Russia-Ukraine Invasion
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- NBQ000
The German newspaper Die Welt reports that it has seen documents showing that Berlin had reduced military support for Ukraine to ‘a minimum’.
Scholz is using every possible excuse not to help Ukraine while making promises yet not delivering.
Such a little bastard.
- Very good. All of Europe should do the same as Germany.pablo28
- Any additional armament only prolongs the agony of Ukraine's citizens, and increases the inflation and food crisis that will hit the whole world.pablo28
- yes pablo28 we should let the russians pillage their way across all of ukraine, cutting tongues off women before raping them and then killing them.shapesalad
- indeed we should let them cut ears off, just for the fun of it. I suggest you dig into the hack communications of russian solders to see why we need toshapesalad
- immediately put a stop to the war by bombing the russian army to cinder. They are mostly alcoholic / drug addicted messed up fucks that need rehab or a bullet.shapesalad
- they have killed more ukraine civilians than army. They are committing genocide. They won't stop at the boarder to ukraine. they would love to take poland.shapesalad
- and germany seems complicit in it, perhaps wanting to be come part of this new sick russian empire. built on the cut off tongues of raped innocent women.shapesalad
- ss: what makes you think armament of Ukraine will stop the war?
Why don't you push for peace instead?uan - This absolutely bizarre idea that if you take away Ukraine's ability to defend itself there will be "peace"
- European leaders are currently demanding negotiations, Putin is refusing or slow walking them. This view is totally disconnected from reality.yuekit
- People who are pro-Russia should just be honest about it and make the case for why Putin taking over the largest country in Europe by force, with all itsyuekit
- energy and food supply, is a good thing for Europe and the world. I'm sure Russia won't be emboldened after this and just seize some territory, as well asyuekit
- funding far-right politicians in your own country.yuekit
- *seize some more territoryyuekit
- Disregard what shape says on any and all subjects - not long ago he advocated gunning down immigrants and regugees. His head is fucking wasted.face_melter
- It seems like many European elites are in bed with Russian elites...the Nordstream 2 pipeline was already essentially throwing Ukraine under the bus.yuekit
- So you aren't actually being "anti-establishment" (maybe this is the only argument that works for some people) by screwing over Ukraine,yuekit
- many German and French CEOs and politicians are probably secretly on your side cheering for Ukraine to lose, even if no one is brave enough to admit it.yuekit
- Ok next time there’s a school shooter, dis arm the police. That should bring about peace right???shapesalad
- ^ You gotta allow the school shooter to shoot however many people he wants, then negotiate with him.yuekit
- Or possibly you just give the shooter part of the school, with the students still in it. It's only way to achieve peace.yuekit
- wouldnt trust -the welt-... unless the show the papers... they seem very right biased kinda like fox.. from what i ive seen the last 2 years from the peripheryneverscared
- #Ukrainisfucked lolKhurram
- That’s funny to you?NBQ00
- No sorry it's tragic.... seeing "western" unity crumble though, is funny, in a roundabout sort of way :-/Khurram
- Oh boy, another meltdown.garbage
- we now have pablo (aka Milan) and Khurram being the village idiots Z-trolls.NBQ00
- Ah Khurram, by the way... must be nice to live in a western country (Canada), eh? Why not live in Saudi Arabia?NBQ00
- ??Khurram
- Don't you mean Russia? That's a random country you just picked.Khurram
- Oh, maybe not so random LOLKhurram
- yuekit2
Navalny gets another 15 years randomly added to his sentence in a prison colony, at least he still has a sense of humor...
- He'll be out and running the country within 2 years time.shapesalad
- on twitter? from a bunker?
why not use his twitter for propaganda,uan - I don't he's actually on Twitter, he passes the notes to his lawyer or something.yuekit
- or the authoritarian regime or his lawyer or whoever has his account uses it plant some controversy in western public opinion?uan
- that adam curtis doc series made me something between thoughtful and paranoid.uan
- One thing that surprised me was that many people in Ukraine and Eastern Europe were convinced this was staged....yuekit
- https://www.theguard…yuekit
- Nairn1
"If anything, the Kremlin’s propaganda campaign – which goes hand in hand with cyberattacks – is still in full swing in Italy, and it’s aided by a sizable audience of both conscious and unintentional enablers."
- neverscared0
- Fuck Russia.Nairn
- Aww! They're sooo photogenic these slavs <3Khurram
- Look at them kissing on the lips like such normal people! >_<Khurram
- are u posting out of a mental institution.. you sure sound like it ... u just got to many blows to your head.neverscared
- maybe try to get a new profession before they bash all your neurons out of your head.neverscared
- neverscared0
Arms sent to Ukraine will end up in criminal hands, says Interpol chief
Jürgen Stock urges members to cooperate on arms tracing as arms will flood hidden economy when war ends“Criminal groups try to exploit these chaotic situations and the availability of weapons, even those used by the military and including heavy weapons. These will be available on the criminal market and will create a challenge. No country or region can deal with it in isolation because these groups operate at a global level.”
- Handing out weapons to civilians always works out super well. It'll be fine.PhanLo
- Like invading a country doesn't leave equipment up for grabs everywhere. Not like we don't ship shit everywhere, sell it to anyone, etc., etc.formed
- Remember? https://www.dailymai…pablo28
- eh fucking fearmongering guardian quoting only what scares people.
this is a possibility with every fucking war, and there are methods to take care about it.sted - The interpol chief ought to take this up with the Ruskies. All those abandoned tanks and rocket launchers might end up in the wrong hands!monNom
- What are those methods to take care about it sted?Khurram
- pablo28-5
- https://www.france24…pablo28
- put that on the US map.sted
- "controls"? rightzaq
- Russia gained control over 13% more of Ukraine's territory so far during this war.yuekit
- And you cheer for their war crimes, don’t you pablo (aka Milan)NBQ00
- wow, big if huge.Khurram
- All those NATO armaments and advanced weaponry flooding into Ukraine for years and years. All those joint NATO military exercises.Khurram
- All the massive amount of material and logistical support provided by NATO during this war, and they couldn't even hold onto the Donbas.Khurram
- Incidentally, is it a coincidence that the nominally pro-Russian portion of Ukraine, at least going by recent voting patterns, have fallen underKhurram
- Russian and Russian-backed militia control much easier than other parts of the country?Khurram
- Correlation isn't causation so maybe there's nothing in that. But, makes me think...Khurram
- Russia doesn't controls shit in Ukraine, everything is and was up to the impact capability of their ground forces.sted
- rassan soldiers leave, or the army shows weakness the political sentiment changes in that area and there is no need to amplify anti-russian retoric.sted
- it is fucking difficult to support a more or less isolated country against the 6th largest army in the world while taking into account all the circumstances.sted
- circumstances like nuclear holocaust, ww3, or military conventions... just to mention a few popular ones.sted
- these sound simple things to an average person but its like tracking inventory in a battlefield. I know how materiel management works on the ground.sted
- But i never had any opportunity in a 6m training to see distribution management happens on a higher level.sted
- you are assimilating a specific knowledge on a level, and it depends on your progress to what knowledge you get access toosted
- Of course there is the Internet to dig up some information, but that doesn't gives you a clear picture about the massive scale of these operations.sted
- And again the NATO isn't doing shit, individual countries do this and very carefully(except the US ehh) and its just a few of them.sted
- Thanks sted, certainly a lot to chew on there.Khurram
- "is it a coincidence that the nominally pro-Russian portion of Ukraine..." Here's an example of a pro-Russian city, if you squint closely you can see the peopleyuekit
- flying Russian flags from their window, so yea Khurram you may have a point.…yuekit - If you listen closely you can hear them playing the "A Man Like Putin" theme songyuekit
- lol. yuekit's sarcasm would be pretty funny if it weren't for the shite state of affairs.hotroddy
- yuekit2
Russian ambassador to the UK tries to explain Russia's side of the story...
- It's amazing some people still think there's a good reason for the war when Russian official can't even explain it themselves... just an incoherent trainwreck.yuekit
- What's funny is he doesn't even mention NATO, according to this guy it was all about protecting Russian speaking Ukrainians from maybe being attacked...yuekit
- yuekit1
The rumors are true and Putin is dying from cancer...according to US intelligence reports.
"Putin's grip is strong but no longer absolute," says one of the senior intelligence officers with direct access to the reports. "The jockeying inside the Kremlin has never been more intense during his rule, everyone sensing that the end is near."
- BS US propagandapablo28
- Putin-fan pablo (aka Milan) knows best. Just like when Milan said the invasion was all western propaganda.NBQ00
- Don't worry pablo, Putin will always be there for you... galloping across the sky on a horse half-naked.yuekit
- I hope so!********
- Some say he is already deaddrgs
- It makes sense IMO if he is sick...would explain the extreme COVID paranoia (giant table), reckless decision making and doctors following him around.yuekit
- These days depending on type of cancer you can stay alive for a long time esp if you are a billionaire like Putin...but it could be the factor that leads him toyuekit
- pull the trigger on the war.yuekit
- If Putin dies this year -- the outcome of the war makes no difference, simply because Putin's death is a much much more important event.drgs
- The Mirror, in Britain was reporting this in UK before Newsweek.
- drgs2
- UghNBQ00
- Munich Hauptbahnhof.
I'll have to go see if this is legit.Continuity - Well... the ad is in English, seems fake.shapesalad
- Yeah, looks like Russian propaganda.
Interestingdrgs - Looks so fake. Compare to banner on the left.jagara
- I mean right ;)jagara
- DYOR!nb
- I that a Colonel Sanders from KFC on the top of the banner?utopian
- oey_oey0
Fucking Macron
"Russia must not be humiliated in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has said, to allow an improvement in diplomatic relations between the west and Moscow whenever the war comes to an end."
Whenever, Whatever...
- Russia should be humiliated in its loss, and then not humiliated in its rebuilding, as all empires of its era have come.Nairn
- i understand his point, but...Bennn
- Like Germany was castrated in its time. Although, I saw some stats about Hitler's popularity after the war, something like 1/3 of the Germans still considereddrgs
- him to be their greatest leader (mid 1950s)drgs
- Maybe he should call Putin again. He’s only called him 3 times today.NBQ00
- The comparison should be the aftermath of WW1, not WW2. The Europeans ignored Presdent Wilson's suggestion they don't completely decimate Germany.CyBrainX
- They ignored him which lead to a German nationalist movement. All of this should only be discussed if and when Russia is defeated. Not now.CyBrainX
- NBQ001
British fighters Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner sentenced to death by Russian-backed court.
The two men, who were captured by separatists in Mariupol in April, were accused of fighting as mercenaries for Ukraine.
- yuekit1
Putin says Russia’s aim is to acquire new territories.
Speaking at an exhibition devoted to Peter the Great, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin claimed that the emperor’s Great Northern War against Sweden had been a return of Russian land, not a conquest of territory.
“Apparently it is our fate too to return (territory) and strengthen ourselves,” he said in an apparent reference to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The Kremlin’s proxies said earlier that Ukraine's Russian-occupied areas may be annexed by Russia.
- No kidding sherlock.shapesalad
- Sounds almost like...imperialism?yuekit
- I was told by very smart people Russia was the good guy who was just defending themselves against the gay NATO Nazis.yuekit
- "Gatherer of Russian land", he wants it to be his legacydrgs
- It is quite funny, when you remember that Kievan Rus was founded by Varangians (Vikings mostly from Sweden).rzu-rzu
- neverscared1
Three months of Russia’s war in Ukraine in 1.5 minutes. Russia launched at least 2100 missiles at Ukraine. 633 were launched from Belarus
- Krassy5
Putin’s number one critic ‘disappears’ from prison colony
Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has been transferred out of his prison colony to an unknown location
- shapesalad-6
Russians are stabbing pigs in the heart and then flying them over Kharkiv via helicopter, as the pig screams.
They are also setting cows on fire in front of locals.
And raping young children there.
(according to reporter on Monocle Globalist show today).
- The reporter is in Kyiv, and Ukrainian. Not sure why downvotedshapesalad
- tbh. upvote would be weirderpango
- Post sauceYakuZoku
- Chimp0
My friend in Holland took in two Ukrainian refugees into their family home, despite concerns from their young children. They helped pay for flights and get them set up and yesterday they said the work was too hard and they found Dutch too hard to learn. One of them worked one day in hotel then quit. They are now on their way back to the Ukraine.
I’m sure not all refugees / economic migrants are like this but it really left a bad taste in my friends mouth who bent over backwards to help them. It’s interesting to hear another side to the story that isn’t portrayed in the media.
- I think what my friend did was very brave and it’s a shame it turned out like this.Chimp
- they'd rather risk death, war and starvation than live in Holland? lol_niko
- my sister took in 4 ppl. exactly 0 problems in the past mo. in Netherlands almost everybody speaks English, and a large portion of the Ukrainian refugees too :)sted
- a friend took in 7 ppl from kiev to barca, they went back to kiev 1 month after they arrived. ukraine is big and the war zones seem to be mainly east.uan
- your friend needs to step back and look at the larger picture.imbecile
- how easy would it be for you to go get a hotel job in another country where you don't know the language while your country is actively at war?imbecile
- these people did not steal or harm, they only realized the situation was not for them and returned to where they felt they had purpose.imbecile
- props to your friend for helping. props to the ukrainian individuals for following what they felt was necessaryimbecile
- One of my students who is from the Ukraine also went back last month. Hopefully the situation in the rest of the country improves.Chimp
- East is a no go zone, sadly. I talked to a Ukranian living in our town, he's from an Oblast in the west, said they "barely notice the war"...OBBTKN
- unless you are young and they force you to go to the front; He left for thatOBBTKN
- "One of my students" wutpango
- stopped reading at THE Ukrainescruffics
- pango: I had a Ukrainian student in one of my classes that was due to go go back but delayed until last month.Chimp
- scruffics, is this you?…Chimp
- No. What surprised me is you teach people....pango
- Pango you seem to easily surprised / trigger by reality.Chimp
- *to beChimp
- Don't forget how traumatized people get during a war; this is so awful. All ukrainians I met want to go home as soon as possible.SimonFFM
- Yes. Reality is full of surprises. especially with you around :)
Now I'm curious what can you teach.pango - @Simon, yeah I think that would be a natural response once it's safe enough.Chimp
- what do you teach? please don't say epidemiologyfadein11
- @fadein11 I teach UX for a masters in innovation. In the past I've taught branding, typography and colour theory at degree level both in English and Spanish.Chimp
- Do you teach anything?Chimp
- phew. thank god it's not epidemiologypango
- Pango, do you still have that restriction that stops you going near young people?Chimp