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- 167 Responses
- cherub2
- ok boomerneverscared
- cheerdumb the boomer always at the top of lousy obscenity ... your mum didn´t raise u well mannered ..C'est la vieneverscared
- inteliboy9
You could see this anti-woke bullshit coming a mile away.
One little segment of the population goes far left, outraged about everything...
Then the entire right come in swinging like a toddler having a tantrum.
It's all nonsense. All irritating. Fed by all the rage bait on social media.
Sadly though have seen the real world repercussions of it all, people losing jobs or work over bizarre identity politics. Seems everyone is getting put in their little categories for a more divided and shitty world. Both sides have fucked it for everyone.
- If any of it didnt get clicks and cultural/political clout, no one would give a shitinteliboy
- It's being easy... Divide and conquer.OBBTKN
- Can you give us 1 example of wokeism that is far left?palimpsest
- How does intersectionality NOT divide us? Surely, pointing out all our individual oppressions solves nothingIanbolton
- Does wokeism propose full-scale nationalization, abolition of private property, radical weath redistribution?palimpsest
- Wokeism is to US Democrats what the Tea Party was to Republicans. It has nothing to do with the far left.palimpsest
- How far left do you have to go to be deemed as far left?Ianbolton
- Left of the Democrats is all. Since Democrats represent the left.
If you have a woke issue that you consider far left I would like to hear it.palimpsest - Universal Healthcare? Is that far left? Is it a woke issue?palimpsest
- Accessible and affordable higher education? Is that too radical, too woke?palimpsest
- Gender dysphoria and mental illness are real.ApeRobot
- disney is so far left .. u wont believe. lol..neverscared
- one little segment? like Biden enabling mediocrity through the selection of individuals based on token qualifications?hotroddy
- study Marxist revolutions if you don't want to be ignorant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hayoth
- Our #1 Marxist scholar.palimpsest
- very fine people on both sides... to all kkk buddies...neverscared
- who are so deeply bounded with anti-life and the past...neverscared
- u will never own disney nor the future... ;)neverscared
- bringing up KKK? who's the one living in the past?hotroddy
- LOLpalimpsest
- Left/right is the wrong distinction. It’s about authoritarianism. The wokees play at altruism the same way communists were ‘for the workers’.monNom
- The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. It’s is how the in-group displays their power.monNom
- mental health is a social constructIanbolton
- Can anyone name one way "wokeness" affected your life other than news headlines?yuekit
- ^ thisfadein11
- I stepped in shit the other day walking in LA so I can say it scared me psychologicallyhotroddy
- Yuekit, i think it's more the confused conversations i get dragged into. Like 'i can't say anything these days without being offensive'.Ianbolton
- Ah yes, the inevitable, and meaningless, “If it doesn’t affect you...” comment.Gnash
- Followed up with the predictably inane, ‘this’Gnash
- I like cinema. Woke Hollywood fucked up a bunch of movies, franchises etc.********
- my response is 'don't say anything cunty then, if you're so scared'. I feel like people are working their shit out, and happy for them to do their thing.Ianbolton
- Oh look, cynicism because you don't have an answer. It's just a buzzword / wedge issue that the right is glomming onto because..garbage
- ..if they had to stand on any real issue, they'd fall through that platform immediately. 100% "LOOK OVER THERE, WOKENESS".garbage
- I'd wager you've only recently heard that term, don't even know that they co-opted that term, and you'd have to google its origins.garbage
- (forgot the @hotroddy)garbage
- lol, that's also the first thing I could think of...people getting annoyed about women being cast in the new Ghostbusters movie, something like that.yuekit
- If that's what justifies this level of interest in a topic then the world must really be free of problems right?yuekit
- Dude, I live it. 20 years before woke became a word there was another word in Venezuela, "Chavista".hotroddy
- it divided and destroyed the country beyond recognition.. worse then any civil warhotroddy
- Speaking of Ghostbusters 2016, the movie simply sucked ass on all levels. The unfunny cast of actresses was a big part of it, obviously. So you're a cunt********
- Didn't the next Ghostbusters movie also suck though?yuekit
- Far from ideal, but much, much better.********
- I fucking hate Rottentomatoes, but check out both movies there and look at audience score only. The tomatometer is fucking useless anyway.********
- Star Wars The Last Jedi was maybe another example of a woke movie.yuekit
- I can sort of understand why people resent these movies, it's like Hollywood is propagandizing you. Also some people of our generation are very attached toyuekit
- things like Star Wars and Ghostbusters that they grew up with, possibly to an unhealthy extent. So it's like wokeness is destroying your childhood memories.yuekit
- Memories aside, they're releasing shit that no one enjoys, no matter the age. And cinema is a big part of culture.********
- But the flipside to this is a country like China, where every movie is basically some version of Rambo.yuekit
- I think the good side of wokeness is the ability to criticize your own culture and history, something that's missing in a lot of parts of the world.yuekit
- Good side of wokeness? Are you fucking high?********
- @yuekit You're wasting your breath. That boy loses sleep over Ghostbusters and Star Wars.garbage
- Right now the Republicans are doing things like banning black history from being taught in schools...I think this is going way too far.yuekit
- Garbage, the faggy cunt loser.********
- What amazes me is how many anti-woke people watch and get triggered by such awful films. Hit the back catalogue guys, loads of good shit out there.fadein11
- ^^ user name checks out.pango
- Yeah, just don't look and the problems will go away. Fuck, I hope some of you are sterile.********
- the only people left now using 'woke' in any kind of discourse are conservatives. They've found the new catch-phrase they want to beat to death.exador1
- it's 'woke-this' and 'trans-that'.
its just a rallying cry for idiots.exador1 - times are always changing. demographics are always changing. but the easy thing for nasty people has ALWAYS been to point a finger and say 'it was THEM!!!!'exador1
- 'They're the reason things are different!' They're the reason you're unhappy!
meanwhile they line their pockets.exador1 - don't be racist. don't be homophobic. don't be transphobic. don't be misogynistic.
for some reason, those things seem hard for some folks.exador1 - its not. just mind your own fucking business, take care of yourself and your family, and leave others the fuck alone.exador1
- ^ this *for gnashfadein11
- They're not hard concepts for sane adults. This thread evidences just how easy it is to trigger manbabies.garbage
- lol, yupfadein11
- Do you know any other buzzwords except "triggered", you loser?********
- Maybe consider the fact that you're very easily defined? If there were anything interesting about you, I'd have different words. You aren't, so I don't.garbage
- #staytriggeredgarbage
- Knobby Logic 101®utopian
- ApeRobot-4
The B stand for "Bi".....lol....the irony.
There are only two genders, the rest are unidentified pokemon.- You’re pathetic.monospaced
- How can you, i refer as a asian lesbian light switch.
Please respect me and my identity.ApeRobot - no one's stopping you bud.doesnotexist
- shapesalad-3
I thought LGBTQ stood for:
Let's Go Back to Quality.
I understood it was an anti 'Made in China' movement...
- hotroddy-5
- "transgenderism and BLM have the same function -- to redistribute capital and power"
https://www.qbn.com/…drgs - the leading is too big.shapesalad
- they turned 100 bucks into millions? enough to pay their execs 6 millions??
are they investment genius?pango - what do you mean 'they'hotroddy
- what do you mean what do i mean they?pango
- "transgenderism and BLM have the same function -- to redistribute capital and power"
- shapesalad-2
"Black HS2(UK highspeed rail) manager sues for discrimination saying her boss was being racist when she used the phrase 'whiter than white'
Sharon Goodison said it was offensive as it implies 'white is good, black is bad'"
Yeah... clearly you have your eyes primed for the slightest comment you can then run to your employment lawyer with and try to get a payout.
- cannonball19782
Remember when it was hipsters you were sick of hearing about?
- these are the same people without the beard, we called them emo when they were kids.sted
- man... i miss those poser fuckspango
- Hipsters are too busy these days, using all their spare time up at the lazer clinic, getting their doodle book sleeves removed.shapesalad
- and having reconstruction surgery on their ear lobes after stretching them out with those big ring things.shapesalad
- oh... i've been calling people hipsters for less. lolpango
- yuekit3
- The endgame of being obsessed with the threat of wokeness...yuekit
- boycott lifedoesnotexist
- whatthefunk14
- Haha, perfect! The moronic hypocrisy of the GOP continues to stoop to lower and lower levels.formed
- complexities of life are lost on Zach.pr2
- Zach needs to watch more Newsmaxutopian
- trucks make you gay too. and roads.doesnotexist
- hotroddy-8
I wonder how many wokesters there were in San fransisco back in 50's?
- all social activists are 'wokesters'pango
- anyone that works towards progress (also known as 'progressives', in case that went over your head) are 'wokesters'formed
- Another lazy made up issue, not unlike the 'snowflakes'...until they became the biggest snowflakes of all and get triggered at the sight of a rainbow.formed
- palimpsest2
- turning the frogs gay.ApeRobot
- i love frogsdoesnotexist
- MAGA4Lifeutopian
- whatthefunk6
- easy there mao zedong, justifying violence.hotroddy
- easy there hypocritecanoe
- ol' hotrod here believes violence is only for holding others down, not fighting back against oppressorsimbecile
- lol at holding others down. what year are you living in imbécil? I think what you are really trying to say is 'speech is violence'hotroddy
- i don't expect you to understand as your stance is to be an asshole. you can stay with that stance as i support violence in the face of bigotryimbecile
- you enjoy articles such as this, so you are trash to myself and many others here. https://www.advocate…imbecile
- i hope that clears it up for you, fuckfaceimbecile
- https://www.hrc.org/…imbecile
- https://www.glaad.or…imbecile
- https://www.mapresea…imbecile
- https://impakter.com…imbecile
- https://www.theguard…imbecile
- Weird how violent crime is only a thing when directed at trans people. Keep on jussie smolletting. Gays have full rights in the USA and no one cares.hotroddy
- Only people who care are parents protecting their kids from a radical agenda. Once you cut your dick off there is no coming back.hotroddy
- lol, you're playing all the hits today, aren't you, you fucking subhuman?Continuity
- to echo continuity... as i said before "i don't expect you to understand as your stance is to be an asshole."imbecile
- Maybe you should go back to your own country, since the state of affairs in your adopted one doesn't suit you?Continuity
- "Gays have full rights in the USA and no one cares." exactly! then why are you cool with the violence directed at them? you're obviously an enemyimbecile
- oh wow, I'm detecting a little xenophobia from a person whose ancestry practiced genocide.hotroddy
- I've been living in the USA for 20+ years and I'm experiencing the decline of a society all over again.hotroddy
- imbecile, no one is condoning violence against the trans community. You are free to cut your balls off, but it sounds like you already have. :)hotroddy
- you are an idiot, impossible to communicate w/ you as you stumble across different points. xenophobia? i don't like you for you, not your appearance or heritageimbecile
- to see you take such weak, unfocused attacks at me is likely more comical to me than it is to you. people feel sorry for you. your ignorance is your own doing.imbecile
- maybe someday you'll care as much about others as you do getting a rise out of strangers. all the best with your projections.imbecile
- @continuity, I was joking about your ancestry to prove a point. it's easy to virtue signal. easy lazy arguments. which is what the left is good at.hotroddy
- Your 'joke' fell flat. I'm not German.
But my point remains. Don't like your adopted country or the direction in which it's going? Get the fuck out.Continuity - You're as dangerous as any individual could politically be to progress. I dislike you very much.Continuity
- And don't think for a second that I wouldn't give you a physical demonstration of my dislike of you, were I to have the misfortune of meeting you in person.Continuity
- and we go full circle. there's the left justifying violencehotroddy
- your xenophobic arguments are an indication of your hypocrisy. Don't hate me because I schooled you on canadian geography and ur the 'canadian'hotroddy
- maybe if germany was a little more right leaning you'd have a job instead of mooching of germans generous social progams. You're not even German!hotroddy
- Hotknobby. If theres no repercussions, would you oppose to punch a Nazi?pango
- are we living in 1945 nazi germany? yes! Would I punch Ron Desantis because you think he's a Nazi? no!hotroddy
- KnobGobbler Logic 101utopian
- Hotrod the kind of nazi to wonder why he got knocked the fuck out.imbecile
- When did I say Ron is a Nazi? I think he's more of a libertarian idiot.pango
- pango, i said he was a nazi. the kind of nazi to wonder why he got knocked the fuck out. if he's not a nazi, he's nazi level stupidimbecile
- https://www.qbn.com/…Gnash
- nahh iw as replying to hotknobbypango
- you're an idiot too, Gnash, don't worry. these people don't want violence, they're driven to it as a defensive response. you & hr are too stupid to understand.imbecile
- if you're not stupid, you're intentionally malicious, not just ignorant. there is no indifference in either of your posts.imbecile
- no *differenceimbecile
- anyone who says 'fighting back against oppressors' in 2023 is an idiot in my bookshotroddy
- pango, judging by your level of intellect I wouldn't be surprised if you're sucking off canada's tit.hotroddy
- Ya ya, and Huxley was an idiotGnash
- Sounds familiar...
https://tinyurl.com/…Gnash - you're asking too much if you think imbécil understands your references. . it's the brave new world you're living in.hotroddy
- the left can't teach basic math. you think they know aldous huxley?hotroddy
- https://en.wikipedia…whatthefunk
- Germany is the perfect example of tolerant accepting intolerance. all because of the monkey on their back circa 1945hotroddy
- in case anyone stupid wondered how wrong hr was by laughing at the idea of homosexuals being held down or marginalized...imbecile
- https://www.splcente…imbecile
- I see you're having fun without me, ladies********
- please don't misgender mehotroddy
- whatthefunk0
- in other words...OBEYfaxion
- muslims & gays in west?shapesalad
- try to write contract and tolerance as often as possible in a few senentences and make clear not is underlyned and big was the challenge here... lolneverscared
- The standards for what is considered intolerance has been moved to intolerable low levels.jagara
- hmm, strange people get upset about cops killing people in the street, laws being overturned despite popular vote, politicians proudly galavanting around guiltyimbecile
- https://mediaproxy.s…imbecile
- are people supposed to be tolerant of racists, white supremacists, christo-fascists?imbecile
- drgs-1
- Kai, Ash & Rainbow living their best life!palimpsest
- The?shapesalad
- Sounds like an imbecileGnash
- Run Davis_niko
- what are they even talking about?milfhunter
- Yeah I don't think 'dude' is the one being toxic in this circlejerk of luxury beliefs.i_monk
- Its a joke, copypastakingsteven
- Luxury beliefs... Love thatGnash
- What stage of the universe 25 simulation experiment are we at now?_niko
- Gnash thought a popular internet joke was mine!? *blushes*imbecile
- drgs0
An easy way to define woke:
True share of gay/trans people worldwide is around 1-2% (this includes closet homosexuals). This has probably been this way thought all times.
LGBT identification in US in 2023 is 7.5% (openly gay/queer).
(5.6% in 2021.
4.1% in 2016.
3.5% in 2012.)So, you have a difference of 5-6% which constitutes a layer of cultural parasites, people who are "identifying out of heterosexuality to gain the perceived cache of an oppressed minority" © i_monk
And, to add to that, who in the end will potentially end up hurting the original 1-2% gay core by the bad PR they bring to the table.
Similarly with race wokeness which is almost always represented not by people of color themselves, but by some lilac-haired intermediaries.
Basically these "intermediaries" represent the woke horde.
This makes all discussions about wokeness very confusing because it feels like you're attacking the original 1-2% core of gay people, but in reality eveyone should understand: all critique is targeted at the woke leeches.
- I wouldn't have a clue but you seem to be making a massive assumption on the numbers - what they mean and why they might have changedFax_Benson
- I'm comparing to lgbt identification in non-woke western countries. Say, Norway is at 1.2%drgs
- Old data, but still https://williamsinst…drgs
- could people feel less comfortable identifying non-hetero in 'non-woke' countries, or did feel less comfortable in 2012 compared to 2023?Fax_Benson
- I don't know. 7+% seems high to me, anecdotally, but it's a leap to assume half of those are lying about being gay without a bit more insightFax_Benson
- Assume that the real share of lgbt in Norway was 7+% in 2011. This means that 85% of all gay Norwegians were in the closet in 2011. I really, really doubt thatdrgs
- You think 7% is high?
https://datawrapper.…drgs - Yeah 7% probably ridiculously high. if you remove experimenting college girls and only fans simp baiters then the real number is closer to .01%_niko
- Lilac hair isn’t an indicator of “true gayness” so how about not attacking any of them? Why not ignore the people you’re hating on instead of giving themscarabin
- ...the oppression you claim they want? You’re just feeding the cycle with your “brave and cool” reposting of hate memesscarabin
- I did not understand what you wrote. To me lilac hair is an indicator of fake gayness. What are fake queers oppressed by?drgs
- Lol. You honestly think “true” lgbt folks never color their hair? That’s just ignorant. And you just said fake queers wanted to be an “oppressed minority”scarabin
- So you tell me. I’m guessing it involves dumping on folks onlinescarabin
- Ok, you try: why is there a 2-fold difference between gen z and millennials. We are in 2023, all groups should feel comfortable enough to come out of the closetdrgs
- Assume there are no fakes, and gen z is the most liberated generation:
https://datawrapper.…drgs - So, all other generations should also be around 20%. How come there are differences? I'm genuinely interested in any explanationsdrgs
- You’re genuinely perplexed as to why a boomer might still be a boomer in 2023?scarabin
- By the concept of a younger generation being more accepting of life on the kinsey scale?scarabin
- You keep complaining about “LGBTQ” becoming a longer, more inclusive acronym and then are surprised when more people appear to fall under that flag?scarabin
- No, I am perplexed as to why half of millennials (my age) are in the closetdrgs
- You really imagine folks are sucking dick and then after taking a load in their mouth are like “sike, i’m just doing this for the upvotes”?scarabin
- This I also want to find outdrgs
- When I think about it, they are not doing anything/not having sex/share of virgins is approaching Japanese levelsdrgs
- Maybe because the millennial community isn’t as accepting as gen Z. I mean look at you. Who would wanna come out around someone like you?scarabin
- This graph shows exactly this -- share of people who have not had sex
https://datawrapper.…drgs - ...and be immediately labeled a “fake queer”?scarabin
- That's my working theorydrgs
- Did you post the wrong graph? It sounds like you’re suggesting there are some folks not having sex and that they’re all secret fake queersscarabin
- Clearly a trend
https://datawrapper.…drgs - Uh huh. And you’re suggesting those are the fake queers?scarabin
- They’ve given up sex so they can dye their hair and drink bud light?scarabin
- I am. But what came first chicken or the egg? Are people identifying as lgbt because they are not having sex, or the other way around?drgs
- Whatever it is, its the same country which has "no homo promo" and "don't say gay" laws, same as Russia. America is a truly sick societydrgs
- You’re assuming a true correlation when there’s no evidence to support it so your question is loadedscarabin
- I asked you for your theorydrgs
- Asexuality is a form of sexuality and folks are becoming more comfortable coming out as whatever nowscarabin
- Maybe look at japan like you mentioned, for other socio-economic factors. Assuming they’re all fake queer agents of woke is a bit paranoidscarabin
- The japanese virgins do not hide behind LGBT labelsdrgs
- Right, which is another reason why assuming all asexuals in the US doing so is sillyscarabin
- "LGBTQRSTUV" keeps getting longer because the LGB organizations of the 70s–90s needed to stay relevant. Nearly everyone after the "B" is straight.i_monk
- Just to save you the time drgs, Scarabin won the argument like 25 posts ago. There's no need for you to respond againbogue
- I identified as asexual too, because I wasn't ready to accept I was gay. Some of these identities are coping strategies for gays and women seeking to avoid whati_monk
- tends to come along with being gay or a woman in a straight society. The rest are tumblr affectations and social contagions that did not exist until 10 yrs ago.i_monk
- Spicy straights are now larping oppression having never faced the devastation of HIV, being denied housing or a job, denied equal rights, etc, and can (and do)i_monk
- fall back on their straightness whenever it's convenient.i_monk
- ^ well saidGnash
- I would venture a guess that younger people are closer to/in that experimentation age. they're more open to considering it today than people were 30+ years agocotton
- 'Spicy straights' lol, love it. +1,Nairn
- The devastation of HIV is from all the unprotected, stupid buttfucking with strangers, so don't play the victim card here.********
- I’m bi and in a straight LTR. That does not make me any less bi. I always have been & still amshellie
- But being bi is the least of my problems. Sexuality is something you can hide in public or work. I’ve had my share of oppression as a Black woman in America.shellie
- Shellie, I'm not trying to undermine your experiences. 'oppression' as a broad definition means unjust treatment under the guise of government authority.hotroddy
- What have your experiences with oppression been in California if any?hotroddy
- feel free to avoid the question if it's too personal. It's not every day I get to ask this to someone who feels this way and I genuinely want to learn.hotroddy
- I have faced extreme abd sometimes scary forms of oppression and racism even in california, yes. Down to ky 5th grade teacher denying access to advanced classesshellie
- To being followed for being in a biracial relationship and holding hands in public. Si yes opression based on race exidts even in “left” states.shellie
- Im surprised i have to explain that to someone. Black people are not imagining this experience. we are being shot and killed for our skin color all the time!shellie
- Im 100% sure with my AAA credit and offers of full years rent up front, race had to do with me being denied housing by an owner/landlord but cant prove it.shellie
- But i was first to view and put in an offer, still lost to another offer put in after me. Just moved on after instead of fighting it. Fight woulda cost me $.shellie
- For the record @hotroddy most of california are not democrats thats just a few cities. Go 40 miles to places like Redlands and you might as well be in Texasshellie
- Left leaning counties in CA are more populated and have more voting power. But Ive been screamed at with the N-word & ran off the road just miles from my house.shellie
- And that incident happed while up in the mountains maybe 75 miles from my house in LA (Big Bear).shellie
- ********-2
"Anyone who has a uterus and ovaries could become pregnant and give birth.
People who are born male and living as men cannot get pregnant. A transgender man or nonbinary person may be able to, however."
This is fucking absurd.
- Is a woman without a uterus not a female?whatthefunk
- Anyone who has a uterus and ovaries is called a biological woman. A biological woman without a uterus is still a woman.********
- oh, we're on with that shit, ok, enjoy...whatthefunk
- Fuck off, whatthecunt********
- stop worrying about what's in another person's pants, wtf is wrong with you, maybe think about thatwhatthefunk
- Yes, we're on with that real shit. If you want to bend reality for your own profits, then suck a dick with AIDS on the tip.********
- how does this impact you at all? Why the fuck do you care? This has become pathologicalwhatthefunk
- I never said I'm worrying about anyone's body parts, so stop being a stupid fag.********
- you sure talk about other people's reproductive organs a lot, you ok? Jealous, envious, closeted, shy, curious, what's the deal?whatthefunk
- I can talk about whatever I want, cunt********
- Here's a question: anyone who has a uterus and ovaries is called...?********
- man wasn't synonymous with 'male' until very recently. we still call women 'men'. goodwill to all men etc. is it that absurd?kingsteven
- yawn.whatthefunk
- Cunt********
- Hey crazyprick, what about a person with a uterus and a penis (aka a hermaphrodite).robotinc
- You do hormonal, genetic and radiological tests, consult everything with doctors and a decision is made.********
- https://pbs.twimg.co…Gnash
- drgs1
I remember in late 90s in our class we would discuss a wide range of wild topics, which are unthinkable to talk about it in schools today.
Which made me realize: One really bad aspect of cancel culture is that people who refrain from voicing their opinions tend to seek out other likeminded people, who share the same opinions, forcing people into each their own camp.
I mean, as if America wasn't fragmented enough, this really is not going to help
- Live and let live unless you want to oppress a marginalized group then fuck off you piece of shit.whatthefunk
- ^ The question isn't about 'live and let live' or are you suggesting Nazi's? KKK? Peadofile's? ISIS? are all good as long as we don't talk about them.Morning_star
- no, I'm saying the opposite. Do you believe their ethos is live and let live?whatthefunk
- LiVe AnD lEt LiVe hahaha you're a fucking disgrace********
- None of your shite makes any sense, it's all bullshit, you're fucked in the headwhatthefunk
- Said the live love laugh retarded cunt with zero fucking arguments.********
- @drgs looks like the gringos will have to go through this phase. the movies weren't about the teachings of fashism/nazzis/bolch... just about killing them.uan
- while ya'll wondering what's in another's pants/bodies we're wondering why you're fucked in the head - you're worse off, ironically. Figure ur shite out doltwhatthefunk
- ‘Dolt’ lol, nice.Morning_star
- You have nothing. NOTHING, you fucking loser.********
- @drgs curious - what are some of the topics you used to discuss in class in the late 90s?Krassy
- Where’s the talk these days about Limp bizkit, NSYNC and the millenium bug?Morning_star
- chill drgs, don't confuse being contradicted with being persecuted, it'll be ok snowflakewhatthefunk
- A typical discussion: we invite Jehovah witnesses and grill them with questions, former prison director tells us prison anecdotes, drug addicts tell their storydrgs
- Immigration, gay stereotypes, all sorts of topicsdrgs
- I think what he’s saying is if we don’t let him drag shit into the house and smear it all over the sofa he’ll fuck off to 4chan and that’s bad for americascarabin
- Also, life apparently peaked for him in junior highscarabin
- Scab, are you crying?drgs
- Yeah, i love a good sob storyscarabin
- What's with the whiny tonedrgs
- Tinnitus?scarabin
- Has it gotten that bad? Look at you, your hands are shaking, you follow me in every thread..
Take some time off, if you don't feel better stay in tomorrowdrgs - Lol. You mean one thread. Two interactions including this one. I’ve been playing zelda all morning, you don’t have half my attention homiescarabin
- look how crazyprick is enjoying the thread right although on page 1 he said its obsolete.... shizo is gonna shizo.. lazy shit crazy prick ...lolneverscared
- I call people stupid cunts and fags in a bunch of threads. It's just another day at the office. And I still think this thread should not exist, because... 1/2********
- 2/2 a) you made it, cunt and b) a small group of fucktards is trying to bend reality saying shit like a man can give birth. Fuck them. Stay oppressed, cunts.********