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Design circle jerk
This gets a bit incoherent at times but I think her sentiment is bang on. Takes a set of nads to d…
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Design 'Tests'
I've recently been applying for UI gigs with a handful of tech companies and most of them have requested I do a design 'test' as p…
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Content entry phase in website project
This has been an ongoing problem for my company for as long as I can remember and is only getting worse as the sites we build beco…
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jQuery help
This is probably really simple but I'm having a rough time getting this thing working. I'm using the simple modal plugin:…
I have the following link in my…
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Online event registration
I'm building a site that requires event registration and payment. There likely won't be more than 30 events at any given time. The…
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Toronto Star redesign
Check it:
I'm feeling the multiple views. Especially the Visual View. Though that's probab…
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Flash video question
I'm building a site that utilizes full screen flash video behind html content. It's only on the homepage that the video appears. I…
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Referral incentives
I'm considering offering referral incentives to certain friends/business colleagues/past clients that connect me with new clients…
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Loop FLV CS4
Newb to flash. Been searching the google for the last hour and haven't come up with any solutions that pertain to CS4/AS3. The tas…
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Site test please
Can someone with IE7 please check this page and tell me if the images beneath the title are loading. For some reason they won't lo…
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KFC Double Down
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17" MBP Unibody
Anyone that owns one of these...
Do you feel the screen resolution is too high? I was looking at one in the store and everythin…
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Why IE will never die
90% of the population can't even explain what a browser is, let alone discern a shit…
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Wrapping a div in an anchor tag
I'm building a page with thumbnail navigation. Each nav item consists of a thumbnail and a title below. I'm setting the thumbnails to fade in and out on rollover with js. It's working well in every browser but IE. Problem is, when mousing over a thumbnail in IE, ra…
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jQuery localscroll
Anyone used this before:…
Seems dead simple, but I'm pretty green when i…
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sIFR 3 woes
Anyone have problems getting sIFR to recognize flash movies that you've exported? I know I have my files set up correctly (paths e…
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centralize html menu with includes
I'm building a static html site, the first in a while, with about 3 dozen pages that go three levels deep. Ideally, I'd like some …
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Good text editors for windows
So I now have a PC laptop for testing and I'd like to install a text editor so I can work on it when away from my desktop.
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Recommend Jquery image galleries
I'm looking for some nice jquery image galleries that don't look like this:…
I want si…