America is Fucked
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- 3,801 Responses
- pango3
- https://www.insauga.…********
- yes it was a shout out to canadian tire.pango
- https://www.insauga.…
- Bluejam11
- State of the union.
Sorry ass mthrfkr.
Stay away from me.Bluejam - Glorious.monoboy
- I still don't believe the whole Bernie beef was a hoax though.deadsperm
- The polling data probably indicated he couldn't win; his die-hard fans probably thought conspiracy.monoboy
- dope._niko
- @monoboy
I was referring to the beef between Flav & Chuck which Chuck later tried to pass off as a hoax.deadsperm - Deadsperm yeah I was thinking, didn’t they kick flav out of the group lol hadn’t heard the hoax response_niko
- Ah.monoboy
- "Stay Away from Me" that's all they could come up with? That shit is weak!utopian
- State of the union.
- imbecile6
The Story of Seneca Village…
Compared to other African-Americans living in New York, residents of Seneca Village seem to have been more stable and prosperous — by 1855, approximately half of them owned their own homes. With property ownership came other rights not commonly held by African-Americans in the City — namely, the right to vote.
During the early 1850s, the City began planning for a large municipal park to counter unhealthful urban conditions and provide space for recreation. In 1853, the New York State Legislature enacted a law that set aside 775 acres of land in Manhattan — from 59th to 106th Streets, between Fifth and Eighth Avenues — to create the country’s first major landscaped public park.
The City acquired the land through eminent domain, the law that allows the government to take private land for public use with compensation paid to the landowner.
- imbecile2
- lol what? check this, reducing 3700 polling stations to 170 https://edition.cnn.…grafician
- "after concerns over coronavirus" while Trump has a rally of thousands with no masks, they don't even hide it anymoregrafician
- funner fact; so America has 265 million voters and just under half don't bother to vote, millions of them black. Mind control! White, hypnotizing mind control!********
- https://www.motherjo…imbecile
- grafician1
"American whiskey distillers are down $340 million thanks to Trump's trade wars"…
"US whiskey distillers have lost out on nearly $340 million in sales to the European Union over the past two years because of a tit-for-tat trade spat between Washington and Brussels.
Exports to the European Union of bourbon, Tennessee whiskey and rye whiskey have declined by a third since a 25% tariff went into effect in June 2018, according to a report released Monday by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States."
- he's a Teetotaler so he doesn't give a shit i'm sure_niko
- Imagine if he was a boozehound as well.Fax_Benson
- MondoMorphic0
How we're allowing this to happen is beyond me. Removing Confederate statues is one thing but this is the slippery slope critics were speaking of...and clearly the tip of the iceberg when people are seriously discussing ending STEM, science, and academia itself.
Dark shit is happening folks.
- "The American Museum of Natural History has asked to remove the Theodore Roosevelt statue because it explicitly depicts Black and Indigenous people as subjugategrafician
- You need to look no further than Venezuela to see how it ends. No running water, no electricity, no gas. All in the name of anti colonialism.hotroddy
- I would really hope no one, left or right, votes based on whether a statue stays up or comes down when there are such serious problems the country is facing.yuekit
- If we turn into Venezuela, it's not going to be because of some statues. But because of terrible leadership, failure to control the pandemic, runaway debt, etc.yuekit
- people justifying the taking of lands, banks, homes, companies all in the name of anti white/colonialism.hotroddy
- third world socialist thinking. Take, take, take, and produce ZERO.hotroddy
- Except none of that is happening hotroddy. The left couldn't even win the democratic primary. This is just more culture war distraction from the real issues.yuekit
- lol some of you laughed about it for pointing to this outcome in the capitalism threadgrafician
- Trump just closed H1B visa program for the year...https://editi...grafician
- https://edition.cnn.…grafician
- the US is basically an immigrant country, closing borders and acting all nationalist is gonna go down real ugly in the next yearsgrafician
- also the statues are not the problem, the problem is many Americans have no clue about their actual historygrafician
- @yuekit? What is 'Defund the police' but a way to divert funds for more 'social programs'?hotroddy
- Less security = less business investments. Also, Chavez was the king of social programs which created a dependent population which is what LEFT wantshotroddy
- @hotroddy Thoughts on this story?…yuekit - I think everyone is losing confidence in Guaido. There is very little Guaido can do. The regime has already jailed family members, body guards, and staff.hotroddy
- Trump backtracked and tweeted today that he would only meet with Maduro if it was to discuss him stepping down.hotroddy
- Well of course he said that in public. To me this sounds very much like Trump though...
"He thought Guaidó was 'weak,' as opposed to Maduro, who was 'strong."yuekit - The fact is we already have a mentally challenged, wannabe authoritarian leader in power who is ruining the country.yuekit
- I agree he's a narcissistic authoritarian wannabe. his inflammatory remarks may result in the country burning to ground...hotroddy
- his economic policies wouldn't ruin the country and have actually helped the middle class (*coronavirus exception)hotroddy
- this country cannot afford socialism. too many feeble minded people.hotroddy
- Well socialism can mean pretty much anything. I think you have to differentiate between endless handouts, vs. government intervention to guide the economy.yuekit
- Trump economic "boom" was the equivalent of an extended weekend drug binge, it was never going to be sustainable.yuekit
- i agree.hotroddy
- There is a slave on the other side of that statue that CNN conveniently cropped out.instrmntl
- you see slave, same way you see a noose when it's a pull rope. You see what you want to see.hotroddy
- Teddy Roosevelt was a rough rider (reason why he's on a horse), president, and responsible for Panama Canal. He literally brought the world together.hotroddy
- which is why he's depicted the way he is. but we see what we want to see. Who wants to give a straight old white guy a statue for improving all our lives?hotroddy
- zaq0
- Gnash2
- Make chaz great againGnash
- How Washington's gov allowed chaz to happen is beyond me. Evergreen State College happened on the twat's watch as well, so I guess it isn't surprising.MondoMorphic
- Oh man, Evergreen was an epic implosion of stupidityGnash
- Just a little reminder of the Evergreen debacle from Bret Weinstein's perspective. Well worth a listen…Morning_star
- Gnash, that same stupidity has taken over everywhere.MondoMorphic
- ...that's the REAL virus to be worried about!MondoMorphic
- The ring leaders need a flight on Pinochet Helicopter Tours.Doris_McSquirter
- They’re just kooky kids!Gnash
- wtf posting a picture of a newspaper instead of a link? who the hell does that?sarahfailin
- Defund the police and in 1 month you all will be kissing policemen's feetdrgs
- I found a similar article but didn't give much detail aside from an official saying the shooting was not related to the protest. But who knows...fadein11
- New York Times, I didn’t feel like looking up the digital version. But you can read the title, right?Gnash
- @sarahGnash
- yeah sorry, I found it after... thought it was from today.fadein11
- the shooting I mean.fadein11
- Lawsuits for gov failure of providing basic defense of private property. The true one roll of gov********
- PhanLo13
- PhanLo3
- At the end when they talk about Breonna Taylor, her boyfriend had a gun legally and had committed no crime. The police entered their house on a warrant...PhanLo
- ...for a man who was already in prison. He fired at people he thought were breaking into his house.
All charges were dropped against him.PhanLo - How does a kid go to the store and end up tranquilized to death by police and medical professionals. Injected ketamine. Insane.Fax_Benson
- PhanLo8
- That gets difficult to read around the sixth lineNairn
- Oh my God
https://en.m.wikiped…nb - Wait. What fuck is this?Nairn
- Seriously WTF? Injecting someone with Ket?!Nairn
TWATSNairn - I actually really don't like posting this stuff, it just creates more trauma, but look at that kid. That's his last words, just so fucking sad.PhanLo
- I really wish I'd scrolled down a bit before making my first stupid fuckwit comment.Nairn
- Poor fucking kid.
Man. Just. Fucking hell.
I really don't.Nairn - There's a kid like him walks up and down my street with his headphones who dances and sings to his walkman.PhanLo
- https://www.instagra…PhanLo
- This is awful.instrmntl
- what the fuckFax_Benson
- "[the officers] did not commit any criminal acts, and no charges were put against them"imbecile
- The murderers were awarded paid time off to recoup.nb
- Pure racist cunts. Became cops so they can do this. I bet they went out for donuts after this on work time to boast about how racist they got to be.monospaced
- There is no other reason. If this was a white guy it wouldn’t have happened.monospaced
- Go directly to jail, don't collect 100, no get-out-of-jail-free... this was murder and the person who called the police on him must go to jail too!grafician
- deathboy has a throbbing boner.utopian
- ... haven't seen anything about this and the video doesn't give enough info to even form an opinion. Only thing that strikes me is it appears to be all recorded********
- Makes me think nothing to it. Considering media exploits what ever they can. Could just be the video but the images above surely are suppose to invite emotion********
- But not in video.... Something seems off********
- But I bet a no knee jerk response gets some racist calling********
- deathpenalty for the cops.neverscared
- just kidding.neverscared
- jail for long, long long time for these racist losers.neverscared
- the images above are of his face, and of his last words, and if you don't feel anything over this you are not only a stupid fuck, you're also psychotic.monospaced
- He was arrested for being black, and was killed, deathboy. What POSSIBLE justification could there be for his death? Please, share or STFU you asshole.monospaced
- i'm sorry i'm new here [not really] but why do you allow asshats to remain on this site
- its a simple case if you can't show empathy or at least recognize itsurbanturban - a problem why are you here ? why are you allowed here ? do the guys allowing you just like conflicting with asshats.. go outside start a fight with a racist assurbanturban
- like a real man don't play on his bs - exclude him from this playground that just exercises his shit demeanor.urbanturban
- Who are you talking to?monospaced
- no mono im a rational guy not easily emotionally triggered by things that mean little. b/w image of text... uhm ok. picture of kid... uhm ok... video showing********
- drug being used... which is surprising, didn't know they do that. where is context of all of this? I see the emotional low hanging fruit response, but a********
- not any intelligent one, which one can take from such a post. So are you acting intelligently or like a lil emo girl who wost her lil dollie********
- in that last statement a true question and bait... how does the rat in the maze respond? pretty sure i can narrate it, over its head.********
- if you aren't emotionally impacted by this, you are either psycho or racist, or something else deranged. obviously you're already insufferably idioticmonospaced
- uh huh. again emotional not rational. if not emo i must be racist or psychotic... perhaps you are just ignorant as fuck? toss that out there since********
- your conclusions dont past any logical testing********
- Milan0
- the apex of dumbness + retardness.neverscared
- "What being a President even means?!"grafician
- "people couldn't even explain it to him"zaq
- grafician3
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee press release:
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and U.S. Senators Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) today introduced the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, a bill to bolster national security interests and better protect communities across the country by ending the use of “warrant-proof” encrypted technology by terrorists and other bad actors to conceal illicit behavior."
lol, this is like "outlawing door locks in case police needs to come visit."