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  • NBQ00-8

    Well, Israel vs Hezbollah is still on the table. Especially after recent attack on northern Israel.


    Also Germany calls all citizens to leave Lebanon urgently.

    It looks like a full scale war is about to happen.

  • NBQ00-6

    Erdogan threatens Israel. Turkey threatens to ‘enter’ Israel to protect Palestinians


    Several airlines including Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, Aegean Airlines, Ethiopian Air, and Middle East Airlines have reportedly canceled flights to Beirut for July 29-30 in anticipation of an Israeli response to the Hezbollah attack that killed 12 children in northern Israel on Saturday.


  • NBQ00-5

  • NBQ00-7

    Breaking: Israel bombards one of the largest residential neighborhoods in central Beirut.


  • PhanLo2

  • NBQ00-8

    Israel Kills Hamas leader in Teheran air strike. That fucker was amassing millions and millions of $$ living in riches while Gaza people suffer.

  • NBQ00-7

  • NBQ00-9

    Iran to attack Israel in the next 24-48hrs.

    Iran will launch the initial attack against Israel, with the help of Iraq, Yemen and Syria. Cities and infrastructure targets will be attacked first, and then Hezbollah will also respond in a second wave!


    • You must be nearly spent, surely?

      You must have some hella effective lube.
    • To the circumcision thread!:
      This is the problem with you Yanks, you can't outwank yourselves. It never becomes Too Much.
    • I think I just worked out the entire getsalt reality of the warmonger problem: Circumcised Men Can't Ever Outwank Themselves. So, Murder.Nairn
    • I don't think they will do it during the Olympics, maybe after, in September... everyone wants the maximum share in the media.OBBTKN
    • It never happenedYakuZoku
  • PhanLo3

  • PhanLo0

  • _niko10

    Slow clap for Mossad.
    You gotta hand it to them, this security breach and infiltration was Trojan horse level.

    3000 injured and 9 dead from simultaneously exploding pagers.


    fucking nuts, I'm guessing that since they managed to rig them with explosives they were also monitoring the communication as well.

    But did they have to rig something that you carry at dick-level. Just fucking evil.

    • Well. Shit.Nairn
    • imagine playing with your baby, or reading to your toddler on your lap and it goes off. Just unimaginably sick and unjustified... and I'm guessing illegal_niko
    • Dang. And pagers were invented by a Jew, shoulda done their researchGnash
    • the scale of this operation should be the conversation.imbecile
    • I don't think they had to rig them with explosives, it's just the batteries that can get overheated until explosion.
      But yes, very smart/evil.
    • Savage. That's Mossad for you.Continuity
    • given they are pagers neither popular battery style traditionally used is really susceptible to such sabotage within a short time span even with trojan softwareimbecile
    • as to say, how quickly and reliably could the internal circuits of an unmolested pager be used to detonate only itself?imbecile
    • Crazy. Sure they can do the same with the smartphones...OBBTKN
    • These weren’t batteries burning. Mossad must have installed explosives by interior using the supply chainGnash
    • Interrupting *Gnash
    • this reads like a plot from an unproduced Bond film from the 90’s. the must have asked HollywoodGPT for some fresh ideas.monNom
    • Israel is dancing circles around Iran and Hezbollah with all these actions... but this is also basically just terrorism on a mass scale.yuekit
    • And even if you killed a hundred Hezbollah members I'm sure there will be a thousand new recruits who can fire the rockets into Israel. So it's "clever" butyuekit
    • neither side seems to be thinking rationally about where this is all headed. Iran/Hezbollah/Hamas will undoubtably try to respond with some kind of terroristyuekit
    • attack of their own.yuekit
    • something out of a 90s action movieinteliboy
    • think of where people keep pagers. lots of hips blown up, and dicks blown off.Akagiyama
    • I didn’t even know pagers existed anymore... and THOUSANDS were detonated? Where they handing these out or something?toemaas
    • from what i've read it doesn't seem like actual explosives. cuz one of those 3000 people would have gone on air plane and they would have noticed the explosivespango
    • more likely someone figured out how to stress out the batteries to make them explode.pango
    • we've all seen videos of batteries explode.
      but not pagers rigged with explosives.
    • It looks like they did plant them with explosives after all.yuekit
    • https://www.reuters.…yuekit
    • It was just some kind of explosive material that can't be detected easily but can be triggered remotely. And somehow Hezbollah ordered from a companyyuekit
    • that allowed Israel to do this. Maybe the person in Lebanon who ordered the pagers was secretly helping Israel.yuekit
    • Who the fuck uses pagers in 2024... oh, okay, medieval cunts. What a ridiculous time to be alive! Cant wait for the Hollywood version of this bullshit.Ianbolton
    • Are pagers the new burners?mort_
    • Where the pagers owners terrorists? I am confused is this a random terrorist attack by Israel?Salarrue
    • I need to know: WHAT was the last message they got on the pager?stewart
    • ^ ”your 72 virgins are waiting”Gnash
    • "Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on February 13 warned the group's supporters that their phones were more dangerous than Israeli spies"sted
    • Reuters my ass it isn't running from Taiwan.sted
    • BAC in Budapest is one of the "trading" companies... CEO said: "I don't make beepers. I'm just the mediator. I think they got it wrong.”sted
    • no matter how smart it seems its a real inhumane, disgusting solution, what only catalyzes further conflict.sted
    • it really perfectly shows that both sides are filthy terrorists who are a threat to the rest of humanity on every level.sted
    • this is surgical targeting, at least. better than random bomb drops in populated, non-military areasGnash
    • "who use pagers?" ER doctors do. and people who needs to be contacted where cell phone usually have weaker signals.pango
    • It had to be an intercepted lot / modified pagers. Lithium batteries don't explode, they pop and start spewing liquid fire all over the place.garbage
    • Mossad's been rigging cell phones with bombs since the 90s, and now they have everybody scared of cell phones and pagers.garbage
    • Enter: Explosive Messenger Pigeons.garbage
    • the terrorists (not ER docs, lol) switched to using pagers because they believed Mossad had intercepted their cell trafficGnash
    • Obviously not the reason ER Doc switched lol. In fact ER Doc didn't switch. they picked it on purpose. Because pager signals are stronger than cell phone.pango
    • It was a reply to someone's question. lol wasn't even talking to you.pango
  • monospaced5

    Holy shit. Walkie Talkies now blowing up in second attack.

    • This is all truly mind-blowing. Between this, and the attack in Iran that killed a Hezbollah leader with a bomb hidden in his room in an Iranian compound...mg33
    • it makes me wonder what Mossad CAN'T do. As news orgs have stated, the psychological effect of this is potentially crippling to them.mg33
    • This is wild. Basically took down their communications and have them scared to use a device moving forward. This could be pivotal.monospaced
    • Right. So what happens when non-Hezbollah people are using walkie-talkies like, say, construction workers as an example, and they blow?Continuity
    • Fucking barbaric.Continuity
    • So, to be clear, I’m not condoning this. Just in case that’s what you gathered and that’s why you are responding like that.monospaced
    • No, no. I'm just shocked at the scale of it all.Continuity
    • https://www.reddit.c…garbage
    • Walkie Talkie bombs at the funerals of yesterday's dead, no less.garbage
    • crazyYakuZoku
    • lol. These aren’t walkie-talkies that people are buying at Walmart ffs. They’re hezbolla equipGnash
    • I hope somonospaced
    • I'd suggest 2 cans and a string, but Mossad probably replaced the string with detcord.Akagiyama
  • yuekit3

    You have to question whether Israel was actually behind the Iranian president's death and both sides just pretended it was an accident because the implications would be too much to deal with.

    Maybe it was just an accident but it does seem like this is like the end of the Godfather where he killed everyone at once.

  • i_monk10

    If Israel can infiltrate target Hezbollah members so precisely, it means their shooting and bombing of civilians in Gaza is entirely avoidable and therefore deliberate.

    • < correctContinuity
    • They ended up killing loads of kids and medical workers, so seems more or less their usual style.PhanLo
    • It means they can do both.monospaced
    • Works both waysGnash
    • It means they literally don't give a shit about The Innocent.
      This is old testament smiting, writ anew. Again.
    • I don’t the get the impression either side is doing any better or worse in that regardmonospaced
    • Yeah, but one by far wields the bigger stick and so, imperatively, the greater moral weight.Nairn
    • If they are so capably-able to do what they have done just now in Lebanon, I find it hard to believe they were not also at least somewhat aware of what was ...Nairn
    • ... going to happen a year ago.Nairn
    • A couple of kibbutz and a hippie festival? More than an adequate price to pay.Nairn
    • They were alerted to the planned attack by Egypt days or weeks earlier.i_monk
    • It wasn't just Egypt warning them, Israel had the literal blueprint for this attack about a year prior to Hamas carrying it out. Top brass ignored it.garbage
    • https://www.nytimes.…garbage
    • I don't think this is necessarily true. Not defending the killing of civilians but they may just have much better intelligence in Lebanon than in Gaza.yuekit
  • yuekit2

    • is it against international laws to do this? They dont have any consideration for innocent people who could be close to these explosions.HAL9001
    • Imagine something like this happening in the USA. China is already, probably, spying on us via all the gadgets they selling us.HAL9001
    • there will be an other plot twist in a few hours :)sted
    • When a device/gadget comes with a Memory Card I never use it or plug the thing into a laptop/phone without getting a new card first.microkorg
  • sted1

    "Only cash flows - about 1.6 million euros - passed through Bulgaria. The money was sent to Hungary, DANS claims, BTV writes on its website."

    Norta Global Ltd (Norta Global). A reference to its company file shows that it was registered in Sofia on April 14, 2022. Its headquarters are also located in the capital, on Vitosha Blvd. And the subject of activity is "technological project management". The owner and manager of Norta Global, according to the registry, is Norwegian citizen Rinson Jose. The contact phone number is also Norwegian.

    Or next stop:

  • PhanLo7

  • PhanLo2

    • They waited a whileGnash
    • soonYakuZoku
    • I don't think they're doing it because they are upset by the genocide.PhanLo
  • milfhunter5

    Groundwar has begun

    • Honestly, this is a dead end, this will never stop because no one is going to give up.
      It's just going to escalade.
    • And again, again and again. You're right Ape, this will never stop... sad :(OBBTKN
    • Where's Jared Kushner?BusterBoy
    • Isreal have a constant bombardment of missiles thrown at them daily. This was inevitable and I can't see how it will ever end.Ianbolton
    • Who could possibly have foreseen these difficulties when thinking up the idea of Zionism?!!mort_
    • ^cherub
    • ^^Continuity
    • ^^^kingsteven
    • it could end tomorrow if the US decided to stop their funding. the lie is that Joe is powerless to stop it despite signing off on billions.face_melter
    • Joe is 'so angry' that the genocidal maniacs he funds and enables are continuing their atrocities.face_melter
    • and that the US Govt. is bumbling around not knowing how this could ever end. meanwhile, more civilains die and Joe shrugs his shoulders and eats ice cream.face_melter
    • Stop blaming the USmonospaced
    • https://upload.wikim…palimpsest
    • The Israel lobby in the US use their huge amount of power to influence policy and narrative in favour of Israel.mort_
    • He is powerless to change this.mort_
    • (Biden)mort_
    • He's also pro Israel, always has been.mort_
    • This has the USA's fingerprints all over it.utopian
    • Yes USA is involved big time.milfhunter
  • HAL9001-2

    Violence and hatred breeds violence and hatred

    It's a downward spiral.

    Israel isn't fixing anything, they're making everything worse for the future.

    • There's nothing truer about your first sentence but what lasting solution would you propose that all sides will be agreeable to?Morning_star
    • about = thanMorning_star
    • If they stopped fighting that would end the war.palimpsest
    • i dont have a solution but hatred and violence is obviously and clearly not the solution.HAL9001
    • Everyone would need to work together but its just impossible doing this when everyone is drowning in hatred.HAL9001
    • Netanyahu won’t accept a Palestinian state, He wants to colonise what’s left of Palestine and make it Israel.mort_
    • How can anyone work together when that’s the starting point?mort_
    • I'm trying to figure out what — if anything — is new in this post that everyone, their dogs, and their dogs' descendents didn't already know.Continuity
    • Why can’t we all just get along?mort_
    • Netanyahu is terrible but it's strange how no one on the Palestinian side second guesses the decision to attack Israel in the first place.yuekit
    • Maybe because Palestinians know the UN did them dirty in 1948 because giving most of their land to someone else, and are rightly pissed off that the occupiersContinuity
    • ... of said land keep encroaching on what's left and committing genocide in the process?
      Just a thought.
    • The war within is the greatest war of allrobthelad
    • ^ great. We can all go home now.mort_
    • @continuity yes and als treating the Arabs that live within Israel like second class citizens. They make up 20% of population.mort_
    • @mort also correct.Continuity
    • Agreed.Ramanisky2
    • All of that is true Continuity but you still have to think about the impact of any actions taken. 10/7 attack did nothing to solve any of those issues.yuekit
    • Also true, yuekit.mort_
    • Oh, I think the attack accomplished a lot: namely, showing Israel up to be the belligerent terrorist entity that it is. Between their whole Lebensraum thing andContinuity
    • ... their evident mission to exterminate Palestinians, I'm having all the trouble in the world distinguishing them from Nazi Germany, which is a pretty ...Continuity
    • ... sad irony.Continuity
    • lol retards are retardingGnash
    • Oh, Gash.
      You keep that extermination boner up.
    • oh gee, I can't figure out why the bad jews are attacking hezboblah? bad bad jewsGnash
    • only one side has extermination written into their constitution, nimrodGnash
    • but words don't matter when da joos are involvedGnash
    • and guess who the real colonizers are in the region? (hint, it's not the jews)Gnash
    • I'm guessing you think it's the squirrels?mort_
    • flol this is awesome.
      Keep going, Gash, don't stop now!
    • that covers it :)Gnash
    • Boo. You were starting to get really funny there, for once.Continuity
    • Neither side ever wanted peace or a two state solution. But both sides always wanted to exterminate each other. So here we are.utopian
    • https://www.thatsmag…YakuZoku