country sucks.moldero
- that was totally unnecessary and overload reaction like one you'd see on war frontlineBennn
- this is atrocious********
- So they were wearing body cameras and still gunned down a homeless guy for no reason?yuekit
- Based on the video title this happened about a year ago. Was anyone prosecuted for it?yuekit
- So apparently the story is that it looked like he was going for a gun at the last was a not a real gun but this gives them legal cover to open fire.yuekit
- nobody cares hes white. tons of shit like taht all the time********
- but hey what causes riots and anarchy********
- Yeah, they really Punished that dude! Fuck Cops!jmckinno
- Nothing more than target practice, maybe a "green horns" first confirmed kill. FUCK THOSE SICK CUNTS!!!mrAtor
- remember this is 2019 and mostly went un noticed.... take it all in********
- pphfeww lucky he was a white guymilfhunter
- How many shots fired? Seriously! If force IS needed then surely a well trained shot to a knee or foot is enough to stop someone in their tracks.microkorg
- FUCKING HELL. This is the worst. When he said 'go fuck yourselves' you could feel he meant every word.Ianbolton
- Victim was found with a realistic looking BB gun. Cops testified they could see it in his waistband, and the call was that he had a gun.nb
- They always think they're going for a gun, always.Bennn
- We all know cops lie every day as part of the job. They're liars. However, there is no evidence that they planted the gun here, so we shouldn't assume.nb
- Your police officers looks like soldiers...Bennn
- But this DOES show how cops are walking around with submachine guns slaughtering US citizens as if they're in a war. This looks like Iraq footage. Scary AFnb
- BTW there's a couple of racists in this thread. Beware. ^ Anyway, this is fucked up.nb
- This is fucked up but there's 300 million guns in circulation. It's legal to walk around with a gun. Fear of getting shot makes people shoot.Fax_Benson
- Pretty sure this actions like this would put a solider in jail on a battlefield. Rules of engagement?monoboy
- Why did they all light him up?monoboy
- Judge, jury, and executioner.monoboy
- I'm no expert, but surely they could have one officer approach under the cover of another. And only when it becomes 100% clear that there's intent to harm.monoboy
- The office covering fires to incapacitate.monoboy
- One of the scariest things I've seen in a long time. Insane behaviour.pedromendez
- Looking like multiple headshots for a dude that lowered his hand to his waist.monoboy
- It's the wild west out there.monoboy
- Should always have one officer with rubber bullet, like in the riots.Bennn
- Could have shot that man with rubber bullets, pretty sure that would have incapacitate him and hurt him, but he would still be alive.Bennn
- Apparenly the first shot was a rubber bullet, not that it mattered much when the next 10 weren't.webazoot
- Again a 2019 case amongst countless. Real caring?********