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- 167 Responses
- mort_4
- "We need to talk about..." belongs in the Punches for thread.CyBrainX
- I don’t get itmonospaced
- The comment at the top is the reply @mono if that’s what’s not making sense.mort_
- I don’t get how a plus one is polyphobic (not a real word?) and I don’t get why this would be a concern, and I don’t get what is meant by silence.monospaced
- "Polyphobia is the fear and hatred of polyamory and polyamorous people."grafician
- And wait this was in the Woke thread...grafician
- it's also another made up term, although it's good to see Graf understand something that's not real.Ianbolton
- I feel that those polyamorous sorts are probably just as insecure as everyone else, even though they claim to be open as fuck and ultimately progressive.Ianbolton
- Polyamory is just additional and often unnecessary relationship adminIanbolton
- Changing username to Polyamorycanoe
- @Ianbolton I searched for the termgrafician
- Milan-5
- Obvious Troll is Obvious - Troll Hardertheonlyengineerhere
- and since 2024 the white house uses that sign on the lawn...neverscared
- and it will stay there till 2028...neverscared
- pretty accurate meme tbfkingsteven
- Nonstop Shitposting .... LOLzzzutopian
- DaveO3
I do believe that the over-wokeness of the world is what's driven the harder right push back.
If you think back to the first Trump administration we had the Me Too movement right after, and following that, way more surfacing of the type of radical inclusion language & pronouns that have come to define the 'woke' ideology. Think of all the mysogynistic rhetoric when he was campaigning against Hilary, and how that created a movement.
What we're in now is the pendulum swinging back with such force, and it odes make me wonder whether it'll get to another point and swing back again.
- we've replaced one form of madness with another_niko
- "Look what you've made me do"palimpsest
- https://i.haasie.com…palimpsest
- I don't get it, so it's not okay to grab them by the pussy - or is it okay now?Ianbolton
- yup, grab away, they like it!_niko
- or MAGA and Trumpism as driven the over woke into existence....neverscared
- Thanks Niko. I though so.Ianbolton
- Fuck. I've just been sacked.Ianbolton
- My company is obviously waaaay too woke.Ianbolton
- +1 paliContinuity
- lol Ian but now you can sue them for wrongful dismissal because of run-amok work policies. Congrats, you’re a millionaire!_niko
- It's the talk of tampons in boy's bathrooms and queer people making conservative people uncomfortabledoggydoggdog
- doggydoggdog0
Remember even in the 90's almost everyone would be closeted and it would ruin a celebrities career?
Now like 20% of kids proudly say they are non-binary.
- Raybandana0
Go woke, go broke. New Woke Order.