America is Fucked

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  • nb9

    Trump claimed he read Woodward’s book “last night really fast because it’s so boring” to Fox & Friends. Then two days later he made the exact same claim of reading it “last night really fast because it’s so boring.”

    This rich fucking moron is the product of everything that’s wrong with America. Who lies about reading a book? Is he 12?

    How embarrassing that this is what kids are growing up with as an example of a leader. Uggggh.

    • he'll say his days are a longer as yours.uan
    • He's off his face on speed. Memory lapses are probably quite regular occurrences for him.PhanLo
    • He's completely banjoed on Adderall pretty much most of his waking hours to stop his brain collapsing in on itself.face_melter
    • There's no conscious effort at self-control or self-awareness because he gets bored before he even finishes the sentence he's speaking.face_melter
    • Regarding the "leader" part, this has actually been really helpful to me in showing why hierarchies are nonsenseR_Kercz
    • I mean if you’re going to lie about reading a book, at least make it Infinite Jestnb
    • We all knew he was a complete ass before he even ran for office. I wish it wasn't still headline news every day.nuggler
    • @nuggler - that's just it - Trump has been on my mental "he's a total dick" list since the mid 90s sometime. Strange to see the cult following he has.Nairn
    • Infinite Jest was such a slogmonospaced
    • C Y B E R M O R A Nutopian
    • I haven't seen anything he's done since the Wickerman tbhfadein11
    • I nearly finished infinite Jest second attempt, but it fell in the bath when I nodded off and the pages were so thin it never fully recovered. I have anotherfadein11
    • copy now though, keep saying to myself I must finish it.fadein11
    • If I'm honest I enjoyed his biography morefadein11
    • I checked out at "he read"Akagiyama
    • What kinda of leader shall we hold as God like nb? Or is trump perfect example to say "hey kid" this is the reality work hard and do t rely on these goons
    • Deathboy comes up with the most ridiculous justifications for anything, so long as it matches his ideology. A sign of a man too confident to know he’s a fool.nb
  • Ramanisky2-3

    • “It’s for a cop”fooler
    • A C A BPhanLo
    • double spit?Milan
    • Put a shit load of cheese in that son of a bitch.Akagiyama
    • Liter is French for gimme some fucking cola before I break vous fucking lip!nb
    • Lovingly prepared with buggers and cum.
    • some of the most fragile and soft motherfuckers imaginable. constantly whining about how no-one likes them or lying about being dissed in coffeeshops.face_melter
    • 'That'll be $13.12 please, sir.'Continuity
  • Akagiyama5

    RBG's body isn't even cold yet, and Turtle McConnell is ready to bulldoze a replacement through.

    • not surprisingdorf
    • obama took a month to nominate a newb after Scalia's death... even then the pubs acted appalled—hypocritica... fucks (Ted Cruz appeared to have a hardon tonight)PonyBoy
  • kingsteven3

    Maybe America is so fucked, the fucks have become load bearing?

    • If they succeed in replacing her before the election America is truly fucked for the rest of my lifetime.formed
    • I cant believe I spent so much time and money trying to move here. shit's getting so nasty in the US. some serious gangrene in the body of this nationhardhat
    • I'd rather staple my bag to my leg before moving to the US, frankly.Continuity
    • Read another book, for fuck's sake.face_melter
  • utopian3

  • neverscared4

    The U.S. Is on the Path to Destruction
    Climate change is killing Americans and destroying the country’s physical infrastructure.…

  • nb3

    The two-party system is the biggest thing holding back the country.

    Change my mind.

    • I would suggest that a better-educated populace would be of certain benefit ...Continuity
  • nb6

    Lol trump said he maybe should sign an executive order preventing Biden from being president.

    Some thought that Trump would rise to the office of president, but instead he’s just dragging down the presidency to his level. He’s a joke, and presidents will not for a long time get the respect they once deserved.

    Hard to believe that one man could be so inept, so absolutely incompetent that he would tarnish the presidency itself. But there it is.

    • no, he is what he is, what's worse is America letting him get away with it and even worse, enabling him._niko
    • He's the American Dream.PhanLo
    • What are we supposed to do?scarabin
    • It’s true, this is the fault every American.nb
    • He didn’t even win the majority vote. We never wanted him.scarabin
    • Imagine Obama acted this way, this tyrannical, this demagogic, this insane, the right would have assassinated him already, I'm not saying go to that extreme but_niko
    • the good, intelligent, honest hard working people on the left are letting the loud, moronic, backwards, superstitious, conspiracy theorist idiots on the right_niko
    • take over. Outsmart them, it can't be that hard. You've already let a complete dud run against trump greatly increasing the chance of 4 more nightmarish years_niko
    • organize, mobilize, drive voters to polling stations, get everyone out, the republicans will do everything in their power and beyond to prevent left votes_niko
    • they're cheating, they're breaking every rule, every dirty trick in the book, meet the challenge, fight fire with fire, be better than them, win at all costs._niko
    • Definitely, 100% if Obama acted and said the things Trump says, he would have been assassinated. For sure.nb
    • Read the room statement was In jest
    • He doesn't have the power a great thing. Do u not remember under Obama growing executive power to defeat the right?
    • Remember all obama's executive overreach very reach's when u dislike trump. It won't always be what u want
    • And best to have very little executive overreach
    • Would Milton Friedman approve of Donald Trump?utopian
    • No idea. My guess he'd point out the same spending bs pitis need to do to try and drive economies
    • Geo politically makes sense. I don't think he'd mention typical character drivel outside real policy
    • Why do u think m. friedman would approve of a man? That he is so superficial
    • Another example u display of such non understanding of his material
  • PhanLo4

    • Helmetutopian
    • "Read the room, statement was in jest."
      ~ Deathboy (with typos corrected because he's a deadshit)
    • Is there broader context?
    • Because I see a tweet. Without frame of reference at all not correlation to my comment?
    • I would question wether cops fired rubber bullets on protestors who just did nothing? Was this guy in such a scenario?
    • I dint know who he is but if u want my opinion I'd need more info.
    • the personifaction of a saddistic, violence glorfiying racist.neverscared
    • 'I would question wether cops fired rubber bullets on protestors who just did nothing?'
      Holy fucking shit. People from Northern Ireland want a word with you.
    • Sometimes I can't decide whether deathy is an elaborate bit or just genunely supine with a brain like a pool ball.face_melter
    • db's a genuine NRA card carrying, MAGA hat wearing, republican registered, racistimbecile
  • yuekit0

    Interesting turn of events at the UN. The Trump administration declares that Iran is in breach of the nuclear agreement and moves to restore all sanctions.

    But most of the rest of the world...including Russia and China but also the UK, France and Germany...sides with Iran and says the US declaration is illegal.…

  • PhanLo0

    Foundo Bobo

  • mathinc1

    My position: this place is going to be a shithole after Nov 3rd no matter what. Biden wins, militias hit the streets. Trump wins, fascism gets turn't up to vol 12.

    I can move to Germany at any time with my entire family. What moment would be the best time to make that decision? I'm thinking we rent a little place near the Alps, wait out the apocalypse, milk cows, whatever.

    • Or stay and be part of the resistance. What say you QBN friends?mathinc
    • Bayern is never not appropriate.
      And Munich is a really great city to live in (but unholy expensive).
    • My wife's family is in Nuremberg and Munich. Probably rather tend towards Nuremberg or south of Munich and really live in/near the mountains.mathinc
    • with no one to empower the blood thirsty cops, the climate will quickly changeimbecile
    • god who the fuck wants to go to germany which can lose us support and need to suck russian dick
    • Last time I looked the US has the entire Russian dick in its mouth, all the way up the balls.mathinc
    • dude get off the MSM narratives. if biden wins u have to worry mroe about the fires tehy stoked not being happy. not left enough
    • most sensible people are not looking for a bernie sanders revolution. btu what is concerning is left talking of stacjing courts. that is way worse than fake
    • and what is different from trump than recent presidents? Bad and good policy? Optics? Or medias roll in the control. Did trump sow division or was it media?
    • did he not bring the most possible peace to the middle east in well ever?
    • even if optics and wont be short lived. he also worked with other countries. no wars. and cut taxes and rolled back policy helping middle class america.
  • Beeswax0

    So is the main concern with the death of RBG is that if Biden wins with a small margin Trump will say there's fraud and repeat the elections with the help of Supreme court?

    Erdogan did that in the last local elections when they lost Istanbul, Repeating the elections pissed of even his supporters that most of them didn't go to the ballots. The opposition got more amped by the decision that the voter turnout broke a record and Tayyip lost Istanbul by a landslide.

    • Not sure he’d even have to do that, just selectively discount votes from districts that weren’t in his favour_niko
    • ^yeah like "Blue states don't count!" and boom!grafician
    • Beeswax it's possible but the main concern goes way beyond that, they could pass all kinds of rulings such as ending the right to abortion, voting rights, unionyuekit
    • rights, health care law gets ruled as invalid. Of course SC is already right-wing but this pushes it to a point where some pretty extreme decisions are likely.yuekit
  • Ramanisky23

    • This is sad and telling of the mental state of republican supporters. Lower class, lower education, I think they’re good people but are naive._niko
    • One of the least annoying TYT videos I've seen. Have they changed their style?
      The supporters seem like they're from another time.
    • @_niko. They're are anything but naive. They're hateful, evil fucks who are the enemy of decency.CyBrainX
    • The one thing I find encouraging is that some of them would leave the country. I'd even let them have the Confederacy they always wanted so they could stay put.CyBrainX
    • +1 PhanLo. I can't do TYT anymore but this aint bad. btw I almost worked w/ Cenk back in '05moldero
    • @moldero ah no way! I used to watch their vids but they became caricatures. I suppose they have to fit a weird format of outrage journalism.PhanLo
  • imbecile3

    • Richest country in the world, but working folks with insurance can’t afford basic routine meds. A sad joke of a system.nb
    • i liked the part where your note overstated the thread titleimbecile
    • Homo homini lupus…
      Burn the whole continent with napalm
    • It's called capitalism...look it up!utopian
    • Hang on there, drgs. Canadians are mostly harmless, and they have public health insurance.
      Also, I'll actually want to visit Mexico some day.
    • If he loses weight, he could stabilize both issues. Maybe the doctor is wrong for over prescribingFawnDog
    • what is the patient's weight dr fawndog?kingsteven
    • kingsteven, MD is here to diagnose this patient based on some screenshots of tweets.nb
    • My god what an ugly post
  • imbecile0

    • Prohibits any reduction of the police budget. It’s a legit police state. I thought republicans were all about freedom?!nb
    • There is no group of adults on the planet more stupid and ignorant than American republicans. Fact.nb
    • They're preparing for civil unrest.
      Will all be speedboat parties in no time.
    • How that clown is in office makes my head spin and hurt. He's cancelled unemployment, even the Trump money, says they can't afford it. Good guy.formed
    • well it is florida law. seems excessive, but again florida that has its own fark tag
    • but more than likely optics. similar to democrat mayors saying pull down statues. self interests is all that matters
    • also relevance wether such laws exist alreadys and are merely creep.
    • Then stop blocking the roads morans!Phrenological
  • whatthefunk3

  • BusterBoy7

    It seems like the idiots are winning.

  • drgs0

  • PhanLo13

    • I swear, people are idiots. The last SC appointee has led or participated in very very progressive decisions. Nobody's losing anything, dumbass.MondoMorphic
    • I don't know much about US Law, but isn't the point of the tweet about the fragility of it all, not about if it will actually be reversed?ESKEMA
    • once there are enough religious zealots on the bench you can be assured they will chip away... these are smart people who know until they have majority it's notben_
    • worth their time.ben_
    • That's clearly the fear, ben, but there's been nothing to support that fear.MondoMorphic
    • Hence waiting for the majority.ben_
    • Lava sigh has been surprising though.ben_
    • Wow apple auto correct... “kavanaugh”ben_
    • ^As long as Kavanaugh can have a beer he's sound.PhanLo
    • @MondoMorphic It's a legitimate fear. Will soon be a 6-3 majority of "conservatives". If Trump is re-elected, EVERY chance this could lead to a 7-2 which...BusterBoy
    • ...would be completely unrepresentative. And certainly give rise to the possibility of many progressive laws (Roe v Wade, gay marriage etc) to be overturned.BusterBoy
    • Mondo would still maintain “nobody’s losing anything” because he believes they aren’t people. Thick.ben_
    • What about fear at chipping away at basic gun rights and relying soley on gov for defense? Been and still chipped at
    • Biden said he doesn't even see reason for a handgun.
    • Roe vs wade won't be overturned. U may notch back bullets like months in a magazine
    • Gay marriage should be over turned and has no federal standing. But all marriage should not need fed or state consent
    • And all tax law giving benefits should be looked at differently as domestic partnership. They never got argument right
    • Marriage is an idea the state never nor should sanction. Much like religion
    • But considering lefts threats. Show how little they respect any philosophical laws and only looking to exercise authority
    • Wouldn't trust them by actions in the least bit. They already made case for Trump to use current authority as he should
    • Ugh I can't imagine his simp idea of rights. Moms must do laundry
    • “Basic” gun rights, deathboy? Man listen to yourself.ben_
    • of all that. you quote a word. no context. no explanation. insinuate something. dont even know what. in support, not in support. guess we will choose in support
    • a win for positive thinking in and solidarity right?